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Cloud Point of Petroleum Oil

Arthur Christian E. Solemne

Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of San Carlos -
Talamban Campus, 6000 Nasipit, Talamban, Cebu City, Philippines
School of Engineering

The goal of this lab experiment was to establish the cloud point of a sample of petroleum
oil. The cloud point of the petroleum oil sample was discovered to be between - 15°C and

Keywords: cloud point, petroleum oil

I. Introduction
Oil's cloud point is one of its characteristics that influences how it is used and stored. The
temperature at which paraffin wax starts to separate from oil and solidify is known as the cloud
point of oil. This paraffin wax separation can be distinguished in the oil as a noticeable
cloudiness or haziness. It is crucial to use an oil above its cloud point since the presence of this
solidified wax could clog fuel lines, filters, and other tight locations where oil is designed to
For this experiment, a sample of petroleum oil will undergo three trials to establish its
cloud point. The sample will be put into the test jar, which will then be lowered into a chilling
bath. The test jar will be pulled out and examined for sample cloudiness at predetermined
temperature intervals. The cloud point is the temperature at which there are clouds present.

II. Scope and Limitations

● The methods cover only petroleum oils which are transparent in layers 38mm (1 ½ in)
thickness, and with a cloud point below 49°C (120°F).
It's possible there are constraints in the experiment's approach. The test jar's compact analog
thermometer is lowered deeply into the cooling bath, as can be seen in figure 1. The test jar
needed to be taken out in order to check the sample oil's temperature. Unfortunately, the test
jar would become fogged by the condensate from the ice in the cooling bath, which would
prolong the time it took to read the thermometer and replace the test jar. These characteristics
made it challenging to determine whether the sample oil's temperature had dropped. If a long,
digital thermometer had been utilized, these errors might have been prevented (with its display
placed outside the test jar).
III. Materials and Apparatus
A. Petroleum oil sample (Shell Helix HX5 15W-40)
B. Test jar – a test jar of clear, cylindrical glass, flat bottom, 30 to 33.5-mm inside diameter
and 115 and 125-mm height. The jar should be marked with a line to indicate sample
height 54±3 mm above the inside bottom.
C. Thermometer – Thermometers having ranges shown below and conforming to the
requirement as prescribed in Specification E or Specification for IP Standard

Table 1. Thermometer Ranges

Thermometer Number

High Cloud and 38 to +500 °C 5°C 1°C

Pour 36 to +1200 °F 5°F 1°F

Low Cloud and 80 to 200 °C 6°C 2°C

Pour 112 to +700 °F 6°F 2°F

D. Cork – A cork to fit the test jar, bored centrally for the test thermometer.
E. Jacket – A metal or glass, water tight cylindrical flat bottom jacket about 115-mm in depth,
42 to 50-mm inside diameter. It must be supported free of excessive vibration and firmly in
a vertical position in the cooling bath of 5.7 so that not more than 25-mm (l-in) projects out
of the cooling medium.
F. Disk – A disk made of cork or felt, 6-mm thick to loosely inside the jacket.
G. Gasket – A gasket to fit snugly around the outside of the test jar and loosely inside the
jacket. The gasket may be made of rubber, leather or other materials which is elastic
enough to ding the test jar and hard enough to hold its shape. Its purpose is to prevent the
test jar from touching the jacket.
H. Bath – A bath or baths maintained at prescribed temperatures with a firm support to hold
the jacket vertical. The required bath temperatures may be maintained by refrigeration if
available, otherwise by suitable freezing temperatures.
Note 1 – The mixtures commonly used for temperatures down to those shown ate as
Table 2. Cooling Bath Materials and Temperatures

For temperatures down to

Ice and water 50°F (10°C)

Crushed ice and sodium chloride crystals 10°F (-12°C)

Crushed ice and calcium chloride crystals -15°F (-26°C)

Acetone, alcohol, or petroleum naphtha chilled in a

covered metal beaker with an ice-salt mixture to -12°C
-70°F (-57°C)
then with enough solid carbon dioxide to give the
decided temperature.

Figure 1: The cooling bath, test jar, cork, and thermometer used in the experiment
IV. Procedure
1. Bring the oil to be tested to a temp at least 14°C (25°F) above the approximately cloud
point. Remove any moisture present by a method such as filtration thru dry lint less filter
paper until the oil is perfectly clean but make such filtration at a temp of at least 14°C
(25°F) above the approximate cloud point.
2. Pour the clear oil into the jar to the lever mark.
3. Close the test jar tightly by the cork carrying the test thermometer (Note 1). Use the
High Cloud and Pour Thermometer if the expected cloud point is above -38°C (-36°F)
and the Low Cloud and ·Pour Thermometer if the expected cloud point is below -38°C
(-36°F). Adjust the position of the cork and the thermometer so that the cork fits tightly,
the thermometer and the jar are coaxial, and the thermometer bulb is resting on the
bottom of the jar.
Note 1 – Since liquid column separation of thermometers occasionally occurs and may
escape detection, thermometers should be checked immediately prior to the test and
used only if their iced points are 0 ± 1°C (32 ± 2°F).
4. See that the disk, gasket and the inside of the jacket are clean and dry. Place the disk in
the bottom of the jacket. Place the gasket around the test jar, 25-mm (l-in) from the
bottom. Insert the test jar in the jacket. Never place a jar directly into the cooling
5. Maintain the temperature of the cooling bath at -1 to +2°C (30 to 35°F).
6. At each test thermometer reading that is a multiple of 1°C (2°F), remove the test jar
from the jacket quickly but without disturbing the oil, inspect for cloud, and replace the
jacket. This complete equation shall require not more than 3 seconds. If the oil does not
show a cloud when it has been cooled to 10°C (50°F) transfer the test jar to a jacket in
the second bath maintained at a temperature of -18°C to 15°C. Do not transfer the jacket.
If the oil does not show a cloud when it has been cooled to -70C, transfer the test jar to a
jacket in the third bath maintained at a temperature of -35 to -32°C (-30 to -25°F). For
the determination of very low cloud points, additional baths are required. Each bath to
be maintained at l 7°C (30°F) below when the temperature of the oil comes to 28°C
(50°F) above the temperature of the next bath.
7. When such inspection first reveals a distinct cloudiness or haze in the oil at the bottom
of the test jar, record the reading of the test thermometer as the cloud point.
Note 2 – A wax cloud or haze is always noted first at the bottom of the test jar where
the temperature is lowest. A slight haze throughout the entire sample, which slowly
becomes more apparent as the temperature is lowered
V. Results and Discussion
Table 3: Measured Cloud Points of Tested Sample
Trial Cloud Point Temperature

1 -15°C

2 -16°C

3 -15°C

Average -15.33°C

The average of the three experiments' recorded cloud points for the petroleum oil sample
may be found in Table 3. It can be seen that the cloud points observed are nearly identical, with
trial 2's cloud point 1°C colder than trials 1 and 3. This suggests that the sample's cloud point is
between -15°C and -16°C.

VI. Sample Calculations:

. Calculation of the Average Cloud Point of the Petroleum Sample:

𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝐶𝑙𝑜𝑢𝑑 𝑃𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡 = 3
=− 15. 33°𝐶
VII. Conclusion

.The petroleum oil sample's cloud point was effectively identified. The sample's cloud point
was discovered to be between -15°C and -16°C. Any errors in the data are the result of the
time it took to obtain temperature readings, which was prolonged by the analog thermometer's
limited length and condensate obstructing its field of view. It is advised to use a digital
thermometer. The experiment's findings are important because an oil's cloud point must be
understood before it can be applied in a particular situation or climate.

1. Can the cloud point test be applied to non-transparent oils?
No, because the oil needs to be relatively transparent in order to see the cloudiness in the
2. How significant is the cloud point of an oil sample in determining its performance as a
The cloud point is very significant in determining the performance of an oil lubricant
because it determines whether or not the oil will clog narrow orifices and spaces at
colder temperatures.
[1] Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Innovations in Fuel Economy and Sustainable Road
Transport, 1st ed. Sawston, United Kingdom: Woodhead Publishing, 2011, pp. 99.
Accessed: Dec. 12, 2022. [Online]. Available:
[2] S. A. Treese, P. R. Pujadó, D. S. J. Jones, Handbook of Petroleum Processing, 2nd ed.
New York City, New York: Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 79. Accessed:
Dec. 12, 2022. [Online]. Available:

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