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Mini Project Report Submitted to

Shivaji University, Kolhapur

As a part of studies at Third Year

Bachelor of Technology


Chemical Technology

Under the Faculty of Engineering & Technology


Mr. Pratik Kapadne

Mr. Avinash Verulkar
Mr. Chandrahas Shinde
Mr. Anuj Chopade


Year: 2021-22
Ink from carbon black (soot) ii


We hereby declare that the Mini project report entitled, ‘Ink from Carbon
black(soot)’ has been completed and written by us us as a part of studies at
Third Year Bachelor of Technology in Chemical Technology. The contents
of this report are written by us and are not copied from any source or
published anywhere in any form prior to the submission, for the award of
any graduate/ post graduate course.

Mr. Pratik Kapadne

Mr. Avinash Verulkar

Mr. Chandrahas Shinde

Mr. Anuj Chopade


Place: Kolhapur
Ink from carbon black (soot) iii


This is to certify that the Mini project work entitled ‘ title of the project’
has been assessed by us and found to be completed in all aspects for
fulfillment of work to be done under Mini Project head of Second Year
B.Tech (Chemical Technology) which is being submitted herewith to the
Program in ‘Bachelor of Technology’ in Chemical Technology of Shivaji
University, Kolhapur. It is the result of the work completed by

Mr. Pratik Kapadne

Mr. Avinash Verulkar

Mr. Chandrahas Shinde

Mr. Anuj Chopade

External Examiner Program Coordinator


Place: Kolhapur
Ink from carbon black (soot) iv



CO statements Attainment levels

Low Medium High
1 Identify social, environmental, market needs and
2 Understand design and development stages in
electronics engineering projects.
3 Apply engineering knowledge for solving real
world problems.
4 Manage project and finance.
5 Provide technological solutions on recent
problems and lifelong learning.
6 Work in team, follow ethical practices, and
prepare documentation and presentation.

Student signatures




External Examiner Program Coordinator

B.Tech.(Chemical Technology)
PO PO Statements Attainment levels
No. Excellent Very good Good Average Poor
1 Domain specific Engineering knowledge : Attainment of the ability to acquire and apply
knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry, basic engineering sciences and Chemical
Engineering specialization so as to make analysis of complex chemical engineering problems.
2 Problem Analysis ability: Attainment of the ability to acquire knowledge which will enable
them to analyze problems while working in chemical and allied industries as well as
3 Acquiring skills to Design/develop solutions to problems: Acquiring skills in selection, design,
erection and control of unit processes and unit operations and to attain ability to understand
the past and present trends in manufacturing, production and marketing of chemically
derived products.
4 Capacity to investigate complex problems : Attainment of the ability to identify new research
areas in chemical engineering and to use research based knowledge and research methods
including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the
information to provide valid conclusions, also to make efforts to come up with striking
innovations in the field.
5 Modern tool usage: Attainment of the ability to create, select and apply appropriate
techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including ‘modeling and
prediction’ to complex engineering activities so as to solve advanced engineering problems.
6 The engineer’s connectivity with society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual
knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent
responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
7 Environment and sustainability awareness: Understand the impact of the professional
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the
knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
8 Practicing Ethics and Values: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
9 Ability to work as an Individual and in team: Function effectively as an individual, and as a
member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10 Acquiring Communication Skills: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities
with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective
Ink from carbon black (soot) 1

presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

11 Well verse with task of Project management and finance aspects: Demonstrate knowledge
and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s
own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary
12 Life-long learning attitude: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological
PSO PSO Statements
1 1. Professional skills : Acquiring skills  to utilize the knowledge of chemical engineering in
innovative, dynamic and challenging environment for design and development of new
products, attainment of ability to acquire skills required to help chemical industry through
courses like Process Design , Piping Design and the relevant software training

2 2. Practical implementation and testing skills: Attainment of ability to acquire skills required to
help chemical industry. These may be imbibed through courses/workshops on industrial
safety & hazard management, hands on training for topics like ‘analytical techniques’,
‘instrumentation’ required in chemical and allied industry.

3 3. Successful career and entrepreneurship: Transformation of the students into technocrats

who will design and develop systems and subsystems for Chemical allied Technologies and
few of these technocrats may become entrepreneurs also.

Student signatures
3] External Examiner Project Guide Program Co-ordinator

In the accomplishment of completion of my project on Ink from carbon black I would like to
convey my special gratitude to Mr P D Patil Sir, of Department of technology, Shivaji
university, Kolhapur.

Your valuable guidance and suggestions helped me in various phases of the completion of this
project. I will always be thankful to you in this regard.

I am ensuring that this project was finished by me and not copied.


Every time when fossil fuels burn, they release carbon dioxide. Major
production of carbon dioxide in atmosphere is taken by the automobile
exhaust, chimneys and diesel generators. In natural way the carbon
dioxide is re-absorbed by plants and trees. In current situation peoples
are capturing carbon dioxide from exhaust pipes of large industries. But
we know that the exhaust releasing from automobiles take part of 40-
50% of total carbon dioxide in atmosphere. In India every year around
175 million vehicles get registered, and the number get increased year
by year. Carbon soot collection from automobile exhaust does the job of
collection carbon soot (in powdered form) from the exhaust outlet of
vehicles. In this case truck and buses contribute large amount of carbon
dioxide deposition. The carbon soot collector device is fitted at the end
of the exhaust pipe, where it is fitted with clamps. After collection of
soot from automobiles, this soot is then treated in lab with various
chemicals and additives to create ink from soot. With the help of this we
can reduce the pollution and reuse that pollution to create a usable ink or
paints from it. There are some limitations while designing the collector
device and in formation of ink with the application of this technique we
have a better achievement point as well.

Chapter Name of Chapter Page numbers


2 WHAT IS SOOT? 02-04





6 WORKING 07-08


Ink from carbon black (soot)



Pollution refers to the release of harmful gases, particulates, and biological

molecules into the atmosphere that is detrimental to the health of the human
beings and also to the metabolism of all other biotic components on earth. The
pollutants chiefly responsible for causing air pollution are carbon dioxide
(COx), Sulphur oxides (SOx), nitrous oxides (NOx), and particulate matter
(PM). According to a recent study at Stanford University, particulate matter
or carbon soot accounts for about 15 to 20% of global warming. Carbon soot
is considered to be a substance with 8 parts of carbon to 1 part of hydrogen.
The true density of soot is considered to be 1.84 ± 0.1 g/cm3, and the bulk
density is in the range of 0.02 to 0.4 g/cm3. Carbon soot is the consequence of
incomplete combustion petroleum products, wood, fuel oil, plastics, and
household refuse while diesel emissions from vehicles, domestic heating, and
wildfires are the primary sources of carbon soot emissions. The mechanism
involved in the formation of soot is described. The primary raw material is
the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons which are generated from liquid or
gaseous fuels. The soot is extremely perilous, and when people are exposed to
it by either inhalation or ingestion or absorption through the skin, it tends to
affect the vital organs like the lungs and the heart. Numerous scientific
studies have associate particle pollution exposure to an array of predicaments
like premature deaths, aggravated asthma, and also breathing ailments. The
effects of settling of carbon soot at different locales include the acidification of
lakes and streams, altering the nutrient balance in river basins and estuaries,
and depletion of the nutrient content in the soil and also Unburned carbon
particles from industries, chimneys are more than just smelly and unsightly.
They can adversely affect health leading to shortness of breath, asthma,
stroke, cancer, heart attack, bronchitis and premature death. With time,
technology has proved that stuffs which can’t be touched can also be recycled
and repurposed in the form of ink. It is an expansion of technology to make
an eco-friendly environment. This evolved idea fuses science, technology and
art. There is a rich carbonaceous content in the polluted air due to burning of
fossil fuels.

Last few decades have witnessed enormous production of ink by burning
large amount of fossil fuels. This article aims at conserving our reserved
resources and thereby protecting the nature. Moreover, large number of
harmful gases are released into the atmosphere. Soot is even thinner than the
diameter of human hair strand and can easily enter our blood streams and
lungs. Vehicles, chimneys and boats serves as a major source of soot
formation. Apart from affecting the environment it can also deform the
human organs. The research has claimed that the soot can be cleaned up and
utilized for various purposes. One of the major applications where this
unburned carbon can be utilized is in manufacturing of air ink.

What is soot?
Soot is the common term for a type of particle pollution called PM 2.5
particulate matter that is 2.5 micrometers in diameter or smaller. Such fine
particles are even smaller than dust and mold particles, or approximately
1/30 of the size of a human hair. It is comprised of a variety of pollutants,
including chemicals, acids, metals, soils, and dust, which are suspended in the
air after emission. Soot can come in solid, liquid, or gaseous (“aerosols”)

How is soot produced?

Soot is a byproduct of burning fossil fuels, particularly coal. It is emitted by a

variety of sources, including burning coal for electricity or industrial fuel,
manufacturing, oil refining, and motor vehicles. Soot is released into the air
as either extremely small particles or liquid droplets. Some solid particles are
emitted directly into the air while others are formed when gases form
particles as they are carried thousands of miles from pollution sources.

Why is soot a problem for public health?

Soot poses tremendous harms to public health, particularly because

of its size. Particulate matter is so small that it can easily enter your
lungs and bloodstream, potentially causing damage in a number of

The Environmental Protection Agency describes the process of soot

harming the human body:

Microscopic particles can penetrate deep into the lungs and have been linked
to a wide range of serious health effects, including premature death, heart
attacks, and strokes, as well as acute bronchitis and aggravated asthma
among children.

The American Lung Association adds that breathing particle pollution can
potentially cause “cancer and developmental and reproductive harm”. Nearly
6 million people in the United States live in an area with unhealthy year-
round levels of particle pollution. The most vulnerable members of the
population are children, the elderly, low-income communities, and people
with pre-existing heart and lung diseases. Healthy adults, however, can also
suffer from its adverse effects.

Why is soot an environmental problem?

Soot causes several environmental problems, such as haze and the
acidification of lakes and rivers. Haze is formed when sunlight interacts with
small particles in the atmosphere. Soot is the primary cause of haze, which
severely decreases visibility in U.S. cities and national parks. As a result, the
EPA estimates that visibility in national parks and other scenic areas in the
eastern United States has been reduced from a 90-mile distance to just 15–25

Fine particle pollution negatively impacts the natural beauty of such national
treasures by robbing us of color, distance, and hue, and negatively harms the
health of visitors and residents. Haze can also hurt tourism by discouraging
visits, which causes economic damage. Particle pollution is also correlated to
acid rain. The same compounds from soot that react in the air to form haze—
sulfur dioxides and nitrogen oxides—can mix with atmospheric moisture to
acidify precipitation. Carried by the wind or in the water, this acidified
pollution degrades water quality by making lakes and rivers more acidic,
depleting the nutrients in the soil and damaging sensitive farm crops, and
changing the nutrient balance in river basins, along coastlines, and in forests.
Acidification through soot pollution can also stain stone and erode it, slowly
discoloring and damaging important national monuments and iconic

What should be the size of carbon soot :-

The current limit is 15 μg/m3 (micrograms per cubic meter of air), which was
finalized in 2006. The EPA proposed to reduce the soot limit to between 12
and 13 μg/m3, or a reduction of up to 20 percent. This safeguard would take
effect by 2020. It would also additionally set a new standard for visibility in
urban areas, which will either be 28 or 30 deceives.

Existing standards for coarse particle pollution—particles that are between

2.5 and 10 micrometers in diameter—will not change.
Carbon Soot Collector:
Carbon soot collector device is fitted on the exhaust of automobiles. This is
the device which collects the carbon soot from automobiles. The carbon soot
collector connects at tail section of exhaust with clamp fitting. The carbon
soot collector is very useful and handy device to handle. Carbon soot collector
has four main parts connected to each other with clamping mechanism, which
is easy for fitting and easy for cleaning for carbon soot collection. In carbon
soot collector filter is fitted in such a way that it can be easily replaceable and
easy for cleaning/collection. This device is then fitted with activated carbon
collector which is fitted in the center of the collector. The CAD modelling of
the carbon soot collector is show in below,

Carbon Soot Collector: -

Activated Carbon Filter:

The most important part of carbon soot collector is filter we used in it. It must
be lighter in weight, also it should capture carbon soot particles from exhaust
gases of automobile. For these specific functions we choose activated carbon
filter. This filter is produced by Philips, named as ‘Philips activated carbon
filter AC4103/00’. This activated carbon filter has special properties that can
capture volatile organic compound and various gas pollutants from exhaust
gases. This filter has capacity to capture particles from size range between 3
to 50 micrometers. Thus, capacity of filter is sufficient for capturing carbon

Activated carbon filter

INK Formation:

As the soot collected from collector this soot goes from blending process
where its particles break into the finest particles. This soot is then goes for ink
formation process, where soot is treated with household chemicals that are
easily available in market. This makes ink much cheaper than the
conventional ink.

For making of carbon soot collector, we selected stainless steel because of its
corrosion resistance, temperature (high heat transfer coefficient), light in
weight with high in strength and durability than the mild steel and cast iron.
As the collector is made it is fitted to exhaust of automobile (specially for
heavy vehicles). The connector section is either fitted manually or welded on
tail pipe of exhaust of vehicle. This allows easing in removal of collector
device for collecting soot and for ease in refitting of collector device. In the
middle section of collector device, the activated carbon filter is fitted in it.
This filter allows to collect the carbon soot in powder form. The other section
of collector is doing the job not creating extra backpressure on the system.
Following images shows that the carbon soot is collected in actual practice on
Fig. 4: Collection of carbon soot

After the collection of carbon soot, this soot is then treated with various
chemical to create the ink. We specifically made the marker pen ink which is
easier in formation as well as easy to use. For the formation of Marker pen
ink, we use the household chemicals or chemicals which are easily available in
market. In the process of process of formation of marker pen ink, we used
Ethyl acetate, Glycerin, Calcium carbonate, Sodium bicarbonate, Carbon
soot in proper proportion. Also, we use additional binders for breaking the
surface tension of carbon soot which is oily and do not mix properly with
other chemicals. These additional binders are alcohol and spirit. We have
created various three samples using different binders and tested in certified
laboratory. As the Marker pen is successfully created in the easiest possible
way using waste carbon soot which is collected from exhaust gases of heavy
Method: -
 How to prepare carbon ink
 Apparatus: - syringe, lighter, pot lid, burner setup, paper
 Chemicals or oil: - Alcohol or vodka, vegetable oil
 Procedure: -
 First, we have to prepare burner setup.
 The beaker content paper and oil for the consistency in flame.
 After this flame the paper and then keep the pot lid above the flame
 After the pot lid got black, the carbon Soot is collected on the below pot lid
 Then collected in one beaker after that add vodka or alcohol for the mixture
 The consistency ratios should be 1:6 to soot
 We can use gum of Arabic or gelatin as alternative for alcohol
 Then the mixture is kept in syringe and with help of syringe, put the mixture
in cartilage


 It will the best for controlling air pollution in environment and best for
living things to protect the health.

 When we are using these the whole world be having without pollution

 It's very useful to our life cycle to protect from diseases.


Air-Ink products to the best emerging artists in Hong Kong.

They used them to take over the streets of their city.

 Cartoons at children's rooms or Road side walls Designing on clothes

 Graffiti on roadside

 To Control the AIR Pollution over all world


 Every 45 min worth of car emissions- 30 ml of ink.

 600 ml spray- holds the equivalent of 2000 hrs. of

 pollution. • Kalnik can even fit over the polluting mouths of boats,

 chimneys and cranes.

 It not only stops co2 gas enter into air but also captures a dangerous
carbon soot called PM 2.5

Particulate matter

2.5 size of particle in microns

• Each device can collect up to 95% of pollutants.

REFERENCES (for example)









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