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CLOs and COs

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File Structure
Sub Code : 10IS63 IA Marks : 25
Hrs/ Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 52 Exam Marks : 100

PROGRAM 1: Write a C++ program to read series of names, one per line, from
standard input and write these names spelled in reverse order to the standard output
using I/O redirection and pipes. Repeat this exercise using an input file specified by
the user instead of the standard input and using an output file specified by the user
instead of the standard output.

PROGRAM 2: Write a C++ program to read and write student objects with fixed-
length records and the fields delimited by "|". Implement pack(), unpack(), modify()
and search() methods
PROGRAM 3: Write a C++ program to read and write student objects with
Variable-length records using any suitable record structure. Implement pack(),
unpack(), modify() and search() methods.

PROGRAM 4: Write a C++ program to write student objects with Variable-length

records using any suitable record structure and to read from this file a student record
using RRN.

PROGRAM 5: Write a C++ program to implement simple index on primary key for
a file of student objects. Implement add(), search(), delete() using the index.

PROGRAM 6: Write a C++ program to implement index on secondary key, the

name, for a file of student objects. Implement add(), search(), delete() using the
secondary index.

PROGRAM 7: Write a C++ program to read two lists of names and then match the
names in the two lists using Cosequential Match based on a single loop. Output the
names common to both lists.

PROGRAM 8: Write a C++ program to read k Lists of names and merge them using
k-way merge algorithm for k=8.

PROGRAM 9: Write a C++ program to implement B-Tree for a given set of integers
and its operations insert() and search(). Display the tree.

PROGRAM 10: Write a C++ program to implement B+ Tree for a given set of
integers and its operations insert() and search(). Display the tree

PROGRAM 11: Write a C++ program to store and retrieve student data from file
using hashing. Use any collision resolution technique

PROGRAM 12: Write a C++ program to reclaim the free space resulting from the
deletion of records using linked lists.

Question Paper Pattern: Student should answer FIVE full questions out of
8 questions to be set each carrying 20 marks, selecting at least TWO
questions from each part.

(Common to EC/TC/EE/IT/BM/ML)

Sub Code : 06ES32 IA Marks : 25

Hrs/ Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 52 Exam Marks : 100

If unit wise becomes absolute necessities then focus on the content to

write CLOs & COs:

PROGRAM 1: Write a C++ program to read series of names, one per line, from
standard input and write these names spelled in reverse order to the standard output
using I/O redirection and pipes. Repeat this exercise using an input file specified by
the user instead of the standard input and using an output file specified by the user
instead of the standard output.
Objectives :
1. In case 1 : A set of names is read from the user via cin command, and these
are reversed and displayed onto the screen itself. File I/O is not used.
2. In case 2: we create a file with a set of names in it such that each name is in
a separate line. This file can be created in any simple editor, like edit editor of
DOS, Notepad or Wordpad of Windows. We then open this file in read mode
using open() of fstream class and the flag ios::in. We then check whether
this open operation actually worked by checking whether
returned 1 or 0. If it returned 1, then the file could not be opened. This may be
because the filename is given incorrectly or maybe because we do not have
read permission for that file. Otherwise, we go ahead to access each line
(hence each name) in the file using the file>>str statement. Once we get
each name into a array of characters str, we again use strrev(str)
to reverse this and display it on to the screen. After all file operations, we
close the file with file.close().
3. In case 3: we do whatever we had done in case 2, and instead of sending
the reversed strings to the screen, we send it to another file. But this file must
first be opened in write mode with open()and the flag ios::out .

Outcomes :

PROGRAM 2: Write a C++ program to read and write student objects with fixed-
length records and the fields delimited by "|". Implement pack(), unpack(), modify()
and search() methods.
Objectives :
Outcomes :

PROGRAM 3: Write a C++ program to read and write student objects with Variable-
length records using any suitable record structure. Implement pack(), unpack(),
modify() and search() methods.
Objectives :
Outcomes :

PROGRAM 4: Write a C++ program to write student objects with Variable-length

records using any suitable record structure and to read from this file a student record
using RRN.
Objectives :
Outcomes :

PROGRAM 5: Write a C++ program to implement simple index on primary key for a
file of student objects. Implement add(), search(), delete() using the index.

Objectives :
Outcomes :

PROGRAM 6: Write a C++ program to implement index on secondary key, the

name, for a file of student objects. Implement add(), search(), delete() using the
secondary index.
Objectives :
Outcomes :

PROGRAM 7: Write a C++ program to read two lists of names and then match the
names in the two lists using Cosequential Match based on a single loop. Output the
names common to both lists.
Objectives :
Outcomes :

PROGRAM 8: Write a C++ program to read k Lists of names and merge them using
k-way merge algorithm for k=8.
Objectives :
Outcomes :

PROGRAM 9: Write a C++ program to implement B-Tree for a given set of integers
and its operations insert() and search(). Display the tree.

Objectives :
Outcomes :

PROGRAM 10: Write a C++ program to implement B+ Tree for a given set of
integers and its operations insert() and search(). Display the tree
Objectives :
Outcomes :

PROGRAM 11: Write a C++ program to store and retrieve student data from file
using hashing. Use any collision resolution technique
Objectives :
Outcomes :

PROGRAM 12: Write a C++ program to reclaim the free space resulting from the
deletion of records using linked lists

Objectives :
Outcomes :

ADD as a summary:
The following is OK and what is required BUT for first stage all may
not be able to write.
Subject Overview:
This subject will lead students to understand the processes involved in knowledge
enhancement and transfer in Electronic devices and circuits. Topics will include: Design and
analysis of Electronic circuits and their applications in related Engg fields. The notion of
creativity and innovation; the evaluation and critical analysis of electronic designs. The
relevance and application of basic knowledge in solid state physics , core engineering /
technical knowledge and practical approach on knowledge enhancement and creativity;
novice versus expert representations of a topic; knowledge transfer and creativity.
Students will be encouraged throughout to develop this understanding in the context
of their tertiary learning and to understand themselves as knowledge enhancers.
A. Start with this section as this is what constitutes CLOs
On completion of this subject, students will be expected to:
 To design electronic circuits as per the specifications.
 Analyse the electronic circuits under different operating conditions. This
process will enhance their knowledge in the area of electronic circuits.
 Understand the applications of laws and thermos applicable to circuits.

 Creates an interest in product development.
 Analyse learning and teaching processes in terms of knowledge enhancement
and transfer;
 Understand notions of creativity and innovation, and their relationship;
 Work with an awareness of creativity as a cultural / professional network
 Understand creative aspects of knowledge transfer.
B. Continue with this section as this is what constitutes COs.
Generic Skills / Outcomes:
On completion of this subject students will be able to:
 Critically analyse knowledge in terms of its and development in Electronic
Circuit Theory;
 Understand learning as knowledge enhancement.
 Understand the processes of knowledge transfer.
 To pursue higher education in the field to0 become a specialist.
C. Add this Plus Prerequisites
Breadth Options:
 This subject potentially can be taken as a breadth subject component for the
following courses: Bachelor of Engineering specialization in ECE
 Write whether this a Prerequisite for some subject or is this subject requires
any prerequisite subject

(Common to EC/TC/EE/IT/BM/ML)
Sub Code : 06ES32 IA Marks : 25
Hrs/ Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 52 Exam Marks : 100

Write objectives & outcomes as a WHOLE if the subject structure is
integral, as such unit wise is not required / necessitated
The following is OK and what is required BUT for first stage all may
not be able to write.

Subject Overview:
This subject will lead students to understand the processes involved in knowledge
enhancement and transfer in Electronic devices and circuits. Topics will include:
Design and analysis of Electronic circuits and their applications in related
Engineering fields. The notion of creativity and innovation; the evaluation and critical
analysis of electronic designs. The relevance and application of basic knowledge in
solid state physics , core engineering / technical knowledge and practical approach on
knowledge enhancement and creativity; novice versus expert representations of a
topic; knowledge transfer and creativity.

Students will be encouraged throughout to develop this understanding in the context

of their tertiary learning and to understand themselves as knowledge enhancers.

A. Start with this section as this is what constitutes CLOs

On completion of this subject, students will be expected to:
 To design electronic circuits as per the specifications.
 Analyse the electronic circuits under different operating conditions. This
process will enhance their knowledge in the area of electronic circuits.
 Understand the applications of laws and thermos applicable to circuits.
 Creates an interest in product development.
 Analyse learning and teaching processes in terms of knowledge enhancement
and transfer;
 Understand notions of creativity and innovation, and their relationship;
 Work with an awareness of creativity as a cultural / professional network
 Understand creative aspects of knowledge transfer

B. Continue with this section as this is what constitutes COs.
Generic Skills or Outcomes:
On completion of this subject students will be able to:

 Critically analyse knowledge in terms of its and development in Electronic

Circuit Theory;
 Understand learning as knowledge enhancement.
 Understand the processes of knowledge transfer.
 To pursue higher education in the field to0 become a specialist.

C. Add this Plus Prerequisites

Breadth Options:

 This subject potentially can be taken as a breadth subject component for the
following courses: Bachelor of Engineering specialization in ECE


 Write whether this a Prerequisite for some subject or is this subject requires
any prerequisite subject

2. “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”, Robert L. Boylestad and Louis
Nashelsky, PHI/Pearson Eduication. 9TH Edition. PLUS
3. List additional book or books each one is using.
1. ‘Integrated Electronics’, Jacob Millman & Christos C. Halkias, Tata -
McGraw Hill, 1991 Edition
4. “Electronic Devices and Circuits”, David A. Bell, PHI, 4th Edition, 2004
5. List additional reference book or books or web materials each one is
using / referencing.
Question Paper Pattern:
Student should answer FIVE full questions out of 8 questions to be set each carrying
20 marks, selecting at least TWO questions from each part.



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