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Media and Information Literacy

Quarter- 4 Module 4: Power, Impact, and Implication of Media and Information.



1. C 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B


WHAT’S MORE – ACTIVITY 9.2: Fill out the table

ASPECT Opportunities Challenges

Informational Efficient Economy Misinformation
Economic Economic Growth Poverty
Educational Knowledge Lack of Tools and Educators
Political Promote agendas and change Lack of leadership and guideship
Social To learn values Environment


1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. C 10. A



1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. A

ACTIVITY 9.3: A Look Into The Past

1. What was the “ Million People March “

ANSWER : The so-called Million People March at Luneta was the first of a series of rallies in the
Philippines asking for the abolition of the Pork Barrel fund, which was sparked by popular
outrage over the Priority Development Assistance Fund scandal.
2. Who Initiated the movement?

ANSWER : It was organized by suffering Filipino taxpayers as a day of protest by the silent
majority demanding that all politicians and the government be held accountable. officials of
whatever political stripes or colors they may wear to cease pocketing our taxes and other
innovative criminal deeds borne out of our hard labor.

3. What role did media play in the conception and actualization of the Million People March?

ANSWER : The media has a huge impact on the formation and influence of people's opinions and
4. What was the outcome of the Million People March movement? Was it successful in terms
of achieving its goals?
ANSWER : Despite the fact that the movement initially called for a million people to march
against the graft-tainted pork barrel fund, it has been judged a success as the online
campaign with 80,000-100,000 individuals to lunetas, according to the police.
5. What can you recommend for the betterment of mass media-assisted campaigns such as the
Million March?
ANSWER : The million-person march was only feasible because the majority of the country
felt disturbed and banded together in a single front to defeat a common adversary.
Everyone must be on the same page in order for this to happen. Although, in all honesty, it
is a difficult vision to envision because people have different objectives they want to achieve
and not everyone will have the same perspective on a scenario.

ACTIVITY 9.4: Cartoon Analysis

1. What is the message of this cartoon?

Answer: The truth is more likely to be hidden when it comes to publicity and control, there are two
sides for this to keep something controversial into confidential or to put control to the people. Media is
the only factor to why people can be played as fools or to say educate them with misinformation or the
truth only.

2. Is the situation about media depicted in the cartoon true in the Philippines? Why or why

Answer: Yes, because media carries a big impact to the society and economy, Media is one of the
quickest ways to spread out information and misinformation regarding what it shows or present the
media has a lot of eyes and a lot of stories it can tell it can also manipulate the story into a different line.

3. Does the cartoon show a challenge or opportunity? Why do you say so?

Answer: It shows both, it’s a challenge on finding on the truth and looking forward to an honest and
balanced society. And also, it shows giving out the opportunity on spreading the truth and giving the
pubic the truth they need to know.

ACTIVITY 10.1: Identifying Technologies

1. Smart Glasses
2. 2. Smart Watch
3. 3. VR-H
4. 4. Ipods/Hearables
ACTIVITY 10.2: Question and Answer

1. How has wearable technology revolutionized way people access information?

Answer: Because people can access personal information or any information on the tip of their fingers
without any other gadgets needed.

2. How does a 3D environment affect the audience’s media experience?

Answer: Being able to print out any digital art or designs with the power of 3D Printing, showing a more
details and you can briefly evaluate and touch your 3D design.

3. How does ubiquitous learning (u-learning) impact the traditional of mode of learning?

Answer: Ubiquitous learning thus gives learners the opportunity to study in their own environment, in
context, with artifacts that they can link to their job and daily situations. Such a pervasive approach to
learning necessitates the modeling of a wide range of personal and environmental characteristics.

ACTIVITY 10.3: Matrix

Component Answer
1. Course Title
2. Course Brief description
3. Course Provider
4. Host Institution
5. Course Instruction
6. Course Duration
7. Cost of enrollment

Trends Pros Cons

1. MOOC’s Cope up all massive learners Not everyone can join
2. Wearable Technology Efficiency Expensive
3. 3D environment Provide more 3D structures Expensive
4. U-Learning Distance Learning Lack of information
5. Paperless Society Reduces Carbon Footprint Dependency on Technology



1.A 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.A


1. Massive Open Online Course 4. 3D Printing 7. Wearable 10. VR Headset

2. 3D Glasses 5. Paperless Society 8. Fitness Tracker
3. Paperless 6. Concrete 9. Sight

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