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Q4: While you are making a presentation, the following unexpected situations may occur:

a. Some listeners left b. Some listeners ask questions right now. What would you do in each
of these situations?
1) Some listeners left:
- Other people may leave the room due to some work they have to deal with and they just
want to keep the room remain silent. Keep on speaking as long as there are still many
people willing to listen and we just have to follow what we have practiced before the

2) Some listeners ask questions right now:

- It is good that the listeners pay attention and want to know more about the subject. But it
is a must to keep all the questions be asked after we have finished our presentation. We
could kindly ask them to keep the questions in their mind and start questioning when it
comes to the “Questions and Answers” time.

Q5: Please point out the negative points in the presentation:

+ Not saying hello and no introduction to the topic.
+ The slides have too many words.
+ Turning her back against the audience.
+ Reading all the words in slides and in her paper.
+ Inserting too many pictures in one slide.
+ Not making eye contact.
+ Having trouble pronouncing some words that she has written.
+ Adjusting her "next button" for multiple times.
+ Words animation takes too long to present sentences.
+ The color of the slides sometimes make it difficult for the audience to see.
+ Doesn't allow the audience to ask questions.

Q6: How to become a good leader?

+ Keep a positive attitude.
+ Work, learn and teach other members instead of giving orders.
+ Be confident in order to help others build up their confidence to speak.
+ Be a good listener.
+ Be willing to receive feedbacks.
+ Learn how to handle failure.
+ Have greate sense of responsibilities among the group.

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