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Cat Peet ter ty INSTRUCTION BOOKLET Ti fe yur eran that Ninlend fs reed proc ‘and tha thas met our slandands for excellence in workmanship, reibility tnd entertainment value, Aboays lok for this sal when buying games and acessories to ensure complete compatiblity with your Nintendo product. Paap Schur Rang Sons Foemioe toa Eon ‘Sin ‘oey ce sat te Shue ESRB e100 ITT {6155 No. Gane by fare. 8c of Mend of Aeten | ‘Starting the Game | Controller Functions Diddy's Moves... . - Dixlo’s Tricks —-- ‘Treasure Items. u Barrel: Tuas ‘Animal Friends Kong Family Enemies, ing K. Rool and his band of Kremlings ‘apenapped Donkey Kong. They're demanding the Kongs to hand over the banana hoard for Donkey’s safe return. Donkey Kong would have a fit if they lost the banana hoard again. So it’s up to Diddy and Dixie Kong to save him. Help the two monkeys make their way through all the Kremlings and all the traps to find Donkey Kong. ting the game GAME BOY SYSTEM Frat you have to pug the caridge {reo the Game Boy system: ‘Thon tum the poworon. Press FS START When ‘You're ready for SAVESLOT ‘When you start the game, youl got {0 choose wich slot to save your ropes burg he gas & "our have to make 0 Fong ollege so Weinkly Kong can “Plug the carvioge ito save your game, bt more on thet = Tater. youre continutng your {game fom befor, you'll bo abla Select the saved game on th the Super Game By. ‘Ten tasar tre Siprcanetoy << rego Cope = Resume Na A eee START when you're reedy Sree GAME SCREEN During game play, the diferent ‘counte/s tat tll you how many lems you have eallectad ara. tevolled of tho sereen. They! appear when you collect an ttm, ‘The allowing things might appear onthe screen! ‘This keeps Wack of how many, bananas you collect, Get 100 for =e ye p38 KONGLETTERS Collst the set to-ear afroe ite. UFE HEARTS, ‘Those hearts let you know how many lives you heve malig. ;ppear at the Bottom ofthe TIMER, Inthe Bonus Levels you will have limited amount of time to get the Kremkcin. Time remaining is shown atthe top center ofthe K MAP SCREENS F “There i map screen foreach of the Worlds in DKL2. ‘The maps show the diferent Levels in the Worl You can sso sea the Jocations ofthe aittrant Kong ‘ Family members eho ‘you'on your adventure 4 Ioeation,srrows will point nthe Move rc direction you can ao next. ABUTTON eaurron \Xiddy’s moves Diddy's in the starring role this timo and he’s off to prove himselt a true member of the Kong Family of Video Game Heroes. He'll have his work cut out for him {3 he storms Kaptain K, Rool’s pirate haven on Crocodile Isle! - Diddy's signature eartwhee! amaek lets him bow! over enemies. If he cartwheels off the edge of platiorm and then jumps feap a ite farther thon normal cums ‘ Crocodie eo e , Govered with cimbable ferrin which maxes swim Swimming comes in handy inthe ‘any aquatic areas of Crocodile. Fete Ta the 8 Button te make = partect pce fo Diedy sir mankey to explore, Uso the Diddy and Dise ean not 5 Control Pad only ekmb up ana down fo make hie fre, but thay ean also ‘ink or Clim to the right snd Tif swim fast. 7 {he rope or chan allows. THROW RUN idy can pok up barels and Hold im certain enemies (ater stepping on the B Button ‘them, and then throw them. be > Daddy can, Running makes the ‘dome festor find more Dixie ean ‘ground from a placa by pressing an lang the B Button 35 0 is round, Drie oa pinto defeat enemies, cue ' Bing 9 monkey Dini can ewing just ike Diddy and Donkay Kong, Hor ‘eral abilities give her ‘sn edge when she's at THROW ‘nd throw batts. She holds he Borralsabave her head, which (Nes hora siigntiy Uferent Ahrowing trajectory than Biddy has ‘eter (or much gt mmatten.ste's ‘emuch ot e home under the Gon seer ane Bud RUN Hokl down the B Button as funning, you . ‘wil ato. pick upany. Sbjects in your path So.use this ich caution, KREMKOINS: Youcan eam a Kremioin in each Bonus Level Thre ee tes “ferent types of Bonus Levels. fone typ, You must clit al th Stars to make the Kremkoln a Inthe second typ, the Kremkoin is Feder ene yous mt in otha third type, you have te defeat all the baddies to make appear. You ‘can use Kremkolns to payoff the ‘monstrous Klubba eo You ean crO5s his oll bridge, What is onthe other side? Thats for you to find out CRANKY'S VIDEO GAME HERO COIN ‘These huge DK coins level by Cranky Ninel Collecting these wi lnmprove Diddy’s status as a video he har rans yen, Yo have not realy fnishod 3 Ur you Reve ctected the Vito Game Horo Coin to pay the various members ofthe Kong Family for thor el ‘Yes, the days offroe adviee ‘ver. Even old Cranky charges for hls worde of wisdom (although eae at rca. EXTRA LIFE BALLOONS Pop one of thesehings teget an ox ite HOT AIR BALLOON Use ths lloon ta safely float over love ost don cum eutaf hot Sicorthings wi got 4 ite hater CRATES You‘ find those Seated about the island Picked pan thon, they make ‘00d vieapons to Bean enemies with BANANAS AND BANANA BUNCHES. ‘The wal of bananas will lead you itis possible to got ‘every Banana, aid infact he bananas wil point you inthe ioeton of seeret areas, hidden items or the ond of the ove NO ANIMAL SIGN ‘This sign indicates that your animal fiend eannt continue Bevond this point. Ifyou ty to 99 ‘ast he'l simply disepesr. Don't, foal too tad, though. You'l be rewarded depending on how tlfigalt wae to reach the sign. h KONG LETTERS: Collet the lettrs to spall KONG fand-earn an extra fe = Frou) ‘TREASURE CHESTS ‘Those ghosts contain many itera types of tems. Break ‘hem epen by ‘throwing them at fiscover what isinsc, he (9004, ous Smmunition to throw at enemies. I ‘You place kannonball in-2 anon, il las, ncesting ‘that I's loaded. Jump into the Toaded kannon and til leuneh vyouto a Bonus Lov END OF LEVEL TARGET Jump op the |What's maro fun han, ‘a barel of monkeys? DL and most Rave BONUS, ARRELS. Bonus Barrels launch you into Bonus Levels when ‘you jump kato them. Toll coaster, the X Berroa wil close them, ROTATABLE BARREL Use > and < on the « Control Pact rotate this Barco int the ‘ested postion, KANNON BARRELS: “Thoroare several types of Bare Kannons: The Arrow Bare simply launchos you inthe direction oft ‘ov. Use the + Control Pad fo ‘maka Your charactor move 6 the Fight or et once you're arborne fas Baro nil utomaticaly Tauren you n'a conan pre- programmed direction. Blast Barels ‘wil allow yout aim erin the desire ection before they blast you out Be Carol though, wth ‘sme ofthese bares Yotreniy have a imitod [mount ome to shoot ther betore they go offauternaticaly & ‘TNT BARREL ‘TNT Barals explode shen tay thrown. Be careful, because some Kromiings actually Tike to live in TNT Borels DK BARRELS He's wher youl find your partner you don't already havo bien or het with dy charactors, you ‘STAR BARRELS Star Barols mark a midway point In the stage. Ifyou break one of ‘hese barrels, youl continue at that ‘Break these barelst ‘in temporary eS BARREL Barrels marked with an antnal frend’. picture will transform Biddy or Dose in the ‘animal if thoy jump i, they lump Into a Barrel that shows ‘a pleture ofthe animal that vou fre alresdy transformed ino, You tas that BIPLANE BARREL “This ying barat ‘available for rent fom Funky Kong | Use eto travel Bock to levels you have sendy viated & RAMBI THE RHINO This powertul Rhinoceros loves to Luce his hor. Press the A Button to butt everthing out ot his path. Hold SELECT to cherge. jimal friends Don't underestimate the value of good animal friends. They can be found throughout the game's different Worlds and Levels. assistance n aquatic settings. As Enguarde, you don’t ned to pre the A Button to wim you pre the A Button, Erguarde wil dash forward and ee nis ‘sharp bill to knock Hold SELECT to charge. fe to shoot a web, Make a platform by shooting a wab and then pressing SELECT. RATTLY THE ‘SQUAWKS THE PARROT RATTLESNAKE Ses ne CLAPPER. fdventure svar important. ‘THE SEAL ebeling against he Heholps Diedy and Dive ae Mea bani Kroming wh infest Miu con seals can't change boli exolore higher grounds Notwaterto oom temperature or | th bland, Ret ofles his Squaw can iso spit {um water oie bu Clapper ean ugnumping ait hap the steno you pros he, Kanga He can ump much higher Button, ‘Juryp on him and he! & ‘these services for you. perform thar the Kengs, courtasy of his springy tail Hold SELECT to i ono ng family Even though Diddy and! Dixie are supposed to be ‘going on these quests on ‘their own, the rest of the Kong clan just couldn't ‘stay out of it, especially ‘since there is money to be ‘made helping beginning ‘adventurers! You'll find all ‘the Kong Family members in the prime business locations throughout Crocodile Iso. FUNKY'S FLIGHTS Funky's Fights are the only way to fiy youve steady been to an ‘rea, you can uso Furey’ Fights {revisit that pce. Ths tie, though, you'll nave to pay Your Banana Cana to Get atieket wriwas WON KOLLEGE Serene ‘schoo! because nice Mis. Winkly Since thief. private school, KLUBBA’S KIOSK ‘The towering Klubba is only ‘rien you pay him He demands payment of anyone who ‘would eross his bridge, but he'll {nly accept Krmboins: What's on the other side? Why would anyone ‘want 0.90 there? You ha {find out for youre. (Our heroes encounter tons of K. Rool’s Kromling Crew during thelr treacherous adventure on Crocodile Island. You'll need to outwit these swashbuckling baddies to rescue DK and the banana hoard! a kLomP KABOING. KRUNCHA This pealeg Thie Kremiing Musele Kreming isthe bounces around on Bound and ‘sondard type ‘wo pring loadoa mmucee-noaded, you will ea le Kruncha ie breaunter. Impervious to Diddy KLOBBER “Thi Kremling hie barrel, Whan you KLINGER, {Look out blow! a eens meemaeta\ Tadaber oe Prony A Itlooks like Klump > sari, Nicer ‘slide down on te z eis Q ae cucrcotacx Cae neta cow Felice ate antains, SN SR fae a Jeane ie, seme Soe ew coon © RUTTER —_ Flite hovers ee cations Bouncing off ‘those dragoniles ise useful KLAMPON He's Klamptraps' bigger brother, and hehe a monstrous appetite for monkeys! KLUBBA His club should give you a cle about what Swim Tight happen YOU pointy try to cross his Bridge without os ‘paving the tot . FLOATSAM Floatsam is 2 stingray that ‘This fat!ipped piranha wiley to bite anyone ‘who swims t00 cox —_— ‘shunt Shur spins around underwater, {ying to skowor eveleps th ie KROOK SPINY Krok rockets his Spiny may have 3 hooked hanes at ‘soft underside, fanyening tat bart quite wat comes near strike you it you ‘96100 Bese, PUFTUP KuTLAss. Kutlses mail ordered Wis rerorsharp. wards from 2 TV colle They turned out 9 he pute himsot up, ‘Watch out for his ‘spinoe {obo alitle bigger * than they looked on tis emall sroen, -_ KAPTAINK. ROOL ‘Te leader ofthe pack is back, and this time packing a blunderbuse IMPORTANT: = WARNING: Copying ry Nendo gre ng an ty roid Py ‘Srnec atl Sop "can ea copes hot prosecuted icra “is Nintendo game not designed or ue wth any unsutoced copying dev. {Ua of any such aoien wi invicta your Ntenda procuet warrenty. Nitands, lena caused bythe aro any sus dvi tae of sch dvi ub Your ame ‘6g peti. dln h dv carey te ai dara pd enue Soahedopledee Comoe your eel sroraed Nmende oa ‘The contents ofthis notice do nat itror wth you stator rights TBs manul od ota printed mar sxorpsnying hi gue proto by ‘Tha eta ofthis game without parmiasion of Netondoor ts leeneaes ati prohined For urbar infomation or aaistance, plese contac: Nintendo Concumer Assistance Hotline {ete sss S700 (Sona Cone) Sryur eal authorizes Nitonda rte

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