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Digitalization is a worldwide technological change that has a great social impact.

Obviously this
field is very broad and complex, but in my opinion, digitalization in the world of the fashion
industry allows products to go viral much more.

On the other hand, the digitalization process allows trends to circulate much faster and also
creates cycles of fashions and designs that are recycled over time.

Some of the most incredible things about the digital revolution in the fashion field are the new
artificial intelligences that allow prototyping of anything using digital programs like CLO 3D. By
following I also believe that all digitization processes allow the limitation of super production in
addition to efficiency and time savings.

To continue, certainly like all things that require change sometimes also have disadvantages
and one of these is that it is necessary to have a continuous training of this new technology.
That is to say, the people who work must study these new programs and technological
revolution to be able to use it correctly.

It is normal to think that for most young people the use of this new technology or digitization
process will be easier.

Most people who are part of generation z, are accustomed to immediacy; that is, their rate of
time preference is much lower than those of previous generations and this is closely related to
this process of digitization because a generation that was born with technology, the more it
develops, the easier it is to find the efficiency that companies want.

On the other hand, some of the things that I find most incredible is some databases like the
blockchain that enable unique cybersecurity. This kind of creations are the ones that allow you
to perform many tasks at the same time and in a very fast way.

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