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− Philippines was a signatory to the United Nations

1. Civil Code Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)
− Effective Aug. 30, 1950
5. Republic Act No. 9285 (Alternative Dispute Resolution
Article 2035. No compromise upon the following Act of 2004)
questions shall be valid: − Effective on April 2, 2004
(1) The civil status of persons; − It adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law on
(2) The validity of a marriage or a legal separation; International Commercial Arbitration. It paved the
(3) Any ground for legal separation; way for the Philippines to be a venue for
(4) Future support; international commercial arbitration.
(5) The jurisdiction of courts;
(6) Future legitime. (1814a) The RTC must refer to arbitration in proper cases.
Foreign arbitral awards must be confirmed by the
2. RA 876 – Arbitration Law RTC. It has jurisdiction to review foreign arbitral
− enacted on June 19, 1953 awards. Grounds for judicial review different in
− supplement to the Civil Code domestic and foreign arbitral awards. RTC decision
− did not supersede the provisions of Civil Code of assailed foreign arbitral award appealable
6. Labor Code of the Philippines
3. Resolution No. 71 dated may 10, 1965
− May 10, 1965 7. RA 7160 (Local Government Code of 1991)
− Philippine Senate adhered to the United Nations
Convention of the Recognition and Enforcement 8. CIAC (E.O. 1008) and the IRR (Dec. 15, 2005)
of Foreign Arbitral Awards
− Philippines acknowledged international arbitration 9. Rules of ADR for Disputes between National
as a system of settling disputes Government Agencies
− Reciprocal recognition − enacted on March 22, 2010
− Allowed enforcement of international agreements
between parties of different nationalities within a 10. Disputes on National Government Agency
contracting state 1. EO 292 (Administrative Code of 1987)
2. can be resolved by the Office of the Solicitor
4. UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission On International General or Department of Justice depending on
Trade Law) the questions of fact or law
− also known as “New York Convention of 1985”
11. Decisions of the Supreme Court

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Administrative Circular No. 14-93 July 15, 1993 a. Criminal cases where accused is under police
custody or detention (see Sec. 412 (b) (1),
All disputes are subject to Barangay conciliation pursuant
Revised Katarungang Pambarangay Law);
to the Revised Katarungang Pambarangay Law, and
b. Petitions for habeas corpus by a person illegally
prior recourse thereto is a pre-condition before filing a
deprived of his rightful custody over another or
complaint in court or any government offices, except in
a person illegally deprived or on acting in his
the following disputes:
1. Where one party is the government, or any
c. Actions coupled with provisional remedies
subdivision or instrumentality thereof;
such as preliminary injunction, attachment,
2. Where one party is a public officer or employee,
delivery of personal property and support
and the dispute relates to the performance of his
during the pendency of the action; and
official functions;
d. Actions which may be barred by the Statute of
3. Where the dispute involves real properties located
in different cities and municipalities, unless the
9. Any class of disputes which the President may
parties thereto agree to submit their difference to
determine in the interest of justice or upon the
amicable settlement by an appropriate Lupon;
recommendation of the Secretary of Justice;
4. Any complaint by or against corporations,
10. Where the dispute arises from the Comprehensive
partnership or juridical entities, since only individuals
Agrarian Reform Law (CARL) (Sec. 46 & 47, R.A.
shall be parties to Barangay conciliation
proceedings either as complainants or respondents
11. Labor disputes or controversies arising from
(Sec. 1, Rule VI, Katarungang Pambarangay Rules);
employer-employee relations (Montoya vs.
5. Disputes involving parties who actually reside in
Escayo, et al., 171 SCRA 442; Art. 226, Labor Code,
barangays of different cities or municipalities,
as amended, which grants original and exclusive
except where such barangay units adjoin each
jurisdiction over conciliation and mediation of
other and the parties thereto agree to submit their
disputes, grievances or problems to certain offices
differences to amicable settlement by an
of the Department of Labor and Employment);
appropriate Lupon;
12. Actions to annul judgment upon a compromise
6. Offenses for which the law prescribes a maximum
which may be filed directly in court (See Sanchez vs.
penalty of imprisonment exceeding one (1) year or
Tupaz, 158 SCRA 459).
a fine over five thousand pesos (P5,000.00);
7. Offenses where there is no private offended party;
The Katarungang Pambarangay or Barangay Justice
8. Disputes where urgent legal action is necessary to
System is a community-based dispute settlement
prevent injustice from being committed or further
mechanism that is administered by the basic political unit
continued, specifically the following:
of the country, the barangay. As a community- based

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mechanism for dispute resolution, it covers disputes C. All disputes involving real property or any interest
between members of the same community (generally, therein shall be brought in the barangay where the
same city/municipality) and involves the Punong real property or the larger portion thereof is situated.
Barangay and other members of the communities (the D. Those arising at the work place where the contending
Lupon members) as intermediaries (mediators, parties are employed orat the institution where such
conciliators, and, sometimes, arbitrators). parties are enrolled for study, shall be brought in
thebarangay where such workplace or institution is
The establishment and operation of the Barangay Justice located.
System is mandated by Republic Act No. 7160 or the
Local Government Code of 1991. Objections to venue shall be raised in the mediation
proceedings before the punong barangay; otherwise,
Lupong Tagapamayapa (Lupon) the same shall be deemed waived. Any legal question
Is a body organized in every barangay composed of which may confront the punong barangay in
Punong Barangay as the chairperson and not less than resolving objections to venue herein referred to may
ten (10) and more than twenty from which the members be submitted to the Secretary of Justice, or his
of every Pangkat shall be chosen. duly designated representative, whose ruling thereon
shall be binding (Section 409 of Administrative Circular
Pangkat Tagapagkasundo (Pangkat) No 14-93)..
Is a conciliation panel constituted from the Lupon
membership for every dispute brought before the Lupon Procedure for Amicable Settlement
consisting of three (3) members after the Punong A. Who may initiate proceeding. -Upon payment of
Barangay has failed in his mediation efforts. the appropriate filing fee, any individual who has
acause of action against another individual involving
Venue any matter within the authority of the lupon chairman
A. Disputes between persons actually residing in the of the barangay.
same barangay shall be brought for amicable B. Mediation by lupon chairman. - Upon receipt of the
settlement before the lupon of said barangay complaint, the lupon chairman shall within the next
B. These involving actual residents of different working day summon the respondent/s, with notice to
barangays within the same city ormunicipality shall be the complainant/s for them and their witnesses to
brought in the barangays where the respondent or appear before him for a mediation of their conflicting
any of the respondents actually resides, at the interests. If he fails in his mediation effort within fifteen
election of the complainant. (15) days from the first meeting of the parties before
him, he shall forthwith set a date for the constitution of

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the pangkat in accordance with the provisions of this discretion of the pangkat, be extendible foranother
Chapter. period which shall not exceed fifteen (15) days,
C. Suspension of prescriptive period of offenses.- While except in clearly meritorious cases (Section 410 of
the dispute is undermediation, conciliation, or Administrative Circular No 14-93)..
arbitration, the prescriptive periods for offenses and
cause of action under existing laws shall be Form of Settlement
interrupted upon filing of the complaint with the All amicable settlements shall be in writing, in alanguage
punong barangay. The prescriptive periods shall or dialect known to the parties, signed by them, and
resume upon receipt by the complainant of the attested to by the lupon chairman or the pangkat
complaint or the certificate of repudiation or of the chairman, as the case may be. When the parties to the
certification to file action issued by the lupon or dispute do not use the same language or dialect, the
pangkat secretary; Provided, however, That settlement shall be written in the language or dialect, the
such interruption shall not exceed sixty (60) days from settlement shall be written in the language or dialect
the filing of the complaint with the punong barangay. known to them (Section 411 of Administrative Circular No
D. Issuance of summons; hearing; grounds for 14-93).
disqualification.- The Pangkat shall convene not
later than three (3) days from its constitution, on the Conciliation
day and hour set by the lupon chairman, to hear A. Pre-Condition to Filing of Complaint in Court.- No
both parties and their witnesses, simplify issues, and complaint, petition, action, or proceeding involving
explore all possibilities for amicable settlement. any matter within the authority ofthe lupon shall be
For this purpose, the pangkat may issue summons for filed or instituted directly in court or any other
the personal appearance of parties and witnesses government office for adjudication, unless there has
before it. In the event that a party moves to disqualify been a confrontation between the parties before the
any member of the pangkat by reason of relationship, lupon chairman or the pangkat, and that no
bias, interest, or any other similar grounds discovered conciliation or settlement has been reached as
after the constitution of the pangkat, the matter shall certified by the lupon secretary or pangkat secretary
be resolved by the affirmative vote of the majority of as attested to by the lupon or pangkat chairman or
the pangkat whose decision shall be final. Should unless the settlement has been repudiated by the
disqualification be dicidedupon, the resulting parties thereto.
vacancy shall be filled as herein provided for. B. Where Parties May Go Directly to Court.- The parties
E. Period to arrive at a settlement. –The pangkat shall may go directly to court in the following instances:
arrive at a settlement or resolution of the dispute 1. Where the accused is under detention
within fifteen (15) days from the day it convenes in
accordance with this section. This period shall, at the

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2. Where a person has otherwise been deprived of Effects of Amicable Settlement and Arbitration
personal liberty calling for habeaus corpus Award
proceedings; The amicable settlement and arbitration award shall
3. Where actions are coupled with provisional have the force and effect of a final judgement of a
remedies such as preliminary injunction, court upon the expiration of ten (10) days from the date
attachment, delivery of personal property, and thereof, unless repudiation of the settlement has been
support pendent lite; and made or a petition to nullify the award has been filed
4. Where the action may otherwise be barred by before the proper city or municipal court. However, this
the statute of limitations. provision shall not apply to court cases settled by the
C. Conciliation among members of indigenous cultural lupon under the last paragraph of Section 408 of
communities.- The customs and traditions of this Code, in which case the compromise
indigenous cultural communities shall be applied in settlement agreed upon by the parties before the
settling disputes between members of the cultural lupon chairman or the pangkat chairman shall be
communities (Section 412 of Administrative Circular submitted to the court and upon approval thereof, have
No 14-93). the force and effect of a judgement of said court
(Section 416 of Administrative Circular No 14-93).
Proceedings Open to the Public; Exception
All proceedings fors settlement shall be public and Execution
informal: Provided, however, that the lupon chairman or The amicable settlemet or arbitration award may
the pangkat chairman, as the case may be, may motu been forced by execution by the lupon within six (6)
proprio or upon request of a party, exclude the public months from the date of settlement. After the lapse of
from the proceedings in the interest of privacy, decency, such time, the settlement may be enforced by
or public morals (Section 414 of Administrative Circular action in the appropriate city or municipal court
No 14-93. (Section 417 of Administrative Circular No 14-93).

Appearance of Parties in Person Repudiation

In all katarungang pambarangay proceedings, the Any party to the dispute may, within ten (10) days from
parties must appear in person without the assistance of the date of the settlement, repudiate the same by filing
counsel or representative, except for minors and with the lupon chairman a statement to that effect sworn
incompetents who may be assisted by their next-of-kin to before him, where the consent is vitiated by fraud,
who are not lawyers (Section 415 of Administrative violence, or intimidation. Such repudiation shall be
Circular No 14-93. sufficient basis for the issuance of the certification for
filing a complaint as herein above provided (Section 416
of Administrative Circular No 14-93).

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Power to Administer Oaths I. So much of the earnings of the party obliged for his
The punong barangay, as chairman ofthe lupong personal services within the month preceding the
tagapamayapa, and the members of the pangkat are levy as are necessary for the support of his family;
hereby authorized toadminister oaths in connection J. Lettered gravestones;
with any matter relating to all proceedings in K. All moneys, benefits, privileges, or annuniies
the implementation of the katarungang pambarangay accruing or in any manner growing out of any life
(Section 415 of Administrative Circular No 14-93). insurance, provided the proceeds therefrom shall
not exceed One hundred thousand pesos
Property Exempt From Execution (P100,000.00)
Except as otherwise expressly provided by law, the L. The right to receive legal support, or money or
following property, and no other, shall be exempt from property obtained as such support, or any pension
execution: or gratuity from the government;
A. The debtor’s family home constituted in M. Copyrights and other properties especially
accordance with the Family Code; exempted by law. But no article or species of
B. Tools and implements necessarily used by him in his property mentioned in this section shall be exempt
trade or employment; from execution issued upon settlement or award for
C. Two horses, or two cows, or two carabaos , or other its price or for a mortgage thereon (Section 7, Rule 7
beasts of burden, such as the debtor may select, of Administrative Circular No 14-93).
and necessary for housekeeping, and used for that
purpose by the debtor; Motion to dismiss under Administrative Matter No. 19-10-
D. His necessary clothing, and that of all his family; 20-SC
E. Household furniture and utensils necessary for 1. Lack of Jurisdiction
housekeeping, and used for that purpose by the 2. Res Judicata
debtor, 3. There is another pending action
F. Provisions for individual or family use sufficient for 4. Prescription
four (4) months;
G. The professional libraries of attorneys, judges, Miguel v. Motañez (G.R. No. 191336, January 25, 2012)
physicians, pharmacists, dentists, engineers, In the instant case, the respondent did not comply with the terms and
surveyors, clergymen, teachers, and other conditions of the Kasunduang Pag-aayos. Such non- compliance may be
construed as repudiation because it denotes that the respondent did not
professionals; intend to be bound by the terms thereof, thereby negating the very
H. One fishing boat, net, and other fishing purpose for which it was executed. Perforce, the petitioner has the option
paraphernalias of the party obliged who is either to enforce the Kasunduang Pag-aayos, or to regard it as rescinded
and insist upon his original demand, in accordance with the provision of
fisherman, by the lawful use of which he earns a
Article 2041 of the Civil Code. Having instituted an action for collection of
livelihood; sum of money, the petitioner obviously chose to rescind the Kasunduang

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Pag-aayos. evidence of any contract, which could have contained stipulations on
the venue of dispute resolution. Since there is no contractual stipulation
that can be enforced on the venue of dispute resolution, the venue of
Is Barangay Conciliation a mandatory requirement petitioner’s personal action will be governed by the 1997 Revised Rules of
before a party may file an action in court? Civil Procedure.
No. It’s a condition precedent but it not mandatory
− Circular no. 93 Insular Savings Bank v. Far East Bank and Trust Company
As provided in the PCHC Rules, the findings of facts of the decision or
Celistino Malecdan v. Atty. SimpsonT. Baldo (A.C. Np. 12121, June 27, 2018) award rendered by the Arbitration Committee shall be final and
conclusive upon all the parties in said arbitration dispute. Under Article
As stated in the case of Ledesma v. Court of Appeals, Section 9 of P.D.
2044 of the New Civil Code, the validity of any stipulation on the finality of
1508 mandates personal confrontation of the parties because “a personal
the arbitrators’ award or decision is recognized. In the instant case,
confrontation between the parties without the intervention of a counsel or
representative would generate spontaneity and a favorable disposition to petitioner and respondent have agreed that the PCHC Rules would
govern in case of controversy. However, since the PCHC Rules came
amicable settlement on the part of the disputants.”
about only as a result of an agreement between and among member
banks of PCHC and not by law, it cannot confer jurisdiction to the RTC.
Atty. Baldo's violation of P.D. 1508 thus falls squarely within the prohibition Thus, the portion of the PCHC Rules granting jurisdiction to the RTC to
of Rule 1.01 of Canon 1 of the Code of Professional Responsibility (CPR). review arbitral awards, only on questions of law, cannot be given effect.
Canon 1 clearly mandates the obedience of every lawyer to laws and
legal processes. A lawyer, to the best of his ability, is expected to respect
and abide by the law: and thus, avoid any act or omission that is contrary Alternative Dispute Resolution
to the same. A lawyer's personal deference to the law not only speaks of It is a system using means and methods allowed by law
his character but it also inspires the public to likewise respect and obey
and approved by the parties for the purpose of resolving
the law. Rule 1.01, on the other hand, states the norm of conduct to be
observed by all lawyers. or facilitating the resolution of disputes and controversies
between them in an expeditious and speedy manner
Alternative Dispute Resolution System without resorting to court litigation
It means any process or procedure used to resolve a ⇒ All-encompassing which includes proceedings of
dispute or controversy, other than by adjudication of a similar nature in quasi-judicial agencies
presiding judge of a court or an officer of a government
agency, as defined in this Act, in which a neutral third REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9285 (ADR ACT OF 2004)
party participates to assist in the resolution of issues,
which includes arbitration, mediation, conciliation, early
procedure used to resolve a dispute or controversy, other
neutral evaluation, mini-trial, or any combination thereof
than by adjudication of a presiding judge of a court or
Hygenic Packaging Corporation v. Nutri Asia Inc.
an officer of a government agency in which a neutral
The Court held that parties are allowed to constitute any stipulation on the third party participates to assist in the resolution of issues
venue or mode of dispute resolution as part of their freedom to contract ⇒ Procedures of the same nature in quasi-judicial
under Article 1306 of the Civil Code of the Philippines. Here, however, the agencies are not included
records lack any written contract of sales containing the specific terms
and conditions agreed upon by the parties. The parties failed to provide

Page 7
State Policy on ADR (Section 2, ADR Act of 2004) Modes of Resolving Disputes
1. To actively promote party autonomy in the resolution A. Unilateral Mode
of disputes or the freedom of the parties to make their − Action taken by one party without regard to the
own arrangement to resolve their disputes wishes of the other party
2. The state shall encourage and actively promote the − Fight, flight or surrender, forgiveness
use of ADR as an important means to achieve speedy B. Bilateral Mode
and impartial justice − Direct negotiations between the parties to arrive at
a settlement that could be mutually beneficial
3. declog court dockets.
C. Third Party Intervention Mode
4. The State shall provide means for the use of ADR as
− Facilitative (conciliation, mediation)
an efficient tool and an alternative procedure for the
resolution of appropriate cases
Advantages of ADR
§ It is less expensive compared to the costs of litigation
Principles of ADR and other forms of conflict resolution. It enables
1. Promotion of party autonomy and self-determination parties to reach settlements speedily
in the resolution of disputes § It enables the parties to know and understand the
2. Recognition of ADR as an efficient tool and an parties' interests and concerns.
alternative procedure for the resolution of cases § Parties are generally more satisfied with the
3. Enlisting of private sector participation agreements that they themselves crafted.
Position Interest
Objective and Benefits of ADR What cause the parties to
What parties say they want
1. Speedy and impartial disposition of cases want what they say
2. Declogging of court dockets Claim, demand, decision, Reason or motivation
proposed solution behind the position
Preliminary Points
§ Conflict is a fact of life Forms of ADR
§ Conflicts affect harmonious human relationships. 1. Arbitration
§ Conflicts happen because parties have unmet − A voluntary resolution process in which one or more
substantive, procedural, and psychological needs, arbitrators are appointed in accordance with the
which are often "obscured" by data problems, agreement of the parties, or rules promulgated
relationship issues, and values differences. pursuant to the ADR Act, and who resolve a dispute
§ We have various options available in dealing with by rendering an award
− Intended to avoid the formalities. The delay, the
expense and vexation of ordinary litigation

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by an experienced neutral person with expertise in
2. Mediation
the subject or in the substance of the dispute
− A mediator, selected by disputing parties, facilitates
− Availed of in the pre-trial phase
communication and negotiation, and assist the
parties in reaching a voluntary agreement 5. Mini-Trial
regarding a dispute A structured dispute resolution method in which the
− Mediation v. arbitration merits of a case are argued before a panel
composed of senior decision makers with or without
As to binding decision
the presence of a neutral third person after which the
v Arbitration – an arbitral tribunal or arbitrator
parties seek a negotiated settlement
evaluates the evidence and the merits of the
case and renders an arbitral award based on his 6. Any Combination of the Foregoing Med-arb
7. Any Other ADR Form (Innominate ADR Form)
v Mediation – the parties to controversy are
− Valid contract that satisfies the requisites of ADR
convinced by a mediator to settle their
− Not contrary to law morals, good customs, public
controversy through voluntary agreement of the
order and public policy
parties themselves
Third Role of
Process Outcome
− Mediated settlement agreement v. arbitral awards Party Third Party
Mediation Facilitates
3. Conciliation Communication
Voluntary & negotiations,
The adjustment and settlement of a dispute in a Flexible Mediator assists the
Informal parties in
friendly, antagonistic manner reaching an
Conciliation Directs parties
Conciliation tries to individualize the optimal solution toward an
and direct parties towards a satisfactory common Voluntary
Conciliator Settlement
agreement. Informal
The “conciliator” is an impartial person that assists the solutions to
parties by driving their negotiations and directing them Arbitration Voluntary
Resolves the
towards a satisfactory agreement. Less Formal
than Litigation
Arbitral award

Litigation Formal
4. Neutral and Early Neutral Evaluation Rigid
Makes a ruling

− An ADR process wherein the parties and their

lawyers are brought together to present summaries Classifications of ADR
of their cases and receive a non-binding assessment As to the number of parties
a. Bilateral or Bi-party

Page 9
− When only two contending parties are involved b. International
b. Multilateral or Multi-party − Parties’ place of business are in different states
− More than two parties are involved − Place of arbitration is OUTSIDE THE PHILIPPINES
− Place where the substantial part of the obligation to
As to the number of issues be performed or the subject matter of the dispute is
a. Simple mostly closely connected is OUTSIDE THE PHILIPPINES
− Only a single issue is involved − If the parties agreed that the subject matter of the
b. Complex dispute relates to more than one country
− Two or more issues − Controlling law: ADR Act of 2004 on International
Commercial Arbitration
As to extent of conclusion
a. Complete Kinds of Arbitration as to the permanence of ADR
− All issues involved are resolved provider or Practicioner
b. Partial 1. Ad Hoc Arbitration
− One or more but not all issues are resolved − If the existence of the arbitrator (ADR provider) is
As to evidence only temporary for purpose of a particular dispute or
a. Evidentiary controversy
b. Non- Evidentiary 2. Institutional Arbitration
− If the arbitrator (ADR provider)’s existence is
As to the role of evidence in the proceedings permanent in character
a. Case-related
− If conducted in connection with or as a prerequisite Judicial Dispute Resolution
to trial JDR is conducted by a judge after parties fail to settle
E.g. CAM or JDR during Court Annexed Mediation. The JDR judge
b. Independent becomes a mediator, early neutral evaluator and
− Conducted irrespective of any pending court case conciliator. As a conciliator, the JDR judge persuades
involving the issue parties to reconsider their reluctance to compromise. As
an early neutral evaluator, the JDR judge gives a
As to the applicable law confidential, reasoned oral evaluation but nonbinding
a. Domestic opinion on the strengths and weaknesses of each party’s
− Parties’ place of business, place of arbitration, and case and their chances of success. Based on practice,
place of performance of the obligation involved or early neutral evaluation is conducted during private
subject matter of the dispute, are LOCATED in the caucus. As a mediator, the JDR judge actively facilitates
PHILIPPINES and assists negotiations among the parties.

Page 10
The secretary of justice shall convene a committee that
Subject Matter of ADR shall formulate the appropriate rules and regulations
All adversarial disputes and controversies can be the necessary for the implementation of this Act. The
subject matter of ADR committee, composed of representatives from:
Exceptions (Sec. 6 [b] to [h]of RA 9285) a) the Department of Justice;
1. The civil status of persons - matter determined by law b) the Department of Trade and Industry;
and is not subject to the discretion of the parties. c) the Department of the Interior and Local
2. The validity of marriage or any ground for legal Government;
separation - matters over which the State has a keen d) the President of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines;
interest to protect. e) A representative from the arbitration profession;
3. The jurisdiction of the courts - jurisdiction over the f) A representative from the mediation profession; and
subject matter of a case is determined by law and is g) A representative from the ADR organizations
not dependent upon the allegations of parties Objective of the Office for Alternative Dispute Resolution
except in the case of jurisdiction by estoppel.
1. to promote, develop and expand the use of ADR in
4. Future legitime - future legitime is inexistent and the private and public sectors; and
cannot be waived.
2. To assist the government to monitor, study and
5. Criminal liability - not susceptible of ADR. evaluate the use by the public and the private sector
6. In general, those which, by law, cannot be of ADR, and recommend to Congress needful
compromised (refer to Art. 2035 of the Civil Code of statutory changes to develop, strengthen and
the Philippines) - examples of law, which cannot be, improve ADR practices in accordance with world
compromised article 2035 of New Civil Code; it is standards.
against public policy to waive or enter into
compromise regarding future support. Powers and Functions of the Office for Alternative Dispute
Office of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (OADR) 1. To formulate standards for the training of the ADR
The President signed Executive Order No. 97 on October practitioners and service providers;
18, 2012, giving the Office of the Alternative Dispute
2. To certify that such ADR practitioners and ADR service
Resolution (OADR) all the authority and functions being
providers have undergone the professional training
discharged by the Office of the President (OP) over
provided by the office;
disputes filed with the courts, quasi-judicial bodies or
3. To coordinate the development, implementation,
administrative offices.
monitoring, and evaluation of government ADR

Page 11
4. To charge fees for their services; and
5. To perform such acts as may be necessary to carry Place of Mediation
into effect the provisions of this Act. Parties to mediation are given the freedom to agree on
the place of mediation. In the absence of such
agreement, place of mediation shall be any place
MEDIATION convenient and appropriate to all parties.
“A voluntary process in which a mediator selected by the
parties, facilitates communication and negotiation and Stages of Mediation
assists the parties in reaching a voluntary agreement 1. Opening statement of Mediator
regarding a dispute 2. Statement of the paties
3. Exchange by the parties of the facts
Classification of Mediation 4. Generalization of options
1. Mediation is non-evidentiary or non-merit based. 5. Closure
a. Mediation focuses on the facilitation of
communication and negotiation between the Mediation shall be closed and concluded by:
parties in order to encourage them voluntarily to a) Execution of settlement agreement by the parties; or
settle their dispute. b) By the withdrawal of any party from mediation; or
b. A mediator must refrain from giving legal or c) By the written declaration of the mediator that any
technical advise or otherwise engaging in further effort at mediation would not be helpful.
counselling advocacy and must abstain from
expressing his personal opinion on the rights and Advantages of Mediation
duties of the parties and the merits of any 1. Confidentiality in the mediation process;
proposal made. 2. Prompt, economical and amicable resolution of
disputes; and
2. Mediation is either institution when administered by, 3. The decision-making authority rests in the parties.
and conducted under the rules of mediation and ad
hoc if it is other than institutional. Confidential Information
Any information, relative to the subject of mediation or
3. An agreement to submit a dispute to a mediation by abitration, expressly intended by the source not to be
an institution shall include an agreement: disclosed
a. To be bound by the internal mediation and
administrative policies of such institution; Confidential information includes:
b. To have such rules govern the mediation of the 1. Communication, oral or written, made in a dispute
dispute and for the mediator, the parties and their resolution proceeding
respective counsels and non-party participants to 2. An oral or written statement made or which occurs
abide by such rules. during the mediation

Page 12
3. Pleadings, motions, manifestation, written statements, (e) The protections of this Act shall continue to apply
reportsfiled or submitted in arbitration or for expert even of a mediator is found to have failed to act
evaluation. impartially.
Coverage of Confidential Communication (f) a mediator may not be called to testify to provide
Information obtained through mediation proceedings information gathered in mediation. A mediator who
shall be subject to the following principles and guidelines: is wrongfully subpoenaed shall be reimbursed the full
cost of his attorney's fees and related expenses.
(a) Information obtained through mediation shall be
privileged and confidential.
(b) A party, a mediator, or a nonparty participant may Remedy If the Mediator Disclosed the Information
refuse to disclose and may prevent any other person 1. Deny the allegation
from disclosing a mediation communication. 2. File a case against the mediator
(c) Confidential Information shall not be subject to
discovery and shall be inadmissible if any adversarial Exceptions Based on Agreement, Nature of Proceedings,
proceeding, whether judicial or quasi-judicial Crime or Social Justice
However, evidence or information that is otherwise a) Those contained in an agreement evidenced by a
admissible or subject to discovery does not become record authenticated by all the parties to the
inadmissible or protected from discovery solely by agreement.
reason of its use in a mediation. b) Those available to the public or made during a
session of mediation, which is open, or is required by
(d) In such an adversarial proceeding, the following
law to the public.
persons involved or previously involved in a
c) A threat or statement of a plan to inflict bodily injury
mediation may not be compelled to disclose
or commit a crime of violence.
confidential information obtained during mediation:
d) Communication intentionally used to plan, attempt
A. Parties to the dispute; to commit, or commit, a crime, or conceal an on-
B. Mediator/s; going crime or criminal activity.
C. Counsel for the parties; e) Communication sought or offered to prove or
D. Non-party participants; disprove abuse, neglect, abandonment or
E. Any person hired or engaged in connection exploitation in a proceeding in which, a public
with mediation such as secretary, stenographer, agency is protecting the interest of an individual
clerk or assistant; and protected by law.
F. Any person who obtains or possesses f) Communication sought or offered to prove or
confidential information by reason of his disprove a claim or complaint of professional

Page 13
misconduct or malpractice filed against a mediator - Waiver can either be expressed such as when it is
in a proceeding. contained in record or implied by failing to timely
g) Communication sought or offered to prove or object to objectionable questions or by testifying or
disprove a claim or complaint of professional presenting a witness to testify on confidential and
misconduct or malpractice filed against a party, privileged information.
non-party participant or representative of a party - Waiver can also come by way of estoppel.
based on conduct occurring during mediation.
SEC. 10. Waiver of Confidentiality. - A privilege arising from the
confidentiality of information may be waived in a record, or orally
Exceptions Based on Public Policy during a proceeding by the mediator and the mediation parties.
1. A court proceeding involving a felony A privilege arising from the confidentiality of information may
2. A proceeding to prove a claim or defense that likewise be waived by a nonparty participant if the information is
under the law, it is sufficient to avoid liability in the provided by such nonparty participant.
mediation A person who discloses confidential information shall be
Limited Use of Evidence precluded from asserting the privilege under Section 9 of this
Chapter to bar disclosure of the rest of the information necessary
Admission of the evidence for the limited purpose of the to a complete understanding of the previously disclosed
exception does not render the evidence admissible for information. If a person suffers loss or damages in a judicial
any other purpose. proceeding against the person who made the disclosure.

A person who discloses or makes a representation about a

Privilege of the Mediator mediation is preclude from asserting the privilege under Section 9,
to the extent that the communication prejudices another person
General Rule: A mediator may not be compelled to in the proceeding and it is necessary for the person prejudiced to
provide evidence of mediation communication. respond to the representation of disclosure.
Exception: A mediator may not make report to a court or
agency that will make a ruling on dispute that is subject The Mediator
of mediation except with the following cases:
- The mediation parties are given the freedom to select
a. Where the mediation occurred or has terminated their mediator and they may request the Office of
or where a settlement was reached; ADR to provide them with a list or roster of its certified
b. Permitted to be disclosed under Section 13 of the mediators.
ADR Act. - The role of the mediator is very crucial that his
presence and competence must be ensured. A
Waiver Of Confidentiality mediator who refuses to act as such may withdraw or
- The protection of confidentiality is susceptible of may be compelled to withdraw from mediation

Page 14
proceedings under any of the following b) On impartiality – before accepting mediation, the
circumstances: mediator should make an inquiry that is reasonable
a. If any of the parties requests the mediator to under the circumstances to determine whether
withdraw. there are known facts that a reasonable individual
⇒ This promotes and strengthens party would consider likely to affect his impartiality.
autonomy and self- determination in the 2. During the Mediation
selection of the mediator. a) Confidentiality
b. The mediator does not have the qualifications, b) On consent and self-determination – a mediator
training and experience to enable him to meet shall exert reasonable efforts to ensure that each
the reasonable expectations of the parties. No party understands the nature and character of the
special qualification by background or mediation proceedings.
profession is required. However, if a mediator is c) On promotion of respect and control of abuse of
selected by the parties on account of his special process – the mediator shall encourage mutual
qualifications which turn out to be false or respect between the parties.
inaccurate, the mediation parties may ask for his Mediator’s Cost and Fees
withdrawal. − A mediator is allowed to charge costs, reasonable
c. The mediator’s impartiality is in question. fees and charges against the parties but he is under
d. The continuation of the process will violate an obligation to fully disclose and explain the basis.
ethical standard. − In ad hoc mediation, the parties are free to make
e. The safety of any one of the parties will be their own arrangements as to mediation costs and
jeopardized. fees
f. The mediator is unable to provide effective − In institutional mediation, costs shall include the
services. administrative charges of the mediation institution,
g. In case of conflict of interest. fees and associated expenses.
h. Other instances for under the IRR. − If mediator withdraws from the mediation, he shall
return any unearned fee and unused deposit.
Duties And Functions Of Mediators
Apart from the general duty of mediators to conduct Mediated Settlement Agreements
mediation, mediators are required to perform the − The concluding argument in a successful mediation is
following: called the mediated settlements agreement or
1. Prior to Mediation settlement agreement.
a) On competence – a mediator should maintain and − The following principles apply to these concluding
continually upgrade his professional competence arrangements
in mediations skills.

Page 15
a) Settlement agreement following a successful c) Assist the client to comprehend and appreciate the
mediation shall be prepared by the parties with mediation process and its benefits.
the assistance of a lawyer. d) Confer and discuss with the client the mediation
b) Parties and their respective counsels, shall sign the process and substance.
settlement agreement and shall certify the
contents. Role of Lawyers in mediation and in JDR Proceedings
c) If the parties agree, settlement may be jointly or
Lawyers may attend mediation proceedings in the role of
deposited in:
adviser and consultant to their clients, dropping their
⇒ Place of business of any of the parties
combative role in the adjudicative process, and giving
⇒ RTC where any of the individuals reside
up their dominant role in judicial trials. They must accept
⇒ Any RTC in the National Capital Region
a less directive role in order to allow the parties more
This will be the venue. opportunities to craft their own agreement.
d) When there is a need to enforce the settlement
e) Parties may agree In the settlement agreement
In particular, they shall perform the following functions:
that mediator shall become a sole arbitrator for
the dispute and shall treat the agreement as an 1. Help their clients comprehend the mediation process
arbitral award which shall be subject to and its benefits and allow them to assume greater
enforcement. personal responsibility in making decisions for the
success of mediation in resolving the dispute.
2. Discuss with their clients the following:
The Role of Counsel in Mediation
a) The substantive issues involved in the dispute.
A party may designate a lawyer or any other person to
b) Prioritization of resolution in terms of
provided assistance in the mediation. This right may be
importance to client.
waived but the waiver must be in writing and can be
c) Understanding the position of the other side
rescinded at any time.
and the underlying fears, concerns, and needs
The lawyer or counsel shall have the following roles: underneath that position.
a) Collaborate with the other lawyer in working together d) Need for more information or facts to be
towards the common goal of helping their clients gathered or exchanged with the other side for
resolve their indifferences to their mutual advantage. informed decision making.
b) Encourage and assist the client to actively participate e) Possible bargaining options but stressing the
in positive discussions and cooperate in crafting an need to be open-minded about other
agreement to resolve their dispute. possibilities.

Page 16
f) The best, worst, and most likely alternatives to a 5. The civil aspect of less grave felonies punishable by
negotiated agreement. correctional penalties not exceeding 6 years
3. Assist in preparing a compromise agreement that is imprisonment, where the offended party is a private
not contrary to law, morals, good customs, public person;
order, or public policy so that the same may be 6. The civil aspect of estafa, theft and libel;
approved by the court, paying particular attention to 7. All civil cases and probate proceedings, testate and
issues of voluntary compliance of what have been intestate, brought on appeal from the exclusive and
agreed upon, or otherwise to issues of enforcement in original jurisdiction granted to the first level courts
case of breach. under Section 33, par. (1) of the Judiciary
4. Assist, wherever applicable, in the preparation of a Reorganization Act of 1980;
manifestation of satisfaction of claims and mutual 8. All cases of forcible entry and unlawful detainer
withdrawal of complaint and counterclaim as basis brought on appeal from the exclusive and original
for the court to issue an order of dismissal. jurisdiction granted to the first level courts under
Section 33, par. (2) of the Judiciary Reorganization
Act of 1980;
9. All civil cases involving title to or possession of real
Mandatory Coverage for Court-Annexed Mediation property or an interest therein brought on appeal
(CAM) and Judicial Dispute Resolution (JDR) from the exclusive and original jurisdiction granted to
The following cases shall be 1) referred to Court-Annexed the first level courts under Section 33, par.(3) of the
Mediation (CAM) and 2) be the subject of Judicial Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980; and
Dispute Resolution (JDR) proceedings: 10. All habeas corpus cases decided by the first level
1. All civil cases and the civil liability of criminal cases courts in the absence of the Regional Trial Court
covered by the Rule on Summary Procedure, judge, that are brought up on appeal from the
including the civil liability for violation of B.P. 22, special jurisdiction granted to the first level courts
except those which by law may not be under Section 35 of the Judiciary Reorganization Act
compromised; of 1980.
2. Special proceedings for the settlement of estates;
3. All civil and criminal cases filed with a certificate to The following cases shall not be referred to CAM and JDR:
file action issued by the Punong Barangay or the 1. Civil cases which by law cannot be compromised
Pangkat ng Tagapagkasundo under the Revised (Article 2035, New Civil Code);
Katarungang Pambarangay Law 2. Other criminal cases not covered under paragraphs
4. The civil aspect of Quasi-Offenses under Title 14 of the 3 to 6 above;
Revised Penal Code; 3. Habeas Corpus petitions;

Page 17
4. All cases under Republic Act No. 9262 (Violence A. Voluntary Arbitration – involves the reference of a
against Women and Children); and dispute to an impartial body, the members of which
5. Cases with pending application for Restraining are chosen by the parties themselves, which parties
Orders/Preliminary Injunctions. freely consent in advance to abide by the arbitral
award issued after the proceedings where both
However, in cases covered under 1, 4 and 5 where the parties had the opportunity to be heard.
parties inform the court that they have agreed to B. Compulsory Arbitration – process of settlement of
undergo mediation on some aspects thereof, e.g., disputes by a government agency which has the
custody of minor children, separation of property, or authority to investigate and to make an award which
support pendente lite, the court shall refer them to is binding on all parties and as a mode of arbitration
mediation. where the parties are compelled to accept the
resolution of their dispute through arbitration by a 3rd
Under the classification, arbitration is either:
Concept Of Arbitration
(a) Domestic – if the components of parties’ places of
As defined, arbitration is a voluntary dispute resolution business. Place of arbitration, place of
process in which one or more arbitrators, appointed in
performance of a substantial part of the
accordance with the agreement of the parties or rules
obligation and place where the subject matter of
promulgated pursuant to the ADR Act, resolve a dispute
the dispute is most closely connected, are all
by rendering an award.
located in the Philippines.
(b) Foreign - Place of arbitration, place of
An arrangement for taking and abiding by the judgment performance of a substantial part of the
of selected persons in some disputed matter, instead of obligation and place where the subject matter of
carrying it to established tribunals of justice and is the dispute is most closely connected, are located
intended to avoid formalities, the delay, the expense outside the Philippines.
and vexation of ordinary litigation (Uniwide Sales Realty (c) International Commercial – if any of the following
vs. Titan-Ikeda Construction 511 SCRA 335, 2006) instances occur.
i. Parties’ places of business, which at the
As to the role of evidence and merits of the case, time of the arbitration, is in different states.
arbitration is a merit evidence based form of ADR. ii. Place of arbitration provided in the
arbitration agreement and in which the
parties have their places of business, is
Kinds Of Arbitration
outside the Philippines

Page 18
iii. Place where a substantial part of the recommended approved on December 11, 1985
obligation is to be performed or the place (Section 19)
with which the subject matter of the
dispute is most closely connected, and in Language of the Arbitration
which the parties have their places of
The parties are free to agree on the language or
business, is outside the Philippines
languages to be used in the arbitral proceedings. Failing
iv. The parties have expressly agree that the
such agreement, the language to be used shall be
subject matter of the arbitration agreement
English in international arbitration, and English or Filipino
relates to more than one country.
for domestic arbitration, unless the arbitral tribunal shall
determine a different or another language or languages
Arbitration is commercial if it covers matters arising to be used in the proceedings. This agreement or
from all relationships of a commercial nature, whether determination, unless otherwise specified therein, shall
contractual or not. apply to any written statement by a party, any hearing
and any award, decision or other communication by the
Commercial Arbitration arbitral tribunal (Section 31, RA 9285).
An arbitration is "commercial" if it covers matters arising
from all relationships of a commercial nature, whether The arbitral tribunal may order that any documentary
contractual or not. Relationships of a transactions: any evidence shall be accompanied by a translation into the
trade transaction for the supply or exchange of goods or language or languages agreed upon by the parties.
services; distribution agreements; construction of works; (Section 31)
commercial representation or agency; factoring; leasing,
consulting; engineering; licensing; investment; financing; Place Of Arbitration
banking; insurance; joint venture and other forms of
The parties are free to agree on the place of arbitration.
industrial or business cooperation; carriage of goods or
Failing such agreement, the place of arbitration shall be
passengers by air, sea, rail or road.
in Metro Manila, unless the arbitral tribunal, having regard
to the circumstances of the case, including the
International Commercial Arbitration convenience of the parties shall decide on a different
International Commercial Arbitration shall be governed place of arbitration.
by the Model Law on International Commercial
Arbitration (the "Model Law") adopted by the United The arbitral tribunal may, unless otherwise agreed by the
Nations Commission on International Trade Law on June parties, meet at any place it considers appropriate for
21, 1985 (United Nations Document A/40/17) and consultation among its members, for hearing witnesses,

Page 19
experts, or the parties, or for inspection of goods, other The basic objective of arbitration is to provide a speedy
property or documents (Section 30) and inexpensive method of settling disputes by allowing
the parties to avoid formalities, delay, expense and
Meaning Of Appointing Authority aggravation which commonly accompany ordinary
litigation, especially litigation which goes through the
As used in the Model Law shall mean the person or
hierarchy of courts.
institution named in the arbitration agreement as the
appointing authority; or the regular arbitration arbitration
institution under whose rules the arbitration is agreed to Arbitrators
be conducted. Where the parties have agreed to submit Is the person appointed to render an award, alone or
their dispute to institutional arbitration rules, and unless with others, in a dispute that is the subject of an
they have agreed to a different procedure, they shall be arbitration agreement.
deemed to have agreed to procedure under such
arbitration rules for the selection and appointment of Voluntary arbitrators act in a quasi-judicial capacity,
arbitrators. In ad hoc arbitration, the default such that their decisions are within the scope of judicial
appointment of an arbitrator shall be made by the review.
National President of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines
(IBP) or his duly authorized representative (Section 26) Arbitration Agreement
An arbitration agreement is the agreement by the parties
to submit to arbitration all or certain disputes which have
Policy On Arbitration arisen or which may arise between them in respect of a
Being an inexpensive, speedy and amicable method of defined legal relationship.
settling disputes arbitration – along with mediation,
conciliation and negotiation – is encouraged by SC. By nature, an arbitration agreement is contractual. It
Aside from unclogging judicial dockets, arbitration also should have the essential elements of a contract.
hastens the resolution of disputes, especially of the (1) Consent of the contracting parties;
commercial kind. It is thus regarded as the “wave of the (2) Object certain which is the subject matter of the
future” in international civil and commercial disputes. contract;
Brushing aside a contractual agreement calling for (3) Cause of the obligation which is established (Article
arbitration between the parties would be a step 1380, NCC)
backward. (Korea Technologies Ltd. Vs. Lerma 542 SCRA
The SC explained the contractual nature of an arbitration
1, 2008)
agreement in the case ORMOC SUGARCANE PLANTERS’
ASSOCIATION VS. CA (596 SCRA 630, 2009) an
Objectives Of Arbitration agreement to arbitrate is a contract, the relation of the

Page 20
parties is contractual and the rights and liabilities of the The decisions of an arbitral tribunal are subject to judicial
parties are controlled by the law of contracts. In an review. The inclusion of an arbitration clause in a
agreement to arbitrate some specific thing, and an contract does not ipso facto divest the courts to pass
agreement to abide by the award, either in express upon the findings of arbitral bodies.
language or by implication.
There are two modes of submitting dispute or controversy JAPAN LTD (544 SCRA 308, 2009) enumerated the judicial
to arbitration depending on the existence or pendency remedies an aggrieved party to an arbitral award may
of the dispute or controversy to be submitted for take, namely:
resolution, namely: 1. A petition in the proper RTC to issue an order to
i. Agreement to submit to arbitration vacate the award on the grounds provided in
ii. A submission agreement Section 24 or RA876;
2. A petition for review in the CA under Rule 43 of ROC
Arbitration agreement is a formal contract; its validity is on questions of fact, of law or mixed questions of
dependent on the contract being executed in a fact and law;
particular form. An arbitration agreement shall be in 3. A petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of ROC should
writing and subscribed by the parties charged or by his the arbitrator have acted without or in excess of his
lawful agent. jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction.
An arbitration agreement may be included in the
container contract in which case, it is referred to as an
arbitration clause or a compromissoire or may be In domestic arbitration, if the arbitral tribunal decides to
constituted in a separate contract. defer such ruling until the rendition of the arbitral award,
none of the parties can seek judicial relief from the
Doctrine Of Separability
Also known as DOCTRINE OF SEVERABILITY, enunciates
that an arbitration agreement is independent of the Arbitration and court action are not incompatible. They
main contract even if it is contained in an arbitration may proceed at the same time and independently of
clause. This is to be treated as a separate agreement each other. They may even complement each other.
such that even the validity of the main contract is
challenged, the arbitration agreement or clause remains Under the ADR Act and IRR, the court is directed to refer
valid and enforceable. to arbitration those who are parties to the arbitration
agreement and proceed with the court action as to
Judicial Review And Court Intervention those who are not bound by such arbitration agreement.

Page 21
The declaration under the law that a decision of the Coverage Of IRR Provisions On International Commercial
appointing authority or arbitrator or arbitral tribunal for Arbitration
that matter is immediately executory and not subject to The provisions of the IRR on international arbitration are
appeal or motion for reconsideration does not foreclose default rules, they are applicable only in the absence of
the possibility of judicial review. The remedy of the or in default of applicable provisions contained in:
aggrieved party under the situation is to avail of a 1. An agreement, in force between the Philippines and
petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of ROC. other states; and
2. An agreement between the parties on the
Interim Measures In Arbitration applicable rules.
Complementation between the arbitration and court
action is best exemplified in the area of interim measures. “THE ARBITRATION LAW”
Interim measures, otherwise referred to in the ADR Act as
“interim measure of protection” or “provisional reliefs” (REPUBLIC ACT NO. 876)
are ancillary remedies intended for the protection of the
Persons And Matters Subject To Arbitration
subject matter of the disputes.
Two or more persons or parties may submit to the
arbitration of one or more arbitrators any controversy
As a rule, interim measures are applied with and secured existing between them at the time of the submission and
from the arbitral tribunal. However, there are instances which may be the subject of an action, or the parties to
when the arbitral tribunal cannot grant the interim any contract may in such contract agree to settle by
measures such as when the arbitral tribunal is not yet arbitration a controversy thereafter arising between them.
constituted, or when the arbitral tribunal already Such submission or contract shall be valid, enforceable
constituted has no power to act or is unable to act and irrevocable, save upon such grounds as exist at law
effectively. for the revocation of any contract.

A provisional remedy under the ROC cannot exist without Such submission or contract may include question arising
a principal cause of action. However, this principle is not out of valuations, appraisals or other controversies which
true for interim measure under the ADR Act and IRR. A may be collateral, incidental, precedent or subsequent
court cannot refuse to grant, implement or enforce a to any issue between the parties.
petition for interim measure on the sole ground that the
petition is merely an ancillary relief and the principal
A controversy cannot be arbitrated where one of the
action is pending with the arbitral tribunal.
parties to the controversy is an infant, or a person
judicially declared to be incompetent, unless the
appropriate court having jurisdiction approve a petition

Page 22
for permission to submit such controversy to arbitration demand shall name the arbitrator appointed by the
made by the general guardian or guardian ad litem of party making the demand; and shall require that the
the infant or of the incompetent. party upon whom the demand is made shall within
fifteen days after receipt thereof advise in writing the
But where a person capable of entering into a submission party making such demand of the name of the
or contract has knowingly entered into the same with a person appointed by the second party; such notice
person incapable of so doing, the objection on the shall require that the two arbitrators so appointed
ground of incapacity can be taken only in behalf of the must agree upon the third arbitrator within ten days
person so incapacitated (Section 2) from the date of such notice.
2. In the event that one party defaults in answering the
demand, the aggrieved party may file with the Clerk
Controversies Or Cases Not Subject To The Provisions Of
of the Court of First Instance having jurisdiction over
This Act
the parties, a copy of the demand for arbitration
This Act shall not apply to controversies and to cases under the contract to arbitrate, with a notice that the
which are subject to the jurisdiction of the Court of original demand was sent by registered mail or
Industrial Relations or which have been submitted to it as delivered in person to the party against whom the
provided by CA 103 (Section 3) claim is asserted. Such demand shall set forth the
nature of the controversy, the amount involved, if any,
An Arbitration Shall Be Instituted By: and the relief sought, and shall be accompanied by
1. In the case of a contract to arbitrate future a true copy of the contract providing for arbitration.
controversies by the service by either party upon the 3. In the case of the submission of an existing
other of a demand for arbitration in accordance with controversy by the filing with the Clerk of the Court of
the contract. Such demand shall be set forth the First Instance having jurisdiction, of the submission
nature of the controversy, the amount involved, if any, agreement, setting forth the nature of the controversy,
and the relief sought, together with a true copy of the and the amount involved, if any. Such submission
contract providing for arbitration. The demand shall may be filed by any party and shall be duly executed
be served upon any party either in person or by by both parties.
registered mail. In the event that the contract 4. In the event that one party neglects, fails or refuses to
between the parties provides for the appointment of arbitrate under a submission agreement, the
a single arbitrator, the demand shall be set forth a aggrieved party shall follow the procedure prescribed
specific time within which the parties shall agree in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this section (Section
upon such arbitrator. If the contract between the 5)
parties provides for the appointment of three
arbitrators, one to be selected by each party, the Appointment Of Arbitrators

Page 23
The Court of First Instance shall appoint an arbitrator or appointed by the parties, may select or appoint a person
arbitrators, as the case may be, in the following as an additional arbitrator, the selection or appointment
instances: must be in writing. Such additional arbitrator must sit with
A. If the parties to the contract or submission are unable the original arbitrators upon the hearing (Section 9)
to agree upon a single arbitrator; or
B. If an arbitrator appointed by the parties is unwilling or Qualifications Of Arbitrators
unable to serve, and his successor has not been 1. Must be of legal age
appointed in the manner in which he was appointed; 2. In full-enjoyment of his civil rights
or 3. Know how to read and write
C. If either party to the contract fails or refuses to name
his arbitrator within fifteen days after receipt of the
demand for arbitration; or Prohibition
D. If the arbitrators appointed by each party to the A. No person appointed to served as an arbitrator shall
contract, or appointed by one party to the contract be related by blood or marriage within the sixth
and by the proper Court, shall fail to agree upon or to degree to either party to the controversy
select the third arbitrator. B. No person shall serve as an arbitrator in any
E. The court shall, in its discretion appoint one or three proceeding if he has or has had financial, fiduciary or
arbitrators, according to the importance of the other interest in the controversy or cause to be
controversy involved in any of the preceding cases in decided or in the result of the proceeding, or has any
which the agreement is silent as to the number of personal bias, which might prejudice the right of any
arbitrators. party to a fair and impartial award.
F. Arbitrators appointed under this section shall either C. No party shall select as an arbitrator any person to
accept or decline their appointments within seven act as his champion or to advocate his cause.
days of the receipt of their appointments. In case of
declination or the failure of an arbitrator or arbitrators If, after appointment but before or during hearing, a
to duly accept their appointments the parties or the person appointed to serve as an arbitrator shall discover
court, as the case may be, shall proceed to appoint any circumstances likely to create a presumption of bias,
a substitute or substitutes for the arbitrator or or which he believes might disqualify him as an impartial
arbitrators who decline or failed to accept his or their arbitrator, the arbitrator shall immediately disclose such
appointments (Section 8) information to the parties. Thereafter the parties may
agree in writing:
Appointment Of Additional Arbitrators i. to waive the presumptive disqualifying
Where a submission or contract provides that two or circumstances; or
more arbitrators therein designated or to be thereafter

Page 24
ii. to declare the office of such arbitrator vacant. Any may be ordered by the arbitrators upon their own motion
such vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as only at the hearing and for good and sufficient cause.
the original appointment was made. No adjournment shall extend the hearing beyond the
day fixed in the submission or contract for rendering the
Challenge Of Arbitrators award, unless the time so fixed is extended by the written
agreement of the parties to the submission or contract or
The arbitrators may be challenged only for the reasons
their attorneys, or unless the parties have continued with
mentioned in the preceding section which may have
the arbitration without objection to such adjournment.
arisen after the arbitration agreement or were unknown
at the time of arbitration.
The hearing may proceed in the absence of any party
The challenge shall be made before them. who, after due notice, fails to be present at such hearing
or fails to obtain an adjournment thereof. An award shall
If they do not yield to the challenge, the challenging not be made solely on the default of a party. The
party may renew the challenge before the Court of First arbitrators shall require the other party to submit such
Instance of the province or city in which the challenged evidence as they may require for making an award.
arbitrator, or, any of them, if there be more than one,
resides. While the challenging incident is discussed
before the court, the hearing or arbitration shall be No one other than a party to said arbitration, or a person
suspended, and it shall be continued immediately after in the regular employ of such party duly authorized in
the court has delivered an order on the challenging writing by said party, or a practicing attorney-at-law,
incident (Section 11). shall be permitted by the arbitrators to represent before
him or them any party to the arbitration. Any party
desiring to be represented by counsel shall notify the
Procedure By Arbitrators other party or parties of such intention at least five days
Subject to the terms of the submission or contract, if any prior to the hearing.
are specified therein, are arbitrators selected as
prescribed herein must, within five days after
The arbitrators shall arrange for the taking of a
appointment if the parties to the controversy reside
stenographic record of the testimony when such a
within the same city or province, or within fifteen days
record is requested by one or more parties, and when
after appointment if the parties reside in different
payment of the cost thereof is assumed by such party or
provinces, set a time and place for the hearing of the
matters submitted to them, and must cause notice
thereof to be given to each of the parties. The hearing
can be postponed or adjourned by the arbitrators only Persons having a direct interest in the controversy which
by agreement of the parties; otherwise, adjournment is the subject of arbitration shall have the right to attend

Page 25
any hearing; but the attendance of any other person matter which is the subject of the dispute in arbitration
shall be at the discretion of the arbitrators. (Section 14)

Oath Of Arbitrators Hearing By Arbitrators

Before hearing any testimony, arbitrators must be sworn, Arbitrators may, at the commencement of the hearing,
by any officer authorized by law to administer an oath, ask both parties for brief statements of the issues in
faithfully and fairly to hear and examine the matters in controversy and/or an agreed statement of facts.
controversy and to make a just award according to the Thereafter the parties may offer such evidence as they
best of their ability and understanding. Arbitrators shall desire, and shall produce such additional evidence as
have the power to administer the oaths to all witnesses the arbitrators shall require or deem necessary to an
requiring them to tell the whole truth and nothing but the understanding and determination of the dispute. The
truth in any testimony which they may give in any arbitrators shall be the sole judge of the relevancy and
arbitration hearing. This oath shall be required of every materiality of the evidence offered or produced, and
witness before any of his testimony is heard (Section 13) shall not be bound to conform to the Rules of Court
pertaining to evidence. Arbitrators shall receive as
Subpoena And Subpoena Duces Tecum exhibits in evidence any document which the parties
may wish to submit and the exhibits shall be properly
Arbitrators shall have the power to require any person to
identified at the time of submission. All exhibits shall
attend a hearing as a witness. They shall have the power
remain in the custody of the Clerk of Court during the
to subpoena witnesses and documents when the
course of the arbitration and shall be returned to the
relevancy of the testimony and the materiality thereof
parties at the time the award is made. The arbitrators
has been demonstrated to the arbitrators. Arbitrators
may make an ocular inspection of any matter or
may also require the retirement of any witness during the
premises which are in dispute, but such inspection shall
testimony of any other witness. All of the arbitrators
be made only in the presence of all parties to the
appointed in any controversy must attend all the
arbitration, unless any party who shall have received
hearings in that matter and hear all the allegations and
notice thereof fails to appear, in which event such
proofs of the parties; but an award by the majority of
inspection shall be made in the absence of such party
them is valid unless the concurrence of all of them is
(Section 14)
expressly required in the submission or contract to
arbitrate. The arbitrator or arbitrators shall have the
power at any time, before rendering the award, without Briefs
prejudice to the rights of any party to petition the court At the close of the hearings, the arbitrators shall
to take measures to safeguard and/or conserve any specifically inquire of all parties whether they have any
further proof or witnesses to present; upon the receipt of

Page 26
a negative reply from all parties, the arbitrators shall statements, the arbitrators shall declare the proceedings
declare the hearing closed unless the parties have in lieu of hearing closed (Section 18)
signified an intention to file briefs. Then the hearing shall
be closed by the arbitrations after the receipt of briefs Time For Rendering Award
and/or reply briefs. Definite time limit for the filing of such
Unless the parties shall have stipulated by written
briefs must be fixed by the arbitrators at the close of the
agreement the time within which the arbitrators must
hearing (Section 16)
render their award, the written award of the arbitrators
shall be rendered within thirty days after the closing of
Reopening Of Hearing the hearings or if the oral hearings shall have been
The hearing may be reopened by the arbitrators on their waived, within thirty days after the arbitrators shall have
own motion or upon the request of any party, upon declared such proceedings in lieu of hearing closed. This
good cause, shown at any time before the award is period may be extended by mutual consent of the
rendered. When hearings are thus reopened the parties (Section 19)
effective date for the closing of the hearings shall be the
date of the closing of the reopened hearing (Section 17) Form And Contents Of Award
The award must be made in writing and signed and
Proceeding In Lieu Of Hearing acknowledged by a majority of the arbitrators, if more
The parties to a submission or contract to arbitrate may, than one; and by the sole arbitrator, if there is only one.
by written agreement, submit their dispute to arbitration Each party shall be furnished with a copy of the award.
by other than oral hearing. The parties may submit an The arbitrators in their award may grant any remedy or
agreed statement of facts. They may also submit their relief which they deem just and equitable and within the
respective contentions to the duly appointed arbitrators scope of the agreement of the parties, which shall
in writing; this shall include a statement of facts, together include, but not be limited to, the specific performance
with all documentary proof. Parties may also submit a of a contract.
written argument. Each party shall provide all other
parties to the dispute with a copy of all statements and In the event that the parties to an arbitration have,
documents submitted to the arbitrators. Each party shall during the course of such arbitration, settled their dispute,
have an opportunity to reply in writing to any other they may request of the arbitrators that such settlement
party's statements and proofs; but if such party fails to do be embodied in an award which shall be signed by the
so within seven days after receipt of such statements and arbitrators. No arbitrator shall act as a mediator in any
proofs, he shall be deemed to have waived his right to proceeding in which he is acting as arbitrator; and all
reply. Upon the delivery to the arbitrators of all negotiations towards settlement of the dispute must take
statements and documents, together with any reply place without the presence of the arbitrators.

Page 27
The arbitrators shall have the power to decide only those Grounds For Vacating Award
matters which have been submitted to them. The terms 1. The award was procured by corruption, fraud, or
of the award shall be confined to such disputes. other undue means; or
2. That there was evident partiality or corruption in the
The arbitrators shall have the power to assess in their arbitrators or any of them; or
award the expenses of any party against another party,
when such assessment shall be deemed necessary. 3. That the arbitrators were guilty of misconduct in
(Section 20) refusing to postpone the hearing upon sufficient
cause shown, or in refusing to hear evidence
Arbitration Deemed A Special Proceeding pertinent and material to the controversy; that one or
Arbitration under a contract or submission shall be more of the arbitrators was disqualified to act as such
deemed a special proceeding, of which the court under section nine hereof, and wilfully refrained from
specified in the contract or submission, or if none be disclosing such disqualifications or of any other
specified, the Court of First Instance for the province or misbehavior by which the rights of any party have
city in which one of the parties resides or is doing business, been materially prejudiced; or
or in which the arbitration was held, shall have jurisdiction. 4. That the arbitrators exceeded their powers, or so
Any application to the court, or a judge thereof, imperfectly executed them, that a mutual, final and
hereunder shall be made in manner provided for the definite award upon the subject matter submitted to
making and hearing of motions, except as otherwise them was not made (Section 24)
herein expressly provided (Section 21)
Where an award is vacated, the court, in its discretion,
Confirmation Of Award may direct a new hearing either before the same
arbitrators or before a new arbitrator or arbitrators to be
At any time within one month after the award is made,
chosen in the manner provided in the submission or
any party to the controversy which was arbitrated may
contract for the selection of the original arbitrator or
apply to the court having jurisdiction, as provided in
arbitrators, and any provision limiting the time in which
section twenty-eight, for an order confirming the award;
the arbitrators may make a decision shall be deemed
and thereupon the court must grant such order unless
applicable to the new arbitration and to commence
the award is vacated, modified or corrected, as
from the date of the court's order.
prescribed herein. Notice of such motion must be served
upon the adverse party or his attorney as prescribed by
law for the service of such notice upon an attorney in Where the court vacates an award, costs, not exceeding
action in the same court (Section 23) fifty pesos and disbursements may be awarded to the

Page 28
prevailing party and the payment thereof may be written extension of the time, if any, within which to
enforced in like manner as the payment of costs upon make the award.
the motion in an action. B. A verified of the award
C. Each notice, affidavit, or other paper used upon the
Grounds For Modifying Or Correcting Award application to confirm, modify, correct or vacate
such award, and a copy of each of the court upon
A. Where there was an evident miscalculation of figures,
such application.
or an evident mistake in the description of any person,
thing or property referred to in the award; or
B. Where the arbitrators have awarded upon a matter The judgment shall be docketed as if it were rendered in
not submitted to them, not affecting the merits of the an action.
decision upon the matter submitted; or
C. Where the award is imperfect in a matter of form not The judgment so entered shall have the same force and
affecting the merits of the controversy, and if it had effect in all respects, as, and be subject to all the
been a commissioner's report, the defect could have provisions relating to, a judgment in an action; and it
been amended or disregarded by the court (Section may be enforced as if it had been rendered in the court
25) in which it is entered (Section 28)

Motion To Vacate, Modify Or Correct Award: When Made Death Of Party

Notice of a motion to vacate, modify or correct the Where a party dies after making a submission or a
award must be served upon the adverse party or his contract to arbitrate as prescribed in this Act, the
counsel within thirty days after award is filed or delivered, proceedings may be begun or continued upon the
as prescribed by law for the service upon an attorney in application of, or notice to, his executor or administrator,
an action (Section 26) or temporary administrator of his estate. In any such case,
the court may issue an order extending the time within
Papers To Accompany Motion To Confirm, Modify, which notice of a motion to confirm, vacate, modify or
Correct, Or Vacate Award correct an award must be served. Upon confirming an
The party moving for an order confirming, modifying, award, where a party has died since it was filed or
correcting, or vacating an award, shall at the time that delivered, the court must enter judgment in the name of
such motion is filed with the court for the entry of the original party; and the proceedings thereupon are
judgment thereon also file the following papers with the the same as where a party dies after a verdict (Section
Clerk of Court; 30)
A. The submission, or contract to arbitrate; the
appointment of the arbitrator or arbitrators; and each

Page 29
SPECIAL RULES OF COURT ON ALTERNATIVE B. The court is in a better position to resolve the dispute
subject of arbitration;
DISPUTE RESOLUTION (A.M. No. 07-11-08-SC ) C. The referral would result in multiplicity of suits;
The Special Rules of Court on Alternative Dispute D. The arbitration proceeding has not commenced;
Resolution (the "Special ADR Rules") shall apply to and E. The place of arbitration is in a foreign country;
govern the following cases: F. One or more of the issues are legal and one or more
A. Relief on the issue of Existence, Validity, or of the arbitrators are not lawyers;
Enforceability of the Arbitration Agreement; G. One or more of the arbitrators are not Philippine
B. Referral to Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR"); nationals; or
C. Interim Measures of Protection; H. One or more of the arbitrators are alleged not to
D. Appointment of Arbitrator; possess the required qualification under the
E. Challenge to Appointment of Arbitrator; arbitration agreement or law (Rule 2.2)
F. Termination of Mandate of Arbitrator;
G. Assistance in Taking Evidence;
Principle Of Competence-Competence
H. Confirmation, Correction or Vacation of Award in
Domestic Arbitration; Arbitral tribunal may initially rule on its own jurisdiction,
I. Recognition and Enforcement or Setting Aside of an including any objections with respect to the existence or
Award in International Commercial Arbitration; validity of the arbitration agreement or any condition
precedent to the filing of a request for arbitration (Rule
J. Recognition and Enforcement of a Foreign Arbitral
Award; 2.2)
K. Confidentiality/Protective Orders; and
L. Deposit and Enforcement of Mediated Settlement The arbitral tribunal shall be accorded the first
Agreements (Rule 1.1) opportunity or competence to rule on the issue of
whether or not it has the competence or jurisdiction to
Policy On Arbitration decide a dispute submitted to it for decision, including
any objection with respect to the existence or validity of
Where the parties have agreed to submit their dispute to
the arbitration agreement. When a court is asked to rule
arbitration, courts shall refer the parties to arbitration
upon issue/s affecting the competence or jurisdiction of
pursuant to Republic Act No. 9285 bearing in mind that
an arbitral tribunal in a dispute brought before it, either
such arbitration agreement is the law between the
before or after the arbitral tribunal is constituted, the
parties and that they are expected to abide by it in
court must exercise judicial restraint and defer to the
good faith. Further, the courts shall not refuse to refer
competence or jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal by
parties to arbitration for reasons including, but not limited
allowing the arbitral tribunal the first opportunity to rule
to, the following:
upon such issues.
A. The referral tends to oust a court of its jurisdiction;

Page 30
B. The nature and substance of the dispute between
Where the court is asked to make a determination of the parties;
whether the arbitration agreement is null and void, C. The grounds and the circumstances relied upon by
inoperative or incapable of being performed, under this the petitioner to establish his position; and
policy of judicial restraint, the court must make no more D. The relief/s sought (Rule 3.6)
than a prima facie determination of that issue.

Unless the court, pursuant to such prima facie

determination, concludes that the arbitration agreement
is null and void, inoperative or incapable of being
performed, the court must suspend the action before it
and refer the parties to arbitration pursuant to the
arbitration agreement (Rule 2.4)

A petition questioning the existence, validity and
enforceability of an arbitration agreement may be filed
before the Regional Trial Court of the place where any of
the petitioners or respondents has his principal place of
business or residence (Rule 3.4)

A petition may be granted only if it is shown that the
arbitration agreement is, under the applicable law,
invalid, void, unenforceable or inexistent (Rule 3.5)

Contents of petition
The verified petition shall state the following:
A. The facts showing that the persons named as
petitioner or respondent have legal capacity to sue
or be sued;

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