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Republic of the Philippines )


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We, SP01 Antonio Rodriguez and P02 Manuel Santos, both members of the Philippine National
Police, presently assigned at the Makati City, Police Station, do hereby depose and stateTHAT:
01.That on or about 11 o’clock in the evening April 25, 2008, I, 2nd affiant received areport thru
a phone call from Jose Garcia, security guard of Fiamma Bar in JupiterSt., Makati City, that an
alleged trouble in progress at Fiamma Bar.
02.That immediately after receiving the report, we proceeded in the reported place andthat
thereat, we saw the persons of Baron Geisler , Patricia Martinez and JoseGarcia.
03.That upon interview on Patricia Martinez– she alleges that Baron Geisler committedan act of
lasciviousness with Patricia Martinez, by touching her breast and left thigh.
04.That we invited Baron Geisler to go with us in the Police Station to clarify thingswhich he
readily acceded.
05.That we informed Baron Geisler that he is being held for allegedly committing actsof
lasciviousness and apprised him of his Constitutional Rights as stated in theMiranda Doctrine.
We then brought and indorsed the case for proper investigation.06.
IN TRUTH TO THESE WE HEREUNTO affixed our signatures below to thetruthfulness of the
foregoing.SP01 Antonio Rodriguez P02 Manuel Santos 1st Affiant 2nd
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ____ day of __________________
atMakati City, Philippines.
Police InspectorOath Administering Officer
Republic of the Philippines )

Province of Oriental Negros)S.S.

Dumaguete City )

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We, SPOII EVERY M. ROM and PO3 JON PANE,Both of legal ages,single and
residents of Bindoy, Negros Oriental, Philippines, having been dulysworn do
solemnly state: That we are members of the Philippine National Police assigned at
thePNP Office in _________. We were both on duty in said Police station on
January16, 2013 from 800h – 2000h.

That at about 0815h while we were on duty, a habal-habal driver in theperson of

Junjun Blanco arrived and reported that while he was driving hismotorcycle at a
road in Sitio AAA, BBB, Negros Oriental, he was flagged downby a suspicious
person who was carrying a bag which he believed contained afirearm.

We subsequently responded to such report and immediately went to theplace

indicated and upon arriving thereat we inquired from a bystander aboutthe
presence of any suspicious looking person. We were then informed that thesaid
person has already left following the trail leading to Barangay CCC. Thereupon, we
pursued the suspect and in fact, caught up with him afterwalking for about two
kilometers. Then and there we saw the suspect slinginghis firearm and also carried
a back pack.

That at about ten (10) meters we ordered him to stop and at the sametime
informed said person of our authority as police officers and told him toraise his
hands and which he did. We then approached him and confiscatedfrom him the
firearm and inquired from him whether he has authority topossess the same. Said
person could not give any license to possess. We theneffected an arrest and read to
him his constitutional rights. Upon inquiry on hisidentity, said person revealed his
name as PEDRO JUAN “Bj”, 31 years old,married and a resident of Barangay DDD
of EEE, Negros Occidental.

After duly marking the confiscated firearm and one empty magazinethereof, we
brought said Pedro Juan alias “BJ” to the Police station of _____,Negros Oriental.
That this affidavit is executed to attest to the truth of all the foregoingand to
support the filing of a formal charge/s in court against said person.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF,We hereunto set our hands this 16th day of January
2013 at Dumaguete City, Philippines.



SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 16thday of January 2013at

Dumaguete City, Philippines and further certify that I have examined theaffiants
and that I am satisfied that they fully understood the contents thereof.

4thAssist. Provincial
Prosecutor I

Republic of the Philippines )






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I, NORHANINA SULAIK, 30 years old, single, and a resident House No.31 Marawi
Avenue,Maharlika, Taguig City, after having been duly sworn to in accordance with
law, hereby deposesand state THAT

:1. I have worked as a bouncer at the Localz Bar for four (4) years, since 2014.

2. I do not know personally the deceased but I always see him because he is a
regularcustomer at the Localz Bar.

3. There was many reports and complaints about the deceased’s arrogance and

4. On August 31, 2018 Miharbi Albani, Jin Cedilla and Francis Ambrosio Tan are
dringking inthe same table when Keanu Ngilay is passing through when Francis
touched his behindthat made him lost his balance and spilled some of the contents
of the bottles of beeronto Francis, I saw it because I was monitoring the customers
inside the bar, Keanu onthe other hand yelled, ‘Bastos ka ha!’ that caught the
attention of the other customers.Before it will turn into a commotion I decided to go
to them however Keanu leave andignore what was happened and I saw him
proceed to his table. Upon seeing this, Idecided not to continue my plan and went
to the Bar’s door entrance to exchange dutywith my co-bouncer.

5. At 10: 34, I saw Keanu outside the bar, talking on the phone. He stays there for
aboutsix (6) minutes and a White Toyota Vios fetch him.

6. At 10:55pm Miharbi yelled for help upon seeing Francis body lying on the floor
coveredwith blood inside the restroom and I was one of the bar staff who helped

I WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereby affix my signature this 2nd day of September

2018 in the City ofPasay, Metro Manila, Philippines.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this 29th day of July 2018, in the City
of Pasay, MetroManila, Philippines and I further certify that I have personally
examined the affiant and Iconvinced and satisfied that he voluntarily executed the
foregoing Counter Affidavit andunderstood all the contents hereof and that they are
true and correct as to his own personalknowledge.


Notary Public

Republic of the Philippines )

__________, ______ ) s.s.



I, ______________________, age, civil status, resident of

________________________, _______, after having sworn in accordance with
law, do hereby depose and state THAT:

1. I was present and personally saw that accused, ________, committed the crime
of _________________________ against the victim _____________;

2. (State other circumstances and the relation either to the victim or accused or
both); 3.

(State the details of the acts committed by the accused against the victim.

04. (State the acts done by the witness and the reason thereof); I executed this
affidavit to attest the truthfulness of the foregoing facts and to support the filing of
Criminal Cases against _____________________________ for violations of


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto affixed my signature this __day of

___________ at __________, _____________. Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN
to before me this _ day of _____ at _____________. I HEREBY CERTIFY that I
have personally examined the herein affiants and I am satisfied that they
voluntarily executed and understood their given affidavit.

Notary Public

Republic of the Philippines }

Province of Bukidnon }S.S.

City of Valencia }



I, JERAMEL LIANGCO Y LUMAHANG, 25 years old, single, student and a

resident of Purok-11 Poblacion, Valencia City, Bukidnon. After having been duly
sworn to in accordance with law do hereby deposed and say;

That on or about 2230H of 06 September 2010 while we stayed in “Balotan” at

Plaza Rizal along the Sayre Highway when Mr. Geronda slapped to the head portion
of Mr. Casumpang without any reason and words but unfortunately he saw the
strike of Mr. Geronda and then protect himself through his defense tactic and a few
second Mr. Geronda run away to the said placed. Then after the incident, Mr.
Casumpang directly went to the Church. As I observed of Mr. Geronda, he was
Drunk since he came from Bar Haus at the front of Plaza Rizal.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereby set our hand this 25th day of September 2010 at
Valencia City, Philippines.



SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 25th day of September 2010, at

Valencia City, Philippines. I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have personally examined the
above-named affiant and that I am convinced that the affiant personally and
voluntarily executed this instrument and fully understood the same as well as the
legal consequences thereto.
Republic of the Philippines }

City of Baguio } S.S


I KAREN VALENZUELA, Filipino citizen, of legal age and resident of Queenof

Peace, Baguio City, after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law do
herebydepose and say that:

1. I have known Gemma Lim and Roy Co, as they are both a friend of mine;

2. That I have known that both had a dating relationship since December
2014which lasted sometime in September 2015;

3. When their relationship ended, Roy Co became furious, frustrated and ventedout
his anger because Gemma ended their relationship during one of ourfriends

4. In that event, I had a chance to talk to him as a friend to calm him, however
outof the blue during our conversation he showed me his phone and startedshowing
his pictures together with Gemma and videos including their sexualactivities;

5. I stopped him and said that he should never show such private videos
andpictures of him together as not to humiliate anyone much less his partner
onsaid acts;

6. As a friend of Gemma, and a woman not wanting same to happen to me or anyof

my family, I felt the need to say what Roy did showing the said pictures andvideos
to warn her and maybe she could talked into Roy regarding the matter;

7. However, I learned that from Gemma, who kept on crying who seem to have
notslept for days that he refuses to do so;

8. Hence, Gemma stated that he might as well file a case since Roy refuses todelete
their private videos and pictures;

9. That I am executing this affidavit to attest to the truth and veracity of

theforegoing statement IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this
22nd day ofOctober 2015 at Baguio City, Philippines.

Driver’s license no. 987654321

Issued at Baguio City

Valid Until January 2020

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, this 22nd day of October, 2015
atBaguio City, by the affiant, who exhibited to me competent proof of her identity,
theparticulars are indicated below his name and signature.


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