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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 9

Learning objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
Define argumentative text; extract important information from argumentative text; illustrate through a chart the
pros and cons of a given problem; and develop logical reasoning.

III. Procedure
Good morning class!
How are you today?
Great! Are you ready for today’s topic?
(The teacher asks students what are their observations from the picture shows)
C. Presentation of lesson
(The teacher asks the students what technologies or machines you usually argue about?)
E. Lesson proper
(The teacher asks what is argumentative text and the teacher will give her examples then after giving her examples
the students will do the activity.)
Group Activity
Divide the class into two (2). Let the group leader pick from the bowl if they will be the Group Pros or Group
Cons then after that the teacher will give the problem.

Write five (5) pros and five (5) cons of “Bringing Mobile Phones to School”. (Worksheet)

In a one (1) whole sheet of paper. List five (5) advantages and five (5) disadvantages of the following
communication technology.
1. Computer/Laptop
2. E-mails
3. Voice mail

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Recognize infinitives in texts;
2. Express thoughts on the importance of studying; and,
3. Construct sentences using infinitives.
Grammar: Infinitives
Literature: Of Studies by Francis Bacon
PowerPoint Presentation
a. Preparatory Activities
The teacher greets the students and then asks them to keep away unnecessary
things from their desks.
b. Motivation
The teacher asks the students if they had played charades before. The teacher explains how to play it.
c. Presentation of Lesson
The teacher asks the class what are the similarities they noticed in the game.
d. Lesson Proper
The teacher discusses the infinitives.
Infinitives are one of the three verbal’s that look like a verb but does not function as a verb. Instead,
infinitives are used as a noun, an adjective or an adverb. They are Obstructed by adding to before a verb ivy its
case form. Infinitives become infinitive phrases when words are added to them.
To eat on time will prevent ulcer. (Infinitive as noun)
To eat on time will prevent ulcer. (Infinitive phrase as noun)
*The person to consult about the book is my publisher. (Infinitive as adjective)
*The person to consult about the book is my publisher. (Infinitive phrase as adjective)
*It is practical to leave early in the morning. (Infinitive as adverb)
*It is practical to leave early in the morning. (Infinitve phrase as adverb)
e. Application
1. The teacher introduces Frails Bay ad his essay O ͞ f “studies.͟ The teacher provides a worksheet with a copy of the
essay to each pair and instructs them to look for infinitives then to fill in the table in the worksheet (worksheet attached.)
2. Construct a new sentence with the use of the infinitives found in the text. The infinitive in the new sentence
should function differently from the original.

f. Valuing
The teacher asks the students the following questions:
1. Is studying purely for school purposes?
2. Is studying perfected only through attending school and reading?
3. If a person graduated from a reputable university with honors and secured a good career, does this mean he/she
necessarily has a good behavior?

g. Generalization
The teacher asks a volunteer to summarize the lesson.

Compose a short paragraph of your opinion of the essay O
͞ f “studies.͟ Pyroborate at least five infinitive phrases in
the paragraph. Underline the infinitive phrases used.

Cut and paste five paragraphs from magazines or newspapers that contain infinitives. Highlight the infinitive or
infinitive phrase used then identify its function in the sentence.
Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade 9
Learning Competencies: EN9RC-IV-a2.18: Relate text content to particular social issues, concerns, or disposition in
real Life.
I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. defines difficult words in the text,
b. appreciates the importance of discerning future opportunities
c. relates the play to their goals in the future.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Lesson 5: Discerning Future Opportunities
Literature: The Death of a Salesman
Reference: Anglo-American Literature 9 page 521.
Materials: Power Point Presentation, Video Clip
III. Procedure
a. Preparation
Checking of Attendance
Classroom Management
b. Review
c. Motivation (Twisted Message Relay)
Each group will form a line with the use of a chair, the number of the chair depends on the number of the member.
One representative will come forward to silently read the message then relay it to the members. The last member will run
and then find the relayed message inside the box and post it on board. The first member who can post will earn a point.
d. Presentation
Presentation of the Objectives
Presentation of the subject matter
e. Discussion: Round Robin (Unlocking of Difficulties)
Each group will be given a placard and chalk. You will use it in answering the unlocking of difficulties and then raise it
when I give the signal.
1. endeavor 6. crowd
2. strained 7. realatively
3. salesman 8.carefree
4. death 9. outdoors
5. crash 10. touchdown
Video viewing of “ Death of the Salesman”
Guide Questions: ( Get a Flaglets ! )
Any representative from the group will get 2-3 flaglets in front, and see if the flagllet has a question. The group who
got a question, have the power to choose a member from the other group to answer the question.
f. Application (# future Goals)
Each group will have to choose a picture posted in front that they wanted to be in the future and write 2-3
sentences/ or a short description why you choose the picture. After that, you will post your output in front and
present it.
Happy Family
Going Abroad
Owning a car, house and lot
Be a business man
God’s Servant
g. Generalization
Based on the lesson that we had, what is the importance of discerning
future opportunities?
Choose the definition of the underlined word in the sentence. Write only the letter.
1. An endeavor to reduce serious injury.
a. tries hard to do or achieve something
b. a sudden noise as of something is breaking
c. a large number of people gathered together.
D. free from anxiety or responsibility
2.Jean’s pale, strained face.
a. showing signs of nervous tension or tiredness
b. the act of touching the ground
c. in relation, comparison or proportion to something else
d. the end of the life of a person or organism
3. The carefree days of summer
a. free from anxiety or responsibility
b. a sudden loud noise as of something breaking or hitting
c. a man whose job involves selling or promoting commercial products
Make a dream board using cardboards. Use pictures and write a short caption.
Content -20
Neatness -15
50 points

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