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1 UNITED NATIONS 1945 NEWYOR maintain international peace and security,

K Friendly relations b/w countries & Social

A UNGA Executive & DM body, approves UN Single vote, 1,Sec general of UN

Budget & Make recom on any matters Simple 2,Non-permanent members of UNSC &
within the scope of the UN, except matters majority members for ECOSOC
of peace and security that are under 3, Judges of ICJ
consideration by the UNSC
B Universal declaration of 1948 Adopted by UNGA
Human rights India is a member

C Advisory Committee on It is a subsidiary organ of the UNGA. It consists of 16 members appointed by

Administrative and the Assembly in their individual capacity.
Budgetary Questions (UN It ensures that fund contributions to the UN system are put to good effect and
ACABQ) that mandates are properly funded.
2 UNSC binding decisions on member states. Single vote Recommend India assumed prezship &
9/15 Majority s the SEC - chaired the Taliban sanctions
GEN committee
3 UN ECOSOC 3 year term 54 member
India is a member

A UN Comm on status of principal global intergovernmental body India is a member

Women exclusively dedicated to the promotion of
gender equality and the empowerment of
4 ICJ Hague principal judicial organ of the UN 15 judges – Kulbhushan Dada
Aka World Court the only principal organ of UN to be not 9 year term,
located in New York reappointme
settles legal disputes between states. hears nt possible
cases related to war crimes, illegal state
interference, ethnic cleansing, and other
No Individuals, Org ONLY NATIONS
Specialized Agencies are legally independent international organizations with their own rules, membership, organs and financial resources, which were brought into relationship with the United
Nations through negotiated agreements.

1 World bank group 1944 Bretton IBRD and IDA are collectively known as World Bank, that ACCORDIN Intl Health P.ship = WHO + India not member of
A. World Bank woods provides loans to countries for capital programs. G TO WB ICSID
SHARE Clean Air initiative
B IBRD 1944 DC largest development bank in the world, Loans to poor HELD India is a founding member in
countries Each member state of IBRD should also be a both
member of the (IMF)
provides various forms of financing without sovereign
C IFC 1956 guarantees, primarily to the private sector

2 IMF 1944 core responsibility--provide loans to member countries Shareholdin New Arrangement to Borrow
experiencing actual or potential BOPproblems g Pattern (NAB),
does not lend for specific projects. US has a VETO

3 ILO 1919 Geneva Created by the treaty of Versailles India labour standard (Convention ILO GOV BODY
responsible for drawing up and overseeing international labour founding 182) has been universally
standards. member ratified.
aims to eliminate all forms of forced or compulsory labour, India Assumed C.Ship of
abolition of child labour and the elimination of discrimination ILO
in employment and occupation.
Non Binding

4 FAO 1945 Rome The Codex Alimentarius Commission established by FAO It has also decided to observe
and WHO is an intl food standard setting body. ‗International Year of Millets‘in
International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) 2023, upon the request from
Globefish - Indian government.

5 UNESCO PARIS World Heritage Mission Recently INTACH is pushing to get recognition of a
Man and Biosphere Programme for protecting Biosphere UNESCO Global Geo Park for Visakhapatnam
reserves across the world consisting of
UNECO Creative city
1. Erra Matti Dibbalu (red sand dunes),
Indian Cities in UCCN – Varanasi for Music, Jaipur for Crafts
and Folk Art, Chennai for Music and Hyderabad for 2. Natural rock formations at Mangamaripeta,
Gastronomy and Mumbai in Film Category.
3. Million-years-old Borra Caves,
4. Volcanic ash deposits in Araku Valley.
India does not have any UNESCO Global Geo Park as of
6 WHO Geneva authority of directing and coordinating WHO has announced that it will set up a Global World health
matters related to International health Centre for Traditional Medicine in India Assembly
the WHO has for the first time recognized
―burn-out‖ in its International Classification
of Diseases
7 IMO global standard-setting authority for the safety, security and India is a member of category B
environmental performance of international shipping.
the prevention of marine pollution
Ballast water management convention was adopted in IMO
in 2004 & came into force in Sep, 2017. The convention aims
to prevent the spread of harmful aquatic organisms from one
region to another
The Bunker convention was adopted in 2001 and came into
force in 2008. Its aim is to ensure that adequate, prompt, and
effective compensation is available to persons who suffer
damage caused by oil spills, when carried as fuel in
8 ICAO Montreal It was created after the Chicago convention on International Civil Aviation.
It became a specialized agency of the ECOSOC

A CORSIA It intends to offset annual increases in CO2 emissions from international civil
aviation above 2020 levels.
It only applies to international flights. Domestic emissions fall under the
purview of UNFCCC, and are covered by the Paris Agreement.
9 WMO 1950 Geneva WMO provides forecasts and early warnings Collab with india - Flash Flood Guidance
to nations, which help prevent and mitigate System which aims to provide forecasts 6 hours
disasters. WMO monitors and forecast the in advance
transport of chemical and oil spills, forest
fires, volcanic ash, haze and nuclear
10 WIPO Geneva It is designed to promote the worldwide Marrakesh treaty - india
protection of both industrial property and
copyrighted materials

11 Intl telecommunication 1865 Geneva It is responsible for the allocation of radio spectrum and Member since 1952
union satellite orbits, and for the standardization and development 0f
ICTs worldwide.
12 Intl development fund for Rome It provides low-interest loans and grants to developing
agri countries to finance innovative agricultural and rural
development programmes and projects.

13 UN Industrial development Vienna promotion of industrial development, poverty reduction and Regional office in delhi
Org environmental sustainability.

14 UN World tourism Org madrid It is responsible for the promotion of UNWTO Executive
responsible, sustainable and universally Council
accessible tourism.


They are subordinate to the United Nations, but since they are immediately controlled by distinct inter-governmental bodies and derive most of their financial resources from other sources than the
United Nations budgets
1 UN Women 2010 Praised odisha CM for 33%
reservation for women

2 United Nations Conference Geneva Part of UN Secretariat

on Trade and Development
3 UN Habitat 1978 Nairobi agency for human settlements and India as Prez of UN habitat
sustainable urban development Executive board member in assembly
Reports to UNGA

4 WFP 1961 Rome FAO+UNGA Nobel peace prize 2020

It is the world’s largest humanitarian
funded by voluntary donations
5 UNEP Nairobi voluntary contributions for 95 per cent It honoured PM Narendra Modi
of our income. with ‗Champions of the Earth‘
for ISA
6 ICP It is the largest worldwide data-collection initiative, under the Implementation in india –
guidance of UN Statistical Commission MoSPI
It‘s goal is to produce Purchasing Power Parities India – 2nd biggest economy in
WB releases PPP terms of PPP
7 UNDP 1965 Status-executive board within the UNGA In partnership with the MoRD- Governance & Accelerated
Formed to help countries eliminate poverty Livelihoods (GOALS) project, helps promote affordable housing for the
and achieve sustainable human development rural poor.
The Electronic Vaccine Intelligence Network, or eVIN, developed by
UNDP India with support from the Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, uses
technology to help health workers ensure that vaccines reach every child,
In partnership with Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, funded by
GEF, the project aims to demonstrate and develop the market for
Renewable Energy Technology Packages for Rural Livelihoods
(RETPRLs) in three selected states Assam, Odisha and Madhya
Disha is a partnership between the India Development Foundation and
UNDP, supported by IKEA Foundation, that aims to support one million
underprivileged women in India learn marketable skills and connect with
income opportunities.

8 UN Sanitation & The fund is hosted by the UN Office for

Hygiene Fund Project Services

It describes the organizations whose cooperation agreement with the UN has many points in common with that of Specialized Agencies, but does not refer to Article 57 and 63 of the UN Charter,
relevant to Specialized Agencies.
1 IAEA Vienna It seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and to reports to both the UNGA India is a member
Atoms for peace Org inhibit its use for any military purpose and Security Council
essential component of Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of
Nuclear Weapons (NPT
2 OPCW Hague implementing body of the Chemical Weapons Convention Nobel peace prize in 2013 India signed treaty in
(CWC), 1993
independent, autonomous international organisation with a
working relationship with the UN

It prohibits – Large-scale use, development, production,

acquisition, stockpiling, or retention of chemical weapons and
their precursors

3 WTO 1995 Geneva WTO officially commenced under the Marrakesh Cotton4 Countries - General council
Agreement, replacing the General Agreement on Tariffs and Benin, Burkina Faso,
Trade (GATT Chad and Mali
4 Intl org for migration 1951 Geneva It works in the field of migration with governmental, World migration report
intergovernmental and non-governmental partners.


United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) is the main instrument for supporting and reinforcing the coordinating role of the UN intergovernmental bodies on social,
economic and related matters.
1 UNHRC 2006 Inter gov Body – subsidiary body of UNGA India was elected in the council
resolutions = not legally binding

2 UNICEf NY special program of the United Nations. UNICEF Cryptocurrency Fund - It becomes first UN
organisation to hold and make transactions in
cryptocurrencies ether and bitcoin.
YuWaah - Generation Unlimited India (YuWaah) was
launched by UNICEF in 2019 ( MoYA)
3 United Nations Comm on core legal body of the United Nations system in the field of In India, Insolvency Law Committee, constituted by
Intl Trade Law international trade law, specializing in commercial law reform Ministry of Corporate Affairs, has recommended the
(UNCITRAL) adoption of the UNCITRAL Model Law of Cross Border
Insolvency, in IBC, as it provides for a comprehensive
framework to deal with cross border insolvency issues.
4 Asia-Pacific Institute for 1977 Kuala Estd under UNESCO India prez for 2 years
Broadcasting Development lumpur The International Telecommunication Union (ITU),
UNDP and the UNESCO are founding organisations

5 Global Digital Content WIPO Organized India – Host Nation


6 Astana Decleration strengthen primary healthcare and achieve universal health Alma Ata Declaration, which declared health a
coverage by 2030 human right for all.

7 Dubai Declaration 2018 It details measures to boost funding for data and statistical analysis for conducted by United Nations Statistical
monitoring and speeding up progress towards the 2030 SDGs. Commission with support the UN Department of
Economic and Social Affairs

8 United Nations Alliance of It is an initiative that seeks to galvanize international action against extremism
Civilizations (UNAOC) through the forging of international, intercultural and interreligious dialogue
and cooperation.

9 Global compact for first intergovernmental negotiated agreement, prepared under the India is a member
migration auspices of UN to cover all dimensions of migration.
not binding

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