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“ Concept About Family “

Prof.Dr.Hj.Neviyarni SM.S.

Arranged By
Lani Zefania N (20006079)



CHAPTER 1 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………..
COVER ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...……………………
TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………...………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
CONCEPT MAPS ……………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………..………...
CHAPTER II ……………………………………..……………………………………………………………………..………………………....
DISCUSSION ………………………………………………………………………………………………………...………………….………..
1 . Discussing the Concept of Essence Family (Psychologically, Sociological and Physiological)…….………..………………………..
2 . Exemplifying Family Characteristics …………………….......................................................................................................................
3 . Analyzing the Conditions for Forming Family……………………………………………………………….…………………….........
4 . Analyzing Circles family life ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
CHAPTER III ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
1 . BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....
1. QUESTION AND ANSWER ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. YEL YEL …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….....................

Exemplifying Concept About Concept of

Family Family Essence
A . Physiological development is
Characteristics Family
a. Organized usually accompanied by high
sexual maturity actually,
According to Makhfludi, Efendy related to the maturity of the
(2009), the family is a reflection calendar, this calendar empties
of an organization, where each into the blood vessels through
Conditions for
family member has a role and Circles family life the exchange of substances
Forming Family
function of each, so that the that exist between tissues
family can be achieved. calendars with hair follicles in
b. Limitations them.

In achieving the goals, each 1. Togetherness B . The need for relatedness,

family member has a role and which is defined as a tendency
responsibility each. 2. Emotional underpinnings; inherent in the individual to
The family life cycle is the feel connected to others,
c. Differences and specifics process of developing family life namely to be group members,
3. Developmental influence,
The existence of diverse roles in since marriage until the couple to be loved, cared for, and
the family shows that each 4. Limited size, reaches old age. The family cared for.
member The family has grows through three periods,
different and distinctive roles 5. Responsibilities of members, namely the adjustment period,
and functions as well. the growing family period and
6. Social rules, the shrinking family period

7. Its eternal and temporal

Concept About Family

A. Definition of Family
Family is a multidimensional concept. According to Koerner and Fitz Patrick. The definition of family can be reviewed at least from three points
of view, namely:
1. Structural definition.
Family is defined by the presence or absence of family members, such as parents, children, and other relatives.
2. Functional definition.
The family is defined with an emphasis on the fulfillment of the tasks and functions of psychosocial functions. These functions include care,
socialization in children, emotional and material support, and the fulfillment of certain roles. This definition focuses on on the tasks performed by
the family.
3.Definition of transactional.
The family is defined as a group that develops intimacy through behaviors that give rise to a sense of identity as a family, in the form of emotional
bonds, historical experience, as well as future aspirations. This definition focuses on how The family carries out its function. The family is a
household that has a relationship blood or marriage or provide for the performance of instrumental functions and expressive functions of the family
for its members who are in a network. Burgess and Locke define a family as a group of people bound by marriage, blood, or adoption, establishing
a household, relating and communicate with each other in recognized social roles, as husband and wife, mother and fathers, sons and daughters,
brothers and sisters, and creating habits or shared culture.

B. Family Formation from Physiological Aspects

Physiological development is usually accompanied by high sexual maturity actually, related to the maturity of the calendar, this calendar empties
into the blood vessels through the exchange of substances that exist between tissues calendars with hair follicles in them. It is these substances that
called hormones which then cause certain stimuli. Something This hormonal stimulation makes it unsettled (turbulent). A taste that has never been
experienced in childhood. Adulthood is the initial period of a person in adjusting to patterns new life and new hopes and new social expectations.
At this time, a person is required to start his life playing a dual role such as the role of as husband or wife and roles in the world of work.
Adulthood is said to be a difficult period for individuals, because at this time a person is required to let go of dependence on parents and try to
can be independent. The characteristics of adulthood are:
a. Setting Period
At this time a person will experiment before he determines which one is appropriate, fit, and provide permanent satisfaction. When he has found
the pattern of life that he believes in can fulfill his life, he will develop patterns of behavior, attitudes, and values which is likely to be his specialty
for the rest of his life.
b. Productive Age
It is called the productive period because this age range is a period of which is suitable for determining a life partner, getting married, and producing
or producing child. At this time, the reproductive organs are very productive in producing offspring.
c. Troubled Times
Adulthood is said to be a difficult and problematic period. Because someone has to adjust to his new role (marriage vs. work).
d. Period of Emotional Tension
When a person is in their 20s, their emotional state is out of control. Tends unstable, restless, and easily rebellious. At this time also one's emotions
are very turbulent and easily tense.
e. Social Information Period
Adulthood is a time when a person experiences a social crisis, he is isolated or alienated from social groups.
f. Commitment Period
At this time the individual begins to realize the importance of commitment. It begins to form new lifestyles, responsibilities, and commitments.
g. Period of Dependence
In this early adulthood to late 20s, one still has dependence on parents or the organization or agency that binds them.
h. Period of Change
Values The values that a person has when he is in early adulthood change, because experience and social relations are expanding.

C. Family Formation from Psychological Aspect

This aspect cannot be left out of almost all human behavior in general, including family formation. starting from the developmental stages of
children to adults who followed by physiological development adding to maturity in the definition of adulthood alone. as the stages of development
according to jung, early adolescence libido energy will be much directed to sexual activities, then in adolescence until As an adult, this libido
energy is directed to focus on career, marriage, raising children and find ways to interact with the community. general need can also be developed
First, The need for autonomy, conceptualized as the experience of feeling choice, support, and will with regard to starting, maintaining, and ending
behavioral engagement.
Second, Competency needs are defined as desires attached to individuals to feel effective in interacting with the environment, reflecting the need
for to practice skills, and seek optimal challenges.
Third, The need for relatedness, which is defined as a tendency inherent in the individual to feel connected to others, namely to be group members,
to be loved, cared for, and cared for. Refers to warmth and attention received from interactions with others, thereby producing a sense of belonging,
involves the need to connect securely with others in the environment and experience the feeling of being worthy of being loved and appreciated.
Oswald kroh suggests that the development of the child's soul is evolutionary. Usually at certain times experienced a shock (revolutionary activity)
twice, this shock is called by krohas Trotz Period. Namely the first at the age of 3 / 4 years, the second at the age of 12 years for girls and 13 years
for boys. In summary, it can be described as follows:

1. From the age of birth to the Trotz I period (0 years – 3 / 4 years) is called childhood beginning.
2.From the Trotz I period to the Trotz II period (3/4 years – 12/13 years) is called the period school compatibility.
3. From the period of Trotz II to the end of adolescence (12/13 years – 21 years) is called the period of maturity. Paying more attention to the body
than before is a psychological aspect real, constructing his own image of their bodies it seems, gazing at mirror and pay attention to body changes
for a long time. Girls in general more disapproving of a negative image of themselves than young men in the same puberty physical and sexual
maturity does not guarantee readiness to build a house ladder with marriage, the fact is that young people marry because of the results from
responsibility for the fruit of monkey love which is only based on physical maturity culminate in the rapid termination of the relationship through

II. Family Traits

1. Characteristics of Family Structure
a. Organized
According to Makhfludi, Efendy (2009), the family is a reflection of an organization, where each family member has a role and function of each,
so that the family can be achieved. A good organization is characterized by strong relationships between members as a form of interdependence
in achieving goals.
b. Limitations
In achieving the goals, each family member has a role and responsibility each. So that in interacting each member cannot be arbitrary but have
limitations based on the responsibilities of each family member Makhfludi, Efendy (2009).
c. Differences and specifics
The existence of diverse roles in the family shows that each member The family has different and distinctive roles and functions as well. Father's
role as the main breadwinner and the role of the mother who takes care of the children.

IV. Family life circle

The family life cycle is the process of developing family life since marriage until the couple reaches old age. The family grows through There are
three periods, namely the adjustment period, the growing family period and the shrinking family period.
a. Rationale :
The period of family development, family burdens will change, problems and difficulties arise, need adjustment in the material and emotional
cultural fields. Adjustments occur throughout the life of marriage, family life is not an option, marriage there are tasks and burdens in family life
Everyone must understand and try to meet the needs of each partner, Family life must be based on the existence of adequate assessment and
appreciation high on family life
Family life is not to be played with, family life demands ability to understand each other, adapt and need each other.
b. Adjustment Period Adjustments occur because:
a) Different family background
b) Cultural differences
c) Age difference
d) Differences in educational background
e) Socio-economic differences
f) Differences in philosophy of life
g) Differences in the way of behaving, thinking, opinion and personality.
The family period grows, this period starts with the birth of the first child to the next child most enter college or leave their parents' house because
work or have a family. Problems that arise when the family grows are:
The number of family members increases, causing new problems with increasing the need for food, clothing, housing, education costs and so on.
1) Changes in emotional, social and cultural life due to the addition of members
2) family, the atmosphere becomes crowded.
3) Wives become busy with their children, so attention to other things becomes
4) reduced, the husband feels unnoticed.
5) Husbands have to work harder to earn a living.
Family time grows divided into 4 periods, namely:
1) Time to have small children
2) The period of having children in the pre-school period
3) Time to have children in elementary school
4) Time to have children in high school
5) Decreased family period What is meant by the shrinking family period is a condition in which the family members are reduced.
This period is divided into 3 periods, namely:
1) family as a base for departure,
2) family in middle age,
3) family in old age. Family as a base to leave
4) This period shows the eldest child is ready to leave to enter a new world in life they.

Ahmadi, Abu. Munawar sholeh. Psikologi perkembangan, PT RinekaCipta. Jakarata. 2005.

Jahja, Rudrik. Psikologi Perkembangan. Kencana. Jakarta. 2015.Lestari, Sri. Psikologi
Keluarga. Kencana. Jakarta. 2012.Santrock, John w. Adolescence Perkembangan Remaja,
Jakarta,erlangga 2003.
Simanjuntak, Antonius, Bungaran. Harmonius Family.Yayasan PustakaObor Indonesia.
Jakarta. 2013.
Singgih D. Gunarsa. (1987).Psikologi untuk muda-mudi. Jakarta, BPKGunung Mulia. Diakses
Tekeng, Nurjannah, Yunus. Asmadi Alsa Peranan. Kepuasan KebutuhanDasar Psikologis dan
Orientasi Tujuan Mastery Approach terhadap BelajarBerdasar Regulasi

1 . Below is the definition of a structural family...

A. The family is defined as a group that develops intimacy through behaviors that give rise to a sense of identity as a family, in the form
of emotional bonds, historical experience, as well as future aspirations
B . Family is defined by the presence or absence of family members, such as parents, children, and other relatives
C . The family is defined with an emphasis on the fulfillment of the tasks and functions of psychosocial functions

2 . Physiological development is usually accompanied by high sexual maturity actually, related to the maturity of the calendar, this calendar
empties into the blood vessels through the exchange of substances that exist between tissues calendars with hair follicles in the calendar. is the
formation of a family from the aspect of ? ...
A. Psychological
B . Social
C . Physiological
3 . All of the following are characteristics of a family, except ?...
A. Limitations
B . Free
C . Organized
4 . The family life cycle is the process of developing family life since marriage until the couple reaches old age
A. False
B . True
5 . Physiological development related Competency needs are defined as desires inherent in individuals to feel effective in interacting with the
environment, reflecting the need for to practice skills, and seek optimal challenges
A . True
B . False

1 . Explain the concept of the Trotz period in Family Formation from a Psychological Aspect
Aswer :
1. From the age of birth to the Trotz I period (0 years – 3 / 4 years) is called childhood
2.From the Trotz I period to the Trotz II period (3/4 years – 12/13 years) is called the period
school compatibility.
3. From the period of Trotz II to the end of adolescence (12/13 years – 21 years) is called the period of
Paying more attention to the body than before is a psychological aspect
real, constructing his own image of their bodies it seems, gazing at
mirror and pay attention to body changes for a long time. Girls in general
more disapproving of a negative image of themselves than young men in the same
puberty physical and sexual maturity does not guarantee readiness to build a house
ladder with marriage, the fact is that young people marry because of the results
from responsibility for the fruit of monkey love which is only based on physical maturity
culminate in the rapid termination of the relationship through divorce
2 . Describe the characteristics of a family
Answer :

a. Organized
According to Makhfludi, Efendy (2009), the family is a reflection of an organization, where each family member has a role and function of each,
so that the family can be achieved. A good organization is characterized by strong relationships between members as a form of interdependence
in achieving goals.
b. Limitations
In achieving the goals, each family member has a role and responsibility each. So that in interacting each member cannot be arbitrary but have
limitations based on the responsibilities of each family member Makhfludi, Efendy (2009).
c. Differences and specifics
The existence of diverse roles in the family shows that each member The family has different and distinctive roles and functions as well. Father's
role as the main breadwinner and the role of the mother who takes care of the children.

3 . Explain the conditions for the formation of a family

Answer :
1. Togetherness
The family is the most universal form among the forms other social organizations. Almost every human condition has a membership of several
2.Emotional underpinnings;
it is based on a very deep impulse from organic human traits such as marriage, fatherhood, maternal fidelity and parents attention.
3. Developmental influence, this is the earliest social environment
of all higher forms of life, including humans, and influences the greatest development in the consciousness of life which is its source.
4. Limited size, the family is a group that is limited in size, which
limited by biological conditions which cannot be more without losing its identity. Therefore, the family is the smallest scale of all formal
organizations which constitutes a social structure, and especially in an already civilized and the family as a whole is separated from the kinship
5. Responsibilities of members, families have greater demands and continuous than most other associations do.
6. Social rules, this is especially maintained by the existence of taboos in the community society and the legal rules that rigidly define its
7. The eternal and temporary nature of the family, as an institution, is something that thus permanent and universal, and as an association the
most temporary and the most volatile of all organizations other important things in society.
Sound : Laskar pelangi

family is
multidimensional concept
family definition can be reviewed
from 3 aspects
the first structural
the second one is functional
and third transactional
family formation can be seen from 2 aspects
namely physiological as well as psychological
there are 3 family characteristics
organized, limitations and differences

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