Lani Zefania N (20006079) - Resume 2 (BK Keluarga)

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“ Concept Of Family “

Prof.Dr.Hj.Neviyarni SM.S.
Soeci Izzati Adlya, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Arranged By
Lani Zefania N (20006079)



CHAPTER 1 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………
COVER ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...……………………….
TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………...……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
CONCEPT MAPS ……………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………..…………....
CHAPTER II ……………………………………..……………………………………………………………………..………………………........
DISCUSSION ………………………………………………………………………………………………………...………………….…………...
1 . Family Goals …….………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2 . Family Role …………………….................................................................................................................................................................
3 . Changes in The Role of Family Members ………….……………………..................................................................................................
4 . The Basic Factors That Shape She Changing Role of The Family ………………………………………………………..………………
CHAPTER III …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
1 . BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………........
1. QUESTION AND ANSWER ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. YEL YEL …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….....................

Family Goals
Family Role
1 . The family is the basic unit that
1 . Provision of resources is very influential on individual
2 . Nursing and support
2 . The family becomes the
3 . Adult sexual satisfaction
4 . Personal development
3 . The family also functions in
meeting the needs of family
Concept Of members

The Basic Factors That Shape She

Changing Role of The Family
Changes in The Role of Family
1 . Socio-cultural
2. Socio-economic level
In general, there has been a shift the
3. Situation noprofitable role and function of the family in some
Indonesian society. From several cases
4. Personal aspirations
whose parents all work, found There
are several roles and functions of the
family that has undergone a shift
Concept Of Family

A . Family Goals
The basic goals of forming a family are:
1. The family is the basic unit that is very influential on individual development,
2. The family becomes the intermediary and hope of each family member in the needs and demands of society,
3. The family also functions in meeting the needs of family members with the aim of stabilizing the needs of the family. affection, sexual and
4. AMMA Family is influential in the formation of individual identity in the development and feelings of individual self-esteem
According to Andarmoyo (2012), the basic goals of family formation are:
1. The family is the basic unit that has a strong influence on individual development,
2. The family as an intermediary for the needs and expectations of family members with the needs and demands of society.
3. The family functions to meet the needs of family members by stabilizing the needs of affection, socioeconomic and sexual needs, and
4. The family has an important influence on the formation of an individual's identity and feelings of self-worth.
The Fundamental Reasons why the family is the central focus of care are:
1. Within a family unit, any dysfunction (illness, injury, separation) that affects one or more families, and in some cases, will often affect other
family members and the unit as a whole,
2. There is a strong and significant relationship between the family and the health status of its members,
3. Through family health care that focuses on improvement, self-care, health education and family counseling as well as meaningful efforts can
reduce the risks that will be created by family lifestyles and environmental hazards.
4. The presence of health problems in one family member can lead to the discovery of risk factors in other family members, and 5. The family is
a very vital support system for individual needs. (Andarmoyo, 2012)

B . Family Role
Roles in the family are defined as repetitive patterns of behavior performed by family members to fulfill family functions (Epstein et al.,
2003). There are several functions where all family members can understand these functions to create a healthy family. The MMFF finds the basic
roles of the family, namely:
1. Provision of resources, including functions and tasks related to the provision of money, food, clothing, and shelter.
2. Nursing and support, including providing comfort, warmth, security, and support for family members.
3. Adult sexual satisfaction, husband and wife personally, feel satisfaction in one another sexual relationship.
4. Personal development, is the duty and function of the family to support family members in developing personal skills, including physical,
emotional, social and educational development of children, career development and ordinary social development.
5. Maintenance and management of the family system, covering various functions involving engineering and UNIVERSITA

C . Changes in The Role of Family Members

Families change with the changing times. Desired changes are usually expected to lead to well-being and happiness, but the reality is often different.
Changes in roles in the family can occur during the transition period. In this case the role of the family also changes, the social and emotional roles
of the family tend to shift to an economic role. This assumption would not be wrong if the reality shows that the type of household is more obvious
in everyday life than the type of family. A working couple may leave the house early in the morning and return at night so there is very little
interaction with family members, especially children.
The same phenomenon will be found in families whose members are separated because they work in other places, so the time to gather is only on
weekends. The psychological impact is clear. The formation of a child's personality, for example, is more influenced by the school and its social
environment. In the future, the role of mass media may replace other roles.
According to Hurlock (1980: 170), the profound influence of children's relationships with families is evident from various areas of life. the most
important of which are as follows:
a. In school work, children's attitudes towards school are strongly influenced by their relationship with family members. Healthy and happy family
relationships can lead to a drive for achievement, whereas unhealthy and unhappy family relationships can lead to emotional tension, which usually
has an adverse effect on concentration and learning abilities.
b. Family relationships affect social adjustment outside the home. If the family relationship is pleasant, the child's social adjustment outside the
home is better than a tolerant family relationship.
The role and function of the family has undergone a shift in modern society. The role and function of the family as an institution
socialization and affection have undergone changes. This causes a disturbance the process of socialization of children in the family. By that's why
today many teenagers who deviant behavior, and most of the research indicates that there has been promiscuity (sex) among teenagers. The general
assumption is that technology and Industrialization is the main factor in the shift in the role and function of the family. According to William F
Ogburn (in Goode, 2007, p.215) that the main driver of social change is technology. In his theory of the change of the Ogburn family views that
the modern family has lost its function due to industrialization. Modern industrialism has given women more economic freedom, but does not
relieve them of household duties. A working mother tends to feel a strong bond with their children so they try to avoid burden them with homework
ladder. In addition, trying to divert compensate for the neglect of their children by protecting them and solving the difficulties they face (Goode,
2007, p.156). This causes children be spoiled and show lower ability. So that they will find it difficult when faced with a complicated question.
These children tend to be unable to adjust so they deal with it by diverting the problem to less important things. good. In general, there has been a
shift the role and function of the family in some Indonesian society. From several cases whose parents all work, are found There are several roles
and functions of the family that has undergone a shift.
D . The Basic Factors That Shape The Changing Role Of The Family
1. Socio-cultural
The development of a child at the age of three to six years is the development of social attitudes. The concept of social development refers to the
behavior of children in relation to the social environment to be independent and able to interact or to become social humans. Interaction is
communication with other humans, a relationship that creates social feelings that bind individuals to fellow humans, feelings of community life
such as helping each other, giving and receiving, sympathy and empathy, a sense of loyalty to friends and so on.
2. Socio-Economic Level
Economic circumstances can also bring about changes in the family. For example, the economic situation of a family that was initially low in
economy, then gradually improved its economic situation, then automatically a family will experience changes in various things in the family.
Sometimes children also feel that their house and possessions are worse than their friends' houses and things, children often blame their parents,
and parents tend to hate it.
3. Unfavorable Situation
In this case, sometimes there is a change in family functions such as losing a small part of various functions in problems that cause various
conflicts and some even end up breaking up the family.
4. Personal Aspiration
Families who cannot carry out psychological functions will grow mistakes understanding between family members so that they do not feel loved,
alienated, or unappreciated as a result of which is in the form of quarrels.

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Goode, Willian J. (2007). Sosiologi keluarga. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
Makhmudah, Siti. 2018. “Penguatan Peran Keluarga dalam Pendidikan Anak.” Martabat: Jurnal Perempuan Dan Anak 2 (2): 269-286–286.
Ulfa, M. (2020). Peran Keluarga dalam konsep psikologi perkembangan anak usia dini. Aulad: Journal on Early Childhood, 3(1), 20-28.
Ulfa, Khoiriyah. 2015. “Peran Keluarga Menurut Konsep Perkembangan Kepribadian Persfektif Psikologi Islam.” Al-Adyan: Jurnal Studi Lintas
Agama 10 (1): 123–40.

1 . The following are the basic goals of the family, except ...
A. The family becomes the intermediary and hope of each family member in the needs and demands of society
B . As an adult condition
C . The family is the basic unit that is very influential on individual development

2 . Below are the roles of family, except...

A. Provision of resources
B . Nursing and support
C . Teaching children to work
3 . The following are factors that cause changes in family roles, except ?...
A. Socio-cultural
B . Religion
C . Personal aspiration
4 . Families change with the changing times. Desired changes are usually expected to lead to well-being and happiness, but the reality is often
different. Changes in roles in the family can occur during the transition period
A. False
B . True
5 . Family changes will only cause a negative impact on family conditions

A . True
B . False

1 . Describe an example of a case where a change in family roles has a negative impact on family conditions
Aswer :
The emergence of juvenile delinquency is a life turmoil caused by social changes in society. These changes are for example a shift in the function
and family role. The role and function of the family has undergone a shift in modern society. The role and function of the family as an institution
socialization and affection have undergone changes. This causes a disturbance the process of socialization of children in the family. By that's why
today many teenagers who deviant behavior, and most of the research indicates that there has been promiscuity (sex) among teenagers. The
general assumption is that technology and Industrialization is the main factor in the shift in the role and function of the family. According to
William F Ogburn (in Goode, 2007, p.215) that the main driver of social change is technology. In his theory of the change of the Ogburn family
views that the modern family has lost its function due to industrialization. Modern industrialism has given women more economic freedom, but
does not relieve them of household duties. A working mother tends to feel a strong bond with their children so they try to avoid burden them with
homework ladder. In addition, trying to divert compensate for the neglect of their children by protecting them and solving the difficulties they face
(Goode, 2007, p.156). This causes children be spoiled and show
lower ability. So that they will find it difficult when faced with a complicated question. These children tend to be unable to adjust so they deal with
it by diverting the problem to less important things. good. In general, there has been a shift the role and function of the family in some
Indonesian society. From several cases whose parents all work, are found There are several roles and functions of the family that
has undergone a shift
2 . What if the goal of forming a family is not achieved?
Answer :

If the purpose of forming a family is not achieved, there will be a change or shift in the role of the family which may have a negative impact on a
3 . Explain the factors that cause changes in roles in the family
Answer :
1. Socio-cultural
The development of a child at the age of three to six years is the development of social attitudes. The concept of social development refers to the
behavior of children in relation to the social environment to be independent and able to interact or to become social humans. Interaction is
communication with other humans, a relationship that creates social feelings that bind individuals to fellow humans, feelings of community life
such as helping each other, giving and receiving, sympathy and empathy, a sense of loyalty to friends and so on.
2. Socio-Economic Level
Economic circumstances can also bring about changes in the family. For example, the economic situation of a family that was initially low in
economy, then gradually improved its economic situation, then automatically a family will experience changes in various things in the family.
Sometimes children also feel that their house and possessions are worse than their friends' houses and things, children often blame their parents,
and parents tend to hate it.
3. Unfavorable Situation
In this case, sometimes there is a change in family functions such as losing a small part of various functions in problems that cause various
conflicts and some even end up breaking up the family.
4. Personal Aspiration
Families who cannot carry out psychological functions will grow mistakes understanding between family members so that they do not feel loved,
alienated, or unappreciated as a result of which is in the form of quarrels
Sound : Pelangi pelangi

Tujuan keluarga adalah berikut

Membentuk keluarga yang baik dan rukun
Melindungi keluarga
Juga mensejahterakan
Keluarga , keluarga ada perannya
Peranan keluarga adalah berikut
Tempat anak belajar berbagai aspe
Mulai masyarakat juga agama
Keluarga keluarga mengalami perubahan
Perubahan dalam perannya
Banyak faktornya
Mulai dari ekonomi , social budaya
Juga aspirasi pribadi
Keluarga keluarga
Tempat ternyaman

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