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Lecturer :
Prof.Dr.Hj.Neviyarni SM.S.
Soeci Izzati Adlya, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Arranged by :
Lani Zefania N (20006079)




TABLE OF CONTENT .......................................................................................... 2

MIND MAPPING ................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER I ............................................................................................................ 4
DISCUSSION ......................................................................................................... 4
A. Affection/Affection ........................................................................................ 4
B. Education ........................................................................................................ 5
C. Economy ......................................................................................................... 5
D. Protection ........................................................................................................ 6
E. Religion ........................................................................................................... 6
F. Recreation ....................................................................................................... 7
G. Social Control ................................................................................................. 7
CHAPTER II ........................................................................................................... 9
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ............................................................................. 9
YEL-YEL .............................................................................................................. 12
REFERENCES...................................................................................................... 13


Affection & Affection

Parents give warmth and love to their children

The family is the first educational environment that is
absorbed and accepted by children

The role of fathers and mothers to support all family
members, both themselves as parents and their children

Family Function Protection

The role of the family in creating a feeling of security, peace,
and protection, both psychologically and physically

Parents should create a religious family life

This function is more about recreation, which can be felt
and lived by all family members, such as being away
from commotion and conflict

Social Control
Families can take preventive measures or preventive efforts
against family members


A. Affection/Affection

According to BKKBN (2013), affection is a form of expression of feelings (with

full attention), awareness, and love for someone. All religions teach their people to
have compassion for everyone. The religious proverb says: "love others as you love
yourself". Act. No. 10 of 1992 PP No. 21 of 1994 the functions of affection in the
family are:

1. Grow and develop the potential for affection that already exists between family
members into real symbols optimally and continuously.

2. Fostering loving behavior between families both quantitatively and qualitatively.

3. Fostering the practice of love for worldly life and ukhrawi in the family in a
harmonious, harmonious and balanced manner.

4. Fostering the sense, attitude and practice of family life that is able to give and
receive love as an ideal pattern of living towards a happy and prosperous small

The function of the family is to provide a solid foundation for the relationship
between husband and wife, parents with their children, children with children, and
kinship between generations so that the family becomes the main place for a life
full of inner and outer love (Wirdhana, 2013). Bagja Waluya (2007) this affective
function can be in the form of eye gaze, intimate speech, subtle touches that can
stimulate children in shaping their personality.

B. Education

Marwismi (2013: 26) states that the family is the first and foremost educational
environment, because children recognize education the first time is in the family
environment. Even education can take place while the child is still in the womb.
Education in the family is a natural education. According to Sayeti (Marwismi
2013: 27) states that the association between parents and their children, which is
filled with love, tranquility and peace, will create children who are able to develop
towards normal maturity. In the family, all the attitudes and behavior of both parents
greatly affect the development of children.

Marwismi (2013) suggests several family functions in the field of education as


1. Sending children to school to provide knowledge, skills and shape children's

behavior according to their talents and interests

2. Prepare children for the future adult life in fulfilling their role as adults

3. Educate children according to their developmental levels.

C. Economy

Marwismi (2013: 63) states that the family has a function as an economic tool to
earn a living and manage the family. Within the family there are also economic
activities, such as production and consumption activities. Djuju Sujana (1996:25)
states that the task of the head of the family in carrying out family functions in the
economic field is to find sources of life in fulfilling other family functions, the head
of the family works to earn income, regulates that income, in such a way that it can
meet the needs of the family. family needs.

The function of the family as a supporting element of family independence and

resilience (Wirdhana, 2013). The economic function in the Act. No. 10 of 1992 PP
No. 21 of 1994, namely

1. Carry out economic activities both outside and within the family environment in
order to support the continuity and development of family life.

2. Managing the family economy so that there is harmony, harmony and balance
between family income and expenditure.

3. Arrange time so that parents' activities outside the home and their attention to
family members run in harmony, harmony and balance.

4. Fostering family economic activities and results as capital to create a happy and
prosperous small family.

D. Protection

The function of the family as a place of refuge for the family in fostering a sense of
security and peace and warmth for each family member (Wirdhana, 2013).
Protection function is the protection given by parents to children in the family. The
function of protection according to Sofyan Sauri (2006: 92) is "The protection of
parents for their children can create a sense of security from all threats that come
from outside themselves".

Marwismi (2013: 26) states that the family also functions as a protection and
maintenance for all family members, especially for children who are still babies
because the baby's life at that time was very dependent on their parents. Family
members are responsible for protecting each other. The task of the family in this
case is to protect the child from actions that are not good so that family members
feel protected and feel safe.

E . Religion

According to Government Regulation No. 21 of 1994, the function of religion is the

function of the family as a vehicle for breeding religious values and the noble values

of the nation's culture to become religious people who are full of faith and piety to
God Almighty. According to the BKKBN (2013) religion is a basic need for every
human being that has existed since in the womb. Family is the first place for a
teenager to know religion. The family is the first place for a teenager to know
religion. Families also instill and cultivate and develop religious values, so that
teenagers become human beings with good morals and piety.

Marwismi (2013: 61) states that the function of religion aims to encourage the
development of the family and all its members to become religious people who are
full of faith and piety to God Almighty. If this function can be carried out properly,
then the family is able to carry out their worship according to the teachings of their
religion and can also increase non-physical resilience in the face of various threats
or pressures of life.

F. Recreation

This function should not be interpreted that the family goes on cruises or frequent
parties, but if the atmosphere in the family is peaceful, far from mental tension,
fresh, relaxed, and gives a feeling of being released from tension. Family is a
place/field of recreation for its members to gain affection, serenity and joy.

G. Social Control

Facilitating children's primary socialization at making children as productive

members of society and giving status to family members (Friedman, 2010).

Based on Law. No. 10 of 1992 PP No. 21 of 1994 it is written that the function of
the family is:

a. Realizing, planning and creating a family environment as a vehicle for education

and socialization of children first and foremost.

b. Recognizing, planning and creating family life as a center where children can
find solutions to various conflicts and problems they encounter both in the school
environment and in the community.

c. Fostering the process of education and socialization of children about things

needed to increase maturity and maturity (physical and mental), which are not
provided by the school environment and the community.

d. Fostering the process of education and socialization that occurs in the family so
that it is not only positive for children, but also for parents, in the context of the
development and maturity of living together towards a happy small family.



1. The function of religion in the family…

a. Creating a religious family
b. As a place to give love.
c. Accept affection as an ideal way of life.
d. Necessary things for the family.
e. All are correct.

2. Economic function in the family…

a. Fostering the process of education and socialization of children
b. Primary education
c. Necessary things for the family.
d. As a supporting element of family independence and resilience.
e. Everything is wrong.

3. The function of recreation in the family…

a. Making food for the family
b. Make the family prosperous
c. Sightseeing
d. Around town
e. Keep your family healthy always

4. The function of affection can be in the form of eye gaze, intimate speech, subtle
touches that can stimulate the child in shaping his personality, this statement was
expressed by?
a. Marwisni Hasan
b. Bagja waluya
c. Prayitno

d. Elida Prayitno

5. Functions of social control…

a. Creating a peaceful family atmosphere
b. First place for children's education
c. Provide protection to family members
d. Develop children's abilities
e. Facilitating children's primary socialization

6. The economic function in Law no. 10 of 1992 PP No. 21 Year 1994
Law. No. 10 of 1992 PP No. 21 of 1994, namely
Answer :
a. Carry out economic activities both outside and within the family environment in
order to support the continuity and development of family life.
b. Managing the family economy so that there is harmony, harmony and balance
between family income and expenses
c. Arrange time so that parents' activities outside the home and their attention to
family members run in harmony, harmony and balance.
d. Fostering family economic activities and results as capital to create a happy and
prosperous small family.

7. The function of affection in Law no. 10 of 1992 PP no. 21 Year 1994

Law. No. 10 of 1992 PP No. 21 of 1994 the function of affection in the family is
Answer :
a. Grow and develop the potential for affection that already exists between family
members into real symbols optimally and continuously.
b. Foster loving behavior between families both quantitatively and qualitatively.

c. Fostering the practice of love for worldly life and ukhrawi in the family in a
harmonious, harmonious and balanced manner.
d. Fostering the feeling, attitude and practice of family life that is able to give and
receive love as an ideal lifestyle towards a happy and prosperous small family.

8. The function of social control in Law no. 10 of 1992 PP no. 21 Year 1994
Based on Law. No. 10 of 1992 PP No. 21 of 1994 it is written that the function of
the family is:
Answer :
a. Realizing, planning and creating a family environment as a vehicle for education
and socialization of children first and foremost.
b. Recognizing, planning and creating family life as a center where children can
find solutions to various conflicts and problems they encounter both in the school
environment and in the community.
c. Fostering the process of education and socialization of children about things
needed to increase maturity and maturity (physical and mental), which are not
provided by the school environment and the community.


Satu satu hari ini hari selasa

Dua dua hari ini belajar Konseling Keluarga
Tiga tiga hari ini pembahasannya mengenai Fungsi keluarga
Satu dua tiga terdiri dari Fungsi Perlindungan
Dimana fungsi perlindungan adalah
Fungsi keluarga sebagai tempat berlindung keluarganya

Satu satu juga terdapat fungsi kasih sayang

Dua dua dimana fungsi kasih sayang adalah bentuk ungkapan perasaan Seseorang
Tiga tiga terdapat fungsi ekonomi
Satu dua tiga fungsi ekonomi adalah
Keluarga mempunyai fungsi sebagai alat ekonomi untuk mencari nafkah dan
mengatur keluarganya.

Lirik: Sayang Semuanya/ Satu satu aku sayang ibu


Bagja Waluya. 2007. Sosiologi: Menyelami Fenomena Sosial di Masyarakat.

Bandung: Setia Purna Inves.

BKKBN. 2013. Buku Pengangan Kader BKR Tentang Delapan Fungsi Keluarga.
Jakarta: Direktorat Bina Ketahanan Remaja.

Djuju Sujana. 1996. Peranan Keluarga Dalam Lingkungan Masyarakat. Bandung:

Remaja Rosdakarya.

Friedman, M. 2010. Buku Ajaran Keperwatan Keluarga: Riset Teori, dan Praktek.
Jakarta: EGC.

Marwisni, Hasan. 2012. Psikologi dan Konseling Keluarga. Padang: FIP UNP.

Peraturan Pemerintah No. 21. 1994. Tentang Fungsi Keluarga. Jakarta: Pustaka


Sofyan, Sauri. 2003. Membangun komunikasi dalam keluarga. Bandung,

UU. No 10 tahun 1992 PP No. 21 tahun 1994.
Wirdhana, I., et al. 2013. Komunikasi Efektif Orangtua dengan Remaja. Jakarta:


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