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Observation of Dislocations, Type three methods ?

 Specimen is prepared in very thin slice (1 micron) and then it's

exposed to a beam of high-energy electrons(100 keV) , within a high
vacuum with applying very small tension
 certain planes near a dislocation are bent, if these planes are bent
into a strongly diffracting orientation, the intensity of the directly
transmitted beam will be reduced The dislocation will appear as a
dark line in the bright-field image.

 In this Method , the crystal containing dislocations is subjected to an environment which

removes atoms from the surface, the rate of removal of atoms around the point at which
a dislocation intersects with the surface may be different from that for the surrounding
matrix. If the rate of removal is more rapid around the dislocation >> pits are formed at
these sites. and if less rapid small >> hillocks are formed .
 For the slow, controlled removal of atoms from the surface. The most common and most
useful are chemical etching, in which specimen is submerged in a chemical etcher which
reveals the intersection between dislocation line and the surface as a etch pits

 It is possible to decorate the dislocations by inducing precipitation along the line of the
dislocation. Sites along the dislocation are favored for precipitation by the lattice
distortion there.
 The position of the decoration line is revealed by the scattering of the light at the
precipitates and can be observed in an optical microscope
 Decoration process involves the heating of the crystals before examination and this
restricts the use of the method to the study of high-temperature deformation
structures. It is not suitable for studying structures formed by low-temperature

Distinguish between Edge and Screw Dislocation

 An edge dislocation has its Burgers vector perpendicular to the dislocation line , But in
a screw dislocation, Burgers vector is parallel to the dislocation line .
 An edge dislocation moves in the direction of the Burgers vector, a screw dislocation
moves in a direction perpendicular to the Burgers vector.
 Positive dislocation is denoted by __ and negative dislocation is denoted by T
screw dislocation is denoted by ( )
 Edge dislocations are visualized as the lower edge of an extra half-plane of atoms.
but a screw dislocation is visualized by cutting partway through a perfect crystal and
then twisting the crystal by one atom spacing

Magnitude of shortest burgers vector

The shortest lattice vectors are 1/2[111],1/2[110] and 1/3[1120] in the body-centred cubic,
face-centered cubic and close-packed hexagonal systems, respectively.

Peierls-Nabarro is The applied resolved shear

stress required to make a dislocation glide in the crystal ,
 It depends on is the inter-planar spacing between
adjacent slip plane and the magnitude of the
Burgers vector,
 the resolved shear stress acting on slip plan is
calculated from Schmid's law
  F / Acos cos
Which gives the critical resolved shear stress
necessary to start dislocation motion
 It was found that the experimentally observed
critical resolved shear stress is hundreds of times
less than theoretical stress , the reason behind
that is the existence of Dislocations .


 At high temperatures an edge dislocation can move out of its slip plane by climb ,
 Climb or non-conservative motion occurs when the dislocation moves out of the glide
surface, and thus normal to the Burgers vector..
 Positive direction of climb is when the edge dislocation moves upwards. by adding vacancy
to extra half plan , i.e can occur by diffusion of vacancies to line A
 Negative direction of climb is when the edge dislocation moves downwards. Atom is added
to the extra plane.. i.e can occur by an interstitial atom diffusing to line A
 in climb , volume is not conserved and the motion is climb, the number of point
defects required being d , where is the volume per atom
 The mass transport by diffusion and therefore climb requires thermal activation.

Cross Slip
 In face-centered cubic metals , the screw dislocations move in {111} type planes, but can
switch from one {111} type plane to another if it faced any obstacle, Provided that it
contains the direction of b. This process, known as cross slip,
 When it switches back again to its original plan it's known to has made (double cross slip )
 Example:- for dislocation line in the figure, Burgers vector b = 1/2 [-101], is gliding to the
left in the (111) plane under the action of an applied shear stress. When it faces any
obstacle it switches to plane (1 -1 1) because the only other {111} plane containing this slip
vector is (1 -1 1 ),, if it faces another obstacle it switches back again to (111) ,, the
process which called >> (double cross slip )


Dislocation velocity
dislocations velocity depend on the applied shear stress, purity of crystal, temperature and
type of dislocation.

elastic strain energy


Edge dislocation is 50 times faster than screw dislocation .


partial dislocation
 A perfect dislocation decomposes into two partial dislocations if the strain energy of
the sum of the partial dislocations is less than the strain energy of the original
 Shockley Partial Dislocations generally can lead to the presence
of stacking fault in the region between the two partial dislocation, on the other hand ,
unit dislocation(perfect dislocation) leaves a perfect lattice behind it
 When the unit edge dislocation splits into two dislocations with smaller burgers vector ,
an extended dislocation is formed


Lomer-Cortrell sessile dislocation

 It's a blocked dislocation that can't glide on slip plan due
to intersection between two extended dislocation
 consider two perfect dislocations lying in different {111}
planes and both parallel to the line of intersection(Lomer-
Cortrell barrier) of the {111} plan
 when the two dislocation intersect at Lomer-Cortrell
barrier a Sessile dislocation is formed and neither of the
dislocations can glide on the slip plan


intersection of dislocations
 Due to intersection between slip plans , dislocation moving in the slip plane will have to
intersect the dislocations crossing the slip plane , dislocation intersecting each other
are called "Forest dislocation"
 Cold working increases the number of dislocations , which results in forest dislocation
>> the Energy required to proceed slip increases , to overcome the barriers provided by
forest dislocation (like jogs) , this phenomenon- of locking dislocations- is called
"Strain Hardening " or "Working hardening "
 The intersection of two dislocations produces a sharp break in
dislocation line
This break can be of two types
 Jog ; is a sharp break in the dislocation moving it out of the slip
plane , Jogs are steps on the dislocation which move it from one
slip plane to another
 Kink is a sharp break in the dislocation line which remains in the
slip plane


Formation of jogs by intersection between dislocations

there are 4 probabilities for dislocation intersection to form jogs

1-Intersection of two dislocations with Burgers vectors at right angle to each other:
an edge dislocation XY with Burgers vector b1 is moving on plane Pxy and cuts through
dislocation AB with Burgers vector b2
The intersection causes jog PP’ in dislocation AB parallel to b1 and has Burgers vector b2 and
with the length of the jog = b1
this jog can readily glide with the rest of dislocation
2- Intersection of two dislocations with Burgers vectors parallel to each other:
Both dislocations are jogged
The length of jog PP’ is b1 and the length of jog QQ’ is b2
both jogs have a screw orientation and lie in the original slip plane (Kink)
each dislocation acquires a jog equal in direction and length to the Burgers vector of the
3- Intersection of edge and screw dislocation:
Intersection produces a jog with an edge orientation on the edge dislocation and a kink with
an edge orientation on the screw dislocation
4- Intersection of two screw dislocations
The intersection produces jogs of edge orientation in both screw dislocations
Dislocation Multiplication
 The segment AB is held at both ends by an unspecified barrier, which may be dislocation
intersections or nodes, composite jogs, precipitates, etc An applied resolved shear stress
exerts a force b per unit length of line and tends to make the dislocation bow out , the
radius of curvature R depends on the stress Thus, as increases, R decreases and the line
bows out until the minimum value of R is reached at the position Here, R equals L/2, where
L is the length ofAB with = 0.5

 As the line continues to expand at

this stress, R increases The
dislocation forms a large kidney-
shaped loop, and the segments m
and n annihilate on meeting. This
occurs because m and n have the
same Burgers vector but opposite
line sense

 The result is a large outer loop,

which continues to expand, and a
regenerated dislocation AB, which repeats the process
producing the Frank-Read Sources
which spontaneously produce loops of dislocations
while applying shear stress

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