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University Examination

Date: 06/06/2018 Day: Wednesday Time: 10.00 AM to 10.30AM Total Marks: 20

Student’s ID No. Answer Sheet for Multiple Choice Questions

(MCQs),True or false and Match the following

Examination : MPT- June 2018

Student’s Name: ____________________________ Semester: 3

Student’s Sign : _____________________________ Section : I

Supervisor’s Name : _________________________ Course Code : PT912

Supervisor’s Sign: ___________________________ Course Name: Adult Neuro Physiotherapy

Important Instructions:

 There are two sections in the paper. SECTION –I contains 20 Questions and SECTION – II
contains 3 Questions.
 SECTION –I should be answered in the question paper itself &SECTION – II should be answered
in separate answer book.
 Marks on the right side suggest the total marks of that question.
 Maximum time allotted for SECTION – I is 30 minutes Question paper for SECTION – II will be
given once the SECTION – I is completed within the stipulated time and returned. However,
Candidates who complete SECTION – I earlier than 30 minutes can collect main question paper for
SECTION –II immediately after handing over the SECTION-I question paper with answers.
 SECTION – I should be attached with the main answer book at the end of the examination and
should be submitted to the supervisor.

Multiple Choice Questions: (MCQs) (10 × 1 = 10)
(Encircle the correct answer)
1. Pick the odd out.
a. Rest Tremor
b. Spasticity
c. Bradykinesia
d. Postural instability
2. Pick the odd out.
a. Intentional tremor
b. Nystagmus
c. Postural instability
d. Scanning speech
3. Weber’s syndrome is ___ cranial nerve palsy with hemiplegia
a. 1st
b. 2nd
c. 3rd
d. 4 th
4. Identify correct statement
a. All upper motor nuclear facial palsies are Bell’s palsy.
b. All lower motor nuclear facial palsies are Bell ’s palsy.
c. Idiopathic upper motor nuclear facial palsies are Bell’s palsy.
d. Idiopathic lower motor nuclear facial palsies are Bell ’s palsy.
5. Neurological level in spinal cord injury patients is decided by:
a. Radiological findings
b. Clinical assessment
c. Blood tests
d. All of above
6. Repetitive Nerve Stimulation is diagnostic tool for ____________.
a. Parkinsonism
b. Multiple sclerosis
c. Myasthenia gravis
d. Facial palsy
7. Which one of the following is found below level of lesion in brown sequard syndrome?
a. Same side joint position and vibration sense deficit
b. Opposite side joint position and vibration sesnse deficit.
c. Same side parasthesia meralgia
d. Both side motor paralysis
8. Which one of following is applicable to Seventh cranial nerve?
a. It is responsible for sensory supply to face
b. It is responsible for taste sensation from anterior 2/3 of tongue
c. It is responsible for taste sensation from posterior 1/3 of togue
d. It supplies to sterno cleido mastoid
9. Atonic bladder has _________ as its feature.
a. Urine storage deficit
b. Bladder emptying deficit
c. Urge incontinence
d. Small bladder
10. Which one of following is applicable to Parkinson plus syndrome?
a. It is the most severe parkinsonism
b. It is form of congenital Parkinson
c. It requires higher dosage of levodopa carbidopa
d. It does not respond to Anti Parkinson drugs.

Identify the sentence as True or False: (5 × 1 = 5)

(Please tick mark the answer) True False
11. Spasticity & rigidity are velocity sensitive.
12. Superficial reflexes are exaggerated in UMN dysfunction.
13. Parkinson disease is neurodegenerative disorder.
14. Rehabilitation team comprises of different variety of experts including
Medical, Paramedical and medico social professionals
15. Recovery patterns are similar in central and peripheral nervous system.

Match the following (5 × 1 = 5)
16. Rest Tremor A. Cerebellum dysfunction
17. Scanning speech B. Multiple sclerosis
18. Spasticity C. BPPV
19. Heterotropic ossification D. Parkinson’s disease
20. Vertigo E. Spinal cord Injury
F. Stroke
G. Cerebral palsy

(16 - ), (17- ), (18- ), (19- ), (20- )

3rd Semester of M.P.T Examination
June 2018
PT912 Adult Neuro Physiotherapy
Date: 06/06/2018 Time: 10.30AM -1.00PM Maximum Marks: 50
1. There are two Sections in the paper. SECTION –I contains 20 Questions and SECTION
– II contains 3 Questions.
2. SECTION –I should be answered in the question paper itself&SECTION – II should be
answered in separate answer book.
3. Marks on the right side suggest the total marks of that question.
4. Maximum time allotted for SECTION – II is 2 Hr 30 min.
5. Draw the figure where necessary.
Q.1. Short answers (5 out of 7) (Answer not exceeding 50 words) (5 × 2 = 10)
a. Classification of polyneuropathy
b. Assessment of carpel tunnel syndrome
c. Assessment for BPPV.
d. Any two complications of spinal cord injury with reasoning.
e. What are the reasons for Aging induced balance deficit?
f. Write any two equilibrium balance test
g. Neuroplasticity and its importance.
Q.2. Short Notes (4 out of 5) (Answer not exceeding 150 words) (4 × 5 = 20)
a. Physiotherapy management of lower motor neuron facial palsy.
b. Trigeminal neuralgia
c. Management of BPPV
d. Spastic Vs Flaccid Bladder management
e. Family center care model in Indian set up
Q.3. Essay (2 out of 3) (2 × 10 = 20)
a. 50 year old male has complain of involuntary movement which is increasing in nature.
He also complains of loosing balance while turning as well as occasionally finds
difficulty in initiating movement. Write in detail about assessment and management of
the same.
b. 45 year old female suffered an episode of stroke 3 months back and is now able to walk
on even surface with somebody supervising her. She has minimal deficit of hand function
but she has two storied house and has to climb flight of stairs multiple times. Considering
the scenario provide the detail plan of care for her in line with evidences.
c. 32 year old male suffered from D10 spinal cord injury 20 days back. For last 20 days he
was admitted in the hospital for various medical and surgical procedures. By profession
he is a higher secondary school teacher. Based on the level of injury write in detail about
probable clinical features and explain the complete rehabilitation plan for him.

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