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Activity 4

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● Use 1 slide per person only. Write your full name and section at the
● upper right corner of your chosen slide.
● On the Group chat, inform your classmates as to what slide number
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● Be careful not to edit the slides of your classmates.
Activity 4: Fertilization
Answer the following questions briefly:

● What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

● Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?
● What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through
the egg cell surface?
Malanguis, Glea Thrisha B.
Activity 4: Fertilization

Answer the following questions briefly:

1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

The surface of an egg cell is unique because they are the biggest cells in the female human body and we can even seen egg cell
without a microscope.

2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

It is difficult for sperm to penetrate the egg cell because cervical mucus may prevent sperm from passing into the uterus and vagina
and uterus are ratherantagonistic environments for sperm. However, once they reach the fallopian tube they are mainly free from the
possible negative effects of the woman’s immune system.

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface?

The sperm structure that allows to penetrate through the egg cell surface is unique because hundreds of millions of sperm vie for a
single egg cell but only one can reach the site of felization and ony one can survive from the possible negative effects of the woman’s
immune system.
NAME: Arnie John P. Bautista

1. What is unique about the surface of an pegg cell?

- Eggs are protected by a layer called the zona pellucida, which is mainly composed of glycoproteins. It
guarantees that only one sperm will not fertilize the egg. As soon as the acrosome reaction occurs in one place of
the fetal membrane, the egg cell releases the protein elsewhere, preventing other sperm from fusing with the egg

2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

- When the first sperm penetrates, this causes an electrical polarity reversal of the egg cell membrane. This
prevents other sperms from adhering to the egg membrane. On the outside of the egg cell, this secretion swells with
water, pushing away other sperm and forming a fertilizing membrane around the egg cell. This is a longer lasting barrier
known as a slow block against fertility.

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface?
- Sperm has a part called the acrosome, which contains various digestive enzymes that destroy the
membrane of the egg when it enters the egg. When sperm bind to the zona pellucida, a series of biochemical events
called acrosome reactions occur.
Leian Patrice A. Pagador
1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

Its surface is unique because it enables the sperm to fertilize it. Its surface is adaptable
enough to carry this new fertilized egg, for the rise of a new individual.

2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

The reason why it’s difficult for sperm to penetrate the egg cell is because the sperm might
enter the wrong path through it’s journey to get into the egg cell or maybe the egg’s outer
layer is too thick and hard for a sperm to penetrate.

3. What is unique about the sperm structures that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell

What’s unique about the sperm structure is it’s overall parts. The sperm have three parts
the head, the body, and the tail. These structures contain an egg penetrating enzyme, it
contains genetic material, and its tail is use for travelling to the egg cell. It’s structures work
together to reach to the egg cell to produce a new individual.
Answer the following
What is unique about the surface of an egg cell? The unique about the surface of an egg cell
is its own specialized function to create an individual, it consists three protective layers and it
contains a lot of RNA to helps egg’s nucleus to fuse with sperm during fertilization.

Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell? It is difficult for sperms to penetrate to
the egg cell because during fertilization egg cell produces anti-fertilizin and it is is surrounded
by three protective layers that acts as barriers for the entry of sperms.

What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell
surface? To overcome the barrier of the egg cell sperm produces sperm lysins and proteases
to enter, and it has specialized structure like acrosome to helps sperm penetrates easily. It
has also a specialized middle-piece structured that consist of mitochondria that gives an
energy to sperm tail that travel goes to the inner part of the egg.

1. What is unique about the surface of an pegg cell?

-There is unique about the surface of an egg cell,although an egg can give rise to every cell type in
the adult organism, it is itself a highly specialized cell, uniquely equipped for the single function of
generating a new individual.

2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

-It is difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell because the enzymes of the cortical granules
further digest the zona pellucida, making it unable to bind more sperm, while other molecules found
in the granules creating a new protective layer around the fertilized egg.

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface?

-The unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface is the
proteins are stored in a cap at the front of the sperm known as an acrosome, this is the part that first
contacts the egg. The tail is called a flagellum, and it uses the energy made by the mitochondria to
move the sperm forward. Flagella use a lot of energy,so they’re keep dormant until sperm enter the
Mondragon, Ivy Gladden
1Y - AM - GO9

1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

- Egg cell have this unique protective layers. The corona radiata surrounds an egg and consists of two or three layers of
cells from the follicle. They are attached to the zona pellucida- the outer protective layer of the egg.

2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate

- It is difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell because of the protective layer. Once one sperm cell find their way
past the zona pellucida, the cortical reaction occurs. This prevent fertilization of an egg by more than one sperm.

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface?
- Sperm has a unique structure called acrosome, acrosome help the sperm get through the egg’s protective coat and to
allow the plasma membranes of the sperm and egg to fuse.

1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

● The zona pellucida (or egg wall) is an outer membrane of the egg. This structure
helps the sperm to enter the egg through its hard outer layers. The zona pellucida, a
unique extracellular matrix surrounding the mammalian oocyte, is formed during
ovarian follicular development.
2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?
● The sperm approach the egg, they bind to the zona pellucida in a process known as
sperm binding. By creating a new barrier and destroying the initial interface between
sperm and egg, the cortical reaction prevents polyspermy, or the fertilization of a
single egg by multiple sperm.
3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg
cell surface?
● The acrosome in the head contains enzymes so that a sperm can penetrate an egg.
The middle piece is packed with mitochondria to release energy needed to swim
and fertilise the egg. The tail enables the sperm to swim.
Answer the following questions briefly: 1Y -AM - G09
1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

The unique thing about the surface of an egg cell is it’s layer is design to help the
sperm to enter the egg at the same time, it protects and supply vital proteins to the cell.

2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

As soon as the sperm cells arrive, the membrane potential of the egg cell changes, and
the granule reaction of the cortex raises ( it lifts off) the vitelline layer of the egg cell.
After that, the zona pellucida hardens and prevents other sperm from entering the egg.

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the
egg cell surface?

Sperm has a unique structure known as the acrosome that covering the of sperm, which
contains enzymes that help sperm to enter an egg.
Sumile, Kathlen Joy T.

1. What is unique about the surface of the egg cell?

● The egg cell is very large compared to the other cells You can even see an egg cell
without a microscope.
2. Why is it difficult For sperm to penetrates the egg cell?
● The enzymes of the cortical granules further digest the zona pellucida, making it
unable to bind more sperm, while other molecules found in the granules create a
new protective layer around the fertilized egg.
3. What is unique about sperms structures that allow it to penetrates through the egg
cell surfaces?
● Sperm has a unique structure that known as the acrosome that covering the sperm
which contains enzyme that help the sperm enter the egg
Dela Victoria, Lielanie B.
BSEd-Social Studies

Activity 4: Fertilization

The following questions briefly:

1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

● Despite the fact that an egg can give rise to every cell type in an adult organism, it is a highly specialized cell with the
sole purpose of developing a new individual.

2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

● The zona pellucida is further digested by the enzymes in the cortical granules, making it unable to bind further sperm,
while other molecules in the granules form a new protective layer around the fertilized egg.

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it penetrate through the egg cell surface?

● The sperm structure is distinctive in that a cap known as the acrosome covers the sperm’s head and contains enzymes
that aid sperm entry into an egg.
ENGAY, Riza E.
G09 BSEd Soc Stud

Answer the following questions briefly:

1.What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

What makes an egg cell unique is its ability to release a cascade of reaction automatically that makes the zona
pellucida harden if a sperm has already entered the egg cell so that no other sperm will enter.

W2.Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

It's difficult for the sperm to penetrate the egg cell because of the many natural barriers that exist in a woman's body.
For example the acidity of the vagina that kills a thousand of sperms. Also sperm were trapped in the cilia that results for the
sperm not to reach the egg anymore.

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface?

The acrosome in the head contains enzymes so that a sperm can penetrate an egg. The middle piece is packed with
mitochondria to release energy needed to swim and fertilise the egg. The tail enables the sperm to swim.
Shiela Shane G. Bando
Answer the following questions briefly:

What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

- The egg cell is much bigger than the sperm and has a chemical around the out side to
stop more sperm getting in. Egg is large to contain food store for embryo.
Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?
- Cervical mucus may prevent sperm from passing into the uterus, but during ovulation
when the egg is released from the ovaries, the mucus gets thinner and lower in pH.
These changes make the mucus a great transport medium for the sperm, and help the
sperm continue traveling.
What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell
- The tail is called a flagellum, and it uses the energy made by the mitochondria to move
the sperm forward. Flagella use a lot of energy, so they're kept dormant until sperm
enter the vagina. Sperm are haploid; they contain one set of 23 chromosomes.
Fuertes, Christiana Jove T.
1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?
● The ability of an egg cell to immediately release a cascade of reactions that causes the zona pellucida
to harden if a sperm has already entered the egg cell, preventing other sperm from entering.
2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?
● The many natural barriers that exist in a woman's body make it difficult for sperm to access the egg cell.
Cervical mucus is one of them. This may hinder sperm from entering the uterus, however the mucus
becomes thinner and lower in pH during ovulation, when the egg is released from the ovaries. The
easier it is for sperm to pass the closer it gets to ovulation.
3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface?
● The acrosome is a cap that covers the sperm's head and includes enzymes that help sperm penetrate
an egg. The center section is densely packed with mitochondria, which release energy to allow the egg
to swim and fertilize. The sperm can swim due to the tail.
Bentad, Lovelyrose D.

Activity 4: Fertilization
Answer the following questions briefly:
1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?
• the egg contains a nucleus with half the number of chromosomes as other body cells.
Unlike a sperm cell, the egg contains a lot of cytoplasm, the contents of the cell, which is
why it is so big.
2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?
• It is difficult because the enzymes of the cortical granules further digest the zona
pellucida, making it unable to bind more sperm, while other molecules found in the
granules create a new protective layer around the fertilized egg.
3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through
the egg cell surface?
• The acrosome in the head contains enzymes so that a sperm can penetrate an egg. The
middle piece is packed with mitochondria to release energy needed to swim and fertilise
the egg. The tail enables the sperm to swim.

Activity 4: Fertilization Section G09

Answer the following questions briefly:
1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?
The egg is protected by a layer of extracellular matrix consisting mainly of glycoproteins
called the zona pellucida. It ensure that no more than one sperm fertilizes the egg, once
the acrosomal reactions take place at one location of the egg membrane, the egg releases
proteins in other locations to prevent other sperm from fusing with the egg.

2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

When the first sperm penetrates, this triggers a reversal of electrical polarity in the egg cell
membrane. That prevents other sperm from adhering to the egg cell membrane. Outside
the egg, this secretion swells with water, pushes the other sperm away, and then forms a
fertilization membrane around the egg. This is a longer-lasting barrier, called the slow
block to polyspermy.

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetratethe egg cell surface?
The sperm has a part called acrosome that contains a variety of digestive enzymes that
break the egg mebrane during penetration of the sperm into the egg. A sperm binds to the
zona pellucida, a series of biochemical events, called the acrosomal reactions, take place.
Martinez, Janna Marie M.
1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

An egg can give rise to every cell type in the adult organism.Egg has a short life spam after ovulation,once it
is released,an egg can only be fertilized over the next 12-14 hours.The egg contains lot of cytoplasm,which it
is so big. Also egg doesn't have a tail,unlike the sperm cell has.

2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

Sometimes the sperm cannot penetrate the outer layer,for a different reason.Most are due to the quality of
the sperm,including its motility.But it is also possible that the eggs in outer layers is too thick and hard for a
sperm to penetrate it in a normal fertilization.

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface?

The sperm cells go through a process known as the acrosome this is the part that first contact the egg.The
tail use the energy that mitochondria made to move the sperm forward.The tail use a lot of energy so they're
kept dormant until sperm enter the vagina.
Sherie Mae Sayman
ACTIVITY 4: Fertilization

1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

➢ An egg can give rise to every cell type in the adult organism, it is itself a highly specialized
cell, uniquely equipped for the single function of generating a new individual. The cytoplasm
of an egg can even reprogram a somatic cell nucleus so that the nucleus can direct the
development of a new individual.
2. Why it is difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?
➢ A blockage in the male or female reproductive tract can prevent fertilization. Or sperm may
be unable to swim through the cervical mucus.The cervical mucus also forms an impassable
barricade to the sperm. And even if sperm do reach an egg, they may not be able to
penetrate the egg’s covering.
3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface?
➢ Covering the head of the sperm is a cap known as the acrosome. The acrosome in the head
contains enzymes so that a sperm can penetrate an egg.
Parilla, Karl Miko I.
BSEd Social Studies
1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?
- What uniques about it is that the egg cell have this protective layer called zona pellucida and surrounded by Corona Radiata. This
corona radiata supply vital proteins to the egg cell while the Zona Pellucida protects the egg until implantation.

2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

- It is important that the egg cell have a protected layer for it to ensure that there will be only one sperm can fertilize it. Sperm have difficulties
penetrating the egg cell because of Zona Pellucida and also the obstacle they encounter along the way that may be weaken the sperm.

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface?
- The acrosome of a sperm contains an enzyme that helps it penetrate the zona pellucida and fertilize the egg.
nablo , maribel o.

1.what is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

Answer: it is unique because of its contained, that function differently according to their

2. Why difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

Anser: because the cervical mucus that hinder the pathway of the sperm.

3.what is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell
Answer: it is unique because of the acrosome that serve as acover that contains enzymes.
Sebio, Meljan L.

1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

The zona pellucida (or egg wall) is an outer membrane of the egg. This structure helps the sperm to enter the egg through its hard outer
layers. The zona pellucida, a unique extracellular matrix surrounding the mammalian oocyte, is formed during ovarian follicular

2. Why is it difficult for sperm to penetrate the egg cell?

As the sperm approach the egg, they bind to the zona pellucida in a process known as sperm binding. By creating a new barrier and
destroying the initial interface between sperm and egg, the cortical reaction prevents polyspermy, or the fertilization of a single egg by
multiple sperm.

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface?

Sperm usually consist of two morphologically and functionally distinct regions enclosed by a single plasma membrane: the tail, which
propels the sperm to the egg and helps it to burrow through the egg coat, and the head, which contains a condensed haploid nucleus
Junasa, Shaina Marie A.

Answer the following questions briefly:

1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

The surface of an egg cell has a coat called zona pellucida and it changes when its fertilized.

2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

Because of the zona pellucida, the outer glycoprotein coat that surrounds the plasma membrane.

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface?
It has acrosomal proteins, a packet of enzymes in the head that helps it to penetrate through the
egg cell surface.
Baguion, Mark Loraine B.
AM - G09

Answer the following questions briefly:

1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

We cannot deny the fact that the egg is unique because this is the biggest human cell than sperm and why
fertilization occured.

2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

The reason why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell because in the cervix numerous sperms are
blocked as they become trapped by the cervical mucus within an hour only a few thousand of sperm reach to
the uterus.

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface?

The unique about the sperm structures is before they reach the egg surface, spermatozoa need to contains
enzymes that break down and also the envelope mammalian egg is more complex We all know that the egg is
surrounded of a thick coat that composed of zona pellucida..
Dumaguit, Jyla
AM - G09
Social Studies

1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

It is itself a highly specialized cell, uniquely equipped for the single function of generating a new
individual. Once activated, they can give rise to a complete new individual within a matter of days
or weeks.

2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

It is difficult for a sperm to penetrates the egg because there's a blockage in the reproductive tract, the
sperm unable to swim through the cervical mucus and this can prevent fertilization.

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the
egg cell surface?
The uniqueness of it is that the acrosome of a sperm contains an enzyme that helps it penetrate the zona pellucida
and fertilize the egg.
Glenn R.Capangpangan
a.) Egg cell are a germ cells, which means that they have half
1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

● What makes the egg cell unique is that, egg are extremely large cells. They are, in fact, the largest cells in a
female's body.

2.Why is it difficult for sperm to penetrate the egg cell?

● Sperm difficult to penetrate in the egg cell because,the cervical mucus also form an impassablebarricade to the
sperm.But when a woman ovulates,the mucus lining thins to allow sperm penetration.Sperm that manage to
reach in mucus lining in woman cervix must survive about four days to reach the fallopian tube.

3.What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface?

● What unique about the sperm is that in order them to penetrate the egg cell surface the spermatozoa must
penetrate these envelopes;because spermatozoa contain enzymes which is the organic catalysts that break
them down.
Capangpangan glenn
1.)Despite the fact that an egg can give rise to every cell type in an adult organism, it is a highly
specialized cell with the sole purpose of developing a new individual. The cytoplasm of an egg can even
reprogram a somatic cell nucleus, allowing it to direct the development of a new individual. The egg, like
sperm cells, has a nucleus with half the number of chromosomes as other body cells. The egg, unlike a
sperm cell, includes a large amount of cytoplasm, the cell's contents, which is why it is so large. The egg is
likewiseCdevoid of a tail.

2.)Fertilization can be hampered by an obstruction in the male or female reproductive tract. Alternatively,
sperm may not be able to swim through cervical mucous. Even if sperm do reach an egg, the egg's
coating may prevent them from penetrating it.

3.) The acrosome is a cap that covers the sperm's head and includes enzymes that help sperm penetrate
an egg.
Activity # 4 : FERTILIZATION
1Y- AM - G09
1. What is unique about surface of an egg cell?

•The egg can give significantly contribute to every cell type and it's highly specialized cell with the sole purpose of creating
new individual. The somatic cell nucleus can be recondition by the cytoplasm of an egg and this will influence the formation
of a new person.

2. Why is it difficult to sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

•The cervical mucus acts as an impenetrable barrier to sperm.When a woman ovulates,the mucus lining thins and lower in
PH.The sperm survive in mucus lining of a woman's cervix for another four days before reaching the fallopian tubes.

3. What is the unique about the sperm structure allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface?

•The sperm structure is unique because the head of the sperm which is acrosome contains enzymes that can penetrate
the surface of the egg cell. When the sperm cell enter the surface of the egg cell so this will be the start of penetration of the
sperm cell to the egg cell.
Norshella M. Ismali
1Y- G09
Answer the following questions briefly:

1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

Egg cell is unique because it has a lot of cytoplasm, it has a half number of chromosomes, and it is unique
because it will create another human being.

2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

The reason why sperms has difficulties in penetrating the egg cell it is because cervical mucus may prevent
sperm from passing into the uterus, it’s because cervical mucus will become watery.

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface?

What’s unique about the sperm is they can penetrate with the help of Spermatozoa then Spermatozoa will
penetrate enzymes that will help sperm enter an egg.

Activity 4 : Fertilization

Answer the following questions briefly :

1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

* Egg cell is unique because it is very large compared to the other cells and egg cell contains all
organelles, materials, and nutrition for zygote growth.

2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

* It is difficult for sperm to penetrate the egg cell because of many barriers a woman's body had. Just
like zona pellicida and also the cumulus cell that the sperm might meet during swimming through the
egg cell.

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through egg cell surface?
* It is pretty unique because millions of sperm but only one can reach to the egg cell, and also with the
help of the sperm tail they swim quickly and with the help of acrosome too that penetrates the egg
Activity 4
Turpias, Ramelyn S.
Answer the question briefly:
1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?
it is a highly specialized cell, uniquely adapted to its sole function of creating a new human being. The
cytoplasm of the egg reprograms the nucleus of the somatic cell so that the nucleus may direct the
development of a new person.

2.Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

Enzymes in the cortical granules further digest the zona pellucida so that it cannot bind more sperm, while
other molecules found in the granules create a new protective layer around the fertilized egg.

3.What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface?
The acrosomes of the head contain enzymes that allow sperm to enter the egg. The middle part is filled with
mitochondria, releasing the energy needed to swim and fertilize the egg. The tail allows sperm to swim. The tip
of the sperm head is the part called the acrosome that allows the sperm to enter the egg.
Answer the following questions briefly:
1.What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?
● Egg cell has a outer membrane called Zona Pellucida that has a unique role and function in the egg
cell structure. One of it's function is regulating the interaction between egg and sperms and
prevents polyspermy. Also it protects the oocyte during development and also prevents
implantation in the fallopian tube. That's make the surface of an egg cell unique.
2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?
● Most are due to the quality of the sperm, including its motility or movement. Also it could be
the egg’s outer layer or membrane which is the Zona Pellucida that is too thick and hard for
a sperm to penetrate it.

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through
the egg cell surface?
● The sperm has a unique membranous organelle located over the anterior part of the sperm
nucleus that is called Acrosome which has a acidic vacuole contains a number of hydrolytic
enzymes that, when secreted, help the sperm penetrate the egg's coats.
RICHA, Maria Trisha A.
Answer the following questions briefly:
1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?
- The egg cell contains a nucleus with half the number of chromosomes as other body cells. Most of
the cells in our body regenerate or get cleared out and replaced by younger, healthier ones,
throughout our lives.
2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?
- Because the egg is covered in a thick outer coating known as the zona pellucida, so that the sperm
cell must pass through a long and challenging path.
3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface?
- It is unique because the sperm has a structure called acrosome in the head which contains
enzymes, so that a sperm can penetrate an egg.
Activity 4: Fertilization Mintal, Gem A.
1). What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

- The egg cell has unique structure by its surface. The egg cell contains lipid droplets
to provide the energy needed for the developing zygote. The mitochondria present in
egg will provide ATP needed for reactions such as hardening of the zona pellucida
(cortical reaction).

2). Why it is difficult to sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

• The sperm cannot penetrate the outer layer, for a variety of reasons. The egg’s outer
layer may be thick or hard to penetrate or the sperm may be unable to swim.

3.) What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg
cell surface?
-The structure of the sperm cell is unique and consists of a head, a midpiece, and a tail.
The sperm structure that allows the egg to penetrate through the egg cell is what we called
acrosome, which is an organelle covering the head of sperm and containing egg cell
coating, thus permitting the sperm to enter the egg cell surface.
Like a sperm cell, the egg contains a nucleus with half the number of chromosomes as
other body cells. Unlike a sperm cell, the egg contains a lot of cytoplasm, the contents of
the cell, which is why it is so big. The egg also does not have a tail.

1.) What is the unique about the surface of an egg cell?

Answer:The nucleus of the egg, like that of a sperm cell, has half the amount of chromosomes as other bodily
cells. The egg, unlike a sperm cell, includes a large amount of cytoplasm, the cell's contents, which is why it is
so large. The egg is likewise devoid of a tail.

2.)Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

Answer: The cervical mucus also acts as an impenetrable barrier to sperm. When a woman ovulates, however, the
mucus lining thins, allowing sperm to penetrate. Sperm that make it through the mucus lining of a woman's cervix
must live for another four days before reaching the fallopian tubes.

1.)What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface?

Answer: unique about the sperm structure Is they head's acrosome contains enzymes that allow sperm to
access an egg. The center section is densely packed with mitochondria, which release energy to allow the egg
to swim and fertilize. The sperm can swim thanks to the tail.
1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?
● The egg cell is unique knowing that it is the biggest cell on the female human body. It also
contains nucleus and contains a lot of cytoplasm. Egg cells enables the sperm to fertilized it
to give rise to a new individual. It also has zona pelucida that supports communication
between oocytes and follicle cells during oogenesis; protects oocytes, eggs, and embryos
during development, and regulates interactions between ovulated eggs and free-swimming
sperm during and following fertilization.
2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cells?
● It is because the zona pellucida is further digested by the enzymes in the cortinal granules
making it unable to bind sperms. Other molecules also found in the granules create a new
protective layer around the fertilized egg.
3. What is unique about rhe sperm stucture that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell
● The acrosome of the sperm contains enzymes that helps penetrate the zona pellucida and
fertilize the egg.
What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?
Like a sperm cell, the egg contains a nucleus with half the number of chromosomes as
other body cells. Unlike a sperm cell, the egg contains a lot of cytoplasm, the contents of
the cell, which is why it is so big. The egg also does not have a tail.

why it is difficult for sperm to penetrate the egg cell

A blockage in the male or female reproductive tract can prevent fertilization. Or
sperm may be unable to swim through the cervical mucus. And even if sperm do
reach an egg, they may not be able to penetrate the egg's covering.

The unique of it is that the acrosome of a sperm contains an enzyme that helps to penetrate
the zona Pellucidar and fertilize an egg
John Brian E. Leopoldo
1.What is unique about the surface of an egg cell? the surface of the egg cell has
a mechanism to prevent polyspermy.
2.Why is it dificult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?
It is difficult for sperms to permeate the surface of the egg cell because of
enzymes of the cortical granules hinders the enzymes of the acrosome of the
sperm to disable the sperm from digesting the zona pellucida making it
3.What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the
egg cell surface? The sperm contains an Acrosome that has enzymes that can
digest the zona pellucida to penetrate and bind with the egg cell
Mones, Elaisa B. (1Y-AM-G09)
1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

The surface of an egg cell is unique due to the presence of the zona pellocida that surrounds the cell
which can only be found in female gametes and not in males.

2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

It is difficult for sperm to penetrate the egg cell because of the changes of the structure of the zona
pellocida that keeps all other sperms from penetrating the egg after it is fertilized by a sperm.

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface?

The male gamete has a structure called acrosome which secretes enzymes that allows it to penetrate the
surface of the female gamete.


1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

answer : the egg contains a lot of cytoplasm, the contents of the cell , wich is why it is so big .the egg also does not
have a tail.

2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

Answer: when a women ovulates,the mucus lining thins to allow sperm penetration. And sperm that manage to reach
the mucus lining in thw womans cevix.

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate though the cell surface?

Answer:when the proteins are stored in cap at the front of the sperm knows as an acrosome and this is the part that
first contacts the eggs . the tail is called a fl
Shaigne Ericka Esguerra
Activity 4: Fertilization

Answer the following questions briefly:

1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

Answer: An egg can give rise to every cell type in the adult organism, it is itself a highly specialized cell, uniquely
equipped for the single function of generating a new individual.

2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

Answer: The cervical mucus also forms an impassablebarricade to the sperm. But, when a woman ovulates, the
mucus lining thins to allow sperm penetration.

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through

the egg cell surface?

Answer: The main sperm function is to reach the ovum and fuse with it to deliver two sub-cellular structures, the
male pronucleus that contains the genetic material and the centrioles that are structures that help organize the
microtubule cytoskeleton.
Gacho, Nica Niña I.
Am- G09
BSED Major in Social Studies
Answer the following questions briefly:

● What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

- Like a sperm cell, the egg contains a nucleus with half the number of chromosomes as other
body cells.
● Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

The zona pellucida helps protect the egg and is responsible for mediating the initial meeting o
sperm and egg. Cortical granules filled with enzymes line the inside of the cell membrane, and wi
help make sure that only one sperm can fertilize the egg.

● What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface?

The acrosome in the head contains enzymes so that a sperm can penetrate an egg. The
middle piece is packed with mitochondria to release energy needed to swim and fertilise the egg.
DEVEZA, Vincent Marco A.
1y - Am - G 09
Activity 4: Fertilization BSEd-Science

Answer the following questions briefly:

1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

- The surface of an egg cell has zona pellucida which is a glycoprotein layer that protects the egg cell
from cross-species fertilization, also to prevent polyspermy, and enable the acrosome reaction in order for
the human sperm cell to penetrate and fertilize the egg cell.

2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

- Sperms will have difficulty in penetrating the egg cell because of thick cervical mucus and the corona
radiata of the egg cell. Corona radiata is an inner layer of the ovum adjacent to the zona pellucida. The
corona radiata forms more layers throughout maturation of the egg to protect it from foreign matter. But the
sperm can still get inside through the means of relying the acrosome enzyme to disperse the corona radiata.

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface?
- Sperm structure contains enzymes to penetrate the envelopes of the egg cell (zona pellucida &
corona radiata). Sperm usually relies on the acrosome enzyme to disperse the walls of the egg cell in order
to get through and fertilize the egg.

Answer the following questions briefly:

1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

What makes unique of the surface of an egg cell are the layers that being wrapped around
the egg cells who supply supports, nurishment, and helps the egg cell from regulating the
interaction between the sperms and egg.

2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

There are many reasons why sperms have difficulty penetrating the egg cell, it could be
because a sperm is not healthy, it can also be in the natural barries that exist in a woman's
body, or because the sperm have a difficulty in dealing with the thick outer layer of the egg

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell
-The acrosome because it contains digestive enzymes that breaks the structures that
surrounds the egg cell to enable the sperm to penetrate the egg cell.
Geldore, Jesserie A.
1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?
- What makes an egg cell quite unique is first it is highly specialized cell, uniquely equipped for generating a
new individual. Contains a lot of cytoplasm which increases its surface area that make it easier in the
development of the embryo within it/can even reprogram the somatic cell nucleus that can result to
development of a new ones. Egg cell are larger than any other cell i the human body which is why it is so big
that we can see it with our naked eye and I think that’s one of the most unique fact that can blow everyone’s

2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

- It is mainly the cervical mucus. It plays a major role in fostering healthy bacteria, keeping the vagina
lubricated and preventing infection. It is a fluid that the cervix releases into the vagina. That’s why the
journey of the sperm entering the vagina or reaching the egg is quite difficult because of the acidic
atmosphere of the vagina and the mucus of the cervix.

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface?
- Sperm cells go through the process known as the acrosome reaction which is the reaction that happens
occurs in the acrosome of the sperm as it approaches the egg. The acrosome possesses this kind of shield
or what we call enzyme so that a sperm can penetrate the egg. It covers the head of the sperm like a cap.
Carmen, Trishia Mae B.
AM-G09 .
1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?
- The unique surface of an egg cell is the zona pellucida which facilitates
communication between oocytes and follicle cells during oogenesis. It
also protects oocytes, eggs and embryos during development and
regulates interactions between ovulated eggs and sperm during and
after fertilization.

2. Why it is difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

- It is difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell because of
zona pellucida and it is the mainly due to abnormalities of the

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to

penetrate through the egg cell surface?
- The head’s acrosome contains enzymes that allow sperm to
penetrate an egg. The center section is densely packed with
mitochondria, which release energy to allow the egg to swim
and fertilize.

Answer the following questions briefly:

1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

Answer : It is a human cell, it contains a nucleus with half the number of chromosomes.

2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

Answer: It is difficult for a sperm to penetrate the egg cell because there's a blockage or trapped of cervical
mucus to prevent sperm passing into the uterus.

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface?

Answer: The sperm contains an acrosome that has enzymes that allows it to penetrate the egg cell.
nBayno, Ivan A.

Activity 4: Fertilization
Answer the following qiestions briefly:
1.What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?
• Like sperm cells, egg cells have a nucleus that has half the chromosomes of other cells
in the body. In contrast to sperm cells, egg cells are very large because they are rich in the
cytoplasm, the cell's contents. Eggs also have no tail.

2.Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

•Cervical mucus also forms an impassable barrier to sperm. However, when a woman
ovulates, the lining becomes thinner to allow sperm to enter. Sperm that have been able
to reach the inner layer of the female cervix need to survive for an additional 4 days to
reach the fallopian tubes.

3.What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through
the egg cell surface?
•Sperm go through a process known as the acrosome reaction. This is the reaction that
occurs in the acrosome as the sperm approaches the egg. The acrosome is a cap-like
structure in the front half of the sperm head.
1 YR- AM- G09
1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

The surface of an egg cell was composed of different parts like: cytoplasm, nucleus, zona pellucida, and
so on. However, we have the zona pellucida; an outer membrane of the egg where it helps the sperm to
enter the egg through its hard outer layers that's makes this surface of an egg cell unique.

2. Why is it difficult for sperm to penetrate the egg cell ?

Sperm should pass the layer of an egg. It cannot be able to penetrate into the egg cell because sperm cells
meet a barrier of cumulus cells surrounding the egg. The sperm cells must use the very special 'stroke',
known as hyperactivation. However, the sperm cell then has to pass another barrier called the 'zona
pellucida', an additional layer of the egg.

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface?

The head contains the genetic material for fertilisation in a haploid nucleus. The acrosome in the head
contains enzymes so that a sperm can penetrate an egg. In the middle of the structure, we have the
mitochondria that gives energy that will help the sperm to swim and fertilize the egg.
1Y-AM-G09 - Social Studies

1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

● The egg cell surface is unique because of the corona radiata. The corona radiata is the one who surounds the egg cell, and the
main purpose of the corona radiata is to protect and provide vital proteins.

2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

● It is difficult for the sperm to penetrate to the egg cell because of the zona pellucida. The zona pellucida is a thick outer coating
that helps to protect the egg cell and also help to make sure that only one sperm can enter the egg cell

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface?
● It is unique because of its tail, the Flagellum the tail uses the energy that comes from mitochondria to move and penetrate
through the egg cell

1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

The surface of an egg cell helps the sperm to enter the egg through its thick outer
layers. It also avoids polyspermy and protects the embryo before implantation, and that
makes the surface of the egg cell unique.
2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?
Probably, the motility of the sperm is too slow, and it is also possible that the outer layer
of the egg cell is too thick, which makes it difficult for the sperm to penetrate.
3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell
The acrosome of the sperm contains enzymes that help the sperm to enter the surface
of the egg, and the tail or flagellum also helps in the penetration process as it uses energy
made by the mitochondria.

1.What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

It has a protective layer that protects the oocyte during development and also
keeps the oocyte from implanting in the fallopian tube.
2. Why is it difficult for sperm to penetrate the egg cell?
Cervical mucus may prevent sperm from entering the uterus, but during
ovulation, when the egg is released from the ovaries, the mucus thins and
becomes lower in pH.
3.What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through
the egg cell surface?
The acrosome is a cap-like structure that covers the anterior half of the head
of the sperm.The acrosome reaction, which occurs in the acrosome of the
sperm as it approaches the egg, is a process that sperm cells go through.
1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?
- The egg is a highly specialized cell that gives way with every cell in the adult human body. Even a diploid
cells nucleus can be changed by the cytoplasm of an egg to guide the development of a new person this
is how fertilisation occurs.

2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

- Cervical mucus could block sperm from entering, although the fluid becomes thinner and less in acid
during fertilization, once the egg is fertilized from the ovaries. The easier it is for sperm to pass the closer
it gets to ovulation.

3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell surface?

- The embryo response, that starts with in acrosome of the sperm as it reaches the egg, is a procedure
that sperm cells have the power to go forward. The acrosome is a cap-like structure that covers the
sperm's head's front half. Has the ability to transport enzymes that aid sperm entry into the egg.

1. What is unique about the surface of an egg cell?

The unique about the surface of an egg cell as its own specialized function to create
individual, it is ability to release a cascade of reaction automatically that makes the zone
pellucida to harden if a sperm has already entered the egg cell preventing other sperm from

2. Why is it difficult for sperms to penetrate the egg cell?

The zona pellucida is further digested by the enzymes in the cortical granules, rendering
it unable to bind further sperm, while other chemicals in the granules form a new protective
layer around the fertilized egg.
3. What is unique about the sperm structure that allows it to penetrate through the egg cell
The acrosome of the sperm contains enzymes that help the sperm to enter the surface
of the egg, and the tail or flagellum also helps in the penetration process as it uses energy
made by the mitochondria.

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