Tom G

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Student Name Tom g

Professional Development: Task 2 – Working

Practices and Skills (U3: LO 3.2, AC 2.1 & 2.2))
You are required to carry out the following three tasks to complete this
assignment. I’ll be looking for these headings on your page:

Skills Audit Analysis: This section is designed to get you thinking about your own
strengths as well as identifying things you’d like to be better at.

Transferable Skills Analysis: We’re then going to look at skills you feel can be
applied to the course and your career as an Esports professional, which you may have
learned in other aspects of your life.

Identifying and applying effective working practices: Finally, we’ll look at some
established effective working practices which you’ll discuss the importance of. You’ll
then grade yourself out of ten for each one.

You can copy and paste the relevant tasks of this worksheet on to your
Weebly page in order to complete for submission

• Use this worksheet to help you construct your response to this section of
the assignment brief.
• You will be given certain assignment tasks to be completed in class
• You may also undertake ‘extended learning’ outside of the class time
when required
• You will use your Weebly page for your response. No hard copy is
required, but you are advised to keep any work safe by uploading it
• You must reference ALL sources that you use in researching this
assignment, and this must be made clear in your response.
• Remember, plagiarism will result in your work being failed and possible
disciplinary action taken.

The first task we’re going to look at is a skills audit…

Task 1 – SKILLS AUDIT ANALYSIS (Do this task on your Weebly page)

Part 1: Look at the twelve skills and place them in order of difficulty, with the most
difficult first (you can do this by cutting and pasting them in order):
most diff 1-12

Getting started on work 1

Time management 2
Motivation and staying motivated 3
Presentation skills 4
Writing skills 5
Memory 6
Effective use of session time 7
Speaking in front of people 8
Reading skills 9
Evaluating own work 10
Working with others 11
Use of IT skills 12

Part 2: Now use the ‘traffic light’ system to highlight which you feel is the most or
least difficult for you (you can do this by changing the text colour)
Red – major priority which needs working on a lot
Amber (or yellow) – difficult, but manageable
Green – confident

Part 3: Write a few lines of what you can do to turn each of the red and amber
priorities into green.
Motivation – think of the outcome of when I have completed the task 5being able
to relax)

Writing skills – I don’t struggle with writing skills my handwriting is inconsistent

and is only improved with practice

Getting started on work 1 - do not do time wasting activities before I have

finished my work

Time management 2 - get dedicated periods of time where I focus on one task
and complete it.

Motivation and staying motivated 3 - when I start working I should try to finish it
in the same session instead of putting it off and getting distracted

Presentation skills 4 - I need to improve eye contact with audience, I also

mumble too much

Writing skills 5 - my writing skills are alright but I am too brief and do not go into
enough detail

Memory 6 - write things down so I do not forget

Effective use of session time 7 - try and do only the things dedicated to thye
session instead of getting distracted

Speaking in front of people 8 - eye contact and not looking at the script the whole

Task 2 - TRANSFERABLE SKILLS CHECKLIST (Do this task on your Weebly

This is the second task. It’s about skills which you can use on the course which
you may have used in other situations…

Highlight as many of these transferable skills which definitely apply to you…

Key Transferable Skills

Meet deadlines Work independently

Ability to plan Accept responsibility
Instruct others Desire to learn/improve
Good time management Solve problems
Talk in public Team player -- I am good
at playing my role in a team environment
Written communications Computer/IT skills

Other Transferable Skills (Dealing with things)

Use my hands Assemble/make things I

am alright at assembling things with instruction I think I am good at following
instructions Safety conscious Follow
Drive vehicles Repair things

Dealing with Data

Analyse data or facts – I feel like I am good at analysing data

Working with spreadsheets
Locate answers or information Research

Creative, Artistic

Artistic Perform, act Expressive

Draw, sketch Play instruments - I play the drums, I have
passed grade 8 drums in trinity rock and pop with merit and grade 7 with
distinction, I have been playing since I was 8 which is 9 years
Working with People

Patient Care for others Persuasive

Pleasant Sensitive Outgoing
Supportive Help others Tactful
High energy Diplomatic Adaptable - I feel
like I can adapt to most situations well and overcome most things
Open minded Take orders Speak in public
Listen Trustful Negotiate

Using Words, Ideas

Articulate Innovative Communicate verbally

Logical - I prefer to use logic when it comes to my points because I feel opions
are so varied Remember information Remember names
Research Create new ideas Design
Speak in public Presentations Edit information
Write clearly


Arrange an event Motivate people Decisive

Plan Delegate - I'm good at knowing what is
best in leadership position as I put time into things I care about and will make
sure everything is setup properly Empower others

Explain things to others - I think I am strongest in this because when it comes to

a team environment, I like to think I am a good team member and can input my
ideas well into a friendly space. Self-motivated Get results
Think of others Team builder Solve problems
Take risks
Next, choose ONE transferable skill from each coloured section which you might
identify as being your strongest (you might highlight four skills for Leadership,
but which is your strongest?).

Write a little next to each of these Identifying how you have used each of these
chosen skills AND how this skill might be useful on the Level 3 Esports course.


(Do this task on your Weebly page)

OK, for this one I’d like you to give a brief description of how you can apply
each of the following twenty effective working practices to the Level 3 Esports
course and why these are considered important. Also grade yourself out 10
for each one

1 Punctuality, being on time every day to college and to every lesson, I

would say I am a 6 or 7 here because I do struggle being early but I am
usally only a minute or two late

2 Motivation, I struggle with adhd a fair amount so if I’m not interested in

something I will most likely forget it or not want to do it but if I enjoy
something it’s the only thing I ever want to do so 5 probably, I don’t know
what I can do to change this

3 Review your work (at end of session or assignment), I don’t struggle with
this, I try and check my work to make sure it is up to standard 7/10

4 Plan ahead, I need to write down tasks set to me because I forget most of
them, I’m currently doing my homework at 11 at night after forget to this
existed the whole week and I need sleep so I don’t know 3/10

5 Be organised my room is a mess but when I tidy it it’s really clean so like
4/10 people don’t usually stay organised and I struggle with it

6 Create good workday habits 4/10 I just play games when I get home I
don’t do anything else
7 Keep promises to colleagues 9/10 when I remember something if I
promise to do it I will always try and do it

8 Prioritise work, 3/10, I always forget about homework and I have to do it


9 If unsure, ask 10/10

10 Maintain concentration and focus 3/10 I have adhd so this is incredibly

hard if I am not enjoying myself I know it isn’t an excuse but it’s harder

11 Watch your language n/a

12 Give positive feedback to others 10/10 in always trying to hype my

friends up so

13 Share the credit 10/10

14 Be a team member 10/10

15 Avoid complaining 5/10 I sometimes complain too much, I just need to

think of the end goal

16 Find a mentor/Be a mentor 10/10

17 Effective time management 1/10 I struggle a lot here

18 Taking a short break 10/10

19 Recognising errors or mistakes10/10

20 Seeing opportunities 10/10

Worksheets can be completed digitally or by hand.
If completed by hand these must be scanned in or photographed to a decent standard.

This document must be completed on your Weebly site in the page allocated for
Professional Development. The headings can be reproduced within the page or the
document can be embedded using a Scribd window.

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