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Headline ideas

These headline ideas were written to match the seven main reasons Tegze
found why people leave jobs. We’re not suggesting these are the ‘best’ ideas,
they are just to inspire you to think about writing from the reader’s point of view
in an attention-grabbing way.

For the first four examples, you’ll notice we’ve written a ‘towards’ and ‘away’
version of each headline:

Lack of opportunities to use skills & Stuck? Frustrated? Know you’re better
abilities than this?
Everyone wants to be s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d.
Bad management Think you can do your boss’s job
better than they can?
At last. A boss who’ll support you.
Toxic workplace/Company culture Another horrible day at the office.
Want to jump out of the frying pan
into a nicer frying pan?
Promotion So Jason got promoted over you.
What are you going to do?
Are you Ferrari quality on a Fiat

The next three examples contain two-in-one reasons – each reason needs a
different headline:

Excessive work or too little of it Hoorah! No more late-night working.
Yay! No more twiddling your thumbs.
Higher salary & financial stability This year, Margate.
Next year, the Maldives.
Your chance to get on the property
Inadequate or lack of rewards & When having beanbags in reception is
benefits no longer enough…
Wish you were allowed to purchase
extra holiday?

This reason wasn’t mentioned in Tegze’s study, but many recruiters try to sell a
job based on the status of the company because some people do queue up to
work for a big brand name. In that case, here are some headline ideas that
might help.

Famous brand Sick of having to tell people what your
employer does?
Want to work somewhere your Mum’s
heard of?
A great name to add to your CV.
Now you can impress your friends
down the pub.


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