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V6 Fiscal Year Start / End date changes with

Existing Transactions
There are instances when a Fiscal year(s) beginning/ending dates must be changed/modified (for ex: a company is
acquired and needs to align fiscal years) AND there are existing transactions in the year(s) and period(s) that need to be
changed. This process will be unique to each company depending on when and what needs to be changed and it MUST
be tested in a non-production/test environment prior to implementing in a live folder.

 These steps are specifically for a single ledger environment where Ledger Type = Legal ONLY. If more than one
ledger or legislation exists, you will need to contact our Professional Services Group or your Sage Business
 These steps assume that the Fiscal Years needing to be changed have not been closed. If any of the Fiscal Years
in question are in a ‘Closed’ status you will need to take additional steps to reopen all Periods via the Period
Reopen function and reopen Fiscal Year via the Reopen Fiscal Year function. See KB-1874 for more information.
 If these steps are not tested fully on a current copy of your live data folder AND/OR your results are not
satisfactory DO NOT perform in your LIVE folder.
 In the event that the testing is not satisfactory you will be directed to our Professional Services Group or your
Sage Business Partner (billable services) for further assistance.

Fiscal Year Change Example:

Current Fiscal Year Setup:
Fiscal Year 5 = 01/01/12 thru 12/31/12 (Jan 2012 thru Dec 2012)
Fiscal Year 6 = 01/01/13 thru 12/31/13 (Jan 2013 thru Dec 2013)

Proposed Fiscal Year Changes:

Fiscal Year 5 = 01/01/12 thru 06/30/12 (Jan 2012 thru June 2012)
Fiscal Year 6 = 07/01/12 thru 06/30/13 (July 2012 thru June 2013

Today’s sample working date = 11/xx/2012 (FY5 Period 11) and in this example there are currently existing transactions
in FY5 Periods 7 thru 11 (July thru Nov) that will need to be reflected as FY6 Periods 1 thru 5 (July thru Nov xx, 2012)

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Before you begin:
1. Have all users exit Sage ERP X3
2. Shut down the Journal Status monitor. Open Usage > Batch server > Accounting tasks and click Stop button.
Click Yes to “Stop accounting tasks”

3. Verify Task Status displays as Inactive and click End

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Check for Existing Data Errors:
4. Run the Account Balance Resync to verify there are no pre-existing errors in the applicable years (in this example
FY 5 & 6).
a. Open Financials>Utilities>Resynchronizations>Account Balances
b. Select the applicable Company and the All sites checkbox
c. Enter the Fiscal year and verify the Dates field
d. Leave Currency and Account fields blank
e. Select the Recovery radial button (this will correct any open issues)
f. Click Ok

5. Run the Dimension Balance Resync to verify there are no pre-existing errors in the applicable years (in this
example FY 5 & 6).
a. Open Financials>Utilities>Resynchronizations>Dimension Balances)
b. Select the applicable Company and the All sites checkbox
c. Enter the Fiscal year and verify the Dates field
d. Leave Currency and Account fields blank
e. Select the Recovery radial button (this will correct any open issues)
f. Click Ok

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Editing the Fiscal Tables:
6. Go to PERIOD table
a. Open Development>Utilities>Maintenances>Lines
b. Enter PERIOD in the Table field
c. Select Selection>Selection from the menu bar
d. Enter Selection criterion “FIYNUM=5 and PERNUM=7”(without quotes). FIYNUM is the Fiscal Year and
PERNUM is the first period requiring a change

e. Change the PERSTA field to = 1 (Not Open) and click Save

f. Repeat the steps above for all Periods requiring a change. In our example, FY5 Periods 7 thru 12 and FY6
Period 1.

Sage ERP X3 – Fiscal Year Changes with Transactions Page 4

7. Go to FISCALYEAR table
a. Open Development>Utilities>Maintenances>Lines
b. Enter FISCALYEAR in the Table field
c. Select Selection>Selection from the menu bar
d. Enter Selection criterion “FIYNUM=6”(without quotes)
e. Change the FIYSTA field to ‘1’ (Not Open)
f. Click Save

Changing the Fiscal Year Dates:

8. Edit the Fiscal Year Description and Dates

a. Open Common Data>GL Accounting Tables>Fiscal Years (GESFIY)
b. Change the Description ‘Fiscal Year 2012-6 months’ or something similar to identify that this is a short
Fiscal Year.
c. Change the Short title from ‘xxx’ to ‘2012-6mth’ or something similar.
d. Click on the End date field and change to 06/30/12. Note that Fiscal Year 7 Start and End dates will have
automatically changed to the expected new start/end dates.

e. Make sure the subsequent Description and Short titles are correct for subsequent years.
f. Click Save before leaving this function.

9. Verify the Period State and End Dates

a. Open Common Data>GL Accounting Tables> Fiscal Periods (GESPER)
b. Check the Period Start and Period End dates for FY5, FY6 and all subsequently created fiscal years

Sage ERP X3 – Fiscal Year Changes with Transactions Page 5

10. Open the Fiscal Year Using Table Maintenance
a. Open Development>Utilities>Maintenances>Lines
b. Enter FISCALYEAR in the Table field
c. Select Selection>Selection from the menu bar
d. Enter Selection criterion “FIYNUM=6”(without quotes)
e. Change the FIYSTA field to ‘2’ (Open)
f. Click Save

11. Open the Fiscal Periods

a. Open Common Data>GL Accounting Tables> Fiscal Periods (GESPER)
b. Click on the Opening button/option.
c. Open all the applicable periods, in this example I will need to open Period 1 thru Period 6.

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Editing Existing Journal Entries:
12. The GACCENTRY (Header) AND the GACCENTRYD (detail) records for each journal entry affected by the Fiscal
Year & Period changes will need to be updated accordingly with the new Fiscal Year (FIY field) and the new
Period (PER field). For example, the transactions that have an ACCDAT (Accounting Date) of 7/1/12 thru 7/31/12
will need to change from FIY 5 to 6 and from PER 7 to 1.This can be done in either of the following approaches:
a. Update the records manually using Table Maintenance one line at a time. Note that GACCENTRYD will have
at least 2 records for each journal entry

b. Database Mass update function within X3 (Not discussed in this document)

c. SQL Statement (Not discussed in this document)
d. Request a billable engagement with our Professional Services Group to update the entries programmatically
or thru a Database Mass Update.

Sage ERP X3 – Fiscal Year Changes with Transactions Page 7

Updating Your Balances:
13. Run the Account Balance Resync for the applicable years (in this example FY 5 & 6).
a. Open Financials>Utilities>Resynchronizations>Account Balances
b. Select the applicable Company and the All sites checkbox
c. Enter the Fiscal year and verify the Dates field
d. Leave Currency and Account fields blank
e. Select the Recovery radial button (this will correct any open issues)
f. Click Ok

14. Run the Dimension Balance Resync for the applicable years (in this example FY5 & 6). Note: This may take a long
time to process; please allow the process to complete without interruption.
a. Open Financials>Utilities>Resynchronizations>Dimension Balances)
b. Select the applicable Company and the All sites checkbox
c. Leave Currency and Account fields blank
d. Enter the Fiscal year and verify the Dates field
e. Select the Recovery radial button (this will correct any open issues)
f. Click Ok

15. Run the Year End Simulation

a. Open Financials>Utilities>Closures>Year End Simulation
b. Deselect All companies checkbox
c. Enter Company and Fiscal Year
d. Select General balance& Analytic balance checkboxes
e. Click OK

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Completing the Process:
16. After the balances have been resynched and the Year End simulation is processed, you should verify the
a. Opening balances are correct (example for FY6)
b. All GL reports and report writers are correct.
c. GL Inquiries display correct balances and transaction information

17. Restart the Journal Status Monitor

a. Open Usage > Batch server > Accounting tasks
b. Click Run now button
c. Click Yes to Start accounting tasks

d. Wait a few moments then click Refresh to verify Task Status displays as Active and click End

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