PDF - Jobs, Abilities and Obligations

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Jobs, abilities and obligations

Welcome to this activity. This is a very interesting video about Have to, has to, can
and can't. Here you are going to learn more about jobs, abilities and obligations.

Listen and read carefully the information by using Have to, Has to, Can and Can't.

-Accountants have to ensure the accuracy of financial documents, as well

as prepare and maintain important financial reports. Accountants can advise on
business structure but they can’t take administrative decisions.
-Enrique is an accountant. He has to repair tax returns and ensure that taxes are
paid properly and on time. He can manage payroll.

-Let me introduce Robert. He's a lawyer. What does Robert have to do? And what can he
do? Let's read the information to know more about Robert and lawyers.
-Robert is a lawyer. He has to give legal advice to people, government agencies,
and businesses and offer representation to them when needed. He can save you from jail.
-Lawyers have to prepare legal documents and interpret laws, regulations, and rulings.
Also, lawyers can help you prove you are broke, you have no money anywhere of any kind
in order not to pay taxes to the government.

-This is Sofia. She's a psychologist. What does Sofia have to do? And what do
psychologists do? What can they do? Let's read the information to know more about Sofia
and psychologists.
-Sofia is a psychologist. She has to collect information through observations,
interviews, surveys, tests, and other methods.
-Psychologists have to identify and diagnose mental, behavioral, or emotional disorders.
They can help educators empathize with those misbehaving students.

-Let's know more about architects. They are Robert and Eloisa. They are lawyers. What
do Robert and Eloisa have to do? And what can they do? Let's read the information to
know more about them.
-Architects have to bring together the creative ideas and visions of the client and keep in
mind the needs of those that will be using the new space. They can help you design the
house of your dreams.
-Eloisa is an architect. She has to plan and design buildings.


There are two questions that are very common:

- When do we use have to and has to?

-What is the difference between have to and has to?

Have to /Has to in affirmative sentences are used to speak about responsibilities, obligatio
ns and important actions.

Let's remember that we use Have to with the first and second person.

We use HAS TO with the third person.


Well students we have eight examples, we are going to read and identify the use of HAVE
TO and HAS TO.
 Accountants have to ensure ……
 Lawyers have to prepare……
 Psychologists have to identify ……
 Architects have to bring ……
 Enrique has to repair ……
 Robert has to give……...
 Sofía has to collect ………
 Eloisa has to plan ………

There are two questions that students usually ask.

1.- Do we use “have to” with singular or plural nouns?
2.- Do we use “has to” with singular or plural nouns?

The answer is very simple:

WE USE HAVE TO WITH Plural nouns.

For example: Accountants, lawyers, phychologists, architects, etc.

AND WE USE HAS TO WITH Singular nouns

For example: Enrique, Robert, Sofía, Eloisa.

Let me ask you a question:

Do you really want to become a professional?
I am sure you really want to be the best, but another question and the most important:
 What do you have to do to be a professional?
 I have to study hard to be a professional.

Remember to use the simple form of the verb, after HAVE TO.


-Can and can´t are modal verbs that are commonly used in English.
-Can and can´t are used to express ability or to show possibility or impossibility.

For example:
-Psychologists can work with people very well. Express Ability.
-An architect can help you design the house of your dreams. Express possibility.
-Accountants can’t take administrative decisions. Express impossibility.

Now let's see these examples:

- Accountants can advise on business structure, but
they can’t take administrative decisions.
- An accountant can manage payroll.
- Lawyers can help you prove you are broke in order not to pay taxes to the government.
- A lawyer can save you from jail.
- Psychologists can help educators empathize with those misbehaving students.
- An architect can help you design the house of your dreams.

Let's take a look to these questions:

Do we use “can” with singular and plural nouns?
For example:
 An accountant can manage payroll.
 Accountants can advise on business structure.

What is the negative form of “can”?

For example:
 They can’t take administrative decisions.

What comes after “can” or “can’t” ?

A verb in infinitive form.
For example:
 Accountants can advise on business structure.
 They can’t take administrative decisions.

Finally, we are going to check the pronunciation and intonation of can and can't.

 Remember to emphasize the verb in affirmative sentences.

For example: Accountants can take administrative decisions.
 But in negative sentences, emphasize the negative form of can, can't.
For example: Accountants can’t take administrative decisions.

See you in the next video!

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