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Ex-students talking about their experience

A couple of friends meet at the airport.

A. Frank: Hi, Issac! Do you remember me? I’m Frank Lesma.

B. Issac: Frank? Oh, my goodness! I didn’t recognize you.
A. Frank: I suppose it is because I am taller...
B. Issac: ...and older, too. Haha!
A. Frank: What do you do?
B. Issac: I’m an aerospace engineer.
A. Frank: Oh, that’s great! It means, you design and build the aircrafts I fly.
B. Issac: You’re kidding!! Are you a pilot?
A. Frank: Yes, I am. I work for KLM.
B. Issac: Oh, that’s fantastic. So, tell me. What is it like to be a pilot?
A. Frank: Oh man, don’t judge a book by its cover! To be honest, it’s a stressful job because
it’s not only transporting passengers or goods from one location to another, but also you
have to deal with nervous first-time travelers. So, you have to be well prepared to deal
with other people’s fear.
B. Issac: I see. So, you have to be very patient with people. It is a multitasking job.
A. Frank: Yeah, our primary responsibility is to operate the aircraft, but our day consists of
many hours performing other tasks. We have to check the weather and confirm flight
plans before departing.
B. Issac: I suppose pilots with enough experience in the industry can work in a stable job
as an instructor in an aviation school.
A. Frank: Yes, we can teach prospective aviators the fundamentals of flight. In fact, I would
like to teach after retirement. Tell me about your job.
B. Issac: Well, I'm an aerospace engineer. It’s a demanding job, too. We can specialize in
a specific type of aerospace product, such as missiles and rockets, military fighter jets,
spacecraft, helicopters, or commercial aircraft. So in my case, I design different types of
commercial airplanes including helicopters. Also, I have to determine if projects are
technically and financially possible.
A. Frank: What do you think is the most difficult part of being an aerospace engineer?
B. Issac: In my opinion, the most difficult part of my job is modifying and re-testing products.
How about you?
A. Frank: From my point of view, it’s more complicated to live far from your family and close
friends, because you have to work from about 12 days per month to 20 or more.
B. Isaac: I agree. There’s nothing better than being with your family. I think your job is
harder than mine.
A. Frank: Yeah, it is. I would like to start my own business, in order to spend more time
with my family.
B. Issac: That would be a great idea! I’m interested in starting my own business. I want to
be my own boss. On the other hand, I would like to teach at a university to future
aerospace engineers. I think I have a lot of experience I can share with others.
A. Frank: I’m sure you are going be the best teacher ever.
B. Isaac: Thank you. Here you are my business card. This is the best time I've had after a
long time.
A. Frank: Oh, thanks. Let’s keep in touch.

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