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Welcome students. This is a very interesting video about professions. We are going to
check: want to and would like to.

Let's check this example:

Why would you like to work with us?
 Girl: I want to continue studying, but it means that I have to look for a job.
 Man: Why would you like to work with us?
 Girl: I would like to work with you because I want to continue studying at university.
 Girl: I am a civil engineering student. This is what I am studying because I really
want to have my own company one day.

Let's start checking the grammar structure about WOULD LIKE TO. Remember that we use
all the subject pronouns (I, YOU, WE, THEY, HE, SHE, IT + WOULD LIKE TO + SIMPLE

For example:
 For an affirmative sentence: I would like to work hard and study.
 In a negative sentence: He or she wouldn't like to stop studying.

For questions:
 Would you like to work and study?
 Yes, I would like to work and study.
 No, I wouldn´t like to work and study.

Let's check this part. We have the grammar structure of WANT TO. Remember we use
WANT TO plus the VERB in simple form!

Look at the examples:

 I want to have a part time job.
 My classmates don't want to stop studying.
 Does your friend want to keep studying to learn more about new processes and
o (+) Yes, she does.
o (-) No, she doesn't.

Finally, let's see some examples of professionals

1. Major: Civil engineering - Professional: Civil engineer

Paulo is a civil engineer. He wants to design an ecofriendly building in Lima in the future.
He would like to travel to Canada to do a master next year, but first, he needs to finish a
project for his company soon. He could start studying online now, but he is focusing on his
project now.

2. Major: Biomedical engineering - Professional: Biomedical engineer

Tom is a biomedical engineer. He works in a hospital, but he would like to work for a
pharmaceutical company. He is the kind of person who wants to solve many biological and
medical problems. If he wasn't studying his master, he could design and build more medical

3. Major: Software development engineering - Professional: Software

development engineer
Sofia is a software development engineer. She works in an industry company; however,
she wants to develop computer games. She would like to have her company abroad. She
needs to study very hard and save money for her future plans.

4. Major: Obstetrics - Professional: Obstetrician

Marianela is an obstetrician. She has to have special qualifications in delivering babies
and providing medical care to women during pregnancy. She works for a clinic, but she
would like to work in a national hospital, so she could help more people. She is happy right
now, but she wants to begin to study a new course.

Don't forget to check your material on Canvas. See you in next video!

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