Lecture 2 - The Corporation Analyzed by Segments

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The Contemporary World September 14,


THE CORPORATION; shareholders above all other

INDIVIDUAL OR and forbid them from being
socially responsible – at least
INSTITUTION genuinely so” (Bakan, 2004,
1. to understand the legal rights
and responsibilities of a
2. Issues relating to corporate
social responsibilities are not
2. to recognize that institutions new and the history of the
are comprised of individuals, corporation includes a cycle of
so it is the character of the regulation and corporate
individuals that define the response.
3. that managers have ADVERTISING MARKET
considerable discretion in their 1. The pervasiveness of social
decisions, and that issues. There are some
shareholders do not participate elements of this segment that
in the day-to-day decisions of may not be at all contentious
management; for some people in class, and
yet are for others. So, when
4. that corporate social managing a corporation, one
responsibility has a legal and must be sensitive to the fact
moral aspect to it, and the two that almost every decision can
are not always aligned. potentially result in some
moral backlash.
THE HISTORY OF THE 2. There are few absolute social
CORPORATION standards. Acceptability of a
1. The law requires corporation firm's actions depends on the
to “prioritize the interests of context, such as the age of the
third companies and
audience, what it is that is between them generate interesting
being sold, and how. insights,
in particular:
The Advertising and Marketing 1. That corporations often have
segment of the film clip focuses on to provide social services
the manner and degree to which because governments fail to do
advertising enters our daily lives. so, and societies (and
employees) expect
The Corporation as corporations to fill the gap.
Government 2. That corporations take risks by
1. Often corporations must participating in social services
address social issues because because it is difficult to
governments do not, cannot, or reconcile social needs with
should not address them. shareholder interests.
2. However, corporations can and
3. That corporations also take
should do only so much.
risks by participating in social
Corporations can easily
services because once
overextend their activities in
involved, it is very difficult for
the social arena, which may in
a corporation to pull back its
itself be irresponsible.
The purpose of The Corporation as 4. That activities that are
Government segment is to show perceived to be an essential
students how the roles of service (e.g. medical, water or
corporations and government can power services) can create
differ and overlap. There are likely significant social and public
a range of opinions in the room; relations challenges for the
from the most 'right' position that corporations that provide
governments are incapable of them.
managing anything well, so that
anything that can be privatized Some strengths of public sector
should be, to the most 'left' ownership:
position that governments are a. Accountable to the public and
needed to provided essential spending, service levels,
services because the public good management and employment
cannot be defended by private practices are more transparent
interests. to public scrutiny.
b. Allows factors such as public
The students won't be surprised by
interest, equity, social
these positions, but the tensions
cohesion, product stewardship,
and solidarity to be included in what controls should be in
decision-making. place for governments that run
public services?
c. Ensures continuity, equity and
stability in the provision of
d. Oriented towards social
responsibility and USE AND PRODUCTION
environmental awareness. The key learning point can be quite
simply: the ease by which the
e. Has local knowledge of and social good can differ from the
experience with difficult-to- corporate good. Governments do
serve populations. not police everything, so
ultimately, society has to rely on
Some strengths of private sector people within corporations to
ownership: exercise social responsibility for
a. Accountable to shareholders to products and production processes.
reduce costs and use resources This segment presents arguments
efficiently. that:
b. Has a creative, dynamic, 1. The IBM corporation in the
innovative, and entrepreneurial United States knew how (and,
spirit. allegedly, why) the Third
Reich was using IBM's punch
c. Responds quickly to changing card system to track
circumstances and demand concentration camp prisoners.
d. Managerial and operational 2. Chemical manufacturers, such
flexibility and efficiency as Monsanto, sell products that
e. Good at performing complex they know are harmful to
tasks. humans and animals. The film
provides a number of
Some follow-up questions could examples but focuses on a
be: bovine growth hormone
a. Based on these relative (rGBH) that increases milk
strengths, which public production but causes pain.
services should the suffering and distress for the
government handle, and which cows.
should business handle?
b. What controls should be in
place for private corporations
that run public services, and

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