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Monitor work operations

Assessment Booklet


Student Name:

Student ID No:
SITXMGT001 Monitor work operations

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................... 2
How Do I Use This Book? ................................................................................................................................. 3
Section 1: Introduction to the Unit of Competency ....................................................................................... 4
Assessment Resource Summary ........................................................................................................................ 4
Section 1: General Instructions to Student......................................................................................................... 5
General information on Assessment Methods ................................................................................................... 8
Learner Declaration ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Assessment 1 – Case Study.............................................................................................................................. 12
Assessment 1 – Assessor Checklist ................................................................................................................. 15
Assessor Use ONLY ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Assessment 2 – Case Study/Project ................................................................................................................. 18
Template for Performance Report Record ....................................................................................................... 21
Assessment 2 – Assessor Checklist ................................................................................................................. 22
Assessor Use ONLY ........................................................................................................................................ 22
Assessment 3 – Assignment Activity .............................................................................................................. 25

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How Do I Use This Book?

This Assessment Booklet is

divided into two sections:

• Section1 – which provides

general information about
the unit(s) of competency
you, will be assessed in.

• The Section 2 contains

specific detailed information
of the assessment
component activities. You
will need to complete each
assessment activity
completely and to the
required standard explained
to you by your trainer and in
this Assessment Booklet in
order to achieve competence
Your assessor will go through this Assessment Booklet and the in this assessment process
assessment activities with you in detail, before the assessment
process begins.

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Section 1: Introduction to the Unit of Competency

Assessment Resource Summary

Unit Details SITXMGT001 Monitor work operations
Assessment Type This is a summative assessment, which requires each student to have
adequate practice prior to undertaking this assessment.

Assessment 1
Case Study
Case Study

Assessment 2
Case Study /Project
Case Study/Project
Assessment Methods

Assignment Activity Assessment 3

Assessment 4
Written Assessment
(Please refer to separate document)

Unit Summary
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to oversee and monitor
the quality of day-to-day work. It requires the ability to communicate effectively with team members,
plan and organize operational functions, and solve problems.

The unit applies to all industry sectors, and to individuals operating at a team leading, supervisory or
frontline management level.

No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the
time of publication.

Unit Code Title Training package code and title

SITXMGT001 Monitor work operations Management and Leadership –
Cross - Sector

*Pre-requisite Unit Nil

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Section 1: General Instructions to Student

Please read all the information before you proceed to complete the assessment tasks. If you do not
understand any part of these instructions, please ask your trainer/assessor.

Objective of Assessment

The primary objective of assessment is to support and encourage your learning. Assessment results give
the assessor an indication of how well you have learnt in class and or areas you may need extra support
with. The assessments are intended to be equitable, fair and flexible. All the information, skills and
knowledge being assessed by the assessments have been based on theory, practical and skills delivered by
your trainer/assessor during classes, and or during self-directed study and meet the requirements of the
unit of competency.

Assessment Feedback and Support throughout the Assessment Process

Students are encouraged to reflect on key observations and issues encountered during their studies to
encourage learning. Knowing what you understand or have mastered and identifying where you need to
improve the critical skills for successful learning.

Your assessor will give you feedback throughout the duration of the unit you are studying and after
assessment results. The feedback given to you will always be to support your achievements and to monitor
your progress throughout your studies.

Reasonable Adjustment or Special Needs

In the situation where you or your trainer/assessor feel that extra support needs to be given, you should
organise a time to meet with your trainer/assessor and discuss the options PAX Institute of Education can
offer. Your trainer’s/assessor’s aim is to ensure the successful completion of your course with the least
amount of difficulty.

Reasonable adjustment will be provided for all students who need it, this includes, but not limited to
students with a disability or learning difficulty; according to the nature of the disability or difficulty,
reasonable adjustments are made to ensure that the student is not presented with artificial barriers to
demonstrating achievement in the program of study. Reasonable adjustments may include the use of
adaptive technology, educational support, and alternative methods of assessment such as oral assessment.
Students whose level of Language, Literacy and Numeracy is low will be provided support as per
reasonable adjustment and classes for improving their Language, Literacy and Numeracy levels.

In assessing the competence of individuals, assessors must provide reasonable adjustments to ensure the
assessment principles of fairness and flexibility are addressed.

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Achieving a Satisfactory Result and Reassessment

This qualification is based on Competency based training.

There are two outcomes for each assessment task level:

S (S) = Satisfactory

(NS) = Not Satisfactory (requires more training and experience or evidence to complete the assessment).
Students must achieve a Satisfactory result (S) for all components of the unit tasks to be deemed overall
Competent (C) in each unit.
▪ Should students not be successful in their attempt, the assessor will provide directive feedback to
guide to success in the second attempt – second submission. The two attempts are of no cost to the
▪ If students still not achieve a Satisfactory result, they will be given one (1) re-assessment
opportunity which will incur a fee. Please refer to the fee schedule located on the website.
▪ Should students not reach competency after the re-assessment attempt, they will be re-enrolled in
the Unit of Competency

Appeal an Academic Decision

Where a student does not agree with the Assessors decision they should first discuss the issue with the
assessor and try to reach an understanding of the decision and a way forward to get the issue resolved.

If the student still wishes to pursue the matter further - they may then lodge an appeal following the
College’s Complaints and Appeals process. Please refer to the PAX Institute of Education Complaints and
Appeals Policy for further details.

Cheating and Plagiarism

PAX Institute of Education will not tolerate cheating and plagiarism from any student. Evidence of
plagiarism and cheating is treated seriously. The Institute imposes severe penalties on students who
cheat and plagiarise. Consequences for students engaging in such practices may include but not limited
to: being deemed Not Yet Satisfactory in the assessment; or Not Yet Competent in the unit; or
exclusion from the course.
Your assessor will check your work through the antiplagiarism software Plagiarism Checker X

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Submitting Assessment Tasks

Students must submit all assessment tasks together with the provided cover sheet. Work submitted
without a coversheet will not be accepted.

ALL tasks must be completed in Intelligible English. It is preferable that tasks are typed, where this is not
possible or where room is provided on a paper for short answers, students must write clearly.

Copy of students work

Students are required to hold a copy of their submitted assessment task prior to their submission to PAX
Institute of Education.

Cover sheets
Student must submit a completed coversheet with all assessment tasks, ensuring the student declaration
section is signed. Assessment cover sheets are available from the front office.

Due dates
Submissions must be made by the due date. Late submissions will be treated as reassessment unless the
student is granted pre-approval. For the procedure on how to obtain extensions, refer to the Due Date
Extensions section.

All information taken from the internet or from another source must be properly cited using an in-text
citation or footnote citation and include the full source in the reference list.

Student Access to Records

Students have the right to access current and accurate records of their participation and results at any
time. Students can see their results by requesting the information from their trainer/assessor or can
request a copy of records by contacting student administration.

Due Date and Extensions

Students must submit all tasks on or before the due date set for each Unit of Competency. Should students
need extensions, they must consult the Academic Manager. Extension can only be obtained if the need is
genuine, or under compassionate circumstances.

Students are required to submit their request for extension in writing to the Academic Manager and attach
any supporting document.

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General information on Assessment Methods

Assessment tasks may be structured with any combination, but not limited to, of:
a) Written Assessment / Quiz
b) Practical Observation / Demonstration / Role Play
c) Project/Report/presentation
d) Case Study / Assignment
e) Logbook

Each unit will clearly show

1. How many tasks there are
2. What the nature of the task is – (see above)

Students must complete all of tasks correctly and gain a satisfactory result in all tasks in order to be deemed
Competent in the unit.

Case Study/Reports/Projects/Research

• Ensure you are clear on the topic. If you are unsure please ask questions to your trainer/assessor.
• This is an open book test
• Ensure you know the Due Date and that you submit all your assessments on or before the Due
• In your responses please ensure that your answers/thoughts have been structured clearly
• Ensure that the answers provided are your own and has not been copied or plagiarised from any
person or source.
• In order to achieve satisfactory , ALL questions MUST be answered CORRECTLY
• Use a pen. Assessments written in pencil or red pen will not be accepted.
• If your writing is illegible your trainer may request, you to type your written task. You will then
need to sign the student declaration of authenticity. Your trainer at their discretion may also quiz
you with verbal questions for deeming authenticity.
• Ask your assessor if you do not understand a question. Whist your assessor cannot tell you the
answer, he/she may be able to re-word the question for you.
• Do not talk to your classmates. If you are caught talking, you will be asked to leave and your
assessment will not be marked.
• Do not cheat. Anyone caught cheating will automatically be marked Not Satisfactory (NS) for this

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Practical Tasks/Roleplays:

Your trainer will:

• Set a date for each task.
• Advise students of the topic.
• Allow opportunities for the student to ask questions
• Discuss this tool with the student prior to the observation taking place to ensure that the
student is ready for the observation and in particular that they can prepare for their setting
as listed in the tool.

Practical units of competence offer the opportunity for the student to be graded on their competence at
each class by what they have prepared and how they have prepared it. For a student to be competent, the
student should have demonstrated each task in the Checklist.

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Learner Declaration

I understand what is required to be completed in this assessment. I have been fully informed of the
instructions and I am confident to proceed.

Learner Name: Learner Signature: Date:

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Assessment 1 – Case Study

Case Scenario 1 – Organising workflow to prevent customer complaints and difficult situations involving at
least 6 different contingencies:

• delays and time difficulties

• difficult customer service situations
• equipment breakdown or technical failure
• financial resources
• staffing levels and skill profiles
• rostering requirements
• staff performance
• procedural requirements
• product development and marketing

The PAX café is opened 7 days a week for Lunch and brunch and on the weekend, it attracts a lot of locals
due to the fact that it has great food and it is a relaxed atmosphere.

You ran a huge marketing campaign for Father’s Day. You promoted a special Father’s Day lunch menu and
the PAX Café is fully booked.

As the manager of PAX Café, you are required to organize your floor and bar staff to ensure the smooth
running of service. Which will reflect a coherent team operation nevertheless, the hospitality industry is
always full of surprises.

It is 10:30 am on Father’s Day and you open for service at mid-day, you are expecting a full house of
customers to arrive within 1½ hours for the lunch period.
Just before the beginning of service you received a last-minute call from a customer to inform you that
they will be running late by at least half an hour.

At midday you receive a message from reception that two (2) of your wait staff have called in sick. Their
shift was meant to start at 11.30 am. It is now too late to find replacements. You are now short staffed.
You also have a new waitress starting today with no experience.
She has been allocated the busiest section on the balcony

As service has already commenced the table of seven arrive and as a manager you suggested that they sit
outside. You explain to the group that there is no room inside the restaurant therefore they could sit
outside on the balcony. Due to the fact that it is a lovely sunny day the group were happy with that.

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During this time more and more tables arrive for their bookings. Some of the booking’s arrived early and
the rest on time. With so many guests arriving at the one time it puts a lot of pressure on the floor staff
and kitchen to deliver the quality of service expected. As time passes some customers are becoming upset
as they have been seated for quite some time and still haven’t received any drink menus – not even water
they haven’t even received water on their tables even though it is a really hot day.

As orders overflow in the kitchen pass, entrees and meals are delayed. It takes the staff at least 15
minutes to go to the tables and take orders from customers. It takes the kitchen at least 15 minutes
before any entrées leave the kitchen. The kitchen staff are complaining the because of the overflow of
orders the kitchen equipment is really struggling to work properly.

Some of the issues the kitchen is facing are as follows:

• The fryer takes a long time to heat the food up

• The hot plate is worn out on one side & does not heat up correctly
• The oven really struggles to maintain temperature & rubber seals around the oven are loose
and cracked

The table of seven begin to demand for their food and their children are getting restless and start to run
around the tables, disturbing other clients.

Just before their meals arrive, a gentleman from the table gets up and informs that he cannot wait any
longer and has to leave - stating he doesn’t want his meal anymore. This creates tension in the kitchen and
they are furious.

As the afternoon comes to an end the table of seven is ready to leave and when they go to pay they
present a voucher for $100. You have already entered the order that matches the father’s day marketing
special. As you process this voucher and wish them a happy afternoon you notice that the voucher has
expired and you should not have accepted it. This is now created a financial problem as the
register/EFTPOS report will not match the actual money taken. There is now a shortfall of resources for the

This has been one hectic day at PAX café not only for you the manager but all the staff.

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You are to analyse the above scenario and answer the following questions in details.

Submit your responses in a separate document provided to you (Download Assessment 1- Case Study to
complete this task)– use a report format in use a professional font like Times New Roman size 12.

1. Overlooking the situation how could the manager at PAX Café planned his afternoon to run more

2. Consider the workload of each individual staff member and the tasks that they had to complete,
what could the manager have done to reduce the workload of the staff?

3. How could the manager have delegated duties better?

4. What were the 6 main problems that had arisen at PAX Café on Father’s Day?

5. In your opinion how could the manager and the staff have dealt with each situation better?

6. Please provide short term solutions for these situations that could have made everyone’s
(customer/colleagues) more enjoyable. Also discuss the long-term solutions to prevent this from

7. Describe some service procedures that you could implement to monitor each member of the F.O.H.

8. List 6 points that should be discussed in a pre-service briefing

9. As the manager, what coaching, and support can you give to the F.O.H to ensure smooth service for
the B.O.H.?

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Assessment 1 – Assessor Checklist

Assessor Use ONLY
This checklist is to be used when assessing the students in the associated task. This checklist is to be completed
for each student. Please refer to separate mapping document for specific details relating to alignment of this task
to the unit requirements.

Please complete below

Student Name:
Student ID No:

Does the student’s response Satisfactory Comments

Consider the workload of all staff  Yes  No

Reschedule the work to ensure improved efficiency  Yes  No

Reschedule the work to enhance customer service  Yes  No

Delegate work appropriately  Yes  No

Ensure the workflow meets required objectives and

 Yes  No

Offer assistance to colleagues as appropriate  Yes  No

Discuss options of coaching and supporting

 Yes  No
Identify workplace problems promptly and analyse
from an operational and customer service  Yes  No
Offer a short-term action to resolve the immediate
 Yes  No
Offer a long-term solution to reduce chance of
 Yes  No

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Discuss encouraging team to come up with
 Yes  No
solutions instead of just reporting problems
Identify areas for improvement
 Yes  No

Define service protocols

 Yes  No

Define service culture needs

 Yes  No

List pre-service briefing points

 Yes  No

List BOH support methods

 Yes  No

List FOH support methods

 Yes  No

Consider and implement improvements where

applicable  Yes  No

Ensure staff workload is appropriate

 Yes  No

Analyses root cause of problems

 Yes  No

Define roles for FOH staff

 Yes  No

Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted Name: ________________________

is my own and has not been copied or plagiarised from Signature: ________________________
any person or source. Date: ____/_____/_____

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Assessor Use Only


Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
(Please Circle)

Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a Assessor: _________________________________

fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with
Signature: ________________________
this student, and I have provided appropriate
feedback Date: ____/_____/_____

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Assessment 2 – Case Study/Project

Case Scenario 2:

The Rock stone is a small private hotel in one of the inner-city suburbs
of Melbourne, owned by a young couple Frank and Josie Brown. The
Rock stone aims to provide a speciality upmarket service to the
discerning visitors to Melbourne. It has 25 rooms and a dining room
that is open to the public as well as guests.

There have been some problems of late in relation to some of the

housekeeping services. Because of the size of the hotel, some of the
staff members have more than one role and there seem to be too
many peak and troughs in terms of workload.

The relevant service staff members are:

• Fred and Wilma, who are responsible for cleaning all guest rooms, guest sitting rooms and the foyer

• Barney, who cleans the kitchen and staff areas

• Betty, who is a part owner, looks after the following duties:

o The hotel and dining room bookings
o Purchase and control of cleaning equipment and chemicals,
o Guest room linen and table linen,
o Special requests for guests,
o Care of floral and plant décor, for the foyer
o Guest valet and dry cleaning.

The main problem is that Fred and Wilma are not always managing to clean guest rooms and the
foyer/sitting rooms after guests check out in time for the arrival of new guests. They sometimes clean
rooms that are not required until the following day instead of cleaning the Back to back bookings (guest
out at 10am – new guest in at 2pm)

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Barney, who works from 3pm to 11pm, finds that he is not busy enough between 4pm and 6pm.

Betty, sometimes books her newly arriving guests into rooms that are currently booked – therefore
requiring a back to back clean (B2B).
This puts more pressure on Fred and Wilma to clean the rooms for the turnover before 2pm.
There are some vacant rooms on the garden view side of the hotel. However Betty tends to offer guests
the front view rooms because she thinks they are ‘prettier’

Frank and Josie Brown have looked at their occupancy rates over the last 6 months and compared it to the
sales figures.
They have also received a number of guest complaints regarding the cleaning standards and customer

Frank and Josie are now trying to work out how to organize things better so that these problems will be

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You are to analyse the above scenario and answer the following questions in detail.
Submit your responses on a separate document (Download Assessment 2 Case Study/ Projects to
complete this task) provided to you.
Use a professional font and size like: Times New Roman font size 12

1. What are the main housekeeping problems at the Rock stone?

2. How might you go about assessing the staff workload and workflow?
(Fill the performance report record sheet according to the above scenario. You may use the
template attached or create your own. Submit this with your report.)

3. What options might Frank and Josie have for improving the overall hotel situation?

4. How can Betty improve the performance of the Housekeeping department with a positive
collaborative outcome?

5. List two opportunities to improve the sustainability of day-to-day operations

6. Develop a work flow plan for the Housekeeping department, with all available staff

7. What staff records should the hotel have?

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Template for Performance Report Record

For Fred and Wilma

Room no. Time Room cleaned Bathroom Cleaned by:

(Y/N) cleaned (Y/N)

For Barney

Time Kitchen Area Dishwashers Staff areas Remarks

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Assessment 2 – Assessor Checklist

Assessor Use ONLY
This checklist is to be used when assessing the students in the associated task. This checklist is to be completed for each
student. Please refer to separate mapping document for specific details relating to alignment of this task to the unit

Please complete below

Student Name:
Student ID No:

Does the student’s response Satisfactory Comments

Identify the main issues including inappropriate

 Yes  No
work allocation to staff

Identify the issues relating to efficiency and service

 Yes  No
levels within the organisation

Provide appropriate support to increase quality

 Yes  No
including reallocation of team’s roles and times

Identify any problems that impact on customer

service, and make appropriate suggestions for  Yes  No

Ensure all suggestions improve efficiency and

 Yes  No

Delegate duties to staff  Yes  No

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Delegated work is monitored for accuracy and

 Yes  No

Schedule work to staff as appropriate to staff levels

 Yes  No
and operational demand

Set parameters/boundaries for the tasks  Yes  No

Perform as a role model for others  Yes  No

Monitor team progress  Yes  No

Monitor service levels of operation

 Yes  No

Monitor efficiency levels of operation  Yes  No

Identify areas for improvement  Yes  No

List opportunities to improve the sustainability of

day-to-day operations  Yes  No

Develop a work flow plan for the Housekeeping

 Yes  No

Reallocate duties of all available staff  Yes  No

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Modify staff workload to meet varying customer

 Yes  No
operational demands

Are the forms filled in with the information from

 Yes  No
the scenario provided

Provide us with a sample of performance report

 Yes  No
record sheet

Name: ________________________
Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted
is my own and has not been copied or plagiarised from Signature: ________________________
any person or source. Date: ____/_____/_____

Assessor Use Only


Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
(Please Circle)

Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a Assessor: _________________________________

fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with
Signature: ________________________
this student, and I have provided appropriate
feedback Date: ____/_____/_____

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Assessment 3 – Assignment Activity

Instructions for students:

This assignment will form part of the assessment for this subject and must be completed in an original and
professional manner.

This assignment MUST be your own work using your OWN words and may be completed in the spaces
provided or with a printed computer-based document.

If it is completed using a computer-based printed document, please include a heading stating this assignment

❖ Unit: SITXMGT001 Monitor Work Operations

❖ Your name:
❖ Your student ID:
❖ Trainer’s name :
❖ Date of submission/due date:

There are 7 Assignment Activities in this Assessment task, all assignment tasks must be addressed correctly
and satisfactorily to gain a Satisfactory outcome.
The agreed due date for the submission of the assignment Activities is ___________________________

Note: Download the Assessment 3 – Assignment Activity to complete this task.

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Assignment Activity
Assignment Activity 1

Choose a department from the following list and develop simulated or real details about that department
and the KPIs of that department.

Kitchen, Housekeeping, Bar, Front desk, Front of House, Tour desk.

Assignment Activity 2

From the information in Assignment 1, describe their problems that commonly occur and have an impact
on those KPIs.

Assignment Activity 3

For your workplace or if you are not currently employed in a hospitality business, you will need to simulate
a business.

Write a daily department report for a Tuesday and a Saturday.

(Restaurant, kitchen, bar, outlet, housekeeping, tours etc.)

You may need to design a standard format for this report. This may be submitted in paper based format or
an electronic format e.g. Excel spreadsheet.

Assignment Activity 5

Explain one aspect of financial sustainability for a hospitality or tourism business.

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Assignment Activity 6

For the case study outlined on pages 39-42 of the student resource, decide if you are the Chef or
Restaurant Manager and complete the plan for Mother’s Day.

You may need to design a standard format for this plan.

You may use the format from your workplace if this is relevant.

Assignment Activity 7

In your current workplace, or if you are not currently employed, you may use a five-star hotel as the
subject of this activity. From your workplace experience, provide details of two different problems that you
have experienced related to work performance and productivity and identify possible methods you could
use to solve them.

Include in your report:

❖ Details of any possible long term impact your changes may have on staff and/or the operation.
❖ What short term strategies could you use to solve the problems?
❖ What consultation could you undertake, and with whom, to implement improvements.
❖ Outlines of any documentation that resulted from the process.

Name: ________________________
Student Declaration: I declare that the work
submitted is my own and has not been copied or Signature: ________________________
plagiarised from any person or source. Date: ____/_____/_____

SITXMGT001 – Assessment Booklet –Student copy

Version 4.20 Copyright Pax Institute
CRICOS No. 03152D RTO No. 22207 Page 27 of 28
SITXMGT001 Monitor work operations

Assessor Use Only


Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
(Please Circle)

Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a Assessor: _________________________________

fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with
Signature: ________________________
this student, and I have provided appropriate
feedback Date: ____/_____/_____

SITXMGT001 – Assessment Booklet –Student copy

Version 4.20 Copyright Pax Institute
CRICOS No. 03152D RTO No. 22207 Page 28 of 28

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