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Construct a timeline of reforms implemented by the Spanish colonial government

in the 19th century. Identify important events in the life of Jose Rizal and locate
these events in the timeline you constructed. How did the reforms implemented
by the Spanish colonial regime in the 19th century relate to the experiences of
Rizal and his family? Attached to the module is a template where you can put
your answers.

1830’s: 1861:
Opening of the Birth of Rizal.
Philippines on the
World Trade.

1882: 1872:
Travel in Europe Gomburza’s 1869: Opening of
Execution Suez Canal

1882-1885: 1885-1886: 1887:

Attending in OJT in France Publishment of
Unibersidad Noli Me Tangere
Central de Madrid in Berlin

1889: 1888: 1887-1888:

Universal Travel in Europe The Petition in
Exposition Calamba, Laguna

1890: 1891-1892: 1892:

Ongoing Petition Publishment of El Founding of La
for Calamba Filibusterismo in Liga Filipina
farmers Belgium
His Execution Rizal in Cuba and

The nineteenth-century progressive movement had a number of goals. There

were nine specific causes for it to occur. The major events had a significant impact on
Rizal's life, both personally and in terms of his family, because his actions influenced
how the authorities saw him and his family. While in Spain, Rizal met other ilustrados,
which was one of the joys of his trip.

During this time, La Solidaridad took place. La Solidaridad is a reformist

newspaper that promotes reform. The first version of the mentioned newspaper was
published on February 15, 1889, in Barcelona, Spain, triggering various debates. It is for
the benefit of since it addressed themes in politics that are not commonly discussed.
Rizal contributed a number of articles and essays to the publication's growth.

In Dapitan, Rizal expanded his reform efforts by building a school for young boys,
a hospital, and a water supply system. He also taught agriculture and worked on
agricultural projects such as abaca, a plant used to create rope. When a yellow fever
outbreak struck Cuba in 1895, Rizal volunteered to serve as an army doctor. His
request was approved by Governor-General Ramon Blanco. A hidden gang known as
Katipunan had initiated a violent uprising by August 1896. Rizal was jailed on his way to
Cuba, despite the fact that he had nothing to do with the revolution. He was returned to
Manila and charged with rebellion, sedition, and conspiracy, all of which he was found
guilty of (José Rizal Life Timeline, n.d.). Then, he was executed.

Works Cited
José Rizal Life Timeline. (n.d.). Retrieved March 7, 2022, from Biography:

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