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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Publish Ahead of Print

DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000001730 Parkinson's Force-Velocity 1

3 High-speed resistance training modifies load-velocity and load-power relationships

4 in Parkinson’s disease

Meng Ni, PhD, PT1, Joseph F. Signorile, PhD2,3

8 Harvard Medical School, Department of PM&R, Boston, MA

9 2University of Miami, Laboratory of Neuromuscular Research and Active Aging,
10 Department of Kinesiology and Sport Sciences, Coral Gables, FL
11 3Miller School of Medicine, Center on Aging, University of Miami, Miami, FL

13 Corresponding author and address for reprints:

14 Joseph F. Signorile, PhD

15 Professor

16 Department of Kinesiology and Sport Sciences


17 University of Miami

18 1507 Levante Ave, Max Orovitz, Rm 114

19 Coral Gables, FL 33146


20 Phone: 305-284-3105

21 Fax: 305-284-4183

22 Email:


24 Running Title: Parkinson's Force-Velocity


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27 Muscle power is a major neuromuscular factor affecting motor function and

28 independence in patients with Parkinson's disease; and it is commonly targeted using

29 high-speed exercise. This study examined the changes in velocities (Vpp) and percent

30 loads (%1RMpp) at peak power, as well as load-velocity (L-V) and load-power (L-P)

31 relationships, resulting from resistance training due to exercise choice and loading in

32 older Parkinson's patients. Fourteen older adults with mild to moderate Parkinson's

33 disease participated in a 12-week randomized controlled power training trial. Changes in

34 L-V and L-P relationships for the biceps curl, chest press, leg press, hip abduction, and

35 seated calf were assessed using pneumatic resistance machines at loads ranging from 30

36 through 90% of subjects' 1RM for each exercise. Significant increases in Vpp were seen
37 for biceps curl, leg press, hip abduction, and seated calf and decreases in %1RMpp for

38 biceps curl and hip abduction. Additionally, unique patterns of change were seen in these

39 relationships across exercises with biceps curl, chest press and leg press showing the

40 greatest shifts at the lower load end of the loading spectrum, and hip abduction and seated

41 calf showing their greatest responses at the higher end. The patterns of change in L-V and

42 L-P relationships provide evidence for the unique responses of the specific muscle groups

43 and joints to the exercises evaluated, and offer a framework for more exacting exercise

44 prescriptions in patients with Parkinson's disease.


46 Key Words: weight-training, bradykinesia, elderly, optimal loading, weakness,

47 movement velocity


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50 Muscle power (force × velocity) is the product of muscle weakness and bradykinesia

51 (slowness of movement); two major symptoms of Parkinson’ disease (PD). Movement

52 velocity deteriorates to a greater degree at light loads than at heavy loads in Parkinson’s

53 patients with mild to moderate symptoms (1) . Additionally, leg muscle power is a

54 significant determinant of gait speed and is associated with fall incidents in these patients

55 (2) .


57 Resistance training has been widely used in patients with PD to enhance muscle function

58 and physical performance (5) ; however, only a single study, to our knowledge, has
59 employed high-speed resistance training (power-training) techniques to address this

60 deficit and improve physical function in patients with PD (17) . This is surprising since

61 high-speed power training techniques have been used extensively to address physical

62 function in independently-living (9, 12, 22) and frail older persons (13) , persons with

63 sarcopenic obesity (3) and individuals with mental illness (28) .


65 A number of studies have reported the impact of speed and resistance levels on the load-

66 velocity relationship in healthy populations. The load-velocity (L-V) curve, is a graphic

67 representation of the non-linear, inverse relationship between these variables in skeletal

68 muscle. Because power is the product of load and velocity, a load-power (L-P) curve is

69 commonly included with the L-V curve. It has been shown that patterns of change in the

70 L-P and L-V curves vary with training protocols, with greater improvements toward the

71 load end of the curve for with high resistance/low velocity training and the greatest

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72 improvements at the velocity end of the curve with low resistance / high speed training

73 (14-16, 27) . However, the changes in L-P and L-V patterns due to resistance training

74 have not been previously reported in patients with PD. Clearly the nature of this disease

75 should dictate very different responses to training as reflected in the load-velocity

76 relationship. Clarifying these relationships has the potential to underscore effective

77 therapeutic strategies. Additionally, force and power responses to high-speed power

78 training in older persons (24) , and optimal loads for maximal power during pneumatic

79 training (20) vary by joint and muscle group.


81 Given the influence of power and movement speed on independence and fall risk in

82 persons with PD (2) , we employed high-speed training techniques, using individuals'

83 optimal loads for different exercises, to reduce bradykinesia and increase strength and

84 power in older patients with PD. The diverse loading patterns and exercises used allowed

85 us to examine the specific changes in L-V and L-P curves resulting from power training

86 in these participants. We hypothesized that:


88 1. The shifts in the L-V and L-P curves would be specific to the loading patterns used;

89 2. Shifts would favor the velocity end of the curve given the low baseline movement

90 velocities of these individuals due to bradykinesia; and,

91 3. Changes would be moderated by joint and muscle structure differences.

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Experimental Approach to the Problem

This is a secondary analysis of results from a randomized controlled study, details of

which are published elsewhere (17) . Subjects were PD patients (Hoehn & Yahr stages I-

III) able to meet specific physical and mental parameters with no resistance training

history within the previous year. The participants in the exercise group completed a 12-

week power training (PWR) program that included three circuits of 10–12 repetitions on

11 pneumatic resistance machines. Each session used maximal speed concentric and
controlled eccentric phases. The control group (CON) received health education classes

over the 12 weeks. To ascertain the unique specific shifts in the L-V and L-P

relationships in these Parkinson’s patients, an analyses of differences in L-V and L-P


curves were assessed using the velocities (Vpp) and loads (%1RMpp) at which peak power

occurred, and in the velocities and power outputs at each relative load from 30-90%

1RM. For each of the five exercises 2 (pretest/post-test) x 2 (PWR/CON) repeated

measures ANCOVA with pretest values as a covariate and Bonferroni post hoc analyses

were used to determine differences. Effect size was calculated using η2 and the

significance level was set a priori at .05. These analyses allowed us tos examine our

hypotheses of specific changes in the curves due to load, joint (movement) and the

specific symptoms of the disease.

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The study was approved by the University Institutional Review Board (IRB) and all

subjects were informed of the benefits and risks of the investigation prior to signing an

institutionally approved informed consent document to participate in the study. Each

participant also completed a physical activity readiness questionnaire and health history

questionnaire prior to participation. Subjects were: 60-90 years of age, diagnosed

idiopathic PD (Hoehn & Yahr stages I-III); capable of ambulating at least 50 feet with or

without an assistive device; able to get up and down from the floor with minimal
assistance, and had no cognitive impairment (MMSE ≥ 24). Exclusion criteria were

unstable cardiovascular disease or other uncontrolled chronic conditions that would affect

their safety, testing, or interpretation of results. All subjects were non-smokers and

reported no use ergogenic supplements. Additionally, they could not have resistance

trained regularly (once or more weekly) within the past year and were instructed to

refrain from any regular formal exercise outside of the study protocol. None of the

subjects tested had any prior experience with pneumatic exercise equipment used during

training and testing. Baseline characteristic of participants are presented in Table 1, and a

study flow chart is presented in Figure 1.

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Power Training: The PWT program has been described in detail elsewhere (17). Briefly

we used evolving optimal loads, which were systematically increased using plateaus in

power output across two consecutive training days. Load increases were 5% for lower

body and 2.5% for upper body. The optimal loads had been determined before the start

of training on the 11 pneumatic machines (Keiser A420, Keiser Health Equipment,

Fresno, CA), including: biceps curl, triceps push-down, chest press, seated row, lat pull-

down, shoulder press, leg press, leg curl, hip abduction, hip adduction, and seated calf
(20) . Each session included 3 circuits of 10–12 repetitions on each machine, twice

weekly, for 12 weeks. Training occurred during the spring.


After a one-week acclimatization period, training loads for each exercise were increased

using the aforementioned power plateaus. For each exercise, participants performed the

concentric phase as quickly as possible and moved slowly (1-2s) through the eccentric

phase. Two 2-week translational recovery cycles (weeks 5 and 11) that utilized balance

and agility activities were included in the program. Cycles were based on the drills

presented in the Bending the Aging Curve text (23) .

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During all training sections subjects were encouraged to remain hydrated and filter water

was available within 1 meter of the training area. Additionally, subjects were instructed

not to change their diets throughout the training and testing periods.

Control: One hour health education classes concerning the improvement of life style

through exercise and nutrition were provided once per month over the 12 weeks.


All tests were performed using five computerized pneumatic resistance machines: arm

curl (AC), chest press (CP), leg press (LP), hip abduction (HA) and calf raise (CR)

(Keiser A420, Keiser Health Equipment, Fresno, CA). This equipment has been used

extensively in scientific investigation (3, 20, 22, 29) . All machines were professionally
services immediately before the start of the study, and reliability as measured by

interclass correlation coefficients across testing days ranged from .82 to .96 with

confidence intervals ranging from 0.912 to 0.999.


One-Repetition Maximum Testing. Since 1RM was expected to change with training,

tests were performed before and after the training period. The 1RM protocol used began

with a 10-repetition warm-up at a low resistance. The tester and subject then agreed on a

load close to the subject’s predicted maximum. The weight was then increased or

decreased between 2 and 5 kg depending on the subject’s ability to perform the repetition

using proper technique. All participants’ 1RM were determined in less than five attempts.

A 30s rest was provided between attempts and a 2 min rest between exercises. The 1RM

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values for the LP, HA, and CR were determined on day one, while the 1RM values for

the CP and AC were determined on day two.

Power Testing. After the completion of strength testing, participants rested for 20

minutes. Power testing began with a warm-up of 10 repetitions at 30%1RM, a 1 minute

recovery, and a second five repetition high-speed warm-up at 30%1RM. Peak power was

then assessed at 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, and 90% 1RM and loads were

randomized to minimize any order effect. Subjects were instructed to perform the
concentric phase of the lift as fast as possible with the eccentric phase performed over

app. 2-3 seconds. Repetitions were begun with a “3…2…1…Go!” verbal cue (20) . Any

repetition not performed properly was repeated after a 1 minute break. Power output was

recorded from the display of each machine and cross-referenced with the electronic


Curve-related Descriptor Variables. L-V and L-P curves were constructed using the data

derived from the Keiser collection software (Keiser Health Equipment, Fresno, CA).

Analyses of differences in L-V and L-P curves were made using a number of specific

variables. The first two were the velocities (Vpp) and loads (%1RMpp) at which peak

power occurred. The second set of variables was the peak velocities and powers at each

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relative load from 30-90% 1RM. These values were derived for each machine and

intervention group.

Data Analyses

All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS (Version 22, IBM Corp., Chicago,

IL). Group and time were the independent variables. Differences in change scores

between the PWR and CON groups for the Vpp and %1RMpp, and power and velocity at
each load, for each of the five exercises were assessed using 2 (pretest/post-test) x 2

(PWR/CON) repeated measures ANCOVA, with pretest values as a covariate. Post hoc

analyses were performed using Bonferroni adjustments. Effect size was calculated using

η2. The significance level was set a priori at .05.



Changes in Vpp and %1RMpp for each exercise are presented in Figures 2A and 2B,

respectively. Figures 3A - E present L-V curves and Figures 3A’- E’ present L-P curves

all five exercises. The within group change and interactions for velocity and power for

each machine are presented in Table 2 for the upper body and Table 3 for the lower body.

Biceps Curl

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Significant time (η2=.283; p=.019) and time x group (η2=.428; p=.002) differences were

seen for Vpp (Figure 2A). Pairwise analysis indicated a significant increase in Vpp for

PWR and a significant decrease for CON. Similarly, for %1RMpp (Figure 2B), significant

time (η2=.469; p=.001) and time x group (η2=.348; p=.001) differences were evident.

Pairwise analysis indicated a significant decline in %1RMpp for PWR and no significant

change for CON.

Figures 3A and 3A’ present the L-V and L-P curves, respectively. For PWR (Table 2A),

significant declines were seen in velocity at 80%1RM and 90%1RM. A significant group

x time interaction was seen at 60%1RM with the PWR group showing an improvement

approaching significance and a decline in performance that approached significance for

CON (Table 2A).

Chest Press

A significant time difference (η2=.537; p<.001) was seen for CP Vpp (Figure 2A);

however, neither PWR nor CON showed significant changes individually. For %1RMpp

significant time (η2=.524; p<.001), group (η2=.556; p<.01), and time x group (η2=.194;

p=.046) differences were seen; but pairwise analyses indicated no significant changes for


The L-V curves for CP are presented in Figure 3B. Significant group x time interactions

were seen for 30% through 60%1RM (p<.05), with a significant improvement at

30%1RM for PWR (Table 2B). The CP L-P curve is presented in Figure 3B’. There was

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a significant group x time interaction for L-P at 70%1RM and significant increases in

power at loads from 30%1RM through 80%1RM with diminishing improvement as loads

increased (Table 1B).

Leg Press

Significant time (η2=.331; p=.006) and time x group (η2=.438; p=.001) differences were

seen for Vpp. Pairwise analysis indicated that PWR increased Vpp with no significant

impact for CON (Figure 2A). For %1RMpp a significant time (η2=.358; p=.004) effect
was seen; but no time x group interaction (η2=.010; p=.665). Pairwise analyses indicated

no significant changes for PWR; but a significant decrease for CON (Figure 2B).

The L-V curves for LP (Figure 3C, Table 3A) showed significant interactions favoring

PWR for loads between 30%1RM and 70%1RM and significant improvements for PWR

between 30%1RM and 80%1RM. Additionally, there were significant declines for CON

at 70%1RM and 90%1RM. L-P curves (Figure 3C’, Table 3A) showed significant

interactions between 30%1RM and 80%1RM with significant improvements for PWR for

all loads but 90%1RM.

Hip Abduction

A significant time x group interaction (η2=.438; p=.001) was seen for HA. Pairwise

analysis indicated that PWR increased Vpp with no significant change for CON. For the

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%1RMpp significant time (η2=.287; p=.015) effects were seen; however, no time x group

differences occurred. Pairwise comparisons indicated a significant decline in %1RMpp for

PWR, but no significant change for CON.

The L-V analyses are presented in Figure 3D (Table 3B). Significant interactions were

seen at 50%1RM (η2=.217; p=.038) and 60%1RM (η2=.220; p=.037); and significant

improvements in velocity were seen for PWR at 30%1RM and 50%1RM. Figure 3D’ and

Table 3B present the L-P relationships for HA. Significant interactions were seen at all

loads with the exception of 80%1RM and improvements were seen at all loads with the

exception of 90%1RM.

Seated Calf
There was no significant differences detected during the seated calf for time (η2=.148;

p=.077), nor time x group (η2=.135; p=.092) for Vpp. Pairwise analysis, however,

indicated that PWR increased Vpp with no significant impact for CON. For the %1RMpp

a significant time (η2=.319; p=.006) effect was seen with no time x group interaction

(η2=.002; p=.835).

The L-V curves for the SC at different relative loads are presented in Figure 3E with

further results in Table 3C. Significant group x time interactions were seen for 60%1RM

(η2=.208; p=.033) and 70%1RM (η2=.196; p=.039), with a significant improvement at

30% for PWR and significant declines for CON from 60%1RM through 80%1RM. The

L-P curve results are presented in Figure 3E’ and Table 3C. While there were no

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significant group x time interactions, significant increases for the PWR group were seen

for 30%1RM, 40%1RM, 60%1RM and 70%1RM.


To our knowledge, this is the first investigation to examine the capacity for power

training to generate changes in the L-V and L-P relationships for selected resistance
training exercises in individuals with PD. The major findings across the 12-week

progressive power training period using pneumatic resistance machines supported our

hypotheses. First, the shifts in the L-V and L-P curves were specific to the loading

patterns as evidenced by the increases in Vpp and reductions in %1RMpp in all exercises

but the chest press. Second, shifts did favor the velocity end of the curve as seen by the

increases in Vpp and decreases in %1RMpp and the patterns of change in the L-V and L-P

curves, where the majority of significant differences occurred at the low load end of the

curves. And finally, changes showed different patterns depending on the joint and muscle

structures targeted by each exercise. Therefore, our study is unique since it expands the

information on pneumatic power training in older populations to include subjects with a

specific neurological disorder, PD. This is also the first isoinertial study to demonstrate

that changes in L-V and L-P relationships can vary due to joint and muscle structure.

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As noted above, the L-V and L-P curves showed their greatest shifts at the low-load end

of the curves, specifically for the AC, CP and LP; while HA and CR improvements

favored higher loading patterns. Joint specificity needs to be considered as a modulator of

responses in the L-V and L-P relationships among exercises. Signorile et al (25) found

that low-speed training favored power increases for the plantar flexors and high-speed

training favored the knee extensors. They attributed these differences to the nature of the

skeletal levers at each joint, and possibly, fiber type distributions in the working muscles.

Similarly, the current findings reflect the principle of joint specificity, and clinicians need

to take into consideration these varying responses when prescribing a resistance training

program for PD patients. High-speed resistance training, with low to moderate loading,

would maximize muscle power improvements at the velocity end of the spectrum for the
BC, CP and LP, but moderate to high loads would maximize power improvements at the

load end for HA and CR.


Specifically, for the LP, our results compare favorably with those reported in earlier

studies that examined the impact of training on L-V and L-P curves. Using a controlled-

speed, hypertrophy-based program (8-12 RM) with subjects 60-75 years of age, Petrella

et al (19) showed patterns of improvement for power and velocity that were highest at

the lowest loads with decreasing improvements throughout the 30-60%1RM testing range.

In another study comparing high-load (90%1RM), moderate load (48-58%1RM) and low

load (20-37%1RM) training using the leg press, knee extension/flexion, half-squat, bench

press, abdominal exercises, back extensions, and jumping exercises with 43 men (age:

22.7±2.5 years), Smilios et al (27) noted that the greatest shifts in the L-V and L-P curve

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occurred at loads between 65 and 80%1RM during jump-squat activity for those who

underwent high and moderate load interventions. In cotrast, the greatest changes seen in

our subjects' L-V curve was at the lower end of the loading spectrum. The greater

improvements at the lower load areas of the curves in our study compared to theirs may

be attributable to three components. First, our participants were older (mean age: 71.6y)

and their muscle adaptation to training differs from young adults. This is in line with a

previous study that indicated that improvements in younger subjects' power were

primarily due to increases in strength, while older adults relied on both strength and

velocity during leg extension (19) . Second, given the disease state in our older PD

patients, it is likely that L-V and L-P curves shift downward along the loading spectrum

may have been due to the bradykinesia associated with PD and selective atrophy of fast
twitch Type II muscle fibers (11, 21) , changes in tendon properties (18) , and the

reduced motor unit number and recruitment capacity (6) associated with aging. Thirdly,

the variations in methodology, including training loads and power testing procedures,

make the studies difficult to compare with reference to changes in the shapes of the L-V

and L-P curves.


This study had some limitations. First, the small sample size may have reduced the

statistical power and capacity to detect significance. Second, for individual’s baseline

peak power and the starting training loads varied from 40% to 80% 1RM among

participants. Though the training load was not consistent among participants, we believe

these results are relevant, since peak power can be improved similarly using light,

moderate, or heavy loads (8) . Third, the duration of the study was relatively short. A

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study of longer duration, or one using greater exercise volume, might have revealed

further modifications in L-V and L-P relationships. Finally, as this analysis only includes

data from older adults with mild to moderate PD (H&Y stage I-III), the results may not

be applicable to individuals with more severe PD symptoms (i.e., H&Y stage IV-V).

In conclusion, this is the first study to report patterns of change in the L-V and L-P

relationships for multiple exercises in response to high-speed resistance training in older

adults with PD. The patterns of change seen provide a clearer picture of the unique
responses of the specific muscle groups and joints associated with the exercises

evaluated, and provide a framework for more exacting exercise prescriptions in this



Our results provide a scientific framework for prescribing high-speed resistance training

for patients with PD based on the shift patterns in L-V and L-P curves. The increased Vpp

and decreased %1RMpp after high-speed resistance training demonstrate the increased

movement speed at lower loads and prevalent upward shift at the low load end of the L-P

curve. However, clinicians and personal trainers should be aware that xercises like the

CR and HA appear not to be as responsive to high-speed training. One cardinal symptom

of PD, bradykinesia, is considered to be a major cause of these patients’ reduced muscle

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power at lighter loads (1) . This reinforces the assertion that our training protocol, which

targeted velocity rather than strength, should be an important training cycle included in

any resistance training program to improve neuromuscular function in PD patients.

Moreover, if walking is the physical disability of interest, high-speed, low to moderate

resistance training may be the most effective strategy; since it has been suggested that

walking tasks may be related to power produced at lower loads and higher velocities (7)

Given the association between leg muscle power and walking speed (2) , and the critical

role of power in maintaining independence (4, 10, 26) and reducing fall risk (2) , these

results can help clinicians and personal trainers better prescribe optimal resistance-

training interventions for individuals with PD.

Financial Disclosure/Conflict of interest: There are no conflicts of interest to


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Copyright ª 2016 National Strength and Conditioning Association

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Figure Legends

Figure 1. CONSORT flow chart.

Figure 2. (A) Velocity at the peak power before and (B) percent 1RM where peak power

occurred after 3-month training. *Significantly different from pretest, †significant

change difference between groups. Power training pretest (■) and post-test ( ); Control

pretest ( ) and post-test (□). Bars represent mean and SE.

Figure 3. Velocity and power (‘) for loads at each percentage of 1RM before and after 3-
month training. (A, A’) biceps curl; (B, B’) chest press; (C, C’) leg press; (D, D’) hip
abduction; (E, E’) seated calf. *Significantly different from pretest, †significant change
difference between groups. Power training pretest ( ● ) and post-test ( ▲ ); Control
pretest (--○--) and post-test (--∆--). Values indicate mean and SE.

Copyright ª 2016 National Strength and Conditioning Association

Table 1. Participant characteristics at the baseline. Data presented as mean±SD.

PWR (n=14) CON (n=10)

Age (yr) 71.6±6.6 74.9±8.3

Gender (male/female) 9/5 4/6

Height (cm) 173.2±12.0 163.8±9.9

Weight (kg) 78.0±18.9 71.5±13.4

Disease duration (yr) 6.6±4.4 5.9±6.2

H & Y stage 2.2±0.6 2.1±0.7

Exercise level (hr/wk) 3.8±3.3 3.3±3.2

UPDRS motor score 32.9±12.0 27.6±7.8

H & Y stage = Hoehn & Yahr ; PWR = Power-based resistance training; CON = Control


Copyright ª 2016 National Strength and Conditioning Association

Table 2. Results of upper body load-velocity and power-velocity analyses.

Within Condition x Time

Baseline Changes at Post-test (post minus pre) P Adjusted Effect size P


A. Biceps Curl


30% .268±.032 .295±.025 .030 (-.005, .065) -.009 (-080, .061) .090 .774 .089 .299

40% .251±.026 .233±.024 .004 (-.028, .036) -.014(-.059, .032) .795 .532 .029 .511

50% .223±.028 .209±.031 -.002 (-.024, .020) -.009 (-.036, .017) .852 .479 .011 .665

60% .193±.027 .186±.012

-.002 (-.029, .025) -.030 (-063, .003) .889 .075 .101 .185
70% .179±.024 .147±.003 -.011 (-.030, .007) -.015 (-.038, -.008) .218 .192 .004 .808

80% .144±.024 .138±.005 -.029 (-.052, -.005)* -.019 (-.048, .010) .020 .186 .018 .584
90% .123±.018 .121±.010 -.033 (-.061, -.004)* -.020 (-.056, .051) .029 .240 .019 .577


30% 79.7±12.5 67.5±13.1 14.5 (-2.81, 26.5)* -6.7 (2.5, 16.3) .022 .534 .226 .101

Copyright ª 2016 National Strength and Conditioning Association

40% 83.8±12.1 64.6±14.7 10.7 (-9.7, 31.2) -5.5 (-36.1, 25.1) .278 .704 .064 .364

50% 96.8±14.5 94±12.3 14.2 (2.3, 26.1)* -2.1 (-16.9, 12.8) .022 .774 .149 .102

60% 97.8±17.8 96.5±15.0 10.4 (-0.4, 21.1) -12.9 (-26.1, 0.4) .056 .056 .317 .012

70% 98.2±17.0 81.5±4.0 5.01 (-6.1, 16.2) -7.0 (-20.8, 6.9) .356 .304 .100 .187

80% 90.44±13.8 68.3±6.1 -4.5 (-18.8, 9.7) -6.8 (-24.6, 11.1) .512 .434 .002 .846

90% 73.5±13.2 56.5±5.0 -3.1 (-23.7, 17.5) -5.4 (-30.5, 19.7) .751 .651 .002 .887

B. Chest Press


30% .373±.034 .352±.036 .075 (.033, .118)* -.022 (-073, .029) .001 .374 .331 .006

40% .356±.032 .325±.032 .037 (-.009, .084) -.060 (-.116, -.004) .111 .038 .288 .012

50% .314±.031 .298±.029

.021 (-.017, .059) -.041 (-.086, .005) .263 .079 .198 .043
60% .292±.024 .262±.029 .028 (-.006, .062) -.033 (-.074, .007) .098 .102 .235 .026
70% .244±.020 .228±.025 .018 (-.014, .051) -.016 (-.055, .023) .250 .416 .093 .179

80% .198±.024 .208±.028 -.010 (-.040, .019) -.033 (-.068, .002) .471 .062 .055 .305

90% .209±.021 .186±.021 -.025 (-.052, .003) -.014 (-.047, .018) .073 .369 .013 .619

Copyright ª 2016 National Strength and Conditioning Association


30% 147.1±6.5 132.4±10.7 56.4 (31.7, 81.0)* -6.7 (-40.9, 18.4) <.001 .437 .002 .414

40% 167.4±7.0 136.6±11.6 39.8 (-10.7, 68.9)* -6.5 (-41.6, 28.5) .010 .702 .048 .190

50% 179.3±7.5 140.3±10.1 50.5 (17.1, 83.8)* -4.3 (-44.5, 35.9) .005 .824 .042 .200

60% 177.5±7.1 141.1±10.9 48.9 (2102, 76.5)* -4.5 (-37.9, 28.9) .002 .780 .019 .255

70% 160.5±6.5 146.7±10.3 48.8 (21.7, 75.8)* --8.7 (-41.3, 23.9) .001 .593 .297 .011

80% 147.2±6.6 122.7±8.2 35.6 (4.3, 66.9)* -9.2 (-46.9, 28.5) .028 .615 .160 .073

90% 114.0±4.8 97.7±6.7 17.0 (-17.6, 51.5) -5.7 (-47.3, 35.9) .316 .777 .039 .392

All results are mean±SE CON = control; PWR = Power-based resistance training; Changes at Post-test are Mean Differences with

lower and upper bounds of 95% confidence intervals for difference). *significant pretest to post-test differences in pairwise


Copyright ª 2016 National Strength and Conditioning Association

Supplementary Table 3. Results of the lower body load-velocity and power-velocity analyses.

Within Condition x Time

Baseline Changes at Post-test (post minus pre) P Adjusted Effect size P


A. Leg Press


30% .379±.033 .320±.031 .131 (.089, .173)* -.012 (-.069, .044) <.001 .652 .480 .001

40% .369±.037 .335±.034 .089 (.043, .135)* -.052 (-.113, .008) .001 .087 .442 .001

50% .340±.026 .252±.029 .078 (.042, .115)* -.046 (-.096, .003) <.001 .065 .464 .001

60% .316±.025 .252±.025

.049 (.010, .089)* -.026 (-.079, .027) .016 .318 .222 .031
70% .284±.029 .240±.035 .033 (.006, .060)* -.043 (-.079, -.007) .020 .021 .392 .002
80% .227±.024 .192±.030 .040 (.003, .077)* .003 (-.046, .052) .034 .893 .076 .226

90% .209±.027 .186±.039 -.011 (-.041, .018) -.052 (-.091, -.013)* .433 .012 .136 .100


30% 399.5±44.6 345.5±78.0 193.8 (131.8,255.7)* -10.9 (-93.1, 71.3) <.001 .784 .475 .001

Copyright ª 2016 National Strength and Conditioning Association

40% 424.7±50.3 346.9±68.9 234.1 (141.8,326.4)* -16.8 (-139.6,105.9) <.001 .777 .377 .003

50% 465.5±51.4 381.5±80.2 212.5 (133.6,291.3)* -13.5 (-118.3, 91.4) <.001 .791 .401 .002

60% 492.1±49.6 399.4±74.7 189.6 (112.1,267.0)* 11.4 (-91.8, 114.7) <.001 .819 .300 .010

70% 461.7±45.0 337.2±61.0 194.4 (110.5,278.3)* 23.9 (-89.0, 136.8) <.001 .663 .242 .023

80% 436.9±41.1 317.5±49.2 172.5 (85.5,259.6)* 13.9 (-103.7,131.5) .001 .807 .202 .041

90% 405.1±41.1 304.4±43.7 80.4 (-8.3, 169.1) -.817 (-120.1,118.4) .073 .989 .061 .280

B. Hip Abductors


30% .198±.009 .175±.014 .022 (.006, .038)* -.003 (-.023, .018) .010 .781 .175 .067

40% .187±.007 .177±.014 .010 (-.004, .025) -.013 (-.032, .006) .154 .174 .181 .062

50% .169±.008 .165±.016

.018 (.002, .035)* -.010 (-.030, .011) .028 .334 .217 .038
60% .169±.008 .154±.016 .008 (-.004, .021) -.014 (-.031, .002) .185 .079 .220 .037
70% .152±.010 .143±.015 .007 (-.010, .025) -.015 (-.037, .007) .382 .166 .136 .109

80% .131±.009 .131±.015 .010 (-.006, .026) -.013 (-.033, .007) .191 .186 .170 .071

90% .122±.010 .118±.015 .002 (-.014, .018) -.024 (-.044, -.003)* .767 .027 .193 .052

Copyright ª 2016 National Strength and Conditioning Association


30% 71.2±10.0 63.2±11.0 27.7 (15.1, 40.4)* -.9 (-17.0, 15.2) <.001 .908 .322 .009

40% 78.9±9.3 73.4±15.6 37.7 (24.0, 51.4)* -1.4 (-18.9, 16.1) <.001 .870 .431 .002

50% 94.4±10.6 76.3±14.1 29.0 (12.5, 45.6)* -2.1 (-23.3, 19.3) .002 .845 .241 .028

60% 103.4±10.4 85.4±17.8 25.6 (10.9, 40.4)* -1.6 (-20.5, 17.3) .002 .860 .238 .029

70% 103.8±9.9 84.6±15.9 28.3 (12.8, 43.8)* -3.6 (-23.4, 16.3) .001 .712 .276 .017

80% 100.5±11.7 85.5±16.3 28.4 (7.0, 49.9)* -2.3 (-29.7, 25.1) .012 .863 .159 .082

90% 102.3±12.9 86.6±18.0 18.0 (-.1, 36.1) -11.9 (-35.1, 11.2) .051 .293 .201 .048

C. Seated Calf


30% .307±.027 .294±.029

.057 (.010, .105)* -.004 (-.063, .055) .020 .894 .124 .109
40% .295±.030 .277±.025 .031 (-.014, .075) -.020 (-.076, .036) .169 .464 .097 .157
50% .278±.033 .269±.023 .000 (-.039, .039) -.037 (-.086, .012) .990 .130 .069 .237

60% .249±.029 .237±.022 .007 (-.023, .036) -.045 (-.082, -.008)* .631 .019 .208 .033

70% .225±.025 .212±.020 .012 (-.018, .042) -.039 (-.076, -.001)* .403 .043 .196 .039

Copyright ª 2016 National Strength and Conditioning Association

80% .206±.023 .196±.015 .005 (-.028, .038) -.041 (-.082, -.001)* .751 .050 .141 .085

90% .172±.024 .161±.012 .018 (-.017, .052) -.021 (-.065, .023) .307 .328 .091 .172


30% 123.2±20.2 136.9±24.1 55.8 (16.4, 95.2)* 21.9 (-27.3, 71.2) .008 .363 .059 .277

40% 143.4±24.6 166.8±29.2 54.5 (16.5, 92.6)* 10.3 (-37.2, 57.9) .007 .655 .102 .147

50% 166.8±30.0 144.2±18.5 28.2 (-8.5, 64.9) 17.4 (-28.5, 63.2) .125 .438 .007 .706

60% 160.5±27.1 159.9±26.9 45.1 (5.8, 84.5)* 21.7 (-27.4, 70.8) .027 .367 .029 .447

70% 162.9±19.9 169.3±30.1 51.8 (23.9, 79.6)* 17.1 (-17.6, 51.9) .001 .316 .116 .121

80% 165.3±23.8 196.7±35.1 38.4 (-4.0, 80.8) -7.6 (-60.6, 45.5) .073 .769 .089 .177

90% 164.4±29.6 157.4±27.6 29.5 (-19.9, 78.9) -3.6 (-63.0, 55.8) .226 .900 .041 .381

All results are mean±SE CON = control; PWR = Power-based resistance training; Changes at Post-test are Mean Differences with
lower and upper bounds of 95% confidence intervals for difference). *significant pretest to post-test differences in pairwise


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Copyright ª 2016 National Strength and Conditioning Association

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