Peak Lifting Velocities of Men and Women For The Reduced Inertia Squat Exercise Using Force Control

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Eur J Appl Physiol (2008) 102:299–305

DOI 10.1007/s00421-007-0585-6


Peak lifting velocities of men and women for the reduced inertia
squat exercise using force control
David C. Paulus · Raoul F. Reiser II · Wade O. Troxell

Accepted: 24 September 2007 / Published online: 13 October 2007

© Springer-Verlag 2007

Abstract The purpose of the research was to determine squat by maximizing force output per repetition by varying
peak velocities for the reduced inertia squat exercise at the resistance as the lifter approaches peak velocity similar
various resistance levels based on an isometric strength to isokinetics with preloading and active instead of reactive
assessment for both men and women. On a Smith machine resistance.
modiWed for pneumatic resistance, 12 males and 12 females
previously trained college-age participants performed a Keywords Force · Peak velocity · Squat · Isometric ·
maximal isometric strength assessment with knee angles of Sex diVerences
90°, 110°, 130°, 150° and 170° (180° = full extension) fol-
lowed by dynamic maximal eVort squats with resistance
maintained at 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80% of their lowest maxi- Introduction
mum isometric strength. No interaction existed between the
men and women during isometric strength tests with the In order to improve the eYciency of a workout program,
men stronger in every joint position (P < 0.05). The lowest exercises are often chosen that target more than one muscle
isometric strength occurred at 90° without variation. There group. Based on the speciWcity principle, it is also ideal if
was an interaction between men and women for peak lifting the exercise replicates the motion for which improvements
velocity during the dynamic lifts (P = 0.021) with the men in performance are desired (Harman 2000). As a result, a
producing higher velocities at all levels of resistance common exercise for increasing strength and/or power of
(P < 0.05). The diVerence in peak velocity between the the lower extremities and back is the squat exercise (Abel-
sexes was greatest at the lowest resistance level and that beck 2002). The squat stresses the low-back, hip, and knee
diVerence was less signiWcant at the higher resistance lev- extensors as well as the ankle plantarXexors in a coordi-
els. The relationship between resistance force and peak lift- nated multi-joint manner similar to rising from a chair,
ing velocity is applicable to increasing the eYciency of the climbing a set of stairs, or propelling oneself upward during
a vertical jump.
During the traditional free-weight squat exercise, the
D. C. Paulus (&)
weighted barbell provides an external resistance to the
Department of Mechanical Engineering, shoulders. In order for the lifter to accelerate this mass from
University of Arkansas-Fort Smith, P.O. Box 3649, rest, he/she must exert a force greater than that of the
Fort Smith, AR 72913-3649, USA loaded barbell. The reaction force the barbell exerts on the
shoulders will equal the weight of the barbell plus (or
R. F. Reiser II minus) an inertial force. This inertial force is the product of
Department of Health and Exercise Science, the mass of the barbell and its acceleration. The accelera-
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA tion is not constant during the concentric phase of the exer-
W. O. Troxell
cise; it is positive (upward) as the barbell is accelerated
OYce of the Dean of Engineering, from rest until a peak velocity is reached, and the accelera-
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA tion is negative (downward) as the barbell “decelerates”

300 Eur J Appl Physiol (2008) 102:299–305

back to rest. Hence, the total force at the shoulders will ini- Another possibility is to maintain a constant level of
tially be greater than the weight of the barbell followed by a resistance by means other than lifting a mass while allow-
period where it is less than the weight on the barbell. At the ing the lifter to change the velocity as his/her changing bio-
completion of the exercise, the acceleration is zero, and the mechanics allows. This would allow the person to exert
external force is equal to the weight of the barbell. Because maximally during the initial stages of the exercise, poten-
the acceleration of the lift dictates the Xuctuation in force, tially improving the person’s ability to produce force at
the magnitude of the force required to reach a peak velocity high velocities while at the same time provide a second half
is proportionally reduced while returning the barbell back to the repetition where force is not solely dictated by iner-
to rest. As a result of these requirements, the applied force tial requirements. Pneumatic resistance is an option to min-
may not be optimal throughout the entire range of motion imize these inertial eVects, and it also has the potential for
of the exercise. instantaneous load changes by increasing or decreasing the
One potential modiWcation that could be performed is to resistance pressure to create variable resistance as found in
jump at the end of the exercise. This would allow for isokinetics. Pneumatic resistance also incorporates preload-
greater force production over a greater range of motion ing with active loading rather than reactive resistance. As a
(ROM) than the traditional exercise (Newton et al. 1996). result, this may be a highly eYcient training method that is
However, it may also be more dangerous, because a landing very realistic to activities of sport and daily living. Further-
phase is added where not only the lifter, but also the bar- more, since power is expected to be increased by such a
bell, must be brought safely back to a resting position. modality, and power has been found to be critically impor-
Alternately, specialized equipment (MAX, ProSpot Fitness, tant for the elderly in preventing falls (Skelton et al. 2002),
Lawrenceville, GA, USA) could be utilized to avoid danger there may be a very broad appeal to use reduced inertia
during landing. controllable resistance exercise for those interested in
With the advancement of technology, the squat may now eYcient strength gains regardless of age or athletic ability
be performed using a computer controlled application of and objective.
force instead of mass. A common form of this is the isoki- In order to determine the eVectiveness of force con-
netic exercise which involves working against an accom- trolled exercise, a variety of studies will need to be per-
modating reaction resistance with an upper limit set on formed. One of the Wrst questions that need to be addressed
velocity that the user cannot exceed (Potach and Borden is related to level of eVort and obtainable peak velocities.
2000). While this application addresses the reduced force Since velocity is zero at the start and end of the lift, there
limitation during the second half of a traditional weight will be limits to how fast the barbell can be moved in
loaded exercise, the range of motion spent accelerating between. If the resistance level was to be varied instanta-
from rest to the set velocity is virtually unresisted, and the neously based on velocity, the resistance should be con-
muscles are not pre-loaded. Research shows that this lack trolled upon the approach of peak velocity for greater force
of load prior to muscle action retards strength development output before deceleration begins. Knowledge of the peak
(Hunter and Culpepper 1995; Kovaleski et al. 1995). velocity attainable with a particular resistance level could
The squat exercise has an ascending strength curve. be applied to future work in developing a control system
That means that more weight could be lifted if the last half that can provide optimal resistance before deceleration
or quarter of a repetition is performed instead of the com- occurs. Therefore, the goal of this investigation was to
plete ROM (Fleck and Kraemer 2004). In an attempt to determine peak velocities of the reduced inertia squat using
match the increase or decrease in strength (strength curve) force control. Force levels were based on an isometrically
throughout the ROM, exercise equipment manufacturers obtained maximum strength. Furthermore, samples of both
have created variable resistance with lever arms, cams, sexes were examined to explore a possible diVerence in
spring-type resistance bands, or pulley arrangements to characteristic proWle, as peak velocity with the speciWc
force the muscle to contract near maximally throughout pneumatic resistance apparatus has not been published.
the ROM to yield maximal strength gains. However,
because of variations in limb length, the point of attach-
ment of the muscle’s tendons to the bones, and torso size Methods
none of the mechanical arrangements successfully match
all individuals’ strength curves for a particular exercise Subjects
(Fleck and Kraemer 2004). Thus, the resistance level
would need to vary according to a parameter other than a After receiving university-approved informed consent, 12
Wxed cam-like proportion that is based on the force–dis- men and 12 women [men: age = 20.3 § 2.1 years,
placement relationship to match each individual’s strength height = 181.8 § 8.3 cm, mass = 80.4 § 16.0 kg, BMI =
capacity. 24.3 § 3.3 kg/m2; women: age = 21.0 § 2.2 years, height =

Eur J Appl Physiol (2008) 102:299–305 301

174.3 § 5.6 cm, mass = 71.4 § 16.4 kg, BMI = 25.6 § give the instantaneous velocity, and a data acquisition card
5.2 kg/m2] completed the exercise protocol. Participants transfers the data to and from LabVIEW (National Instru-
were healthy, with no history of back pain or musculoskele- ments Corporation, Austin, TX, USA) code with a sam-
tal condition that would compromise their abilities to per- pling frequency of 50 Hz. The data were digitally Wltered
form the squat exercise, as self-reported in a health history with a LABView Mean Wlter to eliminate the eVect of a
questionnaire. The only athletic criterion for participation very small voltage superimposed to the output of the trans-
in the study was familiarity with the squat exercise by ducer (Driss et al. 2002).
incorporating it into previous resistance training programs.
Height and body mass were measured in bare feet. Technique

Apparatus Before any data were collected, the participants were

instructed to warm-up on a recumbent exercise bike from 5
A free-weight lifting cage and Smith attachment (NT1600/ to 10 min with the intensity at the discretion of the subject
1610, Nautilus, Inc., Louisville, CO, USA) designed for to prepare for maximal exertion. Each subject performed
performing linear motion squats was modiWed to provide the squat with his or her feet positioned such that the center
isometric as well as dynamic constant pneumatic resistance of gravity of the system was directly over his or her feet
(Paulus et al. 2004) (Fig. 1). A single pneumatic cylinder resembling the normal barbell squat. A minimum of four
was mounted above the Nautilus cage to provide resistance practice attempts for each lifting protocol were performed
to the barbell. The piston in the cylinder is equipped with a to establish familiarity and complete their warm-up. Sub-
magnet that is read by a linear position transducer. A veloc- jects were given verbal encouragement to lift maximally
ity processor diVerentiates the position signal with time to and were asked to judge if they exerted maximally after
each lift. If the response indicated that they could have tried
harder, another attempt was performed in place of the sub
maximal lift.

Isometric lifting protocol

Isometric strength was Wrst assessed with a series of two tri-

als of maximal isometric muscle actions with negligible
joint movement at each of the following knee angles: 90°,
110°, 130°, 150°, and 170° Xexion (180° = full extension).
The starting position was that of the traditional free-weight
barbell squat, and each subject exerted force with his or her
feet positioned such that the center of gravity of the system
was directly over his or her feet resembling the normal bar-
bell squat. A manual goniometer (Lafayette Instrument Co,
Inc., Lafayette, IN, USA) was used to measure each partici-
pant’s knee angle, and the barbell height was adjusted
accordingly such that the participant maintained the knee
angle with his or her body conWgured in the proper form
used during the squat exercise (Baechle and Earle 2000).
The mechanical stops of the Smith machine were moved to
support the barbell at the desired location. This way, the bar-
bell would not force the participant downward should the
subject lose his or her balance or need to stop for any reason.
Next, the cylinder was pressurized to the desired level
such that the barbell could be moved upward slightly to
accommodate for the compressibility of air, but less than
two centimeters. Then the cylinder was closed oV, the sub-
ject exerted maximally, using a safe building of eVort to
Fig. 1 Front view of the entire apparatus. The pneumatic cylinder and maximum and then slowly backing oV of maximum eVort
valves are mounted above the Smith cage with the data collection com- over a 5 s interval, and the peak force was recorded. After
puter to the right the data point was taken, the cylinder pressure was relieved

302 Eur J Appl Physiol (2008) 102:299–305

and the barbell was moved to the next corresponding knee Statistical analyses
angle. The subjects rested from 2 to 5 min between exer-
tions, the mechanical stops were set in place, and the proce- Intraclass correlation coeYcients were calculated between
dure was repeated. The isometric series was completed in the two trials for reliability testing. Age and anthropomet-
random order then repeated in reverse order. The peak force rics were compared across sex with independent t-tests. The
at each knee angle was averaged between the two trials for eVects of sex and condition (knee angle for isometric and
a representative value, and the maximal voluntary isometric velocity for dynamic) were examined with a 2 £ 5
force (MVIF) was normalized by bodyweight plus the bar- repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) per-
bell weight (9.32 N) for each knee angle. formed in SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sci-
ences, Chicago, IL, USA). The level of statistical
Dynamic lifting protocol signiWcance was set at P < 0.05 for all statistical analysis. If
the interaction between sex and condition was found to be
The next repetitions were full range of motion squats at the signiWcant, then simple main eVects were analyzed to deter-
constant resistance levels of 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80% of the mine the diVerences between sex and conditions. If diVer-
weakest isometric exertion with two trials per resistance ences were found across condition for each sex, then a post-
level. The purpose of this series was to determine peak hoc, one-way repeated measures ANOVA with Bonferroni
velocities in the range of the subjects’ isometric strength conWdence interval adjustments were conducted to deter-
assessment. According to Tihanyi et al. (1985), four data mine where the diVerences existed.
points are enough to generate the force–velocity (F–V) If the interaction between sex and condition was not found
curve. The mechanical stops were placed such that the bar- to be signiWcant, but the main eVect for condition was signiW-
bell would not drop below 90° knee Xexion as discussed for cant, then a post-hoc one-way repeated measures ANOVA
the isometric series. The subjects were instructed to stand with Bonferroni conWdence level adjustment was conducted
beneath the barbell and support it with their shoulders as to investigate the location of the diVerences in the whole
they released the barbell hooks from the rack. They then group. Regardless of the signiWcance of the interaction
slowly lowered the barbell to the mechanical stops and between sex and condition, if the main eVect for sex was
paused brieXy at the bottom. Each subject was instructed to found to be signiWcant, simple main eVects were conducted
exert maximally such that they moved the barbell as quickly to determine the condition(s) where diVerences occurred.
as possible and to rack the barbell at the end of the lift. Con-
trolling deceleration at the top of the lift is not an issue since
pneumatic resistance has considerably less inertia such that Results
when the lifter stops pushing, the barbell stops moving. The
subjects rested 2–5 min between exertions. Each subject The men were signiWcantly taller (P = 0.0008); however,
performed several loaded and unloaded practice attempts at the men’s and women’s weight and BMI were not signiW-
his or her discretion until the subject indicated they were cantly diVerent (P = 0.210 and 0.391, respectively). The
prepared to perform the lift. Foot spacing was not assessed; age of the men compared to the women was also not signiW-
however, it was held constant between the tests. cantly diVerent (P = 0.802).
The order of resistance level was randomly selected, and
then the series was repeated in reverse order. The two peak Isometric results
velocities at each resistance level (Fig. 2) were then aver-
aged for a representative value. The intraclass correlation coeYcients between the MVIF
recorded for the two trials per knee angle for the entire
group were 0.90–0.98 (Table 1) indicating the trial to trial
reliability of the data. The interaction between sex and iso-
metric force development per knee angle was not signiW-
cant (P = 0.536), but the main eVect for condition was
signiWcant (P = 0.001) (Fig. 3). The location of the diVer-
ences in the whole group reveal that the forces at 90° and
110° are signiWcantly diVerent from each other as well as
with those at 130°, 150°, and 170° (P · 0.02). However,
the forces at 130°, 150°, and 170° were not signiWcantly
diVerent from each other (P ¸ 0.097). The lowest MVIF
Fig. 2 Exemplar velocity–time curve for one subject during the con-
centric (raising) portion of the lift. The peak velocity data point is over the range of motion occurred at 90° knee Xexion angle
boxed in every subject without variation.

Eur J Appl Physiol (2008) 102:299–305 303

Table 1 Intraclass correlation coeYcients between the two trials of

MVIF per knee angle
Knee Intraclass correlation
angle (°) coeYcient

90 0.98
110 0.93
130 0.91
150 0.90
170 0.92

Fig. 4 Peak velocity with diVerent loads set as percent MVIF with
men faster than the women at every level of eVort (P · 0.015) and a
signiWcant decrease in peak velocity as resistance level increased for
both the men and women (P < 0.001 each)

every level of eVort (P · 0.015). Assessing the eVects

across level of eVort showed a signiWcant decrease in peak
velocity as resistance level increased for both the men and
women (P < 0.001 each).

Fig. 3 Maximal voluntary isometric force normalized by body weight
and barbell at diVerent knee angles (P < 0.05 at every point between The squat exercise exhibited an inverse relationship
the sexes). The forces at 90° and 110° are signiWcantly diVerent from
between peak velocity and resistance level. Such a relation-
each other as well as with those at 130°, 150°, and 170° (P · 0.02).
The forces at 130°, 150°, and 170° were not signiWcantly diVerent from ship agrees with Vanderwalle et al. (1987) and Driss et al.
each other (P ¸ 0.097) (2002) who found a linear relationship obtained during
cycling, another multi-articular movement. This relation-
ship between force and velocity was also found in studies
Dynamic results involving the squat exercise with dynamic constant external
resistance (Rahmani et al. 2001; Bosco et al. 1995; Zink
The intraclass correlation coeYcients between the peak et al. 2006; Cormie et al. 2007); Bosco et al. (1995)
velocities recorded for the two trials per resistance level for recorded average velocity with lifting masses set as per-
the entire group were 0.70–0.88 (Table 2). The ANOVA centage of body mass with 14 men and 7 women track and
revealed a signiWcant interaction existed between sex and Weld athletes, whereas Rahmani et al. (2001) recorded aver-
velocity during the dynamic trials (P = 0.021) (Fig. 4). The age velocity with each participant lifting absolute load
diVerence in peak velocity between the sexes was greatest increments using 15 international alpine skiing racers with-
at the lowest resistance level and that diVerence was less out specifying sex. Zink et al. (2006) and Cormie et al.
signiWcant at the higher resistance levels. The simple main (2007) recorded peak velocity reached while lifting a mass
eVects showed that men were faster than the women at as a percentage of 1RM, and both show an inverse relation-
ship such that as the resistance level increased the peak
Table 2 Intraclass correlation coeYcients between the two trials of velocity decreased, which agrees with the trends on Fig. 4.
peak velocity per resistance level which was set as percentage of weak- Kellis et al. (2005) also recorded barbell linear velocity
est MVIF which decreased signiWcantly with increasing external load.
Resistance Intraclass correlation Sex related diVerences exist that could account for the
MVIF (%) coeYcient diVerences in forces and velocities between the sexes includ-
ing muscle Wber cross-sectional area, Wber type ratios, and
40 0.83
hormonal diVerences. Although muscle Wbers in men and
50 0.87
women are similar in Wber-type distribution and histochemi-
60 0.88
cal characteristics, men tend to have larger muscle Wber
70 0.87
cross-sectional area than women (Miller et al. 1992) which
80 0.70
could account for men producing higher forces. However,

304 Eur J Appl Physiol (2008) 102:299–305

there is no diVerence between the sexes when comparing Staron et al. 1989, 1994). Also, Wber type aVects the rate of
strength relative to cross-sectional area, indicating muscle force development which could aVect power output. There-
quality is not speciWc to sex (Miller et al. 1992; Castro el fore power development could be aVected by the Wndings
al.1995). In terms of absolute strength, women generally that the average woman’s skeletal muscles have a slower
have about two-thirds the strength of men (Lauback 1976), rate of force development than the average man’s (Komi
but expressing strength relative to body weight, the lower- and Karlsson 1978; Ryushi et al. 1988).
body strength of women has been found to be similar to that Although the men in the study were on average heavier
of men (Hurley and Hagberg 1998) which agrees with the than the women, as would be expected, the variability of
lack of interaction between sex and normalized MVIF. body mass within the group prevented this parameter from
It has been suggested that testosterone is more than an being statistically signiWcant. Both groups have high vari-
anabolic agent and may cause a dramatic potentiation eVect ability in weight leading to no statistical diVerence between
on neural factors and may favor the transition of type II the groups. Body mass index is an alternative to body mass
Wbers to more glycolitic proWles (for review, see Kraemer for quantiWcation of subject characteristics. However, it has
1992). Because of this, Bosco (1995) speculates that the sex its own limitations which include overestimating body fat
diVerences observed from maximal knee extension velocity in very muscular people or underestimating body fat in
might be strongly inXuenced by hormone diVerences such those of advanced age who have lost muscle mass. Over-
that the adaptive changes of sex hormones were more pro- weight is deWned as a BMI of 25–29.9 kg/m2 and obesity as
nounced in the male compared to female athletes because BMI ¸ 30 kg/m2 (Vega and Jimenez 2004). Thirty-eight
of the 5-year explosive and strength training history of the percent of the human subjects that participated in this
subjects in the study. However, he concludes that hormone, research had a BMI greater than 25 kg/m2, and the remain-
neuron and mechanical measurements should be combined der was within the normal range. In order to eliminate the
in future experiments to validate the hypothesis. The lack eVects of body weight, the results were normalized by body
of training history of the subjects is a limitation of the cur- weight plus the weight of the barbell to generalize the F–V
rent study and makes it diYcult to isolate one particular relationships since, in general, a heavier person is expected
variable such as adaptive changes of sex hormones as the to be stronger (Vega and Jimenez 2004). If the subjects
main cause of diVerence in results between the sexes. The were slightly overweight because of body fat, the F–V rela-
only requirement for participation in the study was famil- tionship could be diVerent than that of a lean population.
iarity with the squat exercise by incorporating it into previ- Also, it should be noted that a t-test of BMI between the
ous resistance training programs. Moreover, variability of sexes did not reveal a signiWcant diVerence, and the F–V
the results could have been reduced if all of the subjects had relationship could have variation if the diVerence in BMI
similar training experience and Wtness levels. between the sexes was signiWcant.
Men producing higher velocities (and consequently In conclusion, peak velocities were recorded at various
power) could also be related to muscle Wber type either by resistance levels based on an isometrically obtained strength
having a higher ratio of type II (fast twitch) to type I (slow assessment of the reduced inertia squat exercise for both men
twitch) Wbers or by having a larger cross sectional area of and women. The results of this study are applicable to improv-
type II Wbers. For example, women’s maximal power ing the eYciency of squat exercise by incorporating controlled
(force £ velocity) output in absolute terms as well as relative resistance based on velocity to maximize force output per rep-
to muscle size is lower than men’s maximal power in some etition while maintaining the preloading of free weights with-
physical tasks (Alway et al. 1989). The reason for this is not out the inertial eVects that reduce force during deceleration.
fully understood, but it could be attributed to diVerences in Factors that still need to be addressed include developing a
type I and type II muscle Wber cross sectional area and diVer- control system along with the hardware capable of instanta-
ences in rate of force development between the sexes. neously varying the load as the lifter approaches peak veloc-
Women have a smaller cross-sectional area than males in ity. Because of the interaction between sex and peak lifting
both type I and II muscle Wbers (Alway et al. 1989, 1992; velocity, such control strategy development should take into
Miller et al. 1992; Ryushi et al. 1988; Staron et al. 2000) consideration the diVerences between the sexes.
with females’ type I Wbers closer to their male counterparts
in cross-section than are females’ type II Wbers. Also, Acknowledgments This research was supported by the Colorado
Space Consortium; NASA Space Grant (Grant # 532711).
females’ type I Wbers can be equivalent or even larger in
cross-sectional area than their type II Wbers (Alway et al.
1989; Staron et al. 1989, 2000). The diVerence in women
having a smaller type II relative to type I muscle Wber area
could result in women producing lower velocity and power Abelbeck KG (2002) Biomechanical model and evaluation of linear
output per cross sectional area than men (Alway 1989; motion squat type exercise. J Strength Cond Res 16(4):516–524

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