Lcs Assessment

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Strengths weaknesses

- easily
- I can feel myself
understood the
losing my focus
topic once I am all
about the topic
caught up

- my brain
distributes -sometimes too
different opinion tired to listen
about the topic

- my brain does
not understand a
word that is said

- my mind
wanders away
from the topic too

I'm way too

1.1 Speaking Abilities

Strengths Weaknesses
can construct when I am asked to
english with the speak, my anxiety
right grammar. attacks.

when I speak in
front of people, I
fluent with the
get very conscious
and I get panic

pronounces every - low self-

word correctly. confidence

1.2 Both abilities help me more when it comes to academic performance because listening helps
me to think of a situation that is related to the topic and speaking ability allows me to discuss the
topic and revise according to my understanding.
When it comes to my personal and social area, listening is more useful for me because I’m a
dumpster of secrets and it allows me to practice my distribution of opinions. It also gives me a
lot of knowledge that I can use to be a better person day by day. In terms of professional area,
using my speaking ability allows me to be more vocal about how I want the situation to be
solved or an event to happen.
2. Among the people I know, my circle of friends are the ones I know who have built-in
competencies that are worth emulating because they know how to open a certain topic that is not
related to the current topic and still not get confused and be all hyped up. The way they deliver
every topic is clear and the people that gets to hear it, does not get confused at all.
And how they match the words to open a new topic that is totally unrelated to the previous topic
amazes me and the fact that you can still keep up with them is mind-blowing. The confidence,
the emotion control they have to speak and open a new topic is what I really want to learn from
them because I often get scared to speak up for the fear of getting ignored and invalidated but
their confidence sometimes gives me the confidence to speak up either and laugh with them.
Their impact when they start to speak is insane, all the attention of the room will be gathered if
they want to. My friends have powerful voices and have a lot of impact when it comes to words
and how they deliver them, emotion control and stress management are so unique that people are
not left in a daze.
Learning their skills and abilities may help me to be a successful educator and how they handle
the situation can also help me to be more confident.

3. When speaking in front of a crowd I’m really uncomfortable about their stares and feedbacks.

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