Culvert and Multi Plate Installation 2016 Verison

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Job Hazard Analysis

(Always Wear Proper PPE)

Project: Superintendent:

Task: Culvert and Multi Plate Installation Date:

Step Potential Hazards Safe Procedures/Crew Responsibilities

• Designate a Competent Person or persons
• Review P3 (Preparation Planning Procedures) and Hazard Analysis with crew
• Complete and review STA’s daily
• Assess location and conditions*
Proper layout • Review plans and specs; discuss with electrician
Damage to existing • Notify Dig Safe and all non-member utilities prior to start
Mark and locate utility lines or personnel • Follow 18” rule for locating utilities: Use hand tools to dig within 18” of the
existing utilities during location process marked line until the utility is exposed.
Overhead utility lines • Follow the 10’ overhead clearance rule
• Have electric lines de-energized or covered if you need to be closer than 10’
Excavate for culvert Cave-in of trench or test • Use proper sloping or shoring while locating utilities and placing conduit
and backfill after pit • Do not enter trench until it is properly sloped or shored
installation Rocks and dirt rolling • Spoils pile must be at least 2’ from edge of excavation
into trench or test pit • Keep trench or test pit area clean of all debris
Tools or supplies falling • Keep tools and supplies well away from the edge
into trench or test pit • Good housekeeping around excavation

Job Hazard Analysis Page 1 of 3 Culvert and Multi Plate Installation

Project: Superintendent:

Task: Culvert and Multi Plate Installation Date:

Step Potential Hazards Safe Procedures/Crew Responsibilities

Person falling or • Good housekeeping around excavation
tripping into trench or • Berm and barricade excavation
test pit • Keep non-essential personnel away from the hole
• Use a quality ladder of sufficient size to access holes over 4’ deep
Excavation and • Never walk on edges or spreaders of trench boxes
backfill continued Water in the trench • Divert or otherwise control surface water flows
• Dewater trench before installing culvert **
Personnel struck by • Maintain eye contact with excavator operator and truck drivers
trucks, machines, or • Maintain a safe distance from excavation operation
excavation • All personnel should be out of trench when backfilling
Cuts from sharp metal • Eliminate or mark any sharp or jagged edges
on ends of pipe • Wear gloves when working with metals
Cuts to hands from • Use proper wrench or sockets for task and wear gloves
slipping when
tightening bolts
Assemble and install Noise hazards • Always wear ear protection when operating impact guns or cutting culvert or
culvert or multi- multi-plate with power saw
plate Electrical shock from • Keep equipment and culvert at least 10’ from overhead wires
power source • Ground generator and use GFCIs
Pinched or crushed by • Assemble on level surface and trig pipe
rolling pipe
Rigging failure • Use proper rigging and inspect prior to each use
• Use tag lines to control suspended loads
• Maintain arm’s length from suspended load at all times
• Never put any body part under any suspended load
Job Hazard Analysis Page 2 of 3 Culvert and Multi Plate Installation
Project: Superintendent:

Task: Culvert and Multi Plate Installation Date:

Step Potential Hazards Safe Procedures/Crew Responsibilities

Being struck by pipe or • Never stand under a suspended load
Assemble and install machine • Maintain eye contact and safe distance from machinery
culvert or multi-
plate continued Injury from pry tools • Be sure all pry tools are properly anchored prior to prying and have a good
slipping footing
Other Steps (if any): Other hazards: Other safe procedures:

*1) If work is to be performed in a travel way, complete and follow Work in

Travel Way Job Hazard Analysis

2) If Hazardous Materials are encountered, cease work, secure work area

and notify Superintendent and/or appropriate personnel immediately

** If water is present, complete and follow Dewatering JHA

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