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The Potential of Sampaguita Flower

(Jasminum sambac) and

Lemon (Citrus × limon)

as a Deodorant



Rujille V. Surigao

Robeanne Fei D. Dones

Krisha Mhae R. Malipot

G10- Rizal

Research Adviser:

Mrs. Rowena Bue

Submitted in partial fulfillment for the requirements of research

Taytay National High School


Problem and it's Background


Body odor is a common problem. Many of us losing confidence

because of body odor because they ashamed that when people smell

them the people around them will go away, so they decided to stay in

home that's why they're no longer associating with other people.

There are many possible causes of body odor such as bacteria

breaking down sweat and is largely linked to the apocrine glands. Most

body odor comes from these. These glands are found in the breasts,

genital area, eyelids, armpit, and year.

Jasminum sambac (Arabian jasmine or Sambac jasmine or also

known as sampaguita here in the Philippines) is a species of jasmine

native to tropical Asia, from the Indian subcontinent to Southeast Asia.It is

cultivated in many places, especially across much of South and Southeast

Asia. It is naturalised in many scattered locales: Mauritius, Madagascar,

the Maldives, Christmas Island, Chiapas, Central America, southern

Florida, the Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and the

Lesser Antilles.
Jasminum sambac is a small shrub or vine growing up to 0.5 to 3 m

(1.6 to 9.8 ft) in height. It is widely cultivated for its attractive and sweetly

fragrant flowers. The flowers may be used as a fragrant ingredient in

perfumes and jasmine tea. It is the national flower of the Philippines,

where it is known as sampaguita, as well as being one of the three

national flowers of Indonesia, where it is known as melati putih.

The lemon, Citrus limon, is a species of small evergreen tree in the

flowering plant family Rutaceae, native to South Asia, primarily North

eastern India.

The tree's ellipsoidal yellow fruit is used for culinary and non-culinary

purposes throughout the world, primarily for its juice, which has both

culinary and cleaning uses. The pulp and rind are also used in cooking

and baking. The juice of the lemon is about 5% to 6% citric acid, with a pH

of around 2.2, giving it a sour taste. The distinctive sour taste of lemon

juice makes it a key ingredient in drinks and foods such as lemonade and

lemon meringue pie.

Statement of the Problem

The study is conducted to research for the potential of

Sampaguita flower (Jasminum sambac) and Lemon (Citrus × limon) as a

Deodorant to help people suffering from body odor.

1. What components of Sampaguita flower (Jasminum sambac) and

Lemon (Citrus × limon) that can make it possible treatment for body odor?
2. What are the possible effect of this deodorant to our underarm once


3. Is there any potential that we can possibly make a deodorant out of

Sampaguita Flower (Jasminum sambac) and Lemon (Citrus x limon)?


H0 (Null Hypotheses):

a) There is no significant effect that there’s a relationship between

Sampaguita Flower (Jasminum sambac) and Lemon (Citrus × limon)

to make it a deodorant cream.

b) There is no significant effect that a deodorant cream made up of

Sampaguita Flower (Jasminum sambac) and Lemon (Citrus × limon)

can last up to 24 hours.

Ha (Alternative Hypotheses):

a) There is a significant effect that there’s a relationship between

Sampaguita Flower (Jasminum sambac) and Lemon (Citrus × limon)

to make it a deodorant cream.

b) There is a significant effect that a deodorant cream made up of

Sampaguita Flower (Jasminum sambac) and Lemon (Citrus × limon)

can last up to 24 hours.

Significance of the Study

This study aims to prove that there is a potential that

Sampaguita Flower (Jasminum sambac) and Lemon (Citrus × limon) can

be used to make a deodorant cream. This study may benefit the following


Person with body odor

- The people may be greatly benefit by this because they can use

this product so they can avoid having a body odor and it can increase

their self-confidence and self-esteem.


- This product can help their business specially the one who’s

searching for a new product to introduce in the market.


- This may help the doctors to have a new product to introduce

for the people that have a problem dealing about their body odor.


- this will help other researchers to be guided or to have some

ideas about related researches. This study will help the community to

have basis in discovering new product that can help people.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the potential of Sampaguita Flower

(Jasminum sambac) and Lemon (Citrus × limon) to be use as an

ingredient in making a deodorant cream. And if this product can literally

help people with body odor problems.

Chapter 2


This chapter includes ideas, finished thesis, generalization,

methodologies, news articles, and others. Those that were included in this

chapter helps in familiarizing information that are relevant and similar to

present study of The Potential of Sampaguita Flower (Jasminum sambac)

and Lemon (Citrus × limon) as a Deodorant Cream.

Related Literature


Body Odor

Climate Change is one of the results of having an unpleasant

odor due to sweating. Having BO (body odor) can be an embarrassing

problem. This unpleasant smell comes from a mixture of sweat and

bacteria. Normally, our sweat should have little odor. However, it’s the

bacteria in the skin that cause one’s perspiration to smell sour.


The Sampaguita has a sweet smell and, a heady fragrance is

ideal in lessening the body odor. It is similar to Jasmin (Jasminum

Grandiflora) Since deodorants often contain fragrance and perfume, The

extract of the Sampaguita flower can be a deodorant (Angelyn). The

Sampaguita or the Jasminum sambac is considered an antiseptic

emollient (softens and soothes the skin). The Sampaguita or the jasmine

sambac plant also possesses anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial,

antioxidant, antibacterial, and antifungal properties (Mylene, 2019).

Sampaguita has many benefits to our body because all the parts of

Sampaguita are medicinal properties.


It stated that Lemons have nutritional components. With great

vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, this featured fruit is one of the

healthiest foods. Vitamin C is one of the nutrients equivalently to lemon.

It's Known for natural remedies for colds and flu. Vitamin C supports. The

immunity of your body to fight an illness. It's also an anti-aging agent,

increasing collagen for healthy, glowing skin.

Because of how rich vitamin C lemon is, these involve are

respiratory system, absorption of iron, bones, and odor (Immae, 2019).

Lemons have the properties of lightening the skin (Anna, 2017).

According to (panlasangpinoy) vitamins, A and E contain high

amounts. If vitamin C is, Combined, it will have antioxidant effects. Free

radicals eliminated are to renew and protect your cells from aging and


Body Odor

Body odor is influence by genetic makeup, age, foods, and

hygiene. one of the most common causes is sweat because it can lead to

a build-up of bacteria on the skin, and the main target is the armpits. It

makes an impact on the personality of a person that will cause a problem.

Sampaguita flower would be a good solution for the unpleasant body odor

because its composition can smell good and rid of bacteria (health benefit

, 2018). Even though human sweat is odorless, bacterial growth and

decomposition of specific odor precursors in it is believed to give rise to

body odor in humans. While mechanisms of odor generation have been

widely studied in adults, little is known for teenagers and pre-pubescent

children who have distinct sweat composition from immature apocrine and

sebaceous glands, but are arguably more susceptible to the social and

psychological impact of malodor. Body odor in humans is believed to be

primarily mediated by bacterial decomposition of naturally secreted, non-

odorous constituents of sweat, especially fatty acids, branched-chain

aliphatic amino acids, glycerol, and lactic acid originating from eccrine,

apocrine, and sebaceous glands.


Sampaguita flowers have an exceptional contribution to skin,

hair, and health. Natural deodorant has a ketone with low concentrations
of essential oil. It makes it a mild fragrance and warm that's perfect for

deodorant (Tanya, 2019).

In cosmetics, deodorants, perfumes, and other care products,

the Jasminum Sambac or Sampaguita flower extracted oil is used


Sampaguita (Jasminum sambac) is a sweetly scented tropical

flower. Belonging to the wide genus of Jasmines (Jasminum), Sampaguita

is the common name of the species Jasminum sambac. Sampaguita is

also known as Philippine Jasmine, Arabian jasmine, Pikake in Hawaii,

Grand Duke of Tuscany, Kampupot, and Melati.

Since ancient times, Jasmine has been cultivated for its

essential oils. Varieties of Jasmine, like J. grandiflorum, are especially

used in perfumes. Though, Sampaguita (unlike other Jasmine varieties) is

not a key ingredient in top-price perfumes, its scent and makeup have

given it important uses. Sampaguita has been used for hair ornamentation

in India, China and Philippines as well. Malaysians scent the hair oil from

coconut with Sampaguita scents. Sampaguita is also used medicinally. Its

perfume is believed to relieve a many ailments including headaches and

promotes a feeling of well-being. Sampaguita roots were used to treat

wounds and snake bites. The leaves and the flowers have antipyretic and

decongestant properties. Sampaguita flower extract acts as a deodorant.


The lemon, verified by Ellen Marmur, an associate clinical

professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center, can be used as

a natural deodorant because of citric acid that kills odor-causing bacteria

(Kristie, 2015). Lemon has citric acid that helps fight against excessive

sweating. Citric acid is verifiable that can reduce and eliminate the

bacteria present on the skin and the most of all, armpits. Lemon can be

both an antiperspirant and a disinfectant (ByEma2019).

UPMC (2014) demonstrated that Lemons do have antibacterial

qualities and alpha hydroxyl acids. They can be removed of blackheads

and brighten the skin. This lemon is like a whole package of nutrients.

They even have more contain potassium than apples and grapes (Krissy,


Vitamin C in lemons also promotes collagen synthesis, other

boosts to your skin (UPMC, 2014). Vitamin C, the rich source of lemon,

possesses immense health benefits ranging from its antibacterial and

antiviral properties to its immune-boosting abilities (Edison Institute of

Nutrition, 2017).

Citrus limon is a tree with evergreen leaves and yellow edible

fruits from the family Rutaceae.

The main raw material of C. limon is the fruit, particularly the

essential oil and juice obtained from it. The C. limon fruit stands out as

having well-known nutritional properties, but it is worth remarking that its

valuable biological activities are underestimated in modern phytotherapy

and cosmetology.

C. limon fruit juice (lemon juice) has traditionally been used as

a remedy for scurvy before the discovery of vitamin C. This common use

of C. limon, known since ancient times, has nowadays been supported by

numerous scientific studies. Other uses for lemon juice, known from

traditional medicine, include treatment of high blood pressure, the

common cold, and irregular menstruation. Moreover, the essential oil of C.

limon is a known remedy for coughs.

This Review of Related Literature studies the relevant news between

Sampaguita (Jasminum sambac) and Lemon (Citrus × Limon) about the

benefits and other information to make a deodorant cream. The

evaluation of different works of literature to come up with a conclusion.

Research Methodology

This chapter presents the Research Design, Setting of the

Study, Subject of the Study, Sources of Data, Procedure of the

Study and Statistical Treatment about The Potential of Sampaguita

Flower (Jasminum sambac) and Lemon (Citrus × limon) as a

Deodorant Cream.

Research Design

The descriptive method research design will be use in this

study. Descriptive research involves collection of data in order to test

hypothesis to answer questions concerning the current status of the

subject of the study.

This study describes the demographic profile of the

respondents such as age, sex, prefer type of deodorant, prefer smell

and scent, product ingredients, and some personal question that all

about body odor or questions that has connection to the

researcher’s study
The Setting of the Study

The study will take place in Taytay National High School

or in the Researchers Neighborhood that is located in Taytay, Rizal

Philippines. Under the supervision of teachers in the school and the

guardians of the researchers.

Taytay National High School is a public high school in the

Philippines' Taytay, Rizal. The school, which is located on Zloty

Street in Meralco Village, Barangay San Juan, was founded in 1994.

Taytay, also known as the Municipality of Taytay or Bayan ng

Taytay, is a first-class municipality in the Philippine province of Rizal.

It was established on June 24, 1579. It has a population of 319,104

inhabitants, according to the 2015 census. After Rodriguez, Rizal,

and Cainta, Rizal, is the country's third most populous municipality.

The Philippines is an archipelagic country in Southeast Asia. It is

orchestrated in the western Pacific Ocean and contains around

7,640 islands, which are extensively categorized beneath.

The researchers decided to research in Taytay National High School

and to some parts of their Neighborhood to find more further

information about the body odor on section of students in school or

some randomly pick teenagers in their area.

Figure 1

Taytay National High School

Figure 2

Map of Taytay Rizal

Figure 3

Map of Rizal

The Subject of the Study

In this descriptive study, Ten random teenagers will be picked

and interviewed by the researchers to collect some data about the

research study being conducted. Teenagers from 3 section of

students in any level and other randomly picked teenagers in the

neighborhood at the age of from13 yrs. old to 18 yrs. Old that

suffering from body odor, can be pick to participate in the study.

Sources of Data

The researcher gathers data by doing some research

online in some website which can be consider as a secondary data.

And from the researchers own knowledge, personal observation and

experiences about the study that is being conducted. And this can

be known as a primary data. Researcher will also collect some data

by doing some interview on a randomly pick respondents or

teenagers in the school or in the neighborhood by asking them some

questions about the study and to also know some of their opinions

about the topic as well. By doing these researchers can collect some

data that can be used as an information on the study that is being



The study of the problem is the ability of Sampaguita and

lemon as deodorant cream to prevent unpleasant body odor. The

researchers find out information that unpleasant body odor is a

common issue for people and, it can sometimes be a sign of the

underlying condition. The researcher conducts numerous data that

prevent the unpleasant body odor from knowing more about the


Now that the researcher understands the issue of unpleasant

body odor for the study that will conduct. These studies can be

based on the environment, the things you eat, medication, hormone

levels, or a sign of the condition, and this topic can be broad. To

clarify the problem, the researcher needs to determine the

prevention for the unpleasant Body odor and make a product to

solve the problem. The idea of the study of body odor is defined as

the underarm odor to prevent the unpleasant smell odor of the

underarm. The researcher will gather information from a group of

teenagers around 13 to 18 years old about the study that will be

conducting. A small group of teenagers will participate in the study of

testing the product for a week. After the week is finish, The

researcher will question the small group of teenagers about the

experience. The researcher will be collecting data on the

effectiveness of the deodorant from teenagers on testing in their


Statistical Treatment

The responses that will get in the interview will be statistically

analyze with the data requirements of the study. The respondents

will be statistically analyzed with the data instruments of the study.

Descriptive statistic such as frequency count, mean and percentage

will be considered.

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