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The enthusiasm of man to discover, explore and always want more, makes our planet become insufficient and

infertile, and the problem is due to the

lack of social principles, values and identity for the environment, including aspects of political, economic development And social. that each
government proposes, with the objective of increasing wealth and gaining power. It should be noted that the above influences the curiosity of man as
instinct and the satisfaction of well-being and the comfort of this.

What can you do to make this world a better place?

R // To improve both the condition of our planet and the welfare of humanity, it is important to accept the problem; generate
resolution strategies: begin to strengthen individual principles, such as recycling, saving energy, planting trees, saving water,
protecting animals, etc. Also, to establish social projects in favor of the conservation of our planet, to demand transparent
governments that support the conservation policies of natural resources; that promote systems of renewal of biodegradable
resources and firm laws for possible offenders who continue to exploit the flora and fauna in our territory.

What is more important to increase the standard of living of people or protect the environment?

R / From a personal point of view, the quality of life of people depends on the environment in which they live, because if the natural
resources that we enjoy are lacking, the quality of life would be proportional to the absence of such resources. Finally, one of the
environmental problems most seen today is the global warming by which climate change occurs, the result of greenhouse gases,
which humans produce in large proportions: industries, siderurgys, manufacturing of all kinds of utensils with chemical
procedures, The transport sector, the mining sector, nuclear energy, the burning of fossil fuels, etc., from which gases such as
methane, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide and others are derived. In summary, the larger the population, the greater the demand for
resources, the greater the need for water, more waste, more deforestation, more pollution, more migration and extinction of flora
and fauna, more gases that concentrate the heat of the planet and They cause sudden changes in climate, more disaster.

El afán del hombre en descubrir, explorar y siempre desear más, está llevando a que
nuestro planeta se vuelva insuficiente e infértil, y el problema radica, en la falta de
principios sociales, valores, e identidad por el ambiente; hasta aspectos, políticos,
económicos, y sociales de desarrollo, que propone cada gobierno, con el objetivo en
primer lugar, de incrementar riquezas y, en segundo lugar, de obtener poder. Claro
está, que de lo anterior influye, la curiosidad del hombre como instinto, y la
satisfacción de bienestar y comodidad.
¿Qué puedes hacer para hace de este mundo un lugar mejor?
R// para mejorar tanto la condición, de nuestro planeta como el bienestar de la
humanidad, es importante aceptar el problema; por consíguete, generar estrategias de
resolución: empezando por fortalecer principios individuales simples, como reciclar,
ahorrar energía, sembrar árboles, ahorrar agua, proteger los animales etc. Y así
mismo, establecer proyectos sociales en pro de la conservación de nuestro planeta,
empezado, por exigir gobiernos transparentes que apoyen políticas, de conservación de
los recursos naturales, que promuevan sistemas de renovación de recursos
biodegradables, y leyes contundentes para infractores potenciales que sigan,
explotando tanto la flora y la fauna, en nuestro territorio.

The desire of man to discover, explore and always desire more, is leading to our planet
becoming insufficient and infertile, and the problem lies, in the lack of social principles,
values, and identity for the environment; to aspects, political, economic, social, and
cultural development and evolution that each government proposes, with the aim first of
all, to increase wealth and, secondly, to obtain power. Of course, that of the above
influences, the curiosity of man as instinct, and the satisfaction of well-being and
Que es más importante aumentar el nivel de vida de las personas o proteger el medio
R/ desde un punto de vista personal, la calidad de vida de las personas depende del
medio ambiente en que se vive, ya que si los recursos naturales de los que gozamos
llegaran a faltarnos la calidad de vida sería proporcional a la ausencia de dichos
recursos. Para finalizar, una de las problemáticas ambientales más vistas en la
actualidad, es el calentamiento global por el cual, se produce el cambio climático,
resultado de los gases de efecto invernadero, que en resolución los seres humanos
provocamos, en proporciones grandes: las industrias, siderurgias, fabricación de todo
tipo de utensilios con procedimientos químicos, el sector transporte, el sector minero,
la energía nuclear, la quema de combustibles fósiles etcétera; de los cuales, se derivan
gases como el metano, dióxido de carbono, óxido de nitrógeno y otros. En fin, entre
más población más demanda de recursos, mas necesidad de agua, más desechos, mas
deforestación, mas contaminación, mas migración y extinción de flora y fauna, más
gases que concentran el calor del planeta provocando cambios bruscos del clima, mas

What can you do to make this world a better place?

R // To improve both the condition of our planet and the welfare of humanity, it is
important to accept the problem; get yourself, generate resolution strategies: starting
by strengthening simple individual principles, such as recycling, saving energy, plant
trees, save water, protect animals, etc. And likewise, establish social projects in favor of
the conservation of our planet, begun, by demanding transparent governments that
support policies, conservation of natural resources, that promote systems of renewal of
biodegradable resources, and strong laws for potential violators that follow, exploiting
both flora and fauna, in our territory.
What is more important to increase the standard of living of people or protect the
R / From a personal point of view, the quality of life of people depends on the
environment in which they live, because if the natural resources that we enjoy will be
lacking, the quality of life would be proportional to the absence of said resources.
Finally, one of the environmental problems most seen today, is the global warming by
which climate change occurs, the result of greenhouse gases, which in human beings
we resolve, in large proportions: the industries, steel mills, manufacture of all types of
utensils with chemical procedures, the transport sector, the mining sector, nuclear
energy, the burning of fossil fuels and so on; of which, gases such as methane, carbon
dioxide, nitrogen oxide and others are derived. In short, the more population more
demand for resources, more need for water, more waste, more deforestation, more
pollution, more migration and extinction of flora and fauna, more gases that
concentrate the heat of the planet causing sudden changes in climate, more disaster.


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