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(A constituent college of Manipal University, Manipal)

Manipal Karnataka 576 104

Department of Master Of Computer Application

COURSE PLAN Department Subject : MCA : System Programming and Microprocessor (MCA- 521) : III SEM MCA : Archana.H : 48 Assignment portion Assignment no 1 2 3 Test portion Test no. 1 2 Topics L1-L24 L25-L48 Topics L3-L8 L9-L32 L33-L48

Semester & branch Name of the faculty No of contact hours

Submitted by: Archana.H

(Signature of the faculty) Date: 23-07-2011 Approved by: Dr. Krishnamoorthi Makkithaya

(Signature of HOD) Date:


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Lecture no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Topics to be covered Introduction: Language Processors, analysis of source program Phases of compilation Lexical Analysis: Scanning Specification of tokens Recognition of tokens-NFA Recognition of tokens-DFA From a regular expression to an NFA LEX programming Syntax Analysis: Role of the parser-syntax error handling, error recovery Context free grammars parse trees and derivations, ambiguity Writing a grammar-Left Recursion, Left Factoring Top Down Parsing-Recursive descent parsing Top Down Parsing Recursive predictive parsing Non-recursive predictive parsing LL(1) parsers Bottom Up Parsing-handles Shift Reduce Parsers Operator Precedence Parsing LR Parsing CLR Parser LALR Parser

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YACC programming Code Generation: Issues in the design of a code generator The target machine Run-time storage management Register allocation and assignment Peephole optimization A simple code generation algorithm. Code Optimization: Flow graphs The principal sources of optimization Optimization of basic blocks Data-flow analysis 8086 Family Assembly Language Programming-Introduction: 8086 internal architecture, Program development steps Writing programs for use with an assembler Assembly language program development tools Constructing the machine code for 8086 instructions Different addressing modes Implementing Standard Program Structure in 8086 Assembly Language: Brief overview of 8086 instruction set, Simple sequence programs Jumps, Flag and conditional jump If-then, if-then-else and multiple if-then-else programs While-do programs, Repeat-until programs Instruction timing and delay loops Strings, Procedures and Macros: The 8086 string instructions

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Solving problems using these string instructions Writing procedures Using procedures Writing Macros Using Macros

EVALUATION: INTERNAL- 50 MARKS y 40 marks from two Sessional (20 marks each) y 10 marks distributed as follows:  8 marks from two assignments(best of two)(4 marks each)  2 marks for attendance(95-100), 1 mark for attendance (85-94) END SEMESTER EXAM-50 MARKS TOTAL-100 MARKS REFERENCES: 1) Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Compilers, Principles, Techniques and Tools, Pearson Education Asia. 2) Dhamdhere D.M, Systems Programming and Operating Systems, Tata McGraw-Hill, Second revised edition 3) Douglas V. Hall Microprocessor and Interfacing Programming and hardware,Tata McGrawHill 4) Donovan J.J., Systems Programming, McGraw Hill, 1972 5) Barron D.W., Assemblers and Loaders, McDonald and Javes, 1978. 6) Ullman J.D., Fundamental Concepts of Programming Systems, Addision Wesley, 1976. 7) Aho A.V. & Ullman J.D., Principles of Compiler Design, Addison-Wesley, 1985. 8) K.R.Venugopal, Raj Kumar,Microprocessor X86 Programming, BPB Publications. 9) G.Sudha Sadasivam,Compiler Design, Scitech Publications 10) Vinu V.Das,Compiler Design using Flex and YACC,PHI

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