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1. permanent data is mainly stored in

A. temporary file B. master file C. cover file D. arch file
Ans – b

2. Who invented VIRUS?

A. Frederick C. Cohen B. Frederick B. Cohen C. Friedman B. Cohen D. Frederick B.
Ans – b

3. The first computer virus discovered was known as----

A. Keeper B. Cloner C. Creeper D. EIK
Ans – c

4. The word data is the plural of Latin word

A. Datum B. Dotum C. Danum D. Dotcom
Ans – a

5. Mozilla Firefox is a----

A. Internet service provider B. A network of networks C. Host D. Browser
Ans - d

6. Information technology deals with

A. information B. data C. knowledge D. all
Ans – d

7. MIS stands for

A. Manual information system B. Machine information system C. Massive information System D.
None of the above
Ans – d

8. Full form of DBMS is

A. Data-based management system B. Database management system C. Data based
Marketing system D. Database management service
Ans – b

9. Which of the following is related to Internet security?

a)MIT b)Firewall c)DSL d)W3C Ans. B)

10..Message send from someone, I do not know, refer to _____

a)Sniffing b)Phishing c)Spamming d) Spoofing Ans. B) c)

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