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The City School Unified Mid-Year Examination 2021 - 2022 RB Class 9 ‘se 78 CAMPUS / BRANCH NAME EXAMINATION ROLL NUMBER Laud BIOLOGY 5090/22 Paper 2 Theory Lhour 45 minutes ‘You must answer on the question paper. No additional materials are needed. INSTRUCTIONS ‘+ Answer all questions. © Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs. © Write your Campus/Branch Name, Examination Roll Number and Date in the boxes at the top of the page. Write your answer to each question in the space provided. Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid. You may use a calculator. You should show all your working and use appropriate units. INFORMATION ‘© The total mark for this paper is 80. «The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ]. Marked by: Marks tallied by: This document has 12 pages. ie Cy Teel] Unies Mier Examination, Deere 2021 / Bly / ape 22/.Gats9 Page of 2 x OLdI eu WITT CaTTToC Write answers to all questions in the spaces provided. 1 (a) Fig. 1.1is a diagram of the human digestive system: Fig.14 Use the letters from Fig. 1.1 to complete Table 1.1 to give the part of the human digestive system that is identified by each function. Write one letter only in each box. You may use the same letter more than once. There are some letters that you will not use. 5) Table 1.1 function peristalsis protein digestion deamination partially digested food is mixed with bile most water is reabsorbed Ste iy Sea ied Miter Eaminstion, Deen : ton, December 2021 ology Paper22/Case9 Page 2 of 2 a ocdiilicu willl vac The human diet provides nutrients for the synthesis of biological molecules that make up cells, cell products and tissues. (b) (i) Complete Table 1.2 to show the nutrients that are absorbed from food to synthesize the large molecules listed. Table 1.2 large molecules nutrients absorbed protein glycogen fat 8) 2) (ii) Suggest any factors that can influence a person’s nutr [(Total: 10} The ity Tebal| Untied Mid-Year Examination, December 2021 / Biology / Paper 22/ Class 9 Page 3 of 12 ocdiilicu Ww Sc icroscopic cells. j i ew mi 2 Amicroscope is an instrument used by Biologists to view image seen through a {a) State the formula for calculating the magnification of the roscope. i cy - Is on the slide {b) A biologist added a few drops of concentrated salt solution to the ce and took a photograph of the cells, as shown in Fig. 2.1. Fig. 2.1 (i) Name visible features of the cells shown in Fig. 2.1 that: Distinguish it from an animal cell Distinguish it from a bacterial cell w~(2] concentrated salt solution. {Total: 10} ‘ie iy Fal Und Mit Ya raination December 202 / Biology / Paper 22 / Cae _—— age 4 of ocvaimeu wiur CainS¢ 3. Enzymes are necessary for many biological processes, such as the digestion of fat. lipase fat + water ———> fatty acids + glycerol (a) Lipase, protease and amylase are enzymes secreted into the alimentary canal. Name one organ that secretes each enzyme. Choose your answers from this list. colon gall bladder liver pancreas rectum salivary glands Upase ... Protease .. Amylast (b) A group of students investigated the digestion of fat in milk. ‘a. They added an alkaline solution to the milk. b. They divided the milk into four test-tubes. c. They added lipase and bile salts to some of the test-tubes, as shown in Table 3.1. ‘They did this at the same time for each test-tube. d, They kept all test-tubes at 40“ e. After 5 minutes, they added Universal Indicator solution to each test-tube. Table 3.1 [colour of pH indicator after 5 = minutes at 40°C i saline soto, pase ance oo we _| rik aan sao, Bie sas and a milk, alkaline solution, ipase and S| water yellow D__| mk, alkaline solution and water blue Fig. 3.1 shows the colour of the indicator at different pH values. ted | orange [~~] green blue | purple 0 2 : 8 Ce pH Fig 3.1 Fee dy True Vie Mid-Year Examination, December 2021 / Biology / Paper 2 /Cas59 Page of 12 ovate wiur LainSc (i) Explain why the colour in test-tube A was orange. (3) (il) Explain the results for test-tubes B and C. test-tube B test-tube C [4] [Total: 10] Tee Cty Tea] Uned Mid-Year Examination, December 2021 / ology / Paper 22 /clas9 Page 6 of 12 —————Seaieu wil Valitse 4 Fig. 4.1 shows some cells from the lining of the trachea in the human body. nucleus {goblet cell Fig. 4.1 {a) Describe the functions of the nucleus and cell membrane. Nucleus Cell membrane... {b) The cells in Fig. 4.1 form a tissue. Describe the term tissue. Bie Cy Teal] Vad idea amination, December 2021 / Bology | Paper 22/ C2582 age 7 of 12 _ —oeanneu wroircams¢ Fig. 4.2 shows a root hair cell. Fig. 4.2 (c) Name structures A, B and C. [3] 2] [Total: 10] He Cay Teal} Weed Mi. eat Exarination, December 2021 / Biology /Paper22/ lass Page 8 of 12 x SCTE WITT CATTTSC 5 (a) Describe characteristics of enzymes. (b) Describe and expla (i) pH (ii) Temperature [4 (Total: 10] he Cy Seal} ne Mid-Year Erarinaton, December 2021 /lology / Paper 22/ Cass Page 9 of 12 ovate wiur GainS¢ 6 (a) Explain why most foods must be digested. 8] e digestive ji the (b) Fats are large molecules that are broken into smaller molecules by enzymes. (i) Name the products of fat digestion . (ii) Enlist the chemical elements making fats. (li) Name the region of the alimentary canal where digestion begins. ie) {c) Describe the chemical digestion of fats. 4 {Total: 10] Tee ty Fidel Uris Mid ear Examination, December 2021 /Bology | Paper 22 / Cass tools Page 10 of otameu wir GamSc 7 a) Describe the causes and symptoms of each of the following: (i) rickets, (li) scurvy. {b) Suggest why the alimentary canal does not produce any enzymes to work on vitamins. [2] (Total: 10] Fe iy Teal} Unie Mid-Yet Examination, December 202% / Biology / Paper 22/ Clas 9 Page 11 of 12 ovate wiur VainS¢ is from the small intestine of a mammal and an enlarged view of a 8 Fig. 8.1 shows a cell from region A. mitochondria [3] (c) Describe the transport of water and amino acids from small stream. Water .. (4) {Total: 10] Fhe ity Debut} Vobed Mid-Year amination, December 202 ology / Paper 22 cass 9 Page 12 of 12 - OUAIINIEU WIL Ud SC

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