Hybridization of Biogeography Based Optimization With Differential Evolution For Solving Optimal Power Flow Problems

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86 International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering, 2(3), 86-101, July-September 2013

Hybridization of Biogeography-
Based Optimization with
Differential Evolution for Solving
Optimal Power Flow Problems
Provas Kumar Roy, Department of Electrical Engineering, Dr. B. C. Roy Engineering
College, Durgapur, West Bengal, India
Dharmadas Mandal, Department of Electrical Engineering, Birbhum Institute of Engineering
and Technology, Suri, West Bengal, India

The aim of this paper is to evaluate a hybrid biogeography-based optimization approach based on the hy-
bridization of biogeography-based optimization with differential evolution to solve the optimal power flow
problem. The proposed method combines the exploration of differential evolution with the exploitation of
biogeography-based optimization effectively to generate the promising candidate solutions. Simulation ex-
periments are carried on standard 26-bus and IEEE 30-bus systems to illustrate the efficacy of the proposed
approach. Results demonstrated that the proposed approach converged to promising solutions in terms of
quality and convergence rate when compared with the original biogeography-based optimization and other
population based optimization techniques like simple genetic algorithm, mixed integer genetic algorithm,
particle swarm optimization and craziness based particle swarm optimization.

Keywords: Biogeography-Based Optimization, Differential Evolution, Optimal Power Flow, Power System
Optimization, Valve Point Effect

1. INTRODUCTION constraints. OPF problem has been rigorously

studied over the past few decades. Many opti-
The optimal power flow (OPF) proposed by mization techniques have emerged so far and
“Carpentier (1979)”, is an optimization tool have been applied to solve the problem. In the
through which the electric utilities strive to de- past, a wide variety of conventional optimization
termine secure operating conditions for a power techniques such as Newton method “Monticelli
system. The OPF solution aims to optimize a and Liu (1992)”, linear programming “Stott,
selected objective function via optimal adjust- Marinho and Alsac (1979)”, dynamic program-
ment of the power system control variables, ming “Xie and Song (2001)”, and interior
while satisfying various equality and inequality point methods “Wei, Sasaki, Kubokawa and

DOI: 10.4018/ijeoe.2013070106

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International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering, 2(3), 86-101, July-September 2013 87

Yokoyama (1998)” have been developed to DE population: exploration of different regions

solve OPF problem. Generally, these techniques of the search space, and the selection process,
suffer due to algorithmic complexity, insecure which ensures the exploitation of previous
convergence, and sensitiveness to initial search knowledge about the fitness landscape. Practi-
point, etc. Usually, these methods rely on the cal experience, however, shows that DE may
assumption that the fuel cost characteristic of occasionally stop proceeding toward the global
a generating unit is a smooth, convex function. optimum level and may converge to a local
However, in practical system, it is not possible, optimum or any other point. This situation is
or appropriate, to represent the unit’s fuel cost usually referred to as premature convergence,
characteristics as convex function. This situa- where the population converges to some local
tion arises when valve-points non-linearities optima of a multimodal objective function,
effect of thermal generating units and prohibited losing its diversity. This is due to the lack of
operating zones constraints are considered. exploitation ability of the original DE algorithm.
Therefore, new optimization methods are re- BBO “Simon (2008)”, is a new global
quired to deal with these difficulties. optimization algorithm based on the theory of
In recent years, many heuristic algorithms, biogeography, which is the study of the geo-
such as Tabu search (TS) “Abido (2002)”, graphical distribution of biological organisms.
genetic algorithms (GA) “Devaraj and Yeg- The feature of BBO is like other biology-based
nanarayana (2005)”, evolutionary programming algorithms, such as GA and PSO. However,
(EP) “Sood (2007)”, particle swarm optimiza- BBO also has some unique features among
tion (PSO) “Roy, Ghoshal and Thakur (2009)”, biology-based algorithms. One unique char-
differential evolution (DE) “Liu and Lampinen acteristic of BBO is that the original popula-
(2005); Varadarajan and Swarup (2008)”, artifi- tion is not discarded after each generation. It
cial bee colony (ABC) “Kwannetr, Leeton and is rather modified by probabilistic migration
Kulworawanichpong (2010)”, bacteria foraging (immigration and emigration) operation. This
optimization (BFO) “Tang, Li and Wu (2008)”, new technique has already proven itself a
biogeography-based optimization (BBO) “Roy, worthy optimization technique “Roy, Ghoshal
Ghoshal and Thakur (2010a); Roy, Ghoshal and and Thakur (2010a); Roy, Ghoshal and Thakur
Thakur (2010b)” and gravitational search algo- (2010b); Simon (2008)” compared to other
rithm (GSA) “Bhattacharya and Roy (2012); existing techniques. However, since BBO is a
Roy, Mandal and Bhattacharya (2012)” have new global optimization algorithm, there are
successfully proved their capabilities in solving some open research questions that need to be
the OPF problem, without any restrictions on the addressed, such as the migration operator of
shape of the cost curves. The results reported BBO lacks the exploration ability and cannot
are promising and encouraging for further re- improve the diversity of the population.
search in this direction. Moreover, many hybrid In order to utilize the exploration ability of
algorithms “Ongsakul and Bhasaputra (2002); DE and the exploitation capability and BBO,
Chunjie, Huiru and Chen (2010)” have been a hybrid technique combining BBO with DE,
introduced to enhance the search efficiency. referred to as hybrid biogeography based opti-
DE proposed by R. Storn and K. Price mization with differential evolution (HDBBO),
“Storn and Price (1995)” is one of the latest evo- is being proposed for solving OPF problems.
lutionary optimization algorithms. It is a simple Similar concept is introduced by Gong et al.
but powerful population-based stochastic search “Gong, Cai and Ling (2010)” and later, it is
technique for solving global optimization prob- applied to solve economic load dispatch (ELD)
lems. Its effectiveness and efficiency have been problem “Bhattacharya and Chattopadhyay
successfully demonstrated in many application (2010)”. But this combined application of the
fields. Like other evolutionary algorithms, two BBO and DE concept for solving the OPF
fundamental processes drive the evolution of a problem, has not been applied so far. The

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