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Selected NCERT Textbook Questions

Q.1. Suppose you are given a chance to repeat the alpha purticle scattering experiment using a thin
sheet of solid hydrogen in place of gold foil (hydrogen is a solid at temperature below 14 K).
What results do you expect?
Ans. Sizeof hydrogen nucleus 1.2x 10 m.

. Electrostatic potential energy of u-particle at nucear surlace

1(2)(e) 9x10x 2x(1.6x10-"*
4TE 1.2x10-
9x 10" x 2x1.6X I0-
=2.4x10" eV =
2.4 MeV

490 Xam idea Physics-XI

iyolge, 4111

y l m i l hthn

. The g ounel state energy l hydrngen ntum lu 18. eV Whnt bn thn kimete and ptentia

Ant. Kineth ewngy, h ne, h atm,

t e t l egy, =

lal enen4 -K

Compparing ejaties (i), (i), t), we hvw

Given =1.uV (ngul staten1

Kietie enengy, k - 13.6 eV

Potetinl energy U = 2(-19.0eVj=12 uv

r setol exeileel state, u=

-- -hluv

whieh eneiten it the n=4

,4. A 1ydrogen atum inbtinlly in the ground stute uhstrbw n phtm,
level, Determine the wavelength nnd Irujuemey ul photen
1-atenn y
Ans, The energy evels l ivwn

For given transition =1,n,=4

Vnengy of alston teal phutm



Wavelength of absonbed ploton A is given by

h Rh
m9.72 * 10"m
1L.097 10
,09 10
hquem 9.79 o atom in n=1,2
in the hydrogen
Rohr's model, calculate
the speed of electron
.5. (a) Using the
and 3 levels.
the orbital period in each of these
(6) Calculate
1-atom is
ot electnon in stable orbit ol
Ans. (a)The speed

n 8.83 l0" o.63s10

For n-1,. 2.18 x 10" m/s.

For n-.
. 8 NO=1,09 * 10" m/s

218 10 7.27 10 m/s

For n=3,

decreasing with increasing


Obviously the specd of electron goes on

27 (E,h"n°/nme
(6) Time period, 7

4eh'n4x(8.83x10 x(6.6Ix10")'x
9.1x10 x(1.6x10")'

= I.33x 10 seconds

For n=1 T=1.58x10-s

T= 1.33x 10"x(2)

For n=2
T= 1.33x10"x(3) 41.31x10-l s
For n=3.
The radius of innermost orbit of a hydrogen atom is 5.3x10
m. What are the radii of n=2
and n=3 orbits?
Ans. The radii of Bohr's orbits are given by

For ground state n = 1, r, = 5.3 x 10" m (given)

4 X 5.3 * 107 = 2.12 * 10-" m

Forn =3, = (3) = 9 x 5.3 x 10

= 4.77 x 10-" m

Xam idea Physics-Xll

cordance with Bohr's model, find the quantum
numher, that characterises the earth's
evolution around the sun in an orhit of radius 1.5 J0 m with ortital speed3 1 m's
(Mass of earth = b.0 z 1 9 kg)

Arcodng tn ohr's model, angular monnentum

mi 9 27mn
Civenm= 6.0 19° kg,u =
19 m/s,r =
15 10" m

23.14 %6Z 10319z1519

= 2.57 x104

0,8. Obtain the first Bohr's radius and the ground state energy ofa 'muonic hydrogen aun fie.,
an atom in which a neKatívely charged muon (u") ofmass ahout 207 m, orbits around a proton
Ans. If is tie mas$ of muon, then from Bohr's they

o r H-aton, Z = 1)
and m,T=

Eliminating u from thes Eguatins, we get

As m, = 297m,,where n, ís mass of elkcaron

207 Tm

state fror munn, we have

For grond

radius of H-atomn 9.33%1g

= n
9.5310 = 2.56 10m
Also enerEY E,

Otviusly, / , a m - - ,
in Hatum, E, = -

an ekaron
Csnd stalr enrgY A

2 -136eV) = -
2h 10° eV =
- 2.8 keV
Multinle Choice Ouestions [1mark)

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