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Mineral Resources iii. Analyzing Chemical

properties of soil and water
• Used for different applications iv. Airborne and ground physical
• Example for cellphones (Silicon, survery
arsenopyrite, etc.) v. Identify Electric Currents
Can be in: b. Drilling
i. Evaluate type and grade of
Quarries – Sand, Gravel, Rocks minerals
Mining – Silver, Iron, Gold c. Modelling

2. Development and Design

Metallic Mineral Resources – Contains metal a. Determine whether the site can be
operated in an environmentally safe,
Non-Metallic Resources – Doesn’t contain metal economically sound and socially
(talc, fluorite, sulfur, sand, gravel responsible manner
b. Involves scoping, feasibility studies,
procurement of necessary facilities
3. Construction
Mineral Resources–
a. Builds roads, processing facilities,
• Could be rocks or mineral environmental management system
4. Production
Mineral Occurrence (Locality) a. Stage where actual mining and
• Concentration of a mineral that is of processing of minerals are done
scientific or technical interest b. Gangue – Unwanted impurities like
sand and rocky minerals
Mineral Deposit 5. Closure and Reclamation
• Mineral occurrence of sufficient size / grade a. Process of closing the mine and
and concentration to enable extraction returning the land to its original state
b. Ensuring public health
Ore Deposit c. Establish new landform and
• Tested and known to be economically
d. Stabilize land against erosion
profitable to mine
Types Of Mining
1. Surface Mining – Extract ore near the
earth’s surface
• Process of extracting mineral resources from a. Open Pit Mining – means big hole
earth. or pit in the group created by
blasting with explosives or drilling.
Stages of Mining:
1. Exploration - Searching of areas that b. Dredging – Mining from the bottom
contain mineral resources viable for mining of a body of water
a. Prospecting
i. Evaluation of land’s geology. c. Strip Mining – Involves removal of
ii. Identifies Geohazards a thin strip of overburden above
desired deposit

d. Placer Mining – Mining of stream

bed deposits of mineral. uses water
to separate valuable ore from the
surrounding sediment

2. Underground Mining – Utilized to extract

ore minerals from the orebody deep under
the earth’s surface

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