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Name: Cortiz, Leonido Jr

Course/Section: BSED ENGLISH 2

Subject: ENG 7 - Technical Writing
Instructor: Jannel Canaman Alviola

Let’s Do This:
Comprehension Check:
1.) Define technical writing in your own words.
Ans. Within my personal opinion and understanding what technical writing is, I could
mean that technical writing is written communication through digital text or messages
delivered in a formal way. It is somewhat intended to those who are interested in that
particular subject e.g., experts, scientists or some other professionals that has interest
in technical subjects. Examples of written technical text are when you are writing a
letters or research paper especially like me as a student in this generation.Technical
writing is not imaginative nor subjective. We write technical text to be used it in
formal deliberation and with objective meaning. People who write technical texts
should be careful with the words they used and how they intend to expressed it.
2.) How important is technical writing to you as a future teacher? to people from other
walks of life?
Ans. As a future teacher, technical writing is really important most especially when
making a formal text and when making important papers. There's so many things that
will help a teacher writing a technical text. They will used it to inform and to persuade
something. It is also important because it follows formats and you only have a little
bit personal words but should be factual.
3.) Discuss the characteristics of technical writing that distinguish it from other types
of writing.
Ans. Some important characteristics present in technical writing includes the use of
factual datas, accurate information, emphasized formal text, use of graphics such us
diagrams and tables, explain the important writing techniques which includes
interpretation and classify what is meant in a text.
4.) Compare and contrast technical writing from literary writing.
Technical writing is formal types of writing that datas should be factual or objective
while literary writing is imaginative and subjective.
Technical writing is intended for those who have interests in a technical subjects like
experts and academicians while literary writing is intended for general so anyone is
present in this type writing.
Technical writing implore to do action and inform the viewers or audiences whereas
literary writing emphasized many types of emotions since it is highly-fiction but can
sometimes uses factual data.

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