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Tuesday (29/8/2022)
1.2 Systems and model
1. Define a System.
An assemblage of parts and the relationships between them, which together constitute an entity
or whole. It is comprised of storages and flows.

2. What should you include in a systems diagram?

1. Boundaries 4. storage
2. input 5. Flows
3. output 6. Processes

3. Define an isolated system

Exchanges neither Energy nor matter with its environment.

4. Define a closed system

Exchanges energy but not matter with its environment.

5. Explain why the global water cycle is a closed system

Input = water evaporate

Storage= Clouds

Output= Rain

The energy is transformed when water goes from liquid to solid and vice versa. But there is no
change in matter which in this case its water (H 2O) and is only recycled within the system.

6. Define an open system

Exchanges both energy and matter with its environment.

1.3 Energy and equilibria

1. What is equilibrium?

It is the condition of an open system in which there are no changes over the longer period, but in
which there may be oscillation in the short term.

2. Explain how humans are impacting the equilibria of systems?

One of the examples of equilibria of system that are affecting humans are the human body’s ability
to control its temperature. If its too high, we will sweat to reduce the temperature. If its too low,
we will shiver to generate heat to increase body temperature.

3. Define positive feedback

 +ve feedback loops are a change of the state of a system that leads to additional and
increased change.

 They serve to destabilize as they change in the same direction.

 Amplification takes place away from the equilibrium

 This can drive a system toward a tipping point where a new equilibrium is adopted.

 These are equilibrium states.

4. Define negative feedback

 Negative feedback is a method of control that are stabilizing

 They occur when the output of a process increases or amplifies change or reverses the
operation of the same process in such a way as to reduce change—it counteracts any
deviation from an equilibrium and promotes stability.

 It stabilises system changes promoted by external factors

 This regulation in the human body is homeostasis and explains stability in systems.
 leads to the equilibrium of a steady-state 
5. Describe an example of positive feedback
Global warming leads to an increase in temperatures > this melts ice caps > this increase the
overall temperature on earth > more ice melts etc
6. Describe an example of negative feedback
1. 1. There is an increase in hares > this leads to an increase in lynx > the lynx eat more hares
and the population of hares decreases > thus lynx will migrate to a different area > increase in
the population of hares…. (Dampening down change)

2.There is an increase in global CO2 levels > we plant more trees> this uses more CO2 and
increase the level of oxygen in the air
3.There is an increase in global temperatures > this leads to more evaporation and cloud
formation > This leads to more rain in areas > water reduces the temperature of the surrounding
> decreasing global temperatures

7. What is an alternative stable state?

8. What is a tipping point and how does it occur?

9. Describe a non-catastrophic alternative stable state formation

10. Give an example of a catastrophic tipping point leading to an alternative stable state.

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