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Seven qualities of meaningful relationship

A meaningful relationship is characterised as a relationship that is of personal significance i.e., healthy,

caring &long lasting and is one we could not do without. It must have the following seven

Communication is the expression and receiving of the thoughts, ideas, and feeling of another person.
It is important because it is the only way people connect.

Respect means o hold someone else their ideas and existence in high esteem and in a positive
light. Respect means that you recognize that your partner is a whole person, and not just a way
to get something that you want.
Honesty means your words match your actions; you are truthful about what you do. Honesty
in a relationship means being your true self and always telling your partner the truth and being
totally open with them.

It is the quality of being trustworthy and reliable. Dependability links directly to reliability and
trustworthiness, which connect to honesty and loyalty.
It is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Empathy is a powerful force
that helps maintain social order and cooperation. It is the mechanism that allows people to
understand and relate to others.
It is defined as the dependence of two or more people on each other. Interdependence involves
a balance of self and others within the relationship.
Each strong relationship has a purpose, a reason that the two people are connecting.

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