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Professional goals:

1. Practicing effective planning that reaches all students in the classroom specifically
focusing on planning that will help ELL students.

2. Learning new teaching practices that are emerging, focusing on the teaching practice
that my current teacher mentor is working on “creating a thinking classroom in math”.

PSIII professional development goals:

Goal 1:

Inquiry Question:
How will planning specific activities for ELL students keep them engaged in the lesson?

Goal - My goal this semester is to plan specific lessons for the ELL students in my classroom so
that they are engaged. One of the students in my class doesn’t speak any English so trying to
plan things that are at a level basic enough for him to start to comprehend the content.

TQS - 3a and 3b

- Plan things that have fill in the blank answers so that they can still follow along while
- Have a multitude of reading listening and speaking activities so that students can receive
input in different ways
- Focus more on vocabulary than content to get certain students grow their vocabulary
- When focusing on content let students respond verbally so that I can have a clear
understanding of what they have learned and what they still don’t know

- Spanish Dictionary app
- Have numberlines and alphabet charts

Evidence of success - The evidence of success will be their attentiveness in class and seeing
them learn and understand new content that is being taught. If these things are evident then
that will be how I know that the strategies are working. If they are not then I know I have to
readjust my strategies to better fit my students needs.

Timeline - Throughout my PSIII

Goal 2:

Inquiry Question:
Will learning new teaching strategies better help my students learn content taught throughout
the school year?

Goal - My goal is to take the teaching strategies that are taught in the book Creating a thinking
classroom and try and apply them to my personal teaching strategies. Using these strategies
not only in Math but in the other subjects that I will be teaching as well.

TQS - 2

- Using the whiteboards around the room in each class get students used to working
- Watch and learn from my mentor teacher as he teaches so that I can learn the strategies
used first hand

- Stand up whiteboards throughout the class
- Journaling what I am reading and seeing through Dan
- The book “creating thinking classrooms” by Peter Lijlidahl

Evidence of success - As students start responding more with how they are coming up with
certain answers rather than solely responding with answers this will inform me if they are really
starting to think about the process rather than the outcome. If all students are engaged and
performing better as we go.

Timeline - Throughout my PSIII

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