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Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi

Department of Software Engineering

Organizational Behavior (HS-204)
QUIZ - 03
Semester: 7th Batch: 2017
Due Date: 13/04/20 Max Marks: 05

Job satisfaction is a positive feeling about a job. This is a subjective phenomenon; still there
are lots discrete factors that play an important role in job satisfaction. Read the below
mentioned situation and answer the questions accordingly.
Mr. Usman has recently joined a car manufacturing company as a sales representative. He is
talented, proactive, punctual, hardworking and always able to meets the sales targets.
Unfortunately his supervisor Mr. Bilal has personal grievances with him. He always tries to
let him down by finding and forwarding even small errors to the higher management. On
contrary, the other employees of the same department are praised and rewarded promptly.
This situation affected Mr. Usman deeply when few subordinates got the promotions. As a
result, he loses his interest in the job that result in excessive absenteeism and low efficiency.
Looking at the case of Mr. Usman:

1. Write down all possible factors that could lead to job satisfaction or dissatisfaction of
employees in an organization?

 Lack of Interest.
 Poor Management.
 Unsupportive Boss.
 Gender discrimination.
 Organizational Nepotism.
 Lack of Meaningful Work.
 Opportunities for growth or incentives for meaningful work.
 Work and Life Balance.
2. What methods should be adopted by Mr. Usman to express his dissatisfaction and
concerns to higher management?

contact directly to higher management
build a network with co workers
paperwork (grievance letter)

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