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HS-305 PME Assignment # 2 2017 Batch Software Engineering

Principles of Management and Entrepreneurship

Assignment # 02
Question # 01: Summary of kala Bagh Damn, reasons behind failures economic forces, social
forces, technological advances, political and regulatory changes.

Summary of kala bagh dam:
The Kalabagh Dam  is a proposed hydroelectric dam on the Indus River at Kalabagh in the Mianwali District,
Punjab, Pakistan, which has been intensely debated along ethnic and regional lines for over 40 years.
If constructed, the dam could generate 3,600 MW of electricity, but is also promoted as a potential solution
to chronic flooding problems, helping to tackle the "severe water crises" in the country. Over the decades,
the understanding of the environmental impacts of mega dam projects have grown, and Pakistan Economy
Watch has demanded a national debate on the KBD issue. 

Reasons behind social and Economic failures:

 Floods may damage the populous Nowshera Valley in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.  Although the valley
is at a higher elevation than the dam, environmental experts like Abrar Kazi think that the valley can still
face threats.
  By preventing flooding and siltation in riverine areas, Kalabagh Dam has the potential to make the
agrarian Indus Basin barren and unproductive.
  Over 182,000 acres of agricultural land will be inundated.
  Over 93,000 people will be displaced from their homes..
   Heavy siltation in the dam's reservoir will counteract any gains from electricity production 
   Sindhi wetlands such as the Keenjhar and Haleji Lakes will dry up, affecting the income of over 50,000

Technological advances:
 8 million acre feet water can be stored.
 6.1 million acre feet water can be used.
 Saving oil.
 Saving Rs. 132 billion due to irrigation benefits & prevent flood loss damage
 savings of $4 billion in energy costs.

Political and regulatory changes:

Kalabagh dam is opposed by major political parties of Sindh and Kyber Pakhtonkhuwa such as ANP, JUI(F)
and PPP. The government from time to time tries to form a consensus on the issue. The former leader of

2017-SE-23 Abdul Hannan Anis

HS-305 PME Assignment # 2 2017 Batch Software Engineering

the opposition in the National Assembly Syed Khurshid Ahmed Shah showed objection to the site of
Kalabagh Dam and said its a threat to small provinces. The former Chief Minister of KPK Pervez
Khattak said that the KBD is against the interests of KP. Awami National Party has opposed the
construction and site of KBD.

Question # 02: Briefly describe Key Framework & Effectuation Theory and principles, what you think
effectuation logics.

Key Framework:

Our framework changes the way young people look at their future. It helps them discover what they are
capable of and build the drive and determination to do something meaningful with it.

Effectuation Theory
Effectuation is a way of thinking that serves entrepreneurs in the processes of opportunity identification
and new venture creation. Effectuation includes a set of decision-making principles expert
entrepreneurs are observed to employ in situations of uncertainty.

Principles of effectuation:

The four principles of effectuation are:

 Bird-in-Hand: You have to create solutions with the resources available here and now.
 Lemonade principle: Mistakes and surprises are inevitable and can be used to look for
new opportunities.
 Crazy Quilt: Entering into new partnerships can bring the project new funds and new
 Affordable loss: You should only invest as much as you are willing to lose.

The world view and the four principles are used in entrepreneurship processes to plan and
execute the next best step and to adjust the project’s direction according to the outcome of
your actions.

Effectuation logics:

Effectuation evokes creative and transformative tactics. Effectual logic is the name given to heuristics
used by expert entrepreneurs in new venture creation. Effectual thinkers believe that "If I can control
the future, I do not need to predict it."

Question # 03: What you think about Coupon System of Dr. Niaz. Is easy paisa mobile application and
bit coin having same concept

Coupon System of Dr. Niaz:

2017-SE-23 Abdul Hannan Anis

HS-305 PME Assignment # 2 2017 Batch Software Engineering

Dr Niaz Ahmed Khan, a well-known economist, has proposed a comprehensive Mutual Benefit Coupon
(MBC) system for payment of government dues, bills and services. Addressing a seminar on 'Economic
prosperity in days, instead of years and months', organised by Karachi Chamber of Commerce and
Industry (KCCI).

 To abolish all taxes.

 Create incentives for rich and poor citizens.
 Improve quality of life for all people
 Eliminate poverty and illetrecy

MBCS is based on Islamic Principles:

 Eliminate unfair financial burdens from all the sectors of society

 Remove taxes and duties.
 Eliminate poverty
 Rebuild national infrastructures.

Equal opportunities for all citizens 

2) YES easy paisa mobile application and bit coin having same concept Of MBC system of DR Niaz..
Question # 04: Discuss Vision n Mission Statement of an organization eg SSUET, is they impact the
stake holders like teacher, students and employers.

Vision Statement of SSUET:
SSUET vision is to meet the demand of challenging times as envisioned by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
by transforming Pakistan into a knowledge based society through social impact projects and
innovation in education, research and creativity, endeavoring to create an entrepreneurial
Mission Statement of SSUET:
To play a leading role as a university of engineering and technology in national socio-economic
development meeting the challenges of modern time by creating alliances and partnerships between
academia and industry. To focus on innovation, research and commercialization, a sense of social and
moral responsibility and imbued with the Aligarh spirit.
Definitely Yes the vision and mission statement of SSUET impacts the stakeholders teachers students
and employers.

Question # 05: Discuss strategic planning and business model canvas and positioning in terms of
market analysis and demand and supply gap analysis.

strategic planning:

2017-SE-23 Abdul Hannan Anis

HS-305 PME Assignment # 2 2017 Batch Software Engineering

is an organizational management activity that is used to set priorities, focus energy and resources,
strengthen operations, ensure that employees and other stakeholders are working toward common goals,
establish agreement around intended outcomes/results, and assess and adjust the organization's.
business model canvas:
A plan for the successful operation of a business, identifying sources of revenue, the intended customer
base and details of financing.
Analyzing your business model can help to determine whether a venture is or will be visible & valuable.
After the completion of Business model canvas for a current or future business model, designers often ask
the following questionnaires
 Where are our revenues coming from?
 What type of value is delivered to which markets?
 What is the cost involved in delivering that value?
 If we change our model, what would be the effects?
Analyzing these elements will provide the foundation for business model change & innovation in an
organization. You can analyze a business model from different perspectives & may answer a specific

positioning in terms of market analysis:

Market Positioning refers to the ability to influence consumer perception regarding a brand or product
relative to competitors. The objective of market positioning is to establish the image or identity of
a brand or product so that consumers perceive it in a certain way.

For example:

 A handbag maker may position itself as a luxury status symbol

 A TV maker may position its TV as the most innovative and cutting-edge
 A fast-food restaurant chain may position itself as the provider of cheap meals

Gap analysis:
GAP analysis involves analyzing current market offering to assess the extent to which they meet customer
demands. Demand side gaps involve a market situation where consumers are not satisfied buying what is
available. Supply side gaps involves firms that provide services that are needed but once that can be met
elsewhere at lower prices.


Customer satisfaction abounds, many consumers would like to replace their current suppliers.
Supply side gaps come about when a business finds that the services that it has traditionally offered to
customers in the past are now too expensive to justify the valuable they provide.
Firms may be able to close & their gaps by reconsidering their offerings.
For example, Toyota started the Lexus division for consumers who demanded more service than would
have been cost effective to offer to its traditional customers. On the supply side, closing gaps mostly

2017-SE-23 Abdul Hannan Anis

HS-305 PME Assignment # 2 2017 Batch Software Engineering

involves improving efficiency and/or reducing costs in other ways. Alternatively, existing channels may
be reassessed—e.g., airlines have deemphasized travel agents.

Question # 06: Discuss in detail valuation Techniques and legal formation issues for product (or

valuation Techniques:
A prerequisite of licensing negotiations is understanding the product and IP value as well as the possible
licensing deal structures available. Due to this reason an independent product valuation report provides
you with a solid basis negotiation and allows you to consider the key value inflection points in your
product development plan as well as financial impact of different deal arrangements. Prioritize your
products, analyze the risk for each project and compare the needed investment with the potential return:
 A detailed assessment of your technology and market.
 A scenario and sensitivity analysis including various possible deal structures.
 A list of benchmark deals from our Biotech gate database.

legal formation issues:

Developing a useful new product is one of the toughest undertakings you can begin. Along the way you're
going to run into naysayers and different problems that pop up out of nowhere. But perseverance usually
pays off, and if you keep working you may find that you've come through the process with a product that
is ready to manufacture. But you may also find that the problems along the way involve legal issues that
you wish you had considered. There's nothing worse than developing a great new idea, and then spending
time and money in a legal battle before you can do anything with it. Although we're not lawyers and can't
give legal advice (for that, be sure to consult an attorney), here are a few legal issues to consider during
product development.

Licensing your product basically gives someone else the right to produce and sell your product for a given
period of time. So when you're developing your product, you should already be thinking about whether or
not you want to license it. The positive is that the business generally takes on the risk associated with
producing your product, and they also usually know what they're doing and can achieve results. The
downside is that you're ceding control of your product to another entity, and you're losing control
over your intellectual property.

Product Liability
By now you've surely heard of at least a couple of auto manufacturers recalling certain makes and models
due to defects. There are manufacturing defects, which you aren't in control of, and design defects, which
you most definitely are. You absolutely don't want to end up with a product that has a dangerous design
defect that may not initially be recognized. That's why it can be so beneficial to sit down with experts and
find out if there are any design flaws or defects in your product, before you attempt to manufacture.

Patents are the best way to ensure that your invention is legally protected, should someone try to copy
your idea or challenge your ownership of it, but they aren't always worth it. A patent attorney can cost
anywhere from $5,000 to $16,000 depending on the complexity of your product. However, you can file a

2017-SE-23 Abdul Hannan Anis

HS-305 PME Assignment # 2 2017 Batch Software Engineering

patent for your product yourself, but it's a risky proposition if you don't have any experience doing it.
Consider filing for a provisional application. A provisional application protects your invention for up to
12 months while you finish working on it, and it's easier for a non-professional to file. That should give
you time to decide if you really need a patent for your invention or not.

2017-SE-23 Abdul Hannan Anis

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