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ADR | Mediation | Arbitration 1

Equitable PCI Bank vs. RCBC, G.R. No. 182248. when the factual circumstances referred to in the above-cited
December 18, 2008 provisions are present, judicial review of the award is properly
Parameters by which an arbitral award may be set aside. warranted.
In Asset Privatization Trust v. Court of Appeals, 300 SCRA 579 (1998),
the Court passed on similar issues as the ones tendered in the instant Even decisions of administrative agencies which are
petition. In that case, the arbitration committee issued an arbitral declared ‘final’ by law are not exempt from judicial review
award which the trial court, upon due proceedings, confirmed despite when so warranted.
the opposition of the losing party. Motions for reconsideration by the Even decisions of administrative agencies which are declared ‘final’ by
losing party were denied. An appeal interposed by the losing party to law are not exempt from judicial review when so warranted. Thus, in
the CA was denied due course. On appeal to this Court, we the case of Oceanic Bic Division (FFW), et al. v. Flerida Ruth P.
established the parameters by which an arbitral award may be set Romero, et al., this Court had occasion to rule that: “x x x x Inspite of
aside, to wit: As a rule, the award of an arbitrator cannot be set aside statutory provisions making ‘final’ the decisions of certain
for mere errors of judgment either as to the law or as to the facts. administrative agencies, we have taken cognizance of petitions
Courts are without power to amend or overrule merely because of questioning these decisions where want of jurisdiction, grave abuse of
disagreement with matters of law or facts determined by the discretion, violation of due process, denial of substantial justice or
arbitrators. They will not review the findings of law and fact contained erroneous interpretation of the law were brought to our attention.
in an award, and will not undertake to substitute their judgment for
that of the arbitrators, since any other rule would make an award the Voluntary arbitrators by the nature of their functions act
commencement, not the end, of litigation. Errors of law and fact, or an in a quasi-judicial capacity.
erroneous decision of matters submitted to the judgment of the It should be stressed too, that voluntary arbitrators, by the nature of
arbitrators, are insufficient to invalidate an award fairly and honestly their functions, act in a quasi-judicial capacity. It stands to reason,
made. Judicial review of an arbitration is, thus, more limited than therefore, that their decisions should not be beyond the scope of the
judicial review of a trial. Nonetheless, the arbitrators’ awards is not power of judicial review of this Court.
absolute and without exceptions. The arbitrators cannot resolve
issues beyond the scope of the submission agreement. The parties to Korea Technologies Co., Ltd. vs. Lerma, G.R. No.
such an agreement are bound by the arbitrators’ award only to the 143581. January 7, 2008
extent and in the manner prescribed by the contract and only if the While it is established in this jurisdiction is the rule that
award is rendered in conformity thereto. Thus, Sections 24 and 25 of the law of the place where the contract is made governs -
the Arbitration Law provide grounds for vacating, rescinding or lex loci contractus - Art. 2044 of the Civil Code sanctions
modifying an arbitration award. Where the conditions described in the validity of mutually agreed arbitral clause or the
Articles 2038, 2039 and 2040 of the Civil Code applicable to finality and binding effect of an arbitral award.
compromises and arbitration are attendant, the arbitration award may Established in this jurisdiction is the rule that the law of the place
also be annulled. x x x x Finally, it should be stressed that while a where the contract is made governs. Lex loci contractus. The contract
court is precluded from overturning an award for errors in in this case was perfected here in the Philippines. Therefore, our laws
determination of factual issues, nevertheless, if an examination of the ought to govern. Nonetheless, Art. 2044 of the Civil Code sanctions
record reveals no support whatever for the arbitrators’ the validity of mutually agreed arbitral clause or the finality and
determinations, their award must be vacated. In the same manner, an binding effect of an arbitral award. Art. 2044 provides, “Any stipulation
award must be vacated if it was made in “manifest disregard of the that the arbitrators’ award or decision shall be final, is valid, without
law." prejudice to Articles 2038, 2039 and 2040.” Arts. 2038, 2039, and 2040
above cited refer to instances where a compromise or an arbitral
Errors in law and fact would not generally justify the award, as applied to Art. 2044 pursuant to Art. 2043, may be voided,
reversal of an arbitral award. rescinded, or annulled, but these would not denigrate the finality of
Following Asset Privatization Trust, errors in law and fact would not the arbitral award.
generally justify the reversal of an arbitral award. A party asking for
the vacation of an arbitral award must show that any of the grounds The Philip-pines has incorporated the Model Law in
for vacating, rescinding, or modifying an award are present or that the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act of 2004.
arbitral award was made in manifest disregard of the law. Otherwise, For domestic arbitration proceedings, we have particular agencies to
the Court is duty-bound to uphold an arbitral award. arbitrate disputes arising from contractual relations. In case a foreign
arbitral body is chosen by the parties, the arbitration rules of our
To justify the vacation of an arbitral award on account of domestic arbitration bodies would not be applied. As signatory to the
“manifest disregard of the law,” the arbiter’s findings must Arbitration Rules of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International
clearly and unequivocally violate an established legal Commercial Arbitration of the United Nations Commission on
precedent. International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) in the New York Convention on
To justify the vacation of an arbitral award on account of “manifest June 21, 1985, the Philippines committed itself to be bound by the
disregard of the law,” the arbiter’s findings must clearly and Model Law. We have even incorporated the Model Law in Republic Act
unequivocally violate an established legal precedent. Anything less No. (RA) 9285, otherwise known as the Alternative Dispute
would not suffice. Resolution Act of 2004 entitled An Act to Institutionalize the Use of
an Alternative Dispute Resolution System in the Philippines and to
Chung Fu Industries (Phils.), Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, Establish the Office for Alternative Dispute Resolution, and for Other
G.R. No. 96283. February 25, 1992 Purposes, promulgated on April 2, 2004. Secs. 19 and 20 of Chapter 4
The finality of the arbitrator’s award is not absolute and of the Model Law are the pertinent provisions.
without exceptions.
It is stated explicitly under Art. 2044 of the Civil Code that the finality Under Sec. 24 of R.A. 9285, the Regional Trial Court does
of the arbitrators’ award is not absolute and without exceptions. not have jurisdiction over disputes that are properly the
Where the conditions described in Articles 2038, 2039 and 2040 subject of arbitration pursuant to an arbitration clause,
applicable to both compromises and arbitrations are obtaining, the and mandates the referral to arbitration in such cases.
arbitrators’ award may be annulled or rescinded. Additionally, under Under Sec. 24, the RTC does not have jurisdiction over disputes that
Sections 24 and 25 of the Arbitration Law, there are grounds for are properly the subject of arbitration pursuant to an arbitration
vacating, modifying or rescinding an arbitrator’ award. Thus, if and clause, and mandates the referral to arbitration in such cases, thus:
ADR | Mediation | Arbitration 2
SEC. 24. Referral to Arbitration. - A court before which an action is may only be assailed before the RTC and vacated on the
brought in a matter which is the subject matter of an arbitration grounds provided under Sec. 25 of RA 876.
agreement shall, if at least one party so requests not later than the The differences between a final arbitral award from an international
pre-trial conference, or upon the request of both parties thereafter, or foreign arbitral tribunal and an award given by a local arbitral
refer the parties to arbitration unless it finds that the arbitration tribunal are the specific grounds or conditions that vest jurisdiction
agreement is null and void, inoperative or incapable of being over our courts to review the awards. For foreign or international
performed. arbitral awards which must first be confirmed by the RTC, the
grounds for setting aside, rejecting or vacating the award by the RTC
Even if foreign arbitral awards are mutually stipulated by are provided under Art. 34(2) of the UNCITRAL Model Law. For final
the parties in the arbitration clause to be final and domestic arbitral awards, which also need confirmation by the RTC
binding, the same are not immediately enforceable or pursuant to Sec. 23 of RA 876 and shall be recognized as final and
cannot be implemented immediately they must still be executory decisions of the RTC, they may only be assailed before the
confirmed by the Regional Trial Court. RTC and vacated on the grounds provided under Sec. 25 of RA 876.
Foreign arbitral awards while mutually stipulated by the parties in the
arbitration clause to be final and binding are not immediately An arbitration clause, stipulating that the arbitral award is
enforceable or cannot be implemented immediately. Sec. 35 of the final and binding, does not oust our courts of jurisdiction
UNCITRAL Model Law stipulates the requirement for the arbitral as the international arbitral award is still judicially
award to be recognized by a competent court for enforcement, which reviewable under certain conditions provided for by the
court under Sec. 36 of the UNCITRAL Model Law may refuse United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
recognition or enforcement on the grounds provided for. RA 9285 (UNCITRAL) Model Law on International Commercial
incorporated these provisos to Secs. 42, 43, and 44 relative to Secs. Arbitration (ICA) as applied and incorporated in RA 9285.
Petitioner is correct in its contention that an arbitration clause,
It is now clear that foreign arbitral awards when confirmed stipulating that the arbitral award is final and binding, does not oust
by the Regional Trial Court are deemed not as a judgment our courts of jurisdiction as the international arbitral award, the
of a foreign court but as a foreign arbitral award, and award of which is not absolute and without exceptions, is still
when confirmed, are enforced as final and executory judicially reviewable under certain conditions provided for by the
decisions of our courts of law - the concept of a final and UNCITRAL Model Law on ICA as applied and incorporated in RA
binding arbitral award is similar to judgments or awards 9285.
given by some quasi-judicial bodies, like the National
Labor Relations Commission and the Mines Adjudication Where an arbitration clause in a contract is availing,
Board. neither of the parties can unilaterally treat the contract as
It is now clear that foreign arbitral awards when confirmed by the rescinded since whatever infractions or breaches by a
RTC are deemed not as a judgment of a foreign court but as a foreign party or differences arising from the contract must be
arbitral award, and when confirmed, are enforced as final and brought first and resolved by arbitration, and not through
executory decisions of our courts of law. Thus, it can be gleaned that an extrajudicial rescission or judicial action.
the concept of a final and binding arbitral award is similar to What this Court held in University of the Philippines v. De Los
judgments or awards given by some of our quasi-judicial bodies, like Angeles, 35 SCRA 102 (1970) and reiterated in succeeding cases, that
the National Labor Relations Commission and Mines Adjudication the act of treating a contract as rescinded on account of infractions by
Board, whose final judgments are stipulated to be final and binding, but the other contracting party is valid albeit provisional as it can be
not immediately executory in the sense that they may still be judicially judicially assailed, is not applicable to the instant case on account of a
reviewed, upon the instance of any party. Therefore, the final foreign valid stipulation on arbitration. Where an arbitration clause in a
arbitral awards are similarly situated in that they need first to be contract is availing, neither of the parties can unilaterally treat the
confirmed by the RTC. contract as rescinded since whatever infractions or breaches by a
party or differences arising from the contract must be brought first
While the Regional Trial Court (RTC) does not have and resolved by arbitration, and not through an extrajudicial rescission
jurisdiction over disputes governed by arbitration mutually or judicial action.
agreed upon by the parties, still the foreign arbitral award
is subject to judicial review by the RTC which can set aside, The pendency of an arbitral proceeding does not foreclose
reject, or vacate it. resort to the courts for provisional reliefs - the RTC has
While the RTC does not have jurisdiction over disputes governed by authority and jurisdiction to grant interim measures of
arbitration mutually agreed upon by the parties, still the foreign protection.
arbitral award is subject to judicial review by the RTC which can set In the recent 2006 case of Transfield Philippines, Inc. v. Luzon Hydro
aside, reject, or vacate it. In this sense, what this Court held in Chung Corporation, 490 SCRA 14 (2006), we were explicit that even “the
Fu Industries (Phils.), Inc., 206 SCRA 545 (1992), relied upon by pendency of an arbitral proceeding does not foreclose resort to the
KOGIES is applicable insofar as the foreign arbitral awards, while final courts for provisional reliefs.” We explicated this way: As a
and binding, do not oust courts of jurisdiction since these arbitral fundamental point, the pendency of arbitral proceedings does not
awards are not absolute and without exceptions as they are still foreclose resort to the courts for provisional reliefs. The Rules of the
judicially reviewable. Chapter 7 of RA 9285 has made it clear that all ICC, which governs the partiesÊ arbitral dispute, allows the
arbitral awards, whether domestic or foreign, are subject to judicial application of a party to a judicial authority for interim or
review on specific grounds provided for. conservatory measures. Likewise, Section 14 of Republic Act (R.A.)
No. 876 (The Arbitration Law) recognizes the rights of any party to
Grounds for judicial review different in domestic and petition the court to take measures to safeguard and/or conserve any
foreign arbitral awards·for foreign or international matter which is the subject of the dispute in arbitration. In addition,
arbitral awards, the grounds for setting aside, rejecting or R.A. 9285, otherwise known as the “Alternative Dispute Resolution
vacating the award by the Regional Trial Court (RTC) are Act of 2004,” allows the filing of provisional or interim measures with
provided under Art. 34(2) of the United Nations the regular courts whenever the arbitral tribunal has no power to act
Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) or to act effectively. It is thus beyond cavil that the RTC has authority
Model Law, while for final domestic arbitral awards, they and jurisdiction to grant interim measures of protection.
ADR | Mediation | Arbitration 3
LM Power Engineering Corporation vs. Capitol 2040 applicable to both compromises and arbitrations are obtaining,
Industrial Construction Groups, Inc., G.R. No. 141833. the arbitrators’ award may be annulled or rescinded. Consequently,
March 26, 2003 the decision of the Arbitration Committee is subject to judicial review.
The inclusion of an arbitration clause in a contract does
not ipso facto divest the courts of jurisdiction to pass upon An aggrieved party before the Arbitration Committee has
the findings of arbitral bodies, because the awards are still several judicial remedies available - it may petition the
judicially reviewable under certain conditions. RTC to issue an order vacating the award on the grounds
We side with respondent. Essentially, the dispute arose from the provided for under Section 24 of the Arbitration Law, or
partiesÊ incongruent positions on whether certain provisions of their file a petition for review under Rule 43 of the Rules of
Agreement could be applied to the facts. The instant case involves Court with the Court of Appeals, or file a petition for
technical discrepancies that are better left to an arbitral body that has certiorari under Rule 65.
expertise in those areas. In any event, the inclusion of an arbitration Petitioner had several judicial remedies available at its disposal after
clause in a contract does not ipso facto divest the courts of the Arbitration Committee denied its Motion for Reconsideration. It
jurisdiction to pass upon the findings of arbitral bodies, because the may petition the proper RTC to issue an order vacating the award on
awards are still judicially reviewable under certain conditions. the grounds provided for under Section 24 of the Arbitration Law.
Petitioner likewise has the option to file a petition for review under
Being an inexpensive, speedy and amicable method of Rule 43 of the Rules of Court with the Court of Appeals on questions
settling disputes, arbitration - along with mediation, of fact, of law, or mixed questions of fact and law. Lastly, petitioner may
conciliation and negotiation - is encouraged by the file a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court on
Supreme Court; Arbitration is regarded as the “wave of the the ground that the Arbitrator Committee acted without or in excess
future” in international civil and commercial disputes; of its jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack
Consistent with the policy of encouraging alternative or excess of jurisdiction. Since this case involves acts or omissions of
dispute resolution methods, courts should liberally a quasi- judicial agency, the petition should be filed in and cognizable
construe arbitration clauses. only by the Court of Appeals.
Being an inexpensive, speedy and amicable method of settling disputes,
arbitration - along with mediation, conciliation and negotiation - is The proper recourse of an aggrieved party from the denial
encouraged by the Supreme Court. Aside from unclogging judicial of its motion for reconsideration by the Arbitration
dockets, arbitration also hastens the resolution of disputes, especially Committee is to file either a motion to vacate the arbitral
of the commercial kind. It is thus regarded as the “wave of the future” award with the RTC, a petition for review with the Court
in international civil and commercial disputes. Brushing aside a of Appeals under Rule 43, or a petition for certiorari
contractual agreement calling for arbitration between the parties under Rule 65.
would be a step backward. Consistent with the above-mentioned The proper recourse of petitioner from the denial of its motion for
policy of encouraging alternative dispute resolution methods, courts reconsideration by the Arbitration Committee is to file either a
should liberally construe arbitration clauses. Provided such clause is motion to vacate the arbitral award with the RTC, a petition for
susceptible of an interpretation that covers the asserted dispute, an review with the Court of Appeals under Rule 43 of the Rules of
order to arbitrate should be granted. Any doubt should be resolved in Court, or a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of
favor of arbitration. Court. In the case at bar, petitioner filed a petition for review with the
RTC when the same should have been filed with the Court of Appeals
Recourse to the CIAC may now be availed of whenever a under Rule 43 of the Rules of Court. Thus, the RTC of Makati did not
contract “contains a clause for the submission of a future err in dismissing the petition for review for lack of jurisdiction but not
controversy to arbitration”. on the ground that petitioner should have filed a separate case from
On the other hand, Section 1 of Article III of the new Rules of Civil Case No. 92-145 but on the necessity of filing the correct
Procedure Governing Construction Arbitration has dispensed with petition in the proper court. It is immaterial whether petitioner filed
this requirement and recourse to the CIAC may now be availed of the petition for review in Civil Case No. 92- 145 as an appeal of the
whenever a contract “contains a clause for the submission of a future arbitral award or whether it filed a separate case in the RTC,
controversy to arbitration,” in this wise: “SECTION 1. Submission to considering that the RTC will only have jurisdiction over an arbitral
CIAC Jurisdiction.·An arbitration clause in a construction contract or award in cases of motions to vacate the same. Otherwise, as
a submission to arbitration of a construction dispute shall be deemed elucidated herein, the Court of Appeals retains jurisdiction in petitions
an agreement to submit an existing or future controversy to CIAC for review or in petitions for certiorari. Consequently, petitionerÊs
jurisdiction, notwithstanding the reference to a different arbitration arguments, with respect to the filing of separate action from Civil
institution or arbitral body in such contract or submission. When a Case No. 92-145 resulting in a multiplicity of suits, cannot be given
contract contains a clause for the submission of a future controversy due course.
to arbitration, it is not necessary for the parties to enter into a
submission agreement before the claimant may invoke the jurisdiction Alternative dispute resolution methods or ADRs- like
of CIAC.” The foregoing amendments in the Rules were formalized by arbitration, mediation, negotiation and conciliation - are
CIAC Resolution Nos. 2-91 and 3-93. encouraged by the Supreme Court.
Alternative dispute resolution methods or ADRs - like arbitration,
Insular Savings Bank vs. Far East Bank and Trust mediation, negotiation and conciliation - are encouraged by the
Company, G.R. No. 141818. June 22, 2006
 Supreme Court. By enabling parties to resolve their disputes amicably,
Under Article 2044 of the New Civil Code, the validity of they provide solutions that are less time-consuming, less tedious, less
any stipulation on the finality of the arbitrators’ award or confrontational, and more productive of goodwill and lasting
decision is recognized; The decision of the Arbitration relationships. It must be borne in mind that arbitration proceedings
Committee is subject to judicial review. are mainly governed by the Arbitration Law and suppletorily by the
As provided in the PCHC Rules, the findings of facts of the decision Rules of Court.
or award rendered by the Arbitration Committee shall be final and
conclusive upon all the parties in said arbitration dispute. Under Reyes vs. Balde II, G.R. No. 168384. August 7, 2006
Article 2044of the New Civil Code, the validity of any stipulation on The Construction Industry Arbitration Commission (CIAC)
the finality of the arbitratorsÊ award or decision is recognized. has original and exclusive jurisdiction over disputes arising
However, where the conditions described in Articles 2038, 2039 and from or connected with construction contracts entered
ADR | Mediation | Arbitration 4
into by parties that have agreed to submit their dispute to civil actions in which the subject of the litigation is incapable of
voluntary arbitration. pecuniary estimation.
In the case of Philrock, Inc. v. Construction Industry Arbitration
Commission, 359 SCRA 632 (2001), the Court has ruled that CIAC Being an inexpensive, speedy and amicable method of
has original and exclusive jurisdiction over disputes arising from or settling disputes, arbitration - along with mediation,
connected with construction contracts entered into by parties that conciliation and negotiation- is encouraged by the
have agreed to submit their dispute to voluntary arbitration. Section 1, Supreme Court.
Article III of the CIAC Rules of Procedure Governing Construction It bears to stress that being an inexpensive, speedy and amicable
Arbitration likewise provides that recourse to the CIAC may be method of settling disputes, arbitration- along with mediation,
availed of whenever a contract contains a clause for the submission of conciliation and negotiation - is encouraged by the Supreme Court.
a future controversy to arbitration, thus: SECTION 1. Submission to Aside from unclogging judicial dockets, arbitration also hastens the
CIAC Jurisdiction.·An arbitration clause in a construction contract or resolution of disputes, especially of the commercial kind. It is thus
a submission to arbitration of a construction dispute shall be deemed regarded as the “wave of the future” in international civil and
an agreement to submit an existing or future controversy to CIAC commercial disputes. Brushing aside a contractual agreement calling
jurisdiction, notwithstanding the reference to a different arbitration for arbitration between the parties would be a step backward.
institution or arbitral body in such contract or submission. When a
contract contains a clause for the submission of a future controversy BF Corporation vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 120105.
to arbitration, it is not necessary for the parties to enter into a March 27, 1998.
submission agreement before the claimant may invoke the jurisdiction Formal Requirements of an Agreement to Arbitrate; To
of CIAC. “subscribe” means to write underneath, as one’s name; to
sign at the end of a document.
The presence of the arbitration clause in the parties’ The formal requirements of an agreement to arbitrate are therefore
contract vests jurisdiction on the Construction Industry the following: (a) it must be in writing and (b) it must be subscribed by
Arbitration Commission (CIAC) on all controversies arising the parties or their representatives. There is no denying that the
from such contract. parties entered into a written contract that was submitted in
We agree with the findings of the Court of Appeals that the Design- evidence before the lower court. To “subscribe” means to write
Build Construction Agreement mutually entered into by the parties underneath, as one’s name; to sign at the end of a document. That
contain an arbitration clause, to wit: ARTICLE 10. ARBITRATION. All word may sometimes be construed to mean to give consent to or to
questions in dispute under the Agreement shall be submitted in attest.
accordance with the provisions of Philippine Law on Arbitration and
provided for in Article 2042 of the New Civil Code of the Philippines The failure of a party to initial the ‘Conditions of
and the provisions of Republic Act No. 876. Clearly, the presence of Contract’ does not affect compliance with the formal
the arbitration clause in the partiesÊ contract vests jurisdiction on the requirements for arbitration agreements where that
CIAC on all controversies arising from such contract. The arbitral particular portion of the covenants between the parties is
clause in the agreement is a commitment by the parties to submit to included by reference in the Articles of Agreement.
arbitration the disputes covered therein. Because that clause is The Court finds that, upon a scrutiny of the records of this case, these
binding, they are expected to abide by it in good faith. Where the requisites were complied with in the contract in question. The Articles
jurisdiction of CIAC is properly invoked, the failure or refusal of of Agreement, which incorporates all the other contracts and
herein petitioner to arbitrate shall not affect the proceedings. agreements between the parties, was signed by representatives of
Arbitration proceedings shall continue notwithstanding the absence both parties and duly notarized. The failure of the private respondent’s
or lack of participation of petitioner, and the award shall be made representative to initial the ‘Conditions of Contract’ would therefor
after receiving the evidence of the claimant. not affect compliance with the formal requirements for arbitration
agreements because that particular portion of the covenants between
E.O. No. 1008 which vests jurisdiction to the Construction the parties was included by reference in the Articles of Agreement.
Industry Arbitration Commission (CIAC) over construction
disputes is a special law - hence, it takes precedence over The potentials of arbitration as one of the alternative
Batas Pambansa Blg. 129 or the Judiciary Reorganization dispute resolution methods that are now rightfully vaunted
Act of 1980, a general law which vests jurisdiction to the as “the wave of the future” in international relations, is
Regional Trial Courts over civil actions in which the subject recognized worldwide.
of the litigation is incapable of pecuniary estimation. It should be noted that in this jurisdiction, arbitration has been held
With respect to petitioner’s contention that the action is purely civil valid and constitutional. Even before the approval on June 19, 1953 of
in nature hence, jurisdiction rests with the Regional Trial Court, the Republic Act No. 876, this Court has countenanced the settlement of
same must fail. Since the action is rooted on alleged violations of the disputes through arbitration. Republic Act No. 876 was adopted to
agreement, it is embraced by the term “construction dispute.” As supplement the New Civil Code’s provisions on arbitration. Its
CIAC aptly ruled: As regards Respondent’s assertion that the claims in potentials as one of the alternative dispute resolution methods that
the civil case are not arbitrable, this Commission again begs to digress. are now rightfully vaunted as “the wave of the future” in international
A cursory perusal of the claims in civil case would show that such fall relations, is recognized worldwide. To brush aside a contractual
within the scope of CIAC jurisdiction, to wit: (1) accounting of all agreement calling for arbitration in case of disagreement between the
payments made for the purchase of construction materials; (2) cost of parties would therefore be a step backward.
additional work; (3) balance on the contract price; (4) interest; (5)
rescission of contract; (6) moral damages; (7) exemplary damages; and ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation vs. World
(8) cost of suit. Besides, Section 23 of E.O. No. 1008 expressly Interactive Network Systems (WINS) Japan Co., Ltd.,
provides that all provisions of existing laws, proclamations, decrees, G.R. No. 169332. February 11, 2008
letters of instructions and executive orders contrary to or RA 876 itself mandates that it is the Court of First
inconsistent with E.O. No. 1008 are repealed or modified accordingly. Instance, now the RTC, which has jurisdiction over
E.O. No. 1008 which vests jurisdiction to the CIAC over construction questions relating to arbitration, such as a petition to
disputes is a special law; hence, it takes precedence over Batas vacate an arbitral award.
Pambansa Blg. 129 or the Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980, a
general law which vests jurisdiction to the Regional Trial Courts over
ADR | Mediation | Arbitration 5
RA 876 itself mandates that it is the Court of First Instance, now the As may be gleaned from the above stated provision, it is well within
RTC, which has jurisdiction over questions relating to arbitration, such the power and jurisdiction of the Court to inquire whether any
as a petition to vacate an arbitral award. instrumentality of the Government, such as a voluntary arbitrator, has
gravely abused its discretion in the exercise of its functions and
As RA 876 did not expressly provide for errors of fact and/ prerogatives. Any agreement stipulating that “the decision of the
or law and grave abuse of discretion (proper grounds for a arbitrator shall be final and unappealable” and “that no further judicial
petition for review under Rule 43 and a petition for recourse if either party disagrees with the whole or any part of the
certiorari under Rule 65, respectively) as grounds for arbitrator’s award may be availed of” cannot be held to preclude in
maintaining a petition to vacate an arbitral award in the proper cases the power of judicial review which is inherent in courts.
RTC, it necessarily follows that a party may not avail of We will not hesitate to review a voluntary arbitrator’s award where
the latter remedy on the grounds of errors of fact and/or there is a showing of grave abuse of authority or discretion and such
law or grave abuse of discretion to overturn an arbitral is properly raised in a petition for certiorari and there is no appeal,
award. nor any plain, speedy remedy in the course of law.
The law itself clearly provides that the RTC must issue an order
vacating an arbitral award only “in any one of the . . . cases” Chang vs. Assurance Corporation, No. 3567. August 20,
enumerated therein. Under the legal maxim in statutory construction 1907.
expressio unius est exclusio alterius, the explicit mention of one thing Fire Insurance; Condition Precedent.
in a statute means the elimination of others not specifically A policy of fire insurance contained a clause providing that in the
mentioned. As RA 876 did not expressly provide for errors of fact event of a loss under the policy, unless the company should deny all
and/or law and grave abuse of discretion (proper grounds for a liability, as a condition precedent to the bringing of any suit by the
petition for review under Rule 43 and a petition for certiorari under insured upon the policy the latter should first submit the question of
Rule 65, respectively) as grounds for maintaining a petition to vacate Iiability and indemnity to arbitration. Such a condition is a valid one in
an arbitral award in the RTC, it necessarily follows that a party may law, and unless it be first complied with no action.can be brought. 

not avail of the latter remedy on the grounds of errors of fact and/or
law or grave abuse of discretion to overturn an arbitral award. Waiver.
If in the course of the settlement of a loss, however, the action of the
Adamson v. Court of Appeals (232 SCRA 602) gave ample company or its agents amounts to a refusal to pay, the company will
warning that a petition to vacate filed in the RTC which is be deemed to have waived the condition precedent with reference to
not based on the grounds enumerated in Section 24 of RA arbitration and a suit upon the policy will He. 

876 should be dismissed.
Adamson v. Court of Appeals, 232 SCRA 602 (1994), gave ample Chan Linte vs. Law Union and Rock Ins. Co., etc., No.
warning that a petition to vacate filed in the RTC which is not based 16398. December 14, 1921

on the grounds enumerated in Section 24 of RA 876 should be Arbitration After Action.
dismissed. In that case, the trial court vacated the arbitral award The plaintiff, having agreed to arbitration after his action was
seemingly based on grounds included in Section 24 of RA 876 but a commenced, and having submitted his proofs to the arbitrator, in the
closer reading thereof revealed otherwise. On appeal, the CA absence of fraud or mistake, is estopped and bound by the award.
reversed the decision of the trial court and affirmed the arbitral
award. Effect Of Voluntary Submission.
Where a plaintiff commenced an action to recover upon an insurance
The Court held that a voluntary arbitrator is properly policy and then voluntarily submits the amount of his loss to
classified as a “quasi-judicial instrumentality” and is, thus, arbitration, under the terms and provisions of the policy, he cannot
within the ambit of Section 9(3) of the Judiciary ignore or nullify the award, and treat it as void upon the ground that
Reorganization Act, as amended. he is not satisfied with the decision.
In Luzon Development Bank v. Association of Luzon Development
Bank Employees, 249 SCRA 162 (1965), the Court held that a Allen vs. Province of Tayabas, No. 12283. July 25, 1918.
voluntary arbitrator is properly classified as a “quasi-judicial Arbitration Agreements.
instrumentality” and is, thus, within the ambit of Section 9 (3) of the Unless the agreement is such as absolutely to close the doors of the
Judiciary Reorganization Act, as amended. courts against the parties, which agreement would be void (Wahl and
Wahl vs. Donaldson, Sims & Co. [1903], 2 Phil., 301), courts will look
The proper remedy from the adverse decision of a with favor upon such amicable arrangements and will only with great
voluntary arbitrator, if errors of fact and/or law are reluctance interfere to anticipate or nullify the action of the arbitrator. 

raised, is a petition for review under Rule 43 of the Rules
of Court. Pleading And Practice; Remedies Of Contractor.
This rule was cited in Sevilla Trading Company v. Semana, 428 SCRA The possible remedies of the contractor are set out in the decision.
239 (2004), Manila Midtown Hotel v. Borromeo, 438 SCRA 653 As a condition precedent to action by the courts, fraud or bad faith
(2004), and Nippon Paint Employees Union-Olalia v. Court of Appeals, on the part of the responsible Government official, or arbitrary or
443 SCRA 286 (2004). These cases held that the proper remedy from unreasonable refusal of the certificate or approval must be alleged and
the adverse decision of a voluntary arbitrator, if errors of fact and/or proved. 

law are raised, is a petition for review under Rule 43 of the Rules of
Court. Thus, petitioner’s contention that it may avail of a petition for Vega vs. San Carlos Milling Co., No. 21549. October 22,
review under Rule 43 under the circumstances of this case is correct. 1924
Arbitration; Courts; Jurisdiction ; Condition.
Any agreement stipulating that “the decision of the The contracting parties may covenant to submit to arbitration
arbitrator shall be final and unappealable” and “that no whatever controversy may arise from the contract, but such a
further judicial recourse if either party disagrees with the covenant does not deprive the courts of jurisdiction to take
whole or any part of the arbitrator’s award may be availed cognizance of a cause arising therefrom, even though before the
of” cannot be held to preclude in proper cases the power difference was not first submitted to arbitration, unless it has been
of judicial review which is inherent in courts. expressly stipulated, or is necessarily inferred from the text of the
contract that before any action is instituted, the case must be
ADR | Mediation | Arbitration 6
submitted to arbitration as a condition precedent to bringing the Chan Kent vs. Micarez, G.R. No. 185758. March 9, 2011
 A.M. No. 01- 10-5-SC-PHILJA regards mediation as part of
pre-trial where parties are encouraged to personally
Del Monte Corporation-USA vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. attend the proceedings.
No. 136154. February 7, 2001 A.M. No. 01-10-5-SC-PHILJA regards mediation as part of pre-trial
Even before the enactment of Republic Act 876, the where parties are encouraged to personally attend the proceedings.
Supreme Court has countenanced the settlement of The personal non-appearance, however, of a party may be excused
disputes through arbitration; Unless the agreement is such only when the representative, who appears in his behalf, has been duly
as absolutely to close the doors of the courts against the authorized to enter into possible amicable settlement or to submit to
parties, which agreement would be void, the courts will alternative modes of dispute resolution.
look with favor upon such amicable arrangement and will
only interfere with great reluctance to anticipate or nullify Real Bank, Inc. vs. Samsung Mabuhay Corporation, G.R.
the action of the arbitrator. No. 175862. October 13, 2010

There is no doubt that arbitration is valid and constitutional in our Mediation is part of pre-trial and failure of the plaintiff
jurisdiction. Even before the enactment of RA 876, this Court has to appear thereat merits sanction on the part of the
countenanced the settlement of disputes through arbitration. Unless absent party.
the agreement is such as absolutely to close the doors of the courts In Senarlo v. Judge Paderanga, 617 SCRA 247 (2010), this Court
against the parties, which agreement would be void, the courts will accentuated that mediation is part of pre-trial and failure of the
look with favor upon such amicable arrangement and will only plaintiff to appear thereat merits sanction on the part of the absent
interfere with great reluctance to anticipate or nullify the action of the party. This court held: A.M. No. 01-10-5-SC- PHILJA dated 16 October
arbitrator. Moreover, as RA 876 expressly authorizes arbitration of 2001, otherwise known as the Second Revised Guidelines for the
domestic disputes, foreign arbitration as a system of settling Implementation of Mediation Proceedings and Section 5, Rule 18 of
commercial disputes was likewise recognized when the Philippines the Rules of Court grant judges the discretion to dismiss an action for
adhered to the United Nations “Convention on the Recognition and failure of the plaintiff to appear at mediation proceedings.
the Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards of 1958” under the 10
May 1965 Resolution No. 71 of the Philippine Senate, giving reciprocal Trinidad vs. Office of the Ombudsman, G.R. No.
recognition and allowing enforcement of international arbitration 166038. December 4, 2007
agreements between parties of different nationalities within a Criminal liability cannot be the subject of a compromise; A
contracting state. complaint for misconduct, malfeasance or misfeasance
against a public officer or employee cannot just be
Only parties to the Agreement, their assigns or heirs have withdrawn at any time by the complainant.
the right to arbitrate or could be compelled to arbitrate. Petitioner contends, however, that AEDC is barred from filing a
The Agreement between petitioner DMC-USA and private criminal complaint against him due to the dismissal on April 30, 1999
respondent MMI is a contract. The provision to submit to arbitration by the Regional Trial Court of Pasig City, Branch 261 of Civil Case No.
any dispute arising therefrom and the relationship of the parties is 66213, a case filed by the AEDC for declaration of nullity of
part of that contract and is itself a contract. As a rule, contracts are proceedings, mandamus, and injunction which sought to disqualify the
respected as the law between the contracting parties and produce Paircargo Consortium and to award the NAIA IPT III Project to
effect as between them, their assigns and heirs. Clearly, only parties to AEDC. The case was dismissed upon the parties’ joint motion with a
the Agreement, i.e., petitioners DMC-USA and its Managing Director mutual quitclaim and waiver. It is a firmly recognized rule, however,
for Export Sales Paul E. Derby, Jr., and private respondents MMI and its that criminal liability cannot be the subject of a compromise. For a
Managing Director LILY SY are bound by the Agreement and its criminal case is committed against the People, and the offended party
arbitration clause as they are the only signatories thereto. Petitioners may not waive or extinguish the criminal liability that the law imposes
Daniel Collins and Luis Hidalgo, and private respondent SFI, not for its commission. And that explains why a compromise is not one of
parties to the Agreement and cannot even be considered assigns or the grounds prescribed by the Revised Penal Code for the extinction
heirs of the parties, are not bound by the Agreement and the of criminal liability. Even a complaint for misconduct, malfeasance or
arbitration clause therein. Consequently, referral to arbitration in the misfeasance against a public officer or employee cannot just be
State of California pursuant to the arbitration clause and the withdrawn at any time by the complainant. This is because there is a
suspension of the proceedings in Civil Case No. 2637-MN pending the need to maintain the faith and confidence of the people in the
return of the arbitral award could be called for but only as to government and its agencies and instrumentalities. The ineluctable
petitioners DMC-USA and Paul E. Derby, Jr., and private respondents conclusion, therefore, is that the order dismissing the above-
MMI and LILY SY, and not as to the other parties in this case, in mentioned civil case does not bar petitionerÊs criminal prosecution.
accordance with the recent case of Heirs of Augusto L. Salas, Jr. v.
Laperal Realty Corporation, which superseded that of Toyota Motor A preliminary investigation is not the proper forum to
Philippines Corp. v. Court of Appeals. determine the alleged breach of the rule on confidentiality
of arbitration proceedings as provided under the
Where the issue before the Court could not be speedily and International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Internal Rules
efficiently resolved in its entirety if simultaneous and Republic Act No. 9285 (Alternative Dispute Resolution
arbitration proceedings and trial, or suspension of trial Act of 2004).
pending arbitration, is allowed, the trial court should hear As for petitioner’s objection to the admissibility of documents culled
and adjudicate the case in a single and complete from various proceedings like the legislative hearings before the
proceeding. Senate Blue Ribbon Committee and the arbitration proceedings
The object of arbitration is to allow the expeditious determination of before the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) International
a dispute. Clearly, the issue before us could not be speedily and Court of Arbitration in ICC Case No. 12610/TE/ MW, it is premature
efficiently resolved in its entirety if we allow simultaneous arbitration to raise the same. First, there is no showing from the above-quoted
proceedings and trial, or suspension of trial pending arbitration. pertinent portion of its assailed Resolution that the Office of the
Accordingly, the interest of justice would only be served if the trial Ombudsman relied on those documents in support of its findings. At
court hears and adjudicates the case in a single and complete the preliminary investigation, determination of probable cause merely
proceeding. entails weighing of facts and circumstances, relying on the calculus of
common sense, without resorting to the calibrations of technical rules
ADR | Mediation | Arbitration 7
of evidence. It is not the proper forum to determine the alleged Pa ra mount Insura nce Corp. vs. A.C . Ordoñez
breach by the OSG of the rule on confidentiality of arbitration Corporation, G.R. No. 175109. August 6, 2008
proceedings as provided under the ICC Internal Rules and Republic Any party who is interested to have the appealed case
Act No. 9285 (Alternative Dispute Resolution Act of 2004). mediated may also submit a “written request in any form
to the Court of Appeals.”
The arbitration tribunal is not an administrative agency For cases pending at the time the said guidelines were issued, the
that could assume primary jurisdiction over matters within Division Clerks of Court, with the assistance of the Philippine
a particular sphere of competence, particularly over any Mediation Center, shall identify the cases to be referred to mediation.
issue the resolution of which is determinative juris et de Thereafter, the petitioner or appellant shall specify, by writing or by
jure of the guilt or innocence of the accused. stamping on the right side of the caption of the initial pleading (under
Even if the Court takes cognizance of the criminal case subsequently the case number), that the case is mediatable. Further, any party who
filed with the Sandiganbayan, application by analogy may not be made. is interested to have the appealed case mediated may also submit a
Unlike in Quiambao and Abacan, the arbitration tribunal is not an “written request in any form to the Court of Appeals.” In the instant
administrative agency that could assume primary jurisdiction over case, petitioner failed to write or stamp the notation “mediatable" on
matters within a particular sphere of competence, particularly over its Memorandum of Appeal. Moreover, it failed to submit any written
any issue the resolution of which is determinative juris et de jure of request for mediation.
the guilt or innocence of petitioner.
Agbayani vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 183623. June
Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation vs Magwin 25, 2012
Marketing Corporation; G.R. No. 152878. May 5, 2003 The compulsory process of arbitration is a pre-condition
Compromise Agreements; The proper course of action that for the filing of the complaint in court.
should have been taken by the court a quo, upon The compulsory process of arbitration is a pre-condition for the filing
manifestation of the parties of their willingness to discuss of the complaint in court. Where the complaint (a) did not state that
a settlement, is to suspend the proceedings and allow them it is one of excepted cases, or (b) it did not allege prior availment of
reasonable time to come to terms; While the rules allow said conciliation process, or (c) did not have a certification that no
the trial court to suspend its proceedings consistent with conciliation had been reached by the parties, the case should be
the policy to encourage the use of alternative mechanisms dismissed.
of dispute resolution, the grant to the parties of only 15
days to conclude a deal is, to say the least, a passive and Positos vs. Chua, G.R. No. 179328. December 23, 2009

paltry attempt of the court a quo in its task of persuading Non-compliance with conciliation requirement under the
litigants to agree upon a reasonable concession. Local Government Code (Republic Act No. 7160) affects
As also explained therein, the proper course of action that should the sufficiency of a party’s cause of action and renders the
have been taken by the court a quo, upon manifestation of the parties complaint susceptible to dismissal on the ground of
of their willingness to discuss a settlement, was to suspend the prematurity.
proceedings and allow them reasonable time to come to terms (a) If As reflected above, respondent’s complaint was dismissed for failure
willingness to discuss a possible compromise is expressed by one or to comply with the conciliation process. Non-compliance affected the
both parties; or (b) If it appears that one of the parties, before the sufficiency of his cause of action and rendered the complaint
commencement of the action or proceeding, offered to discuss a susceptible, as in fact it resulted to dismissal on the ground of
possible compromise but the other party refused the offer, pursuant prematurity.
to Art. 2030 of the Civil Code. If despite efforts exerted by the trial
court and the parties the negotiations still fail, only then should the
action continue as if no suspension had taken place. Ostensibly, while
the rules allow the trial court to suspend its proceedings consistent
with the policy to encourage the use of alternative mechanisms of
dispute resolution, in the instant case, the trial court only gave the
parties fifteen (15) days to conclude a deal. This was, to say the least, a
passive and paltry attempt of the court a quo in its task of persuading
litigants to agree upon a reasonable concession. Hence, if only to
inspire confidence in the pursuit of a middle ground between
petitioner and respondents, we must not interpret the trial court’s
Orders as dismissing the action on its own motion because the
parties, specifically petitioner, were anxious to litigate their case as
exhibited in their several manifestations and motions. 

By means of pre-trial, the trial court is fully empowered to

sway the litigants to agree upon some fair compromise.
Clearly, another creative remedy was available to the court a quo to
attain a speedy disposition of Civil Case No. 99- 518 without
sacrificing the course of justice. Since the failure of petitioner to
submit a compromise agreement was the refusal of just one of herein
respondents, i.e., Benito Sy, to sign his name on the conforme of the
loan restructure documents, and the common concern of the courts a
quo was dispatch in the proceedings, the holding of a pre-trial
conference was the best-suited solution to the problem as this stage
in a civil action is where issues are simplified and the dispute quickly
and genuinely reconciled. By means of pre- trial, the trial court is fully
empowered to sway the litigants to agree upon some fair

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