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Characteristics of Alexander Pope's Poems

Alexander Pope is the third most quoted writer next to William Shakespeare and Alfred,
Lord Tennyson, according to the “Oxford Dictionary of Quotations.” One of England’s most
celebrated poets, Pope lived and wrote in the late 17th and 18th centuries. He was and remains
widely respected for his viewpoints on poetry and morality, and many of the distinct
characteristics of his poetry relate to the connection he perceived between these two topics.

Heroic Couplets
In his earlier poetry such as “An Essay on Criticism,” Pope deployed the heroic couplet. A heroic
couplet is a poetic form in which two lines written in iambic pentameter end with perfect
rhymes. For example, the opening line of “An Essay on Criticism” reads, “'Tis hard to say, if
greater Want of Skill / Appear in Writing or Judging ill.” Though the heroic couplet had been a
poetic form since Chaucer wrote, Pope’s use of it in his poetry was relatively original in his day.
Heroic couplets add a sing-songy quality to some of his poetry.

Morality and Virtue

In poems such as “An Essay on Criticism” and “Dunciad,” Pope explores issues around morality,
virtue and poetry, some of his favorite topics. In these poems, Pope makes strong cases for the
connection between authoring poems and being a moral and virtuous person. He believed that
the qualities that make a good poet and literary critic are the same qualities that make a good
person: thoughtfulness, carefulness and strong faith. Pope fully systematized his thoughts on
poetry and virtue in his later work “An Essay on Man.” In this poem, Pope argues that humans
must accept their position in nature as being between angels and beasts, and that only if they do
so are they able to lead virtuous lives.

Critical of Other Poets

Given his lofty opinions on poetry, poets and morality, Pope did not have a very high opinion of
many of his contemporary poets. Poems such as “Essay on Criticism,” “Dunciad,” and “Essay on
Man” all harangue lesser poets whom Pope considers to be inferior to him. In “Dunciad,” he
refers to these inferior poets as “hacks,” “scribblers” and “dunces.” Needless to say, though he
was widely respected for his contributions to poetry and moral philosophy, Pope was not
profoundly popular in poetry circles.

Satire and Imitation

Another feature of several of Pope’s poems, including his famous mock-epic poem “The Rape of
the Lock,” is his careful imitation of other poetic styles and his development of satire. In “The
Rape of the Lock,” Pope imitates epic poems in an effort to satirize high society in 18th-century
England. Similarly, in a late poem “Imitations of Horace,” Pope imitates an epic about Horace to
satirically criticize England’s monarch George II.

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