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Stage 7 Mission Example

Chris Jones

MISSION: Think of a free gift idea for an Opt In Page that would be attractive for
the Qualia Mind avatar you created, then write out the elements (Headline,
Intrigue Elements, Authority Elements) for an Opt In Page for your free gift.

The free gift eBook: 7 simple tactics to TURN ON your natural creativity

Flip your “mental lightswitch” to

unlock ALL your unused brain power
● Learn the 4 M’s of Inspiration, and how to use each one so you never
run out of big ideas
● How to laser-focus on tasks and execute them 3x faster so you can get
more done every day
● How coffee destroys your ability to focus long-term… and what to use
● How to combine Divergent and Convergent thinking to maximize your
brain’s “Idea Factory”
● Learn the 5 TRUE superfoods that are like high-octane fuel for your
● Learn how to neurohack your brain with the “Hot/Cold” mental
framing technique

● Pull wild ideas out of thin air with your new “creativity muscles,” then
sharpen them to a razor’s edge
● Harness all the power of Creative Thinking to come up with
million-dollar ideas for yourself and your company
● Gain a huge advantage over all the other entrepreneurs competing for
your customers

Enter your email below to get this FREE eBook:

“7 simple tactics to TURN ON your natural creativity”


Email address:

Dr. Hal Cooper, PhD

Founder of Qualia Mind
Senior Chairman of the Neurohacker Collective
Helping maximize the human brain’s potential

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