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Software Requirements Specification for Low-Raise Building Elevator System

Prepared for Daniel Berry Davor Svetinovic

Qian (Kevin) Chen Student ID: 20191995 November 08, 2005

Table of Contents
1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 5 1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................. 5 1.2 Scope .................................................................................................................... 5 1.3 Acronyms, Abbreviations, Definitions, Notational Conventions ........................... 5 1.4 References............................................................................................................. 6 1.5 Overview............................................................................................................... 6 2 General Descriptions .................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Product Perspective ............................................................................................... 7 2.2 Product Features.................................................................................................... 8 2.3 User Characteristics............................................................................................... 9 2.4 General Constraints ............................................................................................... 9 2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies............................................................................. 9 3 Specific Requirements................................................................................................ 10 3.1 Functional Requirements ..................................................................................... 10 3.1.1 Overall System ............................................................................................. 10 System Sequence Diagrams ................................................................... 10 System State Diagrams .......................................................................... 18 3.1.2 State Diagrams.............................................................................................. 18 3.1.3 Transition Diagram....................................................................................... 24 3.1.4 Collaboration Diagrams ................................................................................ 25 3.1.5 Class Diagrams ............................................................................................. 33 3.2 External Interface Requirements.......................................................................... 37 3.2.1 User Interfaces.............................................................................................. 37 3.2.2 Hardware Interface-Application Program Interface ....................................... 38 3.2.3 Communications Interfaces........................................................................... 39 4 Reference Tables and Descriptions............................................................................. 40 4.1 Functional Requirements Table and Traceability Document ................................ 40 4.2 Non-Functional Requirements Table and Traceability Document ........................ 44 4.3 Use Case Descriptions and Use Case Diagram..................................................... 45 4.3.1 UC01: Turn elevator system on..................................................................... 47 4.3.2 UC02: Turn elevator system off .................................................................... 48 4.3.3 UC03: Elevator in AUTO mode Transport passenger ................................. 50 4.3.4 UC04: Elevator in AUTO mode -- Request elevator at floor ......................... 53 4.3.5 UC05: Change to elevator mode/Operator..................................................... 57 4.3.6 UC06: Change to elevator mode/Passenger ................................................... 60 4.3.7 UC07: Change to HOLD mode ..................................................................... 62 4.3.7 UC08: Close elevator door............................................................................ 65 4.4 Index (for the entire SRS) .................................................................................... 66

Table of Figures
Figure 2-2 Elevator Control System Context Diagram..................................................... 8 Figure 3-01 System Sequence Diagrams -- Turn elevator system on.............................. 10 Figure 3-02 System Sequence Diagrams -- Turn elevator system off ............................. 10 Figure 3-03 System Sequence Diagrams Transport passenger..................................... 11 Figure 3-04 System Sequence Diagrams Detect blockage........................................... 11 Figure 3-05 System Sequence Diagrams Trigger Fire Alarm ...................................... 12 Figure 3-06 System Sequence Diagrams Sound Alarm Bell........................................ 12 Figure 3-07 System Sequence Diagrams -- Push emergence stop button........................ 13 Figure 3-09 System Sequence Diagrams Detected overload........................................ 14 Figure 3-10 System Sequence Diagrams -- Stop elevator car ......................................... 14 Figure 3-13 System Sequence Diagrams Switch to AUTO mode................................ 16 Figure 3-14 System Sequence Diagrams Switch to HOLD mode................................ 16 Figure 3-15 System Sequence Diagrams Close elevator door...................................... 17 Figure 3-16 System Sequence Diagrams -- Close elevator door with timer .................... 17 Figure 3-17 System State Diagrams -- Elevator Control System .................................... 18 Figure 3-18 State Diagrams Setting Up ...................................................................... 18 Figure 3-19 State Diagrams Resetting ........................................................................ 18 Figure 3-20 State Diagrams Closing Door .................................................................. 19 Figure 3-21 State Diagrams Dispatching Elevators..................................................... 19 Figure 3-22 State Diagrams Controlling Elevators...................................................... 20 Figure 3-23 State Diagrams Normally Running .......................................................... 20 Figure 3-24 State Diagrams Turning Fire Alarm ON .................................................. 21 Figure 3-25 State Diagrams Emergency Stop/Service Mode ON ................................ 21 Figure 3-26 State Diagrams Hold Mode Running ....................................................... 21 Figure 3-27 State Diagrams Sounding Alarm Bell ...................................................... 22 Figure 3-28 State Diagrams Turning off Mode ........................................................... 22 Figure 3-29 State Diagrams Moving to Destination Floor........................................... 22 Figure 3-30 State Diagrams Opening Car Door .......................................................... 23 Figure 3-31 Transition Diagram .................................................................................... 24 Figure 3-32 Collaboration Diagrams Unified Collaboration Diagrams........................ 25 Figure 3-33 Collaboration Diagrams Turn power on (when elevator runs in AUTO mode)............................................................................................................................ 26 Figure 3-34 Collaboration Diagrams Stop at destination floor (when elevator runs in AUTO mode) ................................................................................................................ 27 Figure 3-35 Collaboration Diagrams Turn off power for both elevators....................... 28 Figure 3-36 Collaboration Diagrams Pick up passenger.............................................. 29 Figure 3-37 Collaboration Diagrams Switch to Hold mode......................................... 30 Figure 3-38 Collaboration Diagrams Switch to AUTO mode...................................... 31 Figure 3-39 Collaboration Diagrams push Alarm Bell button ..................................... 32 Figure 3-40 Collaboration Diagrams Close door......................................................... 32 Figure 3-41 Class Diagrams Elevator Control System ................................................ 33 Figure 3-42 Operator User Interface .............................................................................. 37 Figure 3-43 Passenger User Interface ............................................................................ 37 Figure 3-44 Floor Lamp ................................................................................................ 38

Figure 3-45 Floor Button............................................................................................... 38 Figure 4-1 Elevator Control System Use Case Diagram................................................. 46

1 Introduction
This document is the complete product requirement specification for the elevator control system. The document specifies an elevator control system in MC building and contains all information regarding the requirements. This document and any future revisions of this document are based on the behavior of the existing elevator control system with the hardware constrains.

1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to detail the requirements placed on the elevator control system. And it can be used in the further design process. It also defines what the expected functions are and how the components of elevator control system work together.

1.2 Scope
This document covers the details of the elevator control system, including the hardware, behaviors, functional and non-functional requirements. The document specifies environment behavior where the elevator control system can work (the real-word environment may fail the fabricated unrealistic scenarios). Enough details have been provided to implement the elevator control system.

1.3 Acronyms, Abbreviations, Definitions, Notational Conventions

For this document, the following abbreviations are defined: SRS Software Requirement Specification Req# Requirement Number FRs Functional Requirements NFRs Non-functional Requirements UC Use Case Each requirement gets a unique number. FRs are numbered F1, F2,, and NFRs are numbered N1, N2, For this document, there is not terminology requiring definitions. In Use Case Diagrams, use cases are drawn as ovals with the labels. The reader should treat the dashed line and solid line as the relationships between actors and use cases. In this document, the choice of font is meaningful: Narrative text is in Time New Roman 5

System components, states, and events are in bold italic Time New Roman. Introduced terms are in italic Arial.

1.4 References
[1] How Elevators Work [2] Use Cases Slides by Nancy Day [3] IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications [4] Davor Svetinovics Notes: Software Requirements Specification (SRS) [5] uberTurnstile --- Example Requirement Specification Document

1.5 Overview
In the rest of the document, Section 2 gives a general description of the system, and identifies all assumptions and constraints placed on the system. Section 3 describes the input-out behavior of the system and includes all UML and User Interface diagrams. Finally, Section 4 presents FRs and NFRs table, Use Case Descriptions and Diagram.

2 General Descriptions
The elevator system that we have to analyze consists of the two elevators in the MC building. Suppose the elevators in MC building are the roped elevators. The elevator system consists of the following externally visible components: (as the point of passenger or operator) The elevator car is used to hold the passengers. The buttons in the elevator car is used to control the elevator and send the passengers to the floor where they want to be. The buttons on each floor are used to request service. The floor lamp indicates where the elevator car is. The elevator lamp indicates which floor the elevator reaches. The elevator doors include the outside door and inside door. The elevator motor is used to lift or lower the elevator car. The door motor is used to open or close the door. The elevator system consists of the following invisible components: (as the point of passenger or operator) The timer is to send time-out signal to close the door. The elevator control system Floor position sensor is to find where is the car (a light sensor or magnetic sensor on the side of the car reads a series of holes on a long vertical tape in the shaft. By counting the holes speeding by, the computer knows exactly where the car is in the shaft. [1]) Alarm All other sensors (Door sensor, Load sensor)

2.1 Product Perspective

The elevator control system is used to take the passenger from floor A to floor B.


r oo

. No

wa yc le a r( bo o l)

ei gh t

Do or

Figure 2-2 Elevator Control System Context Diagram

2.2 Product Features

The main function of elevator system is to take the passenger from floor A to floor B. The passenger who wants to go to the destination floor requests a service with indicating direction. And then the passenger is taken to the certain floor by pushing the floor number button in the elevator. Some other safety function features of elevator control system are as following: 1, door way clear sensor is to make sure that there is no one between the doors. 2, load sensor is to indicate the cars capacity. The main non-function feature of elevator system is safety. 3, automatic braking systems brings the elevator car to a stop if it moves too far in either direction 4, one of the ropes snaps, the rest will hold the elevator up 5, built-in braking systems 6, the bottom of the shaft has a heavy-duty shock absorber system In above 6 points, 1 and 2 are relevant to elevator control system.

Pr es s

bu tto

s es Pr n t to bu

to Au m

Position (floor, direction)

e od
(F al e gn inat si m Illu

S lo w to s to /d o wn p

Mo ve up

loo ) o. rN

2.3 User Characteristics

Passenger is the one who want to go the destination floor. He or she can sound alarm bell, fire alarm or push emergency stop button at specific situation. Passenger serves as a surrogate for buttons and sensors. Operator is the person who managers the elevator system. He or she can put the elevator on AUTO, HOLD, SERVICE MODE, and turn on or off the whole system. If operator doesnt change system state, we can think him or her as a passenger. Timer is the initiator that sends out the time-out signal. Floor Position Sensor is the initiator that notifies the system to stop at the destination floor. Door Sensor is the initiator that notifies the system if the car door is completely opened or closed. Load Sensor will inform the system with weight. Door Way Clear Sensor is the initiator that notifies the system if there is blockage between the doors.

2.4 General Constraints

The car has limited capacity. The system won't make any more pick-up stops until some people have gotten off.[1] The outer door of a shaft should keep close unless the elevator stops at that floor. The elevator starts to move after the door is completely closed. The elevator car moves at the certain speed and starts or stops gradually.

2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies

Suppose the elevators in MC building are the roped elevators. Suppose the passenger is acting as a surrogate for external devices (e.g. buttons or sensors) Suppose two elevators work together. Suppose there are two doors for each elevatorfloor door and car door. When the car door opens, it pulls out the floor door. When car door closes, it pulls together the floor door. Suppose that the elevator control panel has the similar structure with computer keyboard. Every button and switch on the control panel has to send the signal to the elevator control system. Suppose that the car has never run out of the top or bottom hoist way limit. Suppose that there is not communication error. ( signals will never be lost)

3 Specific Requirements
3.1 Functional Requirements
3.1.1 Overall System System Sequence Diagrams UC01: Turn elevator system on

Elevator Control System Operator

Send power on signal

Figure 3-01 System Sequence Diagrams -- Turn elevator system on

UC02: Turn elevator system off

Figure 3-02 System Sequence Diagrams -- Turn elevator system off


UC03: Elevator in AUTO mode Transport passenger

Figure 3-03 System Sequence Diagrams Transport passenger

UC03 (a): Detect blockage

Figure 3-04 System Sequence Diagrams Detect blockage

UC03 (b): Trigger Fire Alarm


Figure 3-05 System Sequence Diagrams Trigger Fire Alarm

UC03 (c): Sound Alarm Bell

Elevator Control System Passenger

Push alarm bell button

Figure 3-06 System Sequence Diagrams Sound Alarm Bell

UC03 (d): Press emergency stop button


Elevator Control System passenger

Push emergence stop button

Figure 3-07 System Sequence Diagrams -- Push emergence stop button

UC03 (e): Switch mode to Service

Figure 3-08 System Sequence Diagrams Switch mode to Service

UC03 (f): Detected overload


Figure 3-09 System Sequence Diagrams Detected overload

UC03 (g): Stop elevator car

Figure 3-10 System Sequence Diagrams -- Stop elevator car

UC04: Elevator in AUTO mode -- Request elevator at floor


Figure 3-11 System Sequence Diagrams Request elevator at floor

UC05: Change elevator mode/Operator

Elevator Control System Operator

Step into Turn switch

Figure 3-12 System Sequence Diagrams Change elevator mode/Operator

UC05 (a): Switch to AUTO mode


Figure 3-13 System Sequence Diagrams Switch to AUTO mode

UC07: Change to HOLD mode

Figure 3-14 System Sequence Diagrams Switch to HOLD mode


UC08: Close elevator door

Figure 3-15 System Sequence Diagrams Close elevator door

UC8 (a): Close elevator door with timer

Elevator Control System Timer

Send time out signal

Figure 3-16 System Sequence Diagrams -- Close elevator door with timer

17 System State Diagrams

Figure 3-17 System State Diagrams -- Elevator Control System

3.1.2 State Diagrams

Figure 3-18 State Diagrams Setting Up

Figure 3-19 State Diagrams Resetting

resetElevatorStatus(), resetVisitList()


Figure 3-20 State Diagrams Closing Door

Figure 3-21 State Diagrams Dispatching Elevators


Figure 3-22 State Diagrams Controlling Elevators

Figure 3-23 State Diagrams Normally Running


Figure 3-24 State Diagrams Turning Fire Alarm ON * When elevator status is updated to FA, both elevator visiting list are set to move to default floor and any request is ignored.

Figure 3-25 State Diagrams Emergency Stop/Service Mode ON * When elevator status is updated to SS, elevator visiting list are set to move to default floor and any request is ignored

Figure 3-26 State Diagrams Hold Mode Running


Figure 3-27 State Diagrams Sounding Alarm Bell * When elevator status is updated to AB, visiting list is set to move to default floor and any request is ignored.

Figure 3-28 State Diagrams Turning off Mode

Figure 3-29 State Diagrams Moving to Destination Floor


Figure 3-30 State Diagrams Opening Car Door


3.1.3 Transition Diagram

Figure 3-31 Transition Diagram

choose elevator

Turn on

Turn off

Be notified visiting floor and visited floor


3.1.4 Collaboration Diagrams

Figure 3-32 Collaboration Diagrams Unified Collaboration Diagrams


Figure 3-33 Collaboration Diagrams Turn power on (when elevator runs in AUTO mode)





Elevator Control System

1:approachingFloor (in elevator#, in floor#)




4a:carIndicator ( in floor #) on 8a:carIndicator ( in floor #) off

Elevator Control
5:doorOpen() 7:startTimer(): timeout 2a:currentElevatorStatus() doorSensor

4b:floorIndicator (in floor #) on 8b:floorIndicator (in floor #) off floorPositionIndicator

8:checkNextDest():stop 2: checkCurrentFloor(): direction, floorstatus

3:motorComm stop sheaveMotor



Figure 3-34 Collaboration Diagrams Stop at destination floor (when elevator runs in AUTO mode)




Elevator Control System

4:doorComm close 10:doorComm open

7:approachingFloor (in elevator#, in floor#)



5a:carIndicator( in floor #) off 11a:carIndicator( in floor #) on

System Status Controller Elevator Control

5:doorClosed() 11:doorOpen()

5b:floorIndicator(i n floor #) off 11b:floorIndicator floorPositionIndicator (in floor #) on

doorSensor 3b:currentElevatorStatus() 6:motorComm: move down 9:motorComm: stop sheaveMotor



8:checkCurrentFloor() :stop

2:updateElevatorStatus(OFF) elevatorModeButton &Switch 1:modeRequest()




Figure 3-35 Collaboration Diagrams Turn off power for both elevators


Figure 3-36 Collaboration Diagrams Pick up passenger


Figure 3-37 Collaboration Diagrams Switch to Hold mode


Figure 3-38 Collaboration Diagrams Switch to AUTO mode





Elevator Control System

8:approachingFloor (in elevator#, in floor#)




11:carIndicator ( in floor #)

Elevator Control



11a:floorIndicator (in floor #) floorPositionIndicator

12a:startTimer() timeout 4:currentElevatorStatus(): AB

12:doorOpen() 6:doorClosed() doorSensor 7:motorComm down 10a:motorComm stop 9:checkCurrentFloor():stop 10:visitingFloor() 2a:alarmComm




2:updateElevatorStatus(AB) elevatorModeButton &Switch 1:modeRequest()





Figure 3-39 Collaboration Diagrams push Alarm Bell button


Elevator Control System

4:doorComm open 7:doorComm close 2:weigh() loadSensor

Elevator Control

3:doorWayClear():F 6:doorWayClear():T 1:doorOpen() 5:dorrOpen() 8:doorClosed()


1a:startTimer(): timeout 5a:startTimer(): timeout



Figure 3-40 Collaboration Diagrams Close door 32

3.1.5 Class Diagrams

Figure 3-41 Class Diagrams Elevator Control System

3.1.6 Operations
Operation Name processEvents() Purpose According to different events, send different commands Return elevator status Parameters event Pre-Cond Post-Cond action

currentElevatorStatu s()


Operation Name carRequest() Purpose Parameters elevator #, floor #, direction elevator #, status Pre-Cond Post-Cond



Operation Name resetVisitList() visitingFloor() Purpose Add default floor to list Parameters elevator #, floor #, direction elevator #, floor #, direction floor #, direction elevator #, floor #, direction elevator # elevator #, floor # Pre-Cond Post-Cond


chooseElevator() updateVisitList()

Choose one elevator to pick up passengers at floor

elevator #

checkNextDest() checkCurrentFloor ()

See if elevator should stop

Direction {Up, Down, Stop} {T, F}, Direction {Up, Down, Stop}

Operation Name resetElevatorStatus () updateElevatorStat us() checkElevatorStatu s() Purpose Add ON status to system elevator# SS,OFF,A B,SB etc. status Parameters Pre-Cond Post-Cond

Operation Name initialize() doorOpen() doorClosed() Purpose True when door is fully open True when door is fully closed Parameters Pre-Cond Post-Cond {T, F} {T, F}

Operation Name initialize() doorWayClear() Purpose True when door way is clear Parameters Pre-Cond Post-Cond {T, F}

Operation Name initialize() weigh() Purpose Give weight Parameters Pre-Cond Post-Cond weight


Operation Name initialize() approachingFloor() Purpose True when car is approaching to each floor Parameters elevator # floor # Pre-Cond Post-Cond {T, F}

Operation Name initialize() inCarRequest() Purpose Go to destination floor. Parameters elevator # floor #, direction Pre-Cond Post-Cond

Operation Name initialize() modeChangeRequ est() Purpose Change elevator mode Parameters Elevator status. SS,OFF,A B,SB etc. Pre-Cond Post-Cond

Operation Name initialize() floorRequest() Purpose Request service at floor Parameters elevator # floor #, direction Pre-Cond Post-Cond

Operation Name requestService() carService() Purpose Parameters floor #, direction elevator # floor #, direction Pre-Cond Post-Cond

Operation Name initialize() open() close() Purpose Open door Close door Parameters Pre-Cond Post-Cond

Operation Name initialize() Purpose Parameters Pre-Cond Post-Cond


stop() moveUp() moveDown()

Elevator stop Elevator move up Elevator move down

Stoped Up Down

Operation Name initialize() off() On() Purpose Illuminate indicator Deluminate indicator Parameters Pre-Cond Post-Cond

Operation Name initialize() off() On() Purpose Illuminate indicator Deluminate indicator Parameters Pre-Cond Post-Cond

Operation Name initialize() Off() On() Purpose Disable alarm Enable alarm Parameters Pre-Cond Post-Cond


3.2 External Interface Requirements

3.2.1 User Interfaces
The operators interface is shown in Figure 3-42 The operator switches the system on or off by using this key-operated interface. To turn the light on, the operator inserts the key and turns the key to on position. To turn the light off, the operator inserts the key and turns the key to off position. Same thing happens to Fan and Service switch.

The passengers interface is shown in Figure 3-43 Passengers can push the floor number buttons, door open button, emergence stop button and alarm button.


Service Auto Hold


Service Auto

Emergency Stop


Emergency Stop


Figure 3-42 Operator User Interface

Figure 3-43 Passenger User Interface

Passengers can also see the floor lamp to know where the elevator is


Figure 3-44 Floor Lamp Passengers can push floor button to request the service

Figure 3-45 Floor Button

3.2.2 Hardware Interface-Application Program Interface

EI EO EI represents External Input represents External Output elevator buttons and switches Hardware Interface (Front End): Passengers can push buttons and Operator can put the switches on 'on' or 'off' position. See above figures. Application Program Interface (Back End): Elevator control system has an interface to handle the singles sent from the hardware. car position indicator Hardware Interface (Front End): Passengers can see the indicator in elevator to know which floor they are. The indicator may controlled by electronic switching circuit Application Program Interface (Back End): Elevator control system has an interface with electronic switching circuit. floor position sensor Hardware Interface (Front End): "a light sensor or magnetic sensor on the side of the car reads a series of holes on a long vertical tape in the shaft."[1] The sensor sends the signals to elevator control system Application Program Interface (Back End): Elevator control system has an interface with to handle the signals sent from the sensor. "By counting the holes speeding by, it knows exactly where the car is in the shaft."[1] motor Application Program Interface (Back End): 'The computer varies the motor speed so that the car slows down gradually as it reaches each floor"[1]






door motor Application Program Interface (Back End): elevator control system has an interface to send the order to door motor to control door opening and closing door way clear sensor: Hardware Interface (Front End): a light sensor on the side of the door to sense the stuff between the doors. Application Program Interface (Back End): elevator control system has an interface to receive the signal sent from door sensor. floor position indicator Hardware Interface (Front End): Passengers are notified where the elevator is by seeing the floor position indicator on the top of the door. Application Program Interface (Back End): elevator control system has an interface to send the order to floor indicator electronic switch circuit to turn on or off the indicator floor up/down button Hardware Interface (Front End): Passenger can push floor button to request the service. Application Program Interface (Back End): The elevator scheduler has an interface to accept the signals load sensor Hardware Interface (Front End): a sensor on floor is used to get the weight information and send it to elevator control system. Application Program Interface (Back End): The elevator control system has an interface to accept the weight information.





3.2.3 Communications Interfaces

There are no other external systems the elevator control system is designed to communicate with.


4 Reference Tables and Descriptions

4.1 Functional Requirements Table and Traceability Document
Req# Name F1 Create elevator button interface Description Deal with the signals sent from the elevator control panel Coordinate two elevators work together 1, Accept the request from the floor request button and identify the floor number 2, Accept the notification from each elevator control system The elevator scheduler accept the signals sent from the floor button Details/ Category Constraints Parameters: E signals that are sent from elevator control panel Parameters: I 1, floor number 2, a list of floor number to visit Output: Elevator number Related Req#s F10, Sources General Descriptions Related UC#s UC01,02, 03,04,05 06,07,08 Where Specified Page 5


Create elevator scheduler


Assumptions UC01, 02 and Dependencies

Page 6, Section 2.5


Create floor button interface

Parameters: E signals that are sent from the floor button

F10, N2

General Descriptions


Page 5



Create timer interface




1, Accept a request to reset timer 2, Send time-out order to the elevator control system Create direction Accept the order lamp from the elevator interface(optional) control system to enable the direction lamp and indicate the passenger Create Accept the order car position from the elevator indicator control system to interface enable the indicator and indicate the passenger which floor the elevator is Create elevator Accept the order motor interface from the elevator control system to stop the elevator. Notify the elevator control system the elevator stops

Parameters: 1, request to reset timer Output: 2, time-out signal Output: Signal to turn lamp on


General Descriptions


Page 6


General Descriptions

Page 5

Output: Signal to turn lamp on


General Descriptions

Page 5

Parameter: Signal to stop elevator Output: elevator stops


General Descriptions

Page 6



Create door motor 1, Accept the interface order from the elevator control system to open the door 2, Accept the order from timer to close the door Create floor position sensor interface Create elevator control system 1, Send the signal when approaching every floor Inputs: 1, Accept the signals sent from the elevator control panel 2, Accept the commands sent from the elevator scheduler 3, Accept the time-out order 4, Accept the elevator stops notification 5, Accept the signal when approaching every floor 6, Accept the

Parameter: 1, open door signal 2, close door signal


General Descriptions

Page 6



Parameter: I 1, floor number Parameter: I 1, elevator button signal 2, commands 3, time-out 4, stop signal 5, arriving signal 6, closing door signal 7, weight 8, Speed signal


General Descriptions General Descriptions


Page 6

F1,2,3,4,5, 6,7,8,9, N1,2,3,4,

UC01,02, 03,04,05, 06,07,08,

Page 6

Output: 1, notification message 2, request to


order from timer to close the door 7, Accept the weight 8, Accept the speed signal Outputs: 1, Send the notification to the elevator scheduler 2, Send a request to reset timer 3, Send the order to enable the direction lamp 4, Send the order to enable the elevator lamp 5, Send the order to stop the elevator. 6, Send the order to open the door 7, Send the command to alarm F11

reset timer 3, order to enable direction lamp 4, order to enable elevator lamp 5, order to stop elevator 6, order to open door 7, order to ring an alarm


Create load sensor Send the weight to Parameter: interface the elevator weight control system Indicate that the Create door sensor door is completely


General Descriptions General Descriptions UC01,02, 03,04,05,

Page 6


Page 6


open or closed F13 Elevator manager Accept mode changes and request from inside elevator and update visiting list and elevator status I F10 General Descriptions

06,07,08, UC01,02, 03,04,05, 06,07,08, Page 6

4.2 Non-Functional Requirements Table and Traceability Document

Req# Name Description Details/ Constraints Catego ry Relate d Req#s Sourc es Related UC#s Where Specified


Hardware Compatibility


Software Compatibility



All hardware in elevator control system have to work together and no problems All programming languages used in elevator control system have to work together Operator has special right to trigger some specific operations Elevators in MC must

Sheave motor, door motor, sensors, indicators etc. Some components may use C language, Other components may use C++. Key-switch enable operator own right exclusively. E.g. using key to change modes. Passengers can use their









have same behaviors as other elevators 1, One of the ropes snaps, the rest will hold the elevator up 2, built-in braking systems 3, The bottom of the shaft has a heavy-duty shock absorber system It implements in hardware. It just choose one elevator to pickup passenger at floor

previous experience to operate elevators N.A.

How elevat or works

http://science. howstuffworks. com/elevator5. htm

Passenger request service at floot

4.3 Use Case Descriptions and Use Case Diagram


Stop Elevator Car Floor Position Sensor

Request to go to Destination Floor

Launce Fire Alarm

Emergence stop Passenger Dispatch Elevator Car Request elevator at Floor Sound Alarm Bell

Close Door Timer Turn on elevator power Put elevator on Hold

Detect Overload Load Sensor

Turn on elevator power Operator

Put elevator on automatic

Detect Blockage Door Way Clear Sensor

Turn off elevator light

Put elevator on service

Detect Door Status Door Open Sensor

Figure 4-1 Elevator Control System Use Case Diagram


4.3.1 UC01: Turn elevator system on

Author: Kevin Chen Preconditions: Elevator control system is off. Event: Elevator control system receives the signal to turn on the elevator power Post-conditions: Elevator control system is on. Goal: This use case shows how elevator controller sets up. System: Elevator Controller Actors: Operator Overview: This use case captures the process of turning on the elevator power References: Related Use Cases: UC03, UC04, UC07, UC08 Typical Process Description Actor Action 1. Operator change the switch to on position

System Responsibility

2. System deluminate all elevator buttons. 3. System reset all signals to default value. 4. System closes all elevator doors. 5. System sends two elevators to first floor. 6. System illuminate floor position indicators as floor 1 for two elevators Alternatives 1: AUTO mode when power is on 7. System waits for signals to change idle state 8. Continue with UC03, UC04 Alternatives 2: Service mode when power is on 7. The elevator with service mode enabled stays at the first floor (default floor) with


doors open 8. System ignores any and all user requests to change floors or close doors Alternatives 3: HOLD mode when power is on 7. The elevator waits on first floor with door open 8. Continue with UC07 Exception 1: Door way is not clear when trying to close the door a) Door way sensor detect blockage between the door b) System opens the door c) System start timer d) Continue with UC08 Exception 2: Operator shuts down elevator before elevator is in idle status a) Operator change the switch to off position b) Continue with UC02

4.3.2 UC02: Turn elevator system off

Author: Kevin Chen Preconditions: Elevator control system is on


Event: Elevator control system receives the signal to turn on the elevator power Post-conditions: Elevator control system turns off Goal: This use case show how elevator controller resets and how scheduler resets System: Elevator Controller Actors: Operator Overview: This use case captures the process of turning off the elevator power References: Related Use Cases: UC08

Typical Process Description Actor Action 1. Operator change the switch to off position

System Responsibility

2. System closes all elevator doors. (UC08) 3. System disables all elevator alarms. 4. System deluminates all elevator buttons. 5. System move elevator to default floor with door opened. 6. System reset all signals to default value. 7. System send message to scheduler. 8. System turns power off. 9. Scheduler enter resetting procedure 10. Scheduler turns power off. Exception 1: Door way is not clear when trying to close the door a) Door way sensor detect blockage between the door b) System opens the door c) System starts timer d) System closes after timeout


4.3.3 UC03: Elevator in AUTO mode Transport passenger

Author: Kevin Chen Preconditions: Elevator control system normally runs Event: Elevator control system receives the signal to turn on the elevator power Post-conditions: Passenger is sent from one floor to another floor Goal: This use case shows how passenger goes to destination floor System: Elevator Controller Actors: Passenger Overview: This use case captures the process of transporting passengers from one floor to another floor. References: Related Use Cases: UC02, UC05, UC06 Typical Process Description Actor Action 1. Passenger pushes the destination floor button in elevator

System Responsibility

2. System accepts request and add new request to the list of floors to visit. 3. System notifies system scheduler the list of floors to visit. 4. System moves car to destination floor. 5. System updates Floor Position Indicator and Car Position Indicator at each floor. 6. System checks visiting list when approaching at each floor. 7. System slows down when car approaches destination floor. 8. System stops at destination floor. 9. System opens car door and start timer.


10. Passenger steps out car 11. New Passenger may steps into car 12. System closes car door after received timeout signal 13. System deluminates direction indicator on floor control panel ( may or may not be illuminate) 14. System checks next destination floor. Alternatives 1: Passenger and elevator are in same floor 1. If the destination floor is same as the floor where passenger stays 2. Elevator stays at the current floor and the elevator door keeps open. Alternatives 2: Passenger is actually Operator and change elevator mode 2. Operator change elevator mode 3. Continue with UC05, UC06 Exception 1: System shut down when elevator normally running a) Operator turn off power in elevator control room b) Continue with UC02 Exception 2: Door way is not clear when trying to close the door a) Door way sensor detect blockage between the door b) System opens the door


c) System starts timer d) System closes after timeout Exception 3: Fire Alarm is triggered a) Passenger triggers Fire Alarm b) System changes both elevator status to FA ( which means it will ignore any and all user requests to change floors or close doors) c) System sound fire alarm. d) System notifies fire dept. e) System closes both elevators door. f) System sends both elevators to default floor with door opened. Exception 4: Alarm bell is sounded a) Passenger push alarm bell button b) System changes both elevator status to AB ( which means it will ignore any and all user requests to change floors or close doors for specific elevator) c)System sound alarm bell d) System closes door. e) System sends specific elevator to default floor with door opened. Exception 5: Emergency stop button is pressed a) Passenger presses emergency stop button b) System closes door. c) System sends specific elevator to default floor with door opened. Exception 6: Operator switch mode from AUTO to Service a) Operator switch mode from AUTO to


Service b) System closes door. c) System sends specific elevator to default floor with door opened. Exception 7: Detect overload a) Load sensor sends weight to system b) System checks that elevator is overload. c) System sounds audible indicator and keeps door open d) System wait for weight reduction e) Passenger steps out elevator. f) System closes door.

4.3.4 UC04: Elevator in AUTO mode -- Request elevator at floor

Author: Kevin Chen Preconditions: Elevator control system is on, passenger at the floor pushes the up or down button to request the elevator. Event: Elevator control system receive request to pick up Post-conditions: Passenger is picked up Goal: This use case shows how elevator responds to request to pick up System: Elevator Controller Actors: Passenger Overview: This use case captures the process of requesting the elevator at the floor. References: Related Use Cases: UC02, UC05, UC06 Typical Process Description


Actor Action 1. Passenger pushes up/down button at floor panel

System Responsibility

2. System scheduler accepts request (floor number and direction) 3. System scheduler choose one elevator to go to pick-up floor ( choosing the elevator according to some algorithms) 4. System moves car to pick-up floor. 5. System updates Floor Position Indicator and Car Position Indicator at each floor. 6. System checks visiting list when approaching at each floor. 7. System slows down when car approaches pick-up floor. 8. System stops at pick-up floor. 9. System opens car door and start timer. 10. Passenger steps into car 11. Passenger may steps out car 12. System closes car door after received timeout signal 13. System deluminates direction indicator on floor control panel 14. System checks next destination floor. Alternatives 1: Passenger and elevator are in same floor. 1. If elevator stays at the same floor where passenger stays 2. Elevator stays at the current floor and the elevator door keeps open. Alternatives 2: Passenger is actually Operator and change elevator mode 2. Operator change elevator mode 3. Continue with UC05, UC06 Exception 1:


System shut down when elevator normally running a) Operator turn off power in elevator control room b) Continue with UC02 Exception 2: Door way is not clear when trying to close the door a) Door way sensor detect blockage between the door b) System opens the door c) System starts timer d) System closes after timeout Exception 3: Fire Alarm is triggered a) Passenger triggers Fire Alarm b) System changes both elevator status to FA ( which means it will ignore any and all user requests to change floors or close doors) c) System sound fire alarm d) System notifies fire dept. e) System closes both elevators door. f) System sends both elevators to default floor with door opened. Exception 4: Alarm bell is sounded a) Passenger push alarm bell button b) System changes both elevator status to AB ( which means it will ignore any and all user requests to change floors or close doors for specific elevator) c)System sound alarm bell d) System closes door.


e) System sends specific elevator to default floor with door opened. Exception 5: Emergency stop button is pressed a) Passenger presses emergency stop button b) System closes door. c) System sends specific elevator to default floor with door opened. Exception 6: Operator switch mode from AUTO to Service a) Operator switch mode from AUTO to Service b) System closes door. c) System sends specific elevator to default floor with door opened. Exception 7: Detect overload a) Load sensor sends weight to system b) System checks that elevator is overload. c) System sounds audible indicator and keeps door open d) System wait for weight reduction e) Passenger steps out elevator. f) System closes door.


4.3.5 UC05: Change to elevator mode/Operator

Author: Kevin Chen Preconditions: Elevator control system runs Event: Elevator control system receives the signal to change mode Post-conditions: Elevator control system mode is changed Goal: This use case shows how elevator runs at different mode Actors: Operator Overview: This use case captures the process of changing mode by operator References: Related Use Cases: UC02, UC03, UC04, UC07 Typical Process Description Actor Action 1. Operator steps into elevator. 2. Operator turn switch to change mode.

System Responsibility

3. System detects mode changed Alternatives1 : Switch to AUTO mode a) Clear alarm bell if applicable. b) System change elevator status to AUTO c) System waits for move up/down/stop request. d) Continue with UC03, UC04 Alternatives2 : Switch to Service mode a) System change elevator status to SS. b) System closes door


c) System move elevator to default floor d) System opens door. Alternatives3: Switch to HOLD mode a) Continue with UC07

Exception 1: System shut down when elevator normally running a) Operator turn off power in elevator control room b) Continue with UC02 Exception 2: Door way is not clear when trying to close the door a) Door way sensor detect blockage between the door b) System opens the door c) System starts timer d) System closes after timeout Exception 3: Fire Alarm is triggered a) Passenger triggers Fire Alarm b) System changes both elevator status to FA ( which means it will ignore any and all user requests to change floors or close doors) c) System sound fire alarm d) System notifies fire dept. e) System closes both elevators door.


f) System sends both elevators to default floor with door opened. Exception 4: Alarm bell is sounded a) Passenger push alarm bell button b) System changes both elevator status to AB ( which means it will ignore any and all user requests to change floors or close doors for specific elevator) c) System sound alarm bell d) System closes door. e) System sends specific elevator to default floor with door opened. Exception 5: Emergency stop button is pressed a) Passenger presses emergency stop button b) System closes door. c) System sends specific elevator to default floor with door opened. Exception 6: Detect overload a) Load sensor sends weight to system b) System checks that elevator is overload. c) System sounds audible indicator and keeps door open d) System wait for weight reduction e) Passenger steps out elevator. f) System closes door.


4.3.6 UC06: Change to elevator mode/Passenger

Author: Kevin Chen Preconditions: Elevator control system runs Event: Elevator control system receives the signal to change mode by passenger. Post-conditions: Elevator control system mode is changed Goal: This use case shows how elevator runs at different mode triggered by passenger Actors: Operator Overview: This use case captures the process of changing mode by passenger References: Related Use Cases: UC02, UC05 Typical Process Description Actor Action 1. Passenger steps into elevator. 2. Passenger pushes emergency stop , alarm bell button or triggers fire alarm

System Responsibility

3. System detects mode changed Alternatives1 : Fire Alarm is triggered a) Passenger triggers Fire Alarm b) System changes both elevator status to FA ( which means it will ignore any and all user requests to change floors or close doors) c) System sound fire alarm d) System notifies fire dept. e) System closes both elevators door. f) System sends both elevators to default floor with door opened.


Alternatives2 : Alarm bell is sounded a) Passenger push alarm bell button b) System changes both elevator status to AB ( which means it will ignore any and all user requests to change floors or close doors for specific elevator) c) System sound alarm bell d) System closes door. e) System sends specific elevator to default floor with door opened. Alternatives3 : Emergency stop button is pressed a) Passenger presses emergency stop button b) System closes door. c) System sends specific elevator to default floor with door opened. Exception 1: System shut down when elevator normally running a) Operator turn off power in elevator control room b) Continue with UC02 Exception 2: Door way is not clear when trying to close the door a) Door way sensor detect blockage between the door

b) System opens the door c) System starts timer d) System closes after timeout


Exception 3: Detect overload a) Load sensor sends weight to system

b) System checks that elevator is overload. c) System sounds audible indicator and keeps door open d) System wait for weight reduction f) System closes door.

e) Passenger steps out elevator.

4.3.7 UC07: Change to HOLD mode

Author: Kevin Chen Preconditions: Elevator control system runs in other mode except HOLD Event: Elevator control system receives the signal to change mode to HOLD Post-conditions: mode is changed Goal: This use case shows how elevator runs in HOLD mode. (can only accept in-car request.) Actors: Operator Overview: This use case captures the process of putting the elevator service on hold References: Related Use Cases: UC02 Typical Process Description Actor Action 1. Operator steps into elevator. 2. Operator turns switch to Hold mode

System Responsibility

3. System detects changes 4. System change status to HOLD for specific elevator.


5. System accepts request and add new request to the list of floors to visit. 6. System notifies system scheduler the list of floors to visit. 7. System moves car to destination floor. 8. System updates Floor Position Indicator and Car Position Indicator at each floor. 9. System checks visiting list when approaching at each floor. 10. System slows down when car approaches destination floor. 11. System stops at destination floor. 12. System opens car door Alternatives1 : Fire Alarm is triggered a) Passenger triggers Fire Alarm b) System changes both elevator status to FA ( which means it will ignore any and all user requests to change floors or close doors) c) System sound fire alarm d) System notifies fire dept. e) System closes both elevators door. f) System sends both elevators to default floor with door opened. Alternatives2 : Alarm bell is sounded a) Passenger push alarm bell button b) System changes both elevator status to AB ( which means it will ignore any and all user requests to change floors or close doors for specific elevator) c) System sound alarm bell c) System closes door. d) System sends specific elevator to default floor with door opened.

Alternatives3 : Emergency stop button is pressed a) Passenger presses emergency stop button

b) System closes door. c) System sends specific elevator to default floor with door opened.


Exception 1: System shut down when elevator normally running a) Operator turn off power in elevator control room b) Continue with UC02

Exception 2: Door way is not clear when trying to close the door a) Door way sensor detect blockage between the door b) System opens the door c) System starts timer d) System closes after timeout

Exception 3: Detect overload a) Load sensor sends weight to system b) System checks that elevator is overload. c) System sounds audible indicator and keeps door open d) System wait for weight reduction e) Passenger steps out elevator. f) System closes door.


4.3.7 UC08: Close elevator door

Author: Kevin Chen Preconditions: Elevator control system closes door Event: Elevator control system receives the signal to close door Post-conditions: Elevator door is closed. Goal: This use case shows how elevator closes door Actors: Door Sensor (see if door is completely closed or opened) Overview: This use case captures the process of closing door. Related Use Cases: Typical Process Description Actor Action 1. Door sensor sends (DoorClosed F)

System Responsibility 2. System closes door.

Alternatives1 : 1. Door sensor sends (DoorClosed T) 2. System does nothing. ( door motor stops) Exception 1: Door way is not clear when trying to close the door a) Door way sensor detect blockage between the door b) System opens the door c) System starts timer d) System closes after timeout


4.4 Index (for the entire SRS)

sheaveMotor, 464

Class Diagrams, 25 Elevator Controller, 464 Close elevator door, 17, 63 Collaboration Diagrams, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 Pick up passenger, 32 Stop at destination floor, 30 Switch to Hold mode, 32, 33, 34 Turn off power for both elevators, 31 Request elevator at floor, 51

scheduler, 10, 16, 37, 38, 47 Sequence Diagrams, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Change elevator mode/Operator, 464 Close elevator door, 464, 464 Detect blockage, 464 Detected overload, 464 Push emergence stop button, 464 Request elevator at floor, 464 Sound Alarm Bell, 464 Stop elevator car, 464 Switch mode to Service, 464 Switch to AUTO mode, 464 Switch to HOLD mode, 464 Transport passenger, 464 Trigger Fire Alarm, 11, 12 Turn elevator system off, 9, 10, 46 Turn elevator system on, 9, 464, 45 State Diagrams, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 Closing Door, 464 Controlling Elevators, 464, 464 Hold Mode Running, 464 Moving to Destination Floor, 464 Normally Running, 464 Opening Car Door, 464 Resetting, 464 Setting Up, 464 Sounding Alarm Bell, 464 Turning Fire Alarm ON, 464 Turning off Mode, 464

Elevator Control System, 19, 44 Elevator Controller, 45, 47, 48, 51 elevatorCallButton, 25 Emergency Stop/Service Mode ON, 22

Operations, 25 carPositionIndicator, 464 doorMotor, 464 doorSensor, 464 doorWayClearSensor, 464 elevatorCallButton, 464 elevatorController, 464 elevatorList&Status, 464 elevatorManager, 464 elevatorModeButton&Switch, 464 floorCallButton, 464 floorPositionIndicator, 464 floorPositionSensor, 464 loadSensor, 464 scheduler, 464


System State Diagrams, 19 Elevator Control System, 464 Use Case Diagram, 44


Transport passenger, 10, 48


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