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Executive summary

This piece of writing exhibits the consumer behaviour when deciding the venue to purchase the laptop with the emphasis on Consumer decision making model applicable to the case. In this case, the focus lies on the outlet selection for the laptop which is considered as the main subject for the Consumer decision making process. This paper consists of many parts, among which are five stages of Consumer decision making process, the concepts and the explanation of the case, the types and the influences on consumer decision in each stage. Lastly, this paper provides the evaluative learning which expresses the knowledge that the group has earned throughout the process of researching, reading, communicating, and learning for the sake of this project's completion.

1. The concepts The term consumer decision suggests that an individual carefully evaluates the attributes of a set of products, services or brands, and rationally selects the one that solved a clearly recognised need for the least cost. (Neal Quester Hawkins, p.55) This definition can clearly explained the whole Consumer decision making process which consists of five stages: Problem recognition, Information search, Alternative evaluation, Purchase, and Post-purchase evaluation. However, these stages could be varied differently depends on the types of consumer decision. Generally, there are three types of consumer decision as illustrated below.

Types of Consumer Decisions (add reference)

Habitual decision occurs when there is very low purchase involvement, for instance, purchasing a soft drink we may unconsciously take a can of Coca Cola out of habit without even considering other alternatives. Limited decision covers the middle ground between habitual and limited decision making, for example, buying rice pack of 5kg we may consider a few alternatives and end up choose the cheapest brand instantly. Extended decision making is the response to a very high level of purchase involvement, an extensive internal and external information search is followed by a complex evaluation of multiple alternatives and another evaluation will take place after the purchase to examine the correctness of the decision. The examples for this type would be purchasing a computer, a car, or a flat. 2. Case introduction Regarding to our case, a consumer has planned beforehand the product to purchase which is HP Pavilion notebook dm4-1124TX. Next, he/she recognises the need to choose the right outlet to purchase and proceed on five stages of Consumer decision process to select the right venue. Even the emphasis is on the outlet selection, it is still highly involved with the purchase as the outlet selection has a great influence and as important as the consideration of purchasing a laptop, and it also exposes us with many alternatives (many shopping centres, online shopping websites or second-hand products sellers). For such reason, our decision making process model would be in the Extended decision making type whose stages are displayed as in the Types of Consumer Decisions illustration above.

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