GMP Oldham PEC Consultation

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Greater Manchester Police Oldham

Public Consultation Document To consult within the framework of the Equality Act to better understand the potential for a different impact upon some groups as a result of changes to the Public Enquiry Counters and Partnership working arrangements. Reply Date 17th August 2011 Reply to Chief Inspector Haydn Roberts Or Community Safety Services West Street Oldham OL1 1UT


Introduction Greater Manchester Police has to identify savings of 134 million over the next 4 years. To achieve this whilst still maintaining front line policing a restructuring process of back office functions is taking place. This questionnaire has been developed to identify if two specific changes might have a greater effect on certain groups and what can be done to mitigate against this. Section 1 Public Enquiry Counters (PEC) The PEC proposal in Oldham is to reduce to two locations Chadderton opening times 8.00am till 4.00pm. Oldham opening times 8.00am till 11.00pm There will be one PEC open 24 hours and day at Bootle Street in Central Manchester. This consultation is targeted at specific groups which are considered most likely to be affected namely Those that do not speak English or may have limited English language skills as it is not their first language Those with different mobility requirements Domestic abuse victims reporting to us for the first time Older people People with learning difficulties Please now respond to any or all areas of the consultation that apply

Form 0910E Jan 2007 v1.0



Those that either do not speak English or may have limited English language skills because it is not their first language Background: As part of Greater Manchester Polices Equality Duty Assessment in relation to the proposed changes it was found that the percentage of users of some Public Enquiry Counters (PECs) who requested interpreter assistance was higher than the general population. Existing users who do not have English as a first language may be using PECs as their primary means of accessing all policing service (including those not normally associated with a PEC); this could be because of the ease of accessing translation services at a PEC. Closure of any PEC may have a higher impact for people who do not speak English as a first language. When considering people for whom English is not their first language, remember this also includes people for whom British Sign Language is their first language.

Engagement Topic 1 Do you think that people that either do not speak English or may have limited English language skills because it is not their first language are more likely to choose to access police services at a PEC? If so why? What do you think the impact of the proposed changes to Oldham will be for this group? Responses (include as much detail as possible, over as many pages as required)

Engagement Topic 2 If GMP does proceed with its current proposal what can it do to mitigate the impact on this group? What alternative services and contact methods could GMP offer in the future? What methods should GMP use to engage with this group to explain how to access police services? Responses (include as much detail as possible, over as many pages as required)

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Those with different mobility requirements Background: As part of Greater Manchester Polices Equality Duty Assessment in relation to the proposed changes there was no evidence that people with a physical disability, or in some other way have different mobility requirements, currently use Public Enquiry Counters to any greater or lesser extent than the community as a whole. It was however identified that any changes to the number of PECs would increase the distance some people have to travel to their nearest PEC should they want or need to access policing services in this way. Local Authorities and other service providers are also currently reviewing their services, therefore as well as being interested in any local impact for those with different mobility requirements, GMP also needs to understand any cumulative impact of our proposed changes when combined with changes being made by others.

Engagement Topic 1 Do you think that those with different mobility requirements are more likely to choose to access police services at a PEC? If so why? What do you think the impact of the proposed changes to Oldham will be for this group? Responses (include as much detail as possible, over as many pages as required)

Engagement Topic 2 If GMP does proceed with its current proposal what can it do to mitigate the impact on this group? What alternative services and contact methods could GMP offer in the future? What methods should GMP use to engage with this group to explain how to access police services? Responses (include as much detail as possible, over as many pages as required)

Form 0910E Jan 2007 v1.0



Domestic abuse victims reporting to us for the first time Background: As part of Greater Manchester Polices Equality Duty Assessment in relation to the proposed changes it was highlighted that some victims of domestic abuse may choose to make a first report via a Public Enquiry Counter (PEC), and that any change in the number of available PECs may have an impact on us receiving reports as they are reporting the incident as they were passing or made specific efforts to avoid a police officer calling at the home address. GMP needs to explore further this possibility and consider any potential impact of our proposals to reduce the number of PECs and any means by which we can mitigate any potential impact.

Engagement Topic 1 Do you think that domestic abuse victims reporting to us for the first time are more likely to choose to access police services at a PEC? If so why? What do you think the impact of the proposed changes to Oldham will be for this group? Responses (include as much detail as possible, over as many pages as required)

Engagement Topic 2 If GMP does proceed with its current proposal what can it do to mitigate the impact on this group? What alternative services and contact methods could GMP offer in the future? What methods should GMP use to engage with this group to explain how to access police services? Responses (include as much detail as possible, over as many pages as required)

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Older people Background: As part of Greater Manchester Polices Equality Duty Assessment in relation to the proposed changes it was suggested to us by the staff that work in our Public Enquiry Counters (PECs) that older people are more likely to choose to access policing services at a PEC than younger people. GMP does not currently have demographic information in relation to the age of people who us our PECs. It was not suggested that older people are not able to access policing services in other ways (i.e. by telephone); rather that it was more likely that given a preference they would choose to do so at a PEC.

Engagement Topic 1 Do you think that people that older people are more likely to choose to access police services at a PEC? If so why? What do you think the impact of the proposed changes to Oldham will be for this group? Responses (include as much detail as possible, over as many pages as required)

Engagement Topic 2 If GMP does proceed with its current proposal what can it do to mitigate the impact on this group? What alternative services and contact methods could GMP offer in the future? What methods should GMP use to engage with this group to explain how to access police services? Responses (include as much detail as possible, over as many pages as required)

Form 0910E Jan 2007 v1.0



People with Learning Disabilities Background: Greater Manchester Police Authority Confidence & Equality Sub-Group have identified the possibility that people with a Learning Disability may be more likely to choose to access police services at a Public Enquiry Counter and as such potentially more affected by the proposed changes.

Engagement Topic 1 Do you think that people with a Learning Disability are more likely to choose to access police services at a PEC? If so why? What do you think the impact of the proposed changes to Oldham will be for this group? Responses (include as much detail as possible, over as many pages as required)

Engagement Topic 2 If GMP does proceed with its current proposal what can it do to mitigate the impact on this group? What alternative services and contact methods could GMP offer in the future? What methods should GMP use to engage with this group to explain how to access police services? Responses (include as much detail as possible, over as many pages as required)

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Section 2 Partnership Working The proposal is to combine the separate functions which contribute to partnership working into one set structure which will be replicated across Greater Manchester. The proposed structure would be 1 Sergeant Local Authority Liaison Officer. 2 Partnership Constables. This Partnership Unit would work across all statutory partner agencies, third sector organisations and communities to deliver crime and disorder reduction, licensing and community relations responsibilities.
Engagement Topic 1 Thinking about how your group or organisation works in partnership with Greater Manchester Police, do you think that the proposed changes will have any impact? What might this be? Is there potential for the changes to have more of an impact for one group of people who share a protected characteristic? What is the equality impact? Do the proposals have the potential to enhance equality within service provision? Responses (include as much detail as possible, over as many pages as required)

Engagement Topic 2 If GMP does proceed with its current proposal what can it do to mitigate any impact on any identified group? For example: what functions does it need to include in the job descriptions in the new posts, what responsibilities should be placed upon senior leaders on the division, how can the work of neighbourhood teams be developed to ensure that they continue with previous partnership approaches? Responses (include as much detail as possible, over as many pages as required)

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Please return to the contact shown on the front cover. Thanks you

Form 0910E Jan 2007 v1.0


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